X. / r I I ¡j Saturday Special ! Overstocked Of Women’s Famous Wirthmor Waists Approxi- mately 200. Sizes 40, 42, 44 and 46 Only. Several Styles. Only $1.49 % Of AU Saies HALTOM’S 18th ANNIVERSARY Celebration Is The Most Talked Event In Tillamook r 18th Anniversary Celebration! •< îRmalinp Antlinüir £itjlr Jratiura Jin Wnwtt’ß anò iHiaara JFall Apparai The Big Stir These Days Is In The Ribbon Section Involving Every Yard. New And Beautiful Modes Which Embody Smart Styles. Service and Good Taste Discounted At Annwrraanj ^alr Jrirr —The woman’s apaprel salon, balcony, particuliarly is featuring a pre- lininary showing of early fall fashions. Women who delight In seeing the new togs are cordially invited to see Haltom’s presentation of latest models. Hair Bows Tied Free Of Charge. / The four items listed below merely indicates what we’re doing. Largely being done to give mothers an opportunity to buy plenty of hair bow ribbons to last the entire school year. FANCY HAIRBOW TAFFETA RIBBON, WORTH 80c.. SALE YARD 59c. SPLENDID $1.75 WIDE CAMISOLE RIBBON. THIS Sale YARD $1.06 Only 200 yards of colorful haidbow ribbon and come In splendid patterns that may be developed into peky bows. A big collection of exquisitely beautiful wide fancy ribbon in wanted patterns. Each one is seemingly more beautiful than the other. 50c. AND 65c. PLAIN SILK RIBBON. CHOICE YD. 29c. OUR REGULAR 98c. FANCY RIBBON. YARD 78c. 3O'bolts of plain satin or taffeta ribbon, in light and dark colors, 4 to 6 inches wide and especially suitable for hairbows. Approximately 500 yards of lovely fancy taffeta rib- bdn. Wide and splendid quality. Suitable for fancy work and camesoles. 60 Bolts of Plain Colored Ribbon in 1 light ‘ ‘ and dark colors, widths to vard 3?> inches, in Taffeta and Satin, choice the yard She Autumn Snrita; —As are plainly noticeable, revealing the new longer coats, measuring in length to 37 inches; others of course are more abbreviated in length. Navy taupe and rich browns predominate in colors. Fancy Suitings, poplin, ser­ ges, broadcloth, Velour, Tricotine and Silvertones are the various weaves. The range of prices $49.95. $53.95. $59.85. $63.85. $67.85 $66.75 * $69.95 (Che Autumn (Cnata : Qp u » Aujitunt Drraara : Q i j » » Autumn Styles In Dress Goods, Which Includes Newest Creations In Wool Fabrics and Silks. Were it possible for tis to picture and describe the distinctive beauties and richness of these fabric styles, a space many times the size of this announcement would be required. Haltom’s displays in the past have contributed greatly to the pres­ tage and popularity of this store as a Dress Goods Style Center—yet no display ever shown has equaled this. One particular in buying now is the fact they’re marked at ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE We believe our Fall Assortment contains a more varied collection than is ordinarily offered. It gives us pleasure to invite you to inspect these displays now. Approximately 850 yards of colorful voiles enter this phenomenal offer­ ing, another companion to Haltom’s lXth Anniversary Sale. If the low prices are a drawing card we feel certain that this will be magnetic. Just imagine the pretty smocks and dresses that can be embodied of these. Arranged in three assortments. Nouveauté Gould Trimming Braid (made in France). Endorsed by Fashion Journals in Trimming Suits and Coats. Interested in Silks ? ANNIVERSARY SALE, YARD. ✓ Dashing Designs and more conservative ones to suit both young and matronly. They're 36 and 40 inches wide. ANNIVERSARY SALE. YARD. • » » » We've Never Shown A Better Collection of 696. Regularly to $1.47 Girl's Autumn Coats. There are dark patterns as well as light ones and each one seemingly prettier than the other. Than what are on display on Malcony. Sizes 2 to 17. Anniversary Sale Pi ices »7.18, »8.25, $8.70, $10.65, $11.35, $15.95. $17.85. Polo Mixtures, Silvertone, Velour, Broad Cloth and Goidtone are I lie weaves. • • » » ANNIVERSARY SALE. YARD. 98c. Regularly to $1.98 New Fall Headwear. Discounted 20 Per Cent Spool Silk Thread, Anniversary Sale Price, 16c. Not One Yard but-What is Some Instances A Great DealfMore —New Cluny Laces In Edges and Bandings, Loomed In England. —Lovely Camisole Laces. —Dainty Embroidery Flouncing. Especially Suitable for Infants And Children’s Wear. —Yards and Yards of Lace Tabbing, Originated by French Ingenuity, n a Number of Unique Designs And The Height of Fashion In Adding to the Effectiveness of Milady's Dress And Suit Included at Anniversary Sale Prices, Yard. . 