Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1920, Image 9

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betcond Annual lillantook County
Dairy Festival.
Nehalem Valley Bank Trophies.
The Nehalem Valley Bank offers a
The second Annual Tillamook trophy for the best get of sire entry
county Dairy Festival ul L. A. Mc­ in each of the three leading dairy
Cormack's was a great success from breeds namely Guernsey, Jersey aud
tue standpoint 01 both attendance Holstein. This trophy to be won by
and enthusiasm. Mr. McCormack had the . ante breeder three times before
the milking stable tastefully decorat­ it becomes his permanent property.
ed and two long tables spread the These trophies are offered on this
lull length ot the stable. Two hun­ class as we believe that it. more than
dred aud Uity people ’sat uott u to any other, represents constructive
tuuch. There was enough to eat aud work on th part of the exhibitor. In
more and us to the balance of the order to win these trophies enterles
Of the many form« of co-operation afforded by the
ration no one need to complain, No must be bred by exhibitor.
First National Bank, perhaps the most atriking is
oue noticed but what the Jersey men
that which has been contributed to the upbuilding
present consumed just as much leetl Adminiitrator's Notice to Creditors
of the industries of Tillamook County, It would be
as the Holstein men. It wau e»li-
hard to find an important activity in which
mated that uus Peterson anu Roilie
Notice is hereby given that the
services have not figured
Watson each consumed 2.5 lbs. pro­ County Court of the State of Oregon,
tein und 16UUU calories of energy for Tillamok County, has appointed
which is enough to feed a 1000 lb. th© undersigned as Administrator of
1 cow giving 40 lb. of 4 per cent milk the Estate of Alfred Marolf, deceas-
in u uay. If they dispute this we will ed; and any and all persons having
give you an actual list ot what they claims against said estate are hereby
stored away.
required to present same, together
Proc. e . B. Fitts was the principal with proper vouchers, to the under­
speaaer 01 the day and talked on the signed at his residence in Tillamook
Development of the Dairy cow. The County, Oregon, or. T. H. Goyne,
points emphasized were Better Sires Attorney-at-Law, at his office in Till­
and Applied Record Keeping. Mr. amook city. Oregon, within six mon­
McCormack's herd, us well as many ths from the date of this notice.
others taut are in the Testing Asso-
Dated this 12th day of August,
, elation are good examples of results 1920.
to be obtained by the methods Prof.
Albert Marolf. Administrator,
Fitts outlined. If you own a string of estate of Alfred Marolf. deceased.
of racing mares you do.it breed them
Notice of Final Hearing.
' to a scrub cart horse for speed. N j |
more should you breed your dairy ■
In the County &ourt of the State
cows to a scrub bull. The merchant
Your patronage will be highly appreciated.
keeps tab on each line ot goods he is of Oregon, for the county of Tilla­
handling and sees that >hey all are* mook. In the matter of the estate
Prompt Attention to all Orders.
making a profit, The Dairyman of Fritz Buhrow, late of the county
should apply these same business of Tillamook, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
principles to each of his cows which
Tumpory Phone Wagoner’s Cigar Store.
undersigned has, in the above en-
represent his line of goods.
Both Phones,
A summary of the work of the titled proceedings filed his Final ac-
Tillamook Cow Testing Association
; in the past 8 years was given by which was of Fritz Buhrow, late of
County Agent Jones. It has enabled the county of Tillamook, deceased,
its members to raise the average an­ and that the Court has appointed
nual production ot their cows by over Friday, the Tenth day of September.
100 lbs. of butter fat. At 70c. per Nineteen hundred and twenty, at
pound of butter fat. At 70c. per Ten o’clock in the forenoon, as the
pound for fat this is $7 0.00 increase time, and hte County Court room in
per cow for an investment of a mea­ the County Court House at Tilla­
sly $1.50 in Association fees. What mook City, Tillamook County, Ore­
other investment can you make that gon, as the place, for the hearing of
objections to such Final Account and
will pay as well?
D. A. Wilbur gave the records of the settlement thereof.
Dated, August 7th, 1920.
Mr. McCormack’s two cows, Penny
His sire’s entire list of long time
XV. L. Campbell. Adminstrator
and Pal. Penny made 115 lbs. but­
daughters average 787 lbs. butter tat
Robert H. McGrath, Attorney
I terfat in June and Pal 105 lbs. in
for the Administrator.
August. After this Len was called
each. One half are heifers. Of the
on to sing Dear Old Pal of Mine. He
seven greatest transmitting dams of
developed a sudden bashfulness and Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­
the breed to have three (laughers
loss of voice so we had to excuse him.
with an average of 1000 lbs. or more
After the program a tour of in­
spection was made to view the herd.
of buter.
