TILLAM OK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 9. THE TOURIST CROP A GOOD INVESTMENT (From the Oregonian) We at home do not fully realize • the effectiveness of the v Pacific Northwest Touri work of the _„„.*lst assocta- I tion. To be sure, all have «ave noted the great number of -------- summer . tourists. 1 , Thus ..«re we have observed the IjVi ooserved the results Greater Publicity • sl^e, cither on this continent ------ --------- ... 1 or any but __ not produced them. | the work that thut pi>-Vi*8 t Cutb^t. m ger of the North- ment, not for the privilege of pos­ , climate. . Little thought is given to the means by which these attractions est Toi8! As iation, brought to sessing, but of seeing them and en­ have been, made known elsewhere. joying them and of leaving them torta 1 the t of the state ed- But in the localities where the where they are. We receive money rial dvent io for no other natural resource in the work of selling the Pacific northwest He ,o of thrld; where we have (eliminated returns as that which has been spent points correspondingly nearer. Those tational, provincial, state, coun- «'ho have dreamed ot the coming of on tourist publicity. d city lines; where we have this time say that if there is to be a ined under two flags for this promotion ot a second state highway ommon purpose, to tell the PLAN GETS co the sea it should not be a route OTHERS ’ ATTENTION there is no place where the which parallels the lower Columbia 0 ------ ------ there is no place where the highway, and in which the mileage Co-operation in Making Northwest e enjoy such a wonderful cli- varies but slightly, but a different Tourist Resort Worth Copying live In such beautiful sur- route and one more direct and much dings, in a country so marvel- shorter is ready whenever the high­ (San Francisco Chronicle.) supplied with natural wealth way commission desires to take the Perhaps California may draw ML, ____ a matter up. where the people live in comfort, ' 30 rJ1/? Goodyear Dciible-C1 useful lesson from the example of the Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube« cost no more than the price F „bri., z.li-Wcaiúer Tread. _ appiness and contentment, have f or many years what is known Pacific Northwest tourist association you are naked to pay for tubes of less merit—why risk costly ■at English speaking peoples. 30 X Goodyear Single-Cure and its success is drawing the atten­ the Wilson river road has been i. c.— such •- su-e protection ■ • available? — - - - :iga — when is Fabric, AntUSkid Tread tion of the United States to the reg­ shortest to Tillamook, the mileage Country Districts Benefitted 30 x 3!/2 size ».< toatcrprvof bag being 47 miles from Gales City or 54 ion. it represents a these days of automobiling the Note, first of all, that the title of miles from Forest Grove. While the utry district derives a much bene- In proportion as the large cities, this association names no city, coun­ toad has occasionally been traveled 1 ty, state or even country. Its activi­ the money received from the vis- ties are as impartial as is its title. Its by automobile, the trip has been con­ f these strangers who often aft- fundamental idea is that the interest sidered something of an advent me ards become permanent residents of every part of the Pacific northwest and the route has never been practi­ lore widely distributed than any is the interest of every other part, cable for heavy travel. The alterna­ ey that comes from any other ju­ irrespective of boundary lines, even I tive route to the coast and the one carrying a heavy travel is by way of ry. It takes less captial to de- though they be international. Sheridan, but as a broad dip to the p the tourist industry than any Therefore we find British Columbia r, that is, by the state. Califor- a partner with Oregon and Washing­ south is necessary the distance Is al­ ton in the association. The govern­ most twice that by the first named was developed entirely by the 3 trade. Money was spent in ments of the three states, and Cana­ road. It is agreed that the Wilson river lcity and in the building of lio- dian and two of our union, find the and hundreds of thousands of money for this cooperative bureau, route in this county must be elmina- le come to the state and left and it advertises them al together as ted from consideration for grades money behind them, and liked one region. The first advantage of and curves are such that make it im­ it ate to such an extent that they this is obvious in that a single over­ possible, but tentative surveys have head pays for the administration of i back again in after years as the three funds; the second, and the shown that a route further north can anent residents when the peo- chiefest, is that whateier one state be run which will miss the zigzag >f the state had used the money has to offer Is made to serve as an and other bad places and tap the had previously left behind in added attraction to the resources of highway in Tillamook county where the road is considered good. The sug­ ging water into the arid lands the others. in otherwise developing what re- This cooperation is dong things. It gested new route leaves the Gales is calculated that it his raised the Creek road a short distance beyond ces it had. tr waste places of nature, our amount spent by tourists in the Pa­ Glenwood, and engineers of the Wil­ ic beauties, our sporting rivers cific northwest from $7,*00,000 under son river railroad now under con­ Hakes are raw material for the the old competitive piar to $35,000,- struction say that grades not to ex­ r* t „ • — —. —--------- — ¿Action of more revenues than 000 a year and by increasing the ceed 5 per cent are possible. number of visitors has also added Attention was called to the route ably any other one form of basic to the number who detide to stay. recently by the application of the lOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOGCOOOOOCMOOeOOOOOMMOMOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM th, even our cultivatable lams. The association carries on its cam­ Algard Mill Co., which is logging the paign throughout the United States Tourists Greatest Crop Washburn timber in Sections 8 and have a circular befor me issued and Canada, with newsoiper advert­ 17 for the rock to improve a mile and ising as the backbone of its publicity. Administrator's Notice to Creditors I quarter of section Twenty-seven, the hr- Los Angeles Examiner in But no method is neglected, and no a half of private road now running to Northeast quarter of the Southeast h it is shown that the annual neonie. Give ear to the directors’ con­ the milL It was explained that the Notice is hereby given that the quarter of section twenty-eight, and ge crop is $65,500,00, the de- fession of the insidious manner in county could not rock a private road County Court of the State of Oregon, beginning at the Northeast corner ot dus fruit crop $15,00,000; lem- which they are picking ofl our own and It was suggested that steps be for Tlllamok County, has appointed the Southeast quarter of the South­ $11,000,000, or a total of $88,- oursts and even spreading their pro- taken to open if as a county road and the undersigned as Administrator of east quarter of Section twenty-eight, among Californias. We this may be done. By this route it is 0O0. The cotton crop is $19,- aganga the Estate of Alfred Marolf, deceas­ and running thence South on section 000; wheat, $14.500.00; bar- quote: figured that not to exceed 12 miles ed; and any and all persons having line forty rods; thence West twenty- $11,500,000, beans $14,500,000, “In the spring months bifore the of new road will be necessary to con­ ’claims against said estate are hereby four rods; thence North forty roda total of the seven products of tourists started from California for nect with the good part of the Wilson required to present same, together to the north line of the Southeast their eastern homes we havurist association, I in supply pected, especially from Portland, free oftharge reliable infer hat ion of Dated, August 7th, 1920. to two billion dollars for the where there should be great interest tional fewest. the in * " Pacific mfe W. L. Campbell, Adminstrator JRfeHkr scenery, our climate and organization has n T •formed not only from a pleasure standpoint I rec nation features. Robert H. McGrath, Attorney invalua e service to the arm "fe it re- but from business interests as well. and to the thousl is of. With such a route open a trip to the for the Administrator. prese Must Develope Induitry traveler who have gone 1 m the Tillamook coast will be only an after­ I is necessary, however, that this eastern parts of this count! Administrators Notice of Sale. noon drive from Portland, and not i be developed in the same Canada, It has educated only is the coast brought within a ; Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ of us stay-at-home I that we develop any other in- tho few hours of the city, but business tue of an order made and entered in Greatest Horse Show in the Northwest. iry. buA he employment of capit- the wontis of the Pacific noi tripe can be made quickly and with- . the county court of the State of Ore­ an interest that , ind labttr. We have the raw ma­ out delay. Not only that, but the Excellent Racing Card and Amusements. gon, for Tillamook county, in the prospective visitors, lls, but from Atlin Lake. British each of Matter of the Estate of B. Irndorf, entire stretch of coast Is served by a 1 Special Attractions Both Day and Night imbta, in the north, to Crater iea.«i. infeingently appréciatif Deceased. thH undersigned adminis­ single line of railway wbicb carries mirera, tbe Pacific northwesj e region, in the south and f- ■ n trator of Mild estate has been author­ all freight in and out. while a high- I Ideal Camping Grounds. ized. licensed. empowered and direct­ I sea in the west to the eastern Ist aaeoci.tion h as set an exi i way on grade« easily covered and a tbat ahoiid resuit in the awak ed, from and after the 26th day of Excursion Rates on All Railroads. indartes of these three common- bout reducing the distance to Port-1 of the people who have too long September, 1*90, to m -U and will sell làtice llths. the whole of the six hun- land to about 76 miles would relieve' for cash to the highest bidder, the For further particulars write t thousand aquar« miles of scen- lected the fact that they have i freight congestion and permit speedy foil-twins described real property sit­ All >n«tnbers of Falrvisw Grange ara raw material and such acen- of the mist beautiful of Mt reeelpt of suppliM and marketing of uated la Tillamook Couaty, Oregon, Who bave rseelved iKitloa of Firn in­ A. H. LEE, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. aa «annot te« ton nd anrwh*r« ••Ml« maivela. prodasts. betoaglng to th« Mid «slat*. to-wit: aurane« assessniant pi«««« mali eh««k Gets One Million Dollars a Day ■egon Editors Discuss It. Kice Farther on Goodyear Tires in Your Small Car It is tire performance, not price, that decides what you really pay; hence do not experiment with tires mad« to sell at sensationally low prices You can secure in Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3 2 30x3’/2- and 31x4-inch sizes, gtirel ___________ a high relative value not exceeded even in t the famous Goodyear Cord Tires * it's finest automobiles cn the world Goodyear experience w ___ care ___ — and are applied to their manufacture in the world’s largest tire factory devoted to these sizes« If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta tion for Goodyear Tires; take ad vantage of the opportunity to get true Goodyear mileage and economy Goodyeai Service Station for Tillamook City is at the STAR GARAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESSORIES. We Give Goodyear Service C. F. ‘ PANKO W~Proprietor. Transfer Wood, Gravel. Phone 37 W. TillamookjTransf er Co Liberty Temple. STATE FAIR a AT SALEM, September 27 to October 2 « Wealth of Agricultural Displays Magnificent Live Stock Exhibition. M no muXT Splendid Machinery and Tractor Exhibit* . *• We«, kail of th« Southwest to Frank D. D«at«r. »♦