71C„ 79c.. 87c.. $1.19, $1.29, $1.39, $1.69. Tassels, Entirely Different Than What's Be-n Shown Heretofore. - Hair Nets— The Venida Guaranteed Hair Net. It no doubt will be of interest to our many patrons that nearly all of these border on the $1.98 mark. An attractive assortment. Velvet Tanis, Blue, Black and Green »2.39 Velour Tunis, Copen, Rose. Coral and Nov y $3.39. Plush Hats in Navy and Black at $3.69, I I 69 and $4.98. Men’s Medium This Section Devoted To The Showing OF NEW THINGS Figured Voiles At An Average , Price Reduction of i2 Regularly to 88c. y $12.90, $13.98, $15.70, $16.60. $19.98 and $24.65. All Of This Season’s » Alterations Free. Satisfaction Assured. —Much praise is due them, too, but, due to lack of space, unftirtunately, we’re unable to expatiate upon them. Plaid models are particularly notice­ able and plenty of solid colors as well, embodied of pananta. serge, velour, tricotine, poplin, taffeta and satin. Anniverary Sale Prices are $8.25 $10 85 —Women’s Celebrated “Kayser" Long Silk Gloves, $2.98 grade, the pair ................................................................................................................. $2.39 —Clark’s Double Finger Tip Long Silk Gloves, Black or White, Sale Pair ................................................................................................................. 98c. —Entire Stock Short Silk Gloves 20 per cent off. -Women's 69c. Onio Dress Shields At ......................................................... 49c. --Assortment Women’s Stylish Narrow Leather Belts, Sale......................... 49c. -—$2.00 Two-Tone Silk Lace Hose, The Pair................................................ $1.49 —Women's Best Knit Silk Plaited Hose, Black, White And Colors, Anniversary Sale, Pair .............................. $1.59 —Women's $2.50 Fine Quality Silk Hose, Black and Colors, Pair , . . $1.98 Women's Mercized Lisle Hose, Black and Brown, At An Exception­ ally Low Price, Pair................................................................................................... 75c. —Women's Black Hose, Anniversary Sale, Pair........................................... 21c. —Children's 50c. Black Ribbed Stock­ ings. Medium and Heavy Weight, size to 11, Pair........................................39c. MEN Autumn A fortunate special purchase, enabling us to offer these fine suede and kid gloves at a saving of over a dollar, Colors Tan, Grey, also white with sell' embroidered backs. 29c. I 43.90 and $59.85. Women’s Dress Gloves, Splendid $4.00 Values ♦ ♦ ♦ —Girl's $2.48 Washable Dresses Sizes 2 » to 7, Sale........................................$199 ♦ * ♦ ♦ —Children's 35c Waist Hose Supporters Sizes 6 to 14, Anniversary Sale 28c. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ —36 inch Sheperd Check Suiting, Suita­ ble for School Dresses, Sale, Yard ■ 59c ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ —36 inch Good Quality Navy Blue Storm Serge, Worth $1.50 On Today’s Market Yard .............................................. $1.17 * ♦ * • —36 inch Plaid Suiting Anniversary Sale Yard................................... 72c. and 82c. • ♦ ♦ ♦ —300 Yards 32 Inch Plaid French Ging­ hams. To-day’s Market Price is 85c. Yard .............................................. 49c. ♦ ♦ * ♦ —One Lot to 42c. Ginghams, 27 to 32 Inches Wide, In Stripes. Checks, Plaids And Plain Blue. Choice, Yard.........28c. —Children's To $1.00 Percale Aprons, Thil Sale.......................................... 49c. » —The overskirt effect is much in evidence, abounding with originality and smartness. Models developed of Tricotine, combinations of various materials; Tricolette, Serge, Satin and Taffeta vie too. Chic models for women and Misses. Begin at $25.95. $26 95. $31.70. $31.95, $37.96, $39.90, WORTH OBSERVING ! * w $37.85, $39.85. $44.90 and $51.80 > •—“Kazo” Suspender Waist Supporters, No Sagging Clothes, No Wrinkled Hose, Sizes 4 to 18, Entirely Different from Any Other, at.............................................................................. 98c. —Gill’s Muslin Bloomers and Drawers, Sizes 2 to 8 years, Values to 79c., Sale............ 39c. —Girl’s to 50c. Red Patent Leather Belts, Each.................................................................... 19c. —Girl’s Sateen Bloomers, Either White or Black, Sizes 4 to 12, Anniversary Sale- 83c. Others.................................................................. 73c. —Girl’ and Misses Wool Sweaters At Anni­ versary Sale Prices. —Misses Long Brushed Wool Scarfs, Fringed Ends.............................. '....................................... $4.98 —Children's and Misses Flannel or Cotton Middies At Anniversary Sale Prices. —Girl’s $2.98 Washable School Dresses, Several pretty styleH, Sizes 8 to 14, Anniver­ sary Sale.............................................................. $2.39 a j —A glance at the new fall coats will convince milady that this season's styles are more attractive than ever before and there is a surprisingly won­ derful range of weaves from which to choose. Goldtones, Plumetts, Bolivia, Velour, Silvertone and Polo cloth. $23.95. $26.80. $27.85. $29.85, $35.90, --- - -------------------- s CHILDREN’S SCHOOL NEEDS At Anniversary Sale Prices. w Colonial Drapery Fabrics Dozens of Bolts of this celebrated line of drapery material has just made its appearance. Cold printers ink is wholly inadequate in revealing about their effeciveness , NEW NECKWEAR: The neckwear designers sure have done themselves proud—and have met with Dame Fashion's approval. In styles to suit all. WOMEN'S PURSES: f one were to be on 5th Ave. New York, you would se what is now on display at Haltom’s. For instance one cleverly designed ’’telescope’' hand bag of first grade patent leather and lined with tan moire silk is very smart. The fizin's inside are hail file, cuticle knife, nickled tablet Case with pencil, rouge re­ ceptacle and best of all a large mirrir backed on cover. LACE SILK HOSE. There are Tillamook women who adinire novelty silk hosiery and these beautiful black lace hose will un­ doubtedly meet with their approval. Reminding our many patrons of the arrival of dark brown silk (African) hose Our Anniversary Sale Makes It Possible To Save You 20c. To 50c. On The Dollar On Any Suit In Store. Such Famous Brands As Hart Schaffner And Marx And Griffon., Fair Warning. Time Is Limited Now. ■ Then Prices Will Revert To Their Regular Reasonable Figures and Heavy Weight Wool Underwear. Sal -. »1.89 Garmet $1 45 Men's Black Sateen Shirin at . . . JUST Express RECEIVED Shipment Of_ YOUNG MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS In Dark Colors; Included Are Belted And Plain Form Fitting Back Models AyA Very Special Price. Choice • •• 19c. Express Shipment Of Young Men’s $25.00 OVERCOATS $16.85 Men's Flannel Shirts, Khnkl and Grey Colors, Regular and They’ve just arrived by express, just in time for you to wear at school ind at saving of better than $8.00 which is worthy of consideration. These come in rich brown and green mixtures, and half belted styles. First come first served. — Men's Black and Tan Dress Sox at Pair . . . Military Collars. 15.00 values, Anniversary Sale............... $4.15 Men's Heavy Cotton Union Sults. Anniversary Sale. . . $1.85 —Men's Fall Dress Hals. Colors Green. Brown. Metal. Also Black, Anniversary Sale Men's Extra Heavy Wool Sox at pair . Grey. Gun — Men's »800 Dress Shoes In English, Medium and Over Wide lasts. This Sale Pair................................... $4 65 $495 $239 $2.79 —Boy's $2.98 Shoes,-10 to 13%. Pair 49c.. 69c.. and $1.12 —Boy's »3.49 Shoes, 1 to 5 % Pair .. . Men’s Heavy Blue Bib Overalls............... $2 45 —Cotton Work Sox. Pair 15c . and 23c. — Meni Canvas Gloves 19c. and 25c. —Men's Cottonade Pants, Dark Colors. —113.95 All Wool Sweaters. Plain or Fancy —*14.95 All worsted Slip-on Sweaters <>< _1X> $295 $11 16 $13 56 Boy's Knickerbocker Pants. Corduroy or Wood Sale . . .«2 45 TILLAMOOK. OREGON. —Boy's Caps........................................................ 25c.. $1.38 and $1.65 —-Boy s Madris Waists, light shades and Blue and grey Stripes Splendid quality. Site 6 to 11 at............................................ $1 19 —Boy's Dress and every day shirts. Plain Colors and Faucy s,r,p<‘!'.........................................................................98c. to $1.65 EXPERT CORSET FITTING. ^Anniversary Sale Prices Prevail On AllCorsets Youth's Fine Wool Jersey Sweaters. Colors Dark Grey Red. Navy and m 20 Per Cent Cut In Price On Entire Stock of Boy’s Suits The Famous Steel Fiber Nik Made. 0