Notice is hereby given, to all whom
Penny isn’t the kind of a cow that it may concern, that the Common
just happens. Her sire is Lavina’s Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
Lad, the old herd bull, which Mr. Me has determined to improve the follow
Cormack still has. When we look ing streets in Tillamook City, Oregon,
back of him we find St. Mawes and to-wit:
Fifth Street, from the West line of
Rosarie's Olga Lad and many indivi­
duals with large records that breed Stillwell Avenue to the West line of
on for generations. It shows what a Sixth Avenue West, nd Sixth Avnue
good sire will do for a herd. When West, from the North line of Fifth
Street, North to the South line of
Just think of that. Two of the seven
asked what he would take for her Fourth
greatest dams in the world contribute
The International Issue Between the spiration of making clearer the obli­ have stood ready to accept whatever Len shook his head and refused to
By establishing the grade of said
gations of this nation to the rest of of good may have come out of the name a price. He believes in the old streets, by grading the same to the
Two Parties.
to his inherited milking qualities.
the world under it.
Paris peace conference and to make axiom “Save your Pennies and the proper sub-grade, by laying thereon
This quality is absolutely necessary
The issue between the Democratic
The Republican party believes that many concessions on matters of de­ Dollars will take care of themselves.” a gravel concrete roadway 16 feet in
for increased production.
and Republican parties on internat­ treaties of peace should be formulat­ tail. There was never a time from If the dairymen of this county had Width and 6inches in thickness, by
ional questions in this campaign may ed in accordance with American con­ the date of his return to the United more of this kind of Pennies they constructing laterals for sewer con­
Meet us at the Fair.
be summarized as follows, says the stitutional provisions, and in harm­ States early last summer until the would have no worry about the dol- nections nd any matter appertaining
thereto as set forth in the plans and
National Republican:
ony with American precedents and adjournment of Congress a year lat­ lars.
The Festival, next year, should be Engineer now prepared by the City
The Democratic party stands for traditions. Republicans believe thr,t er when President Wilson might not
on file with the City
the perpetuation of the Wilson pol­ President Wilson violated the Consti­ have brought about the acceptance held in the Nehalem Valley and ev­ Recorder.
icy of one-man control in internat­ tution he swore to uphold when he of a league covenant with American­ ery dairyman in the county shoilld
That all of said improvements be
ional affairs. It endorses President constituted himself the legislative re­ izing reservations Europe would have lay his plans to attend. Nothing but made in accordance with the charter,
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­
Wilson’s course in treating the pro­ presentative of the American people been willing to accept. He refused good can come of such meetings.
Roy C. Jones, County Agent mook City, and in accordance with
blem of American relations with the in the formulation of a world gov­ to accept the opportunity because he
the plans and specifications, and esti­
rest of the world as a mere personal ernment and blocked a treaty of was more concerned in creating an
affair of his own; his exclusion of peace, first until he could link the issue for the 1920 campaign than in Fire Wipes Out Pacific Cleaning and mates of work, made and prepared
by he City Engineer of Tillamook
all but his own paritsans from part­ league covenant with it for the an­ bringing about the establishment of
Tailoring Co.
City, Oregon, and filed in he office
icipation in formulating the terms of nounced purpose of preventing act­ a league of nations that would be
of the City Recorder of said Tilla­
The cleaning and pressing parlor mook City.
peace and the construction of a plan ion upon it in the United States on something more than a monument to
of E. L. Stewart and Charles Wymer,
of world government;' his demand its own merits rather than as a “rid­ himself.
All of said improvements to be made
across from Lamar’s Drug store, was at the expense of the property, and all
that a so-called covenant for a league er” on the treaty of peace; and again
Kathleen Tone left with Mr. and demolished by fire early Tuesday thereof,adjacent thereto and specially
of nations sacrificial in its original until he could force It down the
form of American rights, interests, throat of an unwilling Senate and Mrs. J. J. Purcell, Monday, for Mo­ morning. As the wind was blowing benefited thereby, being all the pro­
ideals and even independence be ad­ people. •Still Republicans have de­ quiam, to spend a couple of weeks from the north, the office on that side perty within the limits of the dis­
of it, belonging to George Kiger, was trict established therefor being de­
opted as a work of omniscience or in­ monstrated clearly enough that they visiting with relatives and friends.
pratically unhurt except being scor­ signated as Local Improvement Dis­
ched a little, but the one on the trict No. 17, and the boundaries there
of are as follows:
south side, that of Dr. E. L. Glaisy­
Beginning 165 feet North and 60
er, county Veterit.aitun, was uurned f?ct West of the Northwest corner
considerably, especially the roof. of Block 1, of Central Addition to
Mrs. Hubbard's Surgical Hospital, Tillamook City, thence West 1455
which is in the upper story of the feet; thence North 165 feet; thence
biulding adjoining the olflee of Dr. West 270,feet, thenc South 680 feet;
Glaisyer, had the north side burned thence East 1620 feet; thence North
somewhat. Five patients were in the 245 feet; thence East 105 feet; thence
hospital at the time, but all were re­ North 270 feet to the place of be­
moved by the time the fire was un­
The cost of the improvement as
der Headway.
The patients were fixed by the accepted bid therefor is
Charles E. Fugua, of Barview; Peter $14,970.04 dollars, to which shall be
Schrantz, of Tillamook; Mrs. Augus­ added «.he cost of advertising,engineer
ta E. Williams, of Pacific City; Mrs. ing, superintendence and other in­
t Tucie Churchill, of Cloverdale and cidental expenses connected with the
W. I. Hubbard, of Tillamook. All are carrying out construction of said
doing well, none having suffered improvement as authorized by the
charter of Tillamook City, Oregon.
from the shock.
10 days from the date cf the first
The fire started about one thirty in
publication of this notice is allowed
the morning, and the cause is un­ by the charter of Tillamook City,
known, as Stewart says that he kept , Oregon, for the filing of remonstran­
■ no gasoline in the shop at all, ac­ ces against the proposed improvement.
cording to the state law, and that
Dated this 19th day of August, 1920
i the red light over the iron was also Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder
burning. The only cause he can give of Tillamook City, Oregon.
is either short circuit in the electric
Administrators Notice of Sale.
wires or spontaneous combustion, as
there were a few clothes that had
Notice is hereby given that by vir­
been in ammonia and benzine, 'the tue of an order made and entered in
fire department was called out, and the county court of the State of Ore­
the people realize that if it hadn’t gon, for Tillamook county, in the
been for the splendid work of the Matter of the Estate of B. Irndorf,
fire engine the whole btuiness section Deceased, the undersigned adminis­ prices is not our forte, as it is with
of the town would have been in jeo­ trator of said estate has been author (
some. We don’t try to take advant­
AMELS have wonder­
pardy, for the buildings in that sect­ Ized. licensed, empowered und direct­
age of slack production, rising mar­
ion are all frame structures,
ful full-bodied mellow-
was. the fire was put oqt in a very September. 1920, to sell and will sell kets, abnormal demand, and tempor­
mildness and a flavor as
short time after the arrival of the for cash to the highest bidder, the ary conditions. You can always be
following described real property sit­
refreshing as it is new.
uated in Tillamook County. Oregon, sure of rfgh prices and fair treat­
The building in which the clean- belonging to the raid estate, to-wft:
ment here.
"ing and pressing parlor was located
Camels quality and Camels expert
The West half of the Southwest
belonged to the Thayer estate, and it niiarter of section Twenty-seven, the
blend of choice Turkish and choice
is not known whether the buildings Northeast quarter of the Southeast ¡
Bayocean Sheet Metal Works.
Domestic tobaccos win you on merits.
will be rebuilt or not. Stewart had quarter of section twenty-eight, and
about eighteen suits in the shop that beginning at the Northeast corner of
First Street, Tillamook, Oregon.
Camels blend never tires your taste.
were being cleaned, but they are not the Southeast quarter of the South­
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste
ot be responsible for them. They east quartet of Section twenty-eight,
had the equipment insured, and are and running thence South on section
k nor unpleasant cigaretty odor!
going to start business in another line forty rods: thence West twenty-
four rods; thence North forty rods
location as soon as possible, with a to the north line of the Southeast
What Camels quality and expert blend can
steam press as an improvement over quarter of the Southeast quarter of
mean to your satisfaction you should find
the former equipment.
I said Section
thence East to the place of beginn­
out at once! It will prove our say-so when
ing. containing six acres; also the
v you compare Camels with any cigarette
north hnlf of the northwest quarter
of section thirty-four, all in town­
in the world at any price!
DB A. C. CRANK. ship two South of range nine West,
and containing 206 acres.
íMdaraffa ■ fbr 20 coate or ton pocka^oa 2OO ctgarwftoe, m a giaearno-
Dn. Shearer A Crank
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation of aald County Court.
Medical & Suifery,
Ute -»p/V or
Align«’ 2«. (»20
Natianal Bnildiag.
M. Abplanalp, Administrator it
of the Estate of B. Irndorf. Deeeaaed. 4,9
Tillamaak • - • •irgra.
Are You Ