Tillamook’s Greatest Stock of Merchandise Is Being Scattered to the Winds. 4 Thronged to Overflowing! COME 1 ■W J To Tillamook next week week. Attend the Fair and this Never had a Chance to Dress Better for Less, so Follow the Crowds and Great Sale. THE CROWDS STREAM IN—THE GOODS POUR OUT. Get Your Share. Wool Hose, HURRY! FOLKS! HURRY! with knitted wrists, 30c. grade, o Good quality Ball Brand, I) YOU! 48c. Canvas Gloves, q Time is Short. The Bargains are Fleeting. You Skeptics, you Unbelievers, you Eco­ nomical, to You I say, follow the crowds of “ Wise Ones” to this. Brushes, Stiff bristles, 50c. value, 19c. Bargain AVALANCHE. Combs, Regularly sold at 35c. 19c. Hose, RICES that arc unmatchable. Economies that scream out their superiority the moment that you examine the merchandise. You, too, will join the great throng of shoppers here every day this week, and supply your needs for the coming year. We feel confident these low prices will not be offered again in a decade. The success of this phenomenal sale is based solely upon the dependability of the firm and the good values we offer, Merchandise, the finest in the world, are offered you now at prices that will never again be duplicated. Our store has been packed every day since the opening of this sale. 9c. Buttons, Silk covered in colors,doz. 9c. Greater BARGAINS Saturday Special 0 On Saturday we are going to sell a large quantity of colored outing flannel at a frac­ tion below the present wholesale market. We wish to further your friendly interest in this sale and oiler you this extra quality goods in limited quantities to each cus­ tomer at per yard. 39c. KE placed on the tables daily which are very en­ ticing values to folks who desire to dress bet­ ter for less. Come to the sale this week. You, too, will realize the vast sale importance of the extraordi­ nary values this masterful selling stroke has provided for you. Economies so far reaching, so important, so forceful that they are their own best argument and in­ stantly impress themselves strongly on the minds of all. Read this page and realize your dollar’s worth. A A Wonder Bargainfest! M 0 c MEN! See These Suit Valves Before Buying Elsewhere. Felt Hats, Don’t Miss It I Eor women- Light weight, 75c. quality, 58c. Handkerchiefs, Silk handkerchiefs. Men’s and women’s, 35c. Values to 75c. per yard, 33c. Union Suits, For women, regularly $2.75, $2.27 Japanese Kimonas A beautiful showing of embroidered Japanese Kimonas and at prices that will startle you. These dainty garments were bought to sell for a much higher price, but since we are reducing our stock we have remarked them to as low as - jjjg gjj Other crepe Kimonas not as elab­ orately embroidered at - - Coveralls, Standard brand, heavy quality, $4.95 Underwear, For irren. Half wool- $2.50 value, $1.95 Hip Boots, Red rubber guaranteed boot. $12 00 values, $8.75 Altho this is the season when retailers are exacting longest prices for overcoats, we arc offering them to you for this sale only, at unheard of prices. Our reason for this is simply that our stock is too heavy and must reduce it one half. Early comers get best pickings. A good value in young men's model made of heavy material. Will keep out the tf 1 4 CC »?1*I.OU chill and damp. This sale - Good heavy winter coat in young men’s style. Tailor­ ed with regards to both appearance and CTO wear. Must be seen to be appreciated. This is the best value, we think. Heavy woolv fab­ ric and tailored with care. Those who C4Q 2C wait later will pay more than - Raincoats of the famous “Trudry” make. A great value but an exceptional purchase last COT QC spring makes this price possible - Taffeta, Logger’s Shirts. All our wool shirts are reduced in price for this salt; only- It is not customary to offer staple merchandise at a discount at flic beginning of the season, but we saw this would be a Real .Sale and not a few articles put out for bait. e are offering our$16.00 Loggers C ravenetted Shirt at $13.85 I Think of the Saving this Sale Means to You. Two Piece Under Gar­ ments for Children, marked from $1.25 to 58c. Figured Challis, specially priced during this sale at 29c. Gowns, Night gowns for infants. Are reduced from $1.00toMC. W ool Bootees for Infants which have sold for $1.00. Now ......................................... 87c. Infants Skirts of outing flan­ nel. A 90c. value reduced to ............................................ 73C. Muslin E’auts for children. ¡Au odd lot reduced to now .................................... 28C. Unbreakable Goodyear rub­ ber Comb. Closing these out at .................................. 79c. Discontinuing all combs and brushes. A 7i»c. comb now............................ 33c. Athletic Underwear for Women. $3.00 Seal Pax. Now......................................... $2.46 Shoe Reductions. SPECIAL-()d'1 *ot Shoes, values to $8.00. All sizes, but not in all stvles........ ’■A"$3.45 $12 00 Grev kid lace boot with military heels, Cravenetted Cloth tops.................................................. $8.65 $8.00 Dull kid pumps. Made plain. Ideal for spat wear. This sale.................................................... $5.95 $8.00 Black calf shoes for men, welt soles. Broken —* $4.85 lots. Most all sizes. Priced .................................... $.).00 Black calf ihoes for misses. Military lace $4.15 style. A good shoe for school ......................... 1 Hi-Tops for boys. Sturdy brown shoes. Sizes to 5|, $5.85 : lli to 2, $4 85; 9i to 11 ............... 21 $4.35 $16.(10 Hi-Tops for Men. Heavy welt, sewed so*es and viscolized upper leather .................................... $13.85 Dairy Tan Shoe. We stand back of this shoe when it comes to resisting acids and moisture............ $6.95 Original Chippewa work shoes. Heavy calf leather $5.95| treated to keep the feet dry. This sale SALE ENDS SATURDAY. SEPT. 18th. Cotton Bats, weighing 4lbs.. reduced|from $2.25 to $1.85 Lisle Hose for Men, light weight. Extra value, all colors, Outing flannel. value, Extra $2.23 Silk Hose, For women, 12.50 pure th read, $1.69 Glove Silk, Hose for women. $4.00 value, $3.27 Men’s Mackinaws. All our mackinaws have been remarked for this sale atid we have some great values to offer 5’ou from $11.2i> up. One especially Rood one is a khaki colored coat bearing “Shed Rayne” trademark A regular $18.00 value. This stale $13.85 ■ 35c. A. A. Pennington, Tillamook, Oregon. k Q gg A great showing of Ladies’ Coats for fall and win­ For boys. $1.25 values, Heavy silks in colors, ter are included in thisgreatisale at as low a price as Are these Reductions 58c. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS. is consistent for merchandise of such quality. These $1.98 Newest Styles, made of blue and grey QC Brassier» trimmed with fillet garments are shown in latest styles and materials. lace. Heavy quality, $3.50 Bolivia, plush and other popular cloths. serge. Also brown mixtures. All sizes value ..................................... $2.89 An extraordinary offering is this warm coat Knickers, MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS. Georgette, made in belted style with large buttons Clfi CA CQ*7 RR Brassier» with embroidery Good school trousers for Nobby styles in all wool fabrics, well tops. Sold regularly at $2 .50 Figured Georgette crepe, and trimmed collar, at * * lined, latest fall colors. All sizes boys, Now .................................. $1.98 MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS. New dark colored coat at a price which we $1.47 $1.85 Made of line Costumers, worsteds in RR Lawns and Voiles which featuring this sale. You should see this C?4 S5 brown, green, blue and grey. All sizes * i O v have sold as high as 85c. Re by all means A real value at * duced to............................. 33c. MEN’S AND YO NG MEN’S SUITS. Brown mixtures made in belted model This Crepe de Chine, Khaki Pants, smart coat has fur collar and is well tail- QC Fine/y tailored ultra-fashionable and con- CC*7 QC Union Suits for women. Long sleeves and high neck. ored throughout. This sale at * * servative models, in mixtures, stripes •r*'* In colors Good quality, A $2 75 value...................... $2.27 For men. The $4.00 kind, and plain fabrics. Values to $S0.00. An extremely smart coat is this one of Bol­ Middies of extra lieavv ma­ $1.47 ivia cloth, the most sought after fabric of $41 7F» $2.95 terial. Regular priced $2.50. the season. Tan color. This sale * Now ............................... $1.69 Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats. 9 il Share In It! LADIES’ COATS. Worthy of Note Lisle Hose, Voiles, Lawns, P Great value for children, 18c Read this “Ad” Over Again. There are Items You Want. I 3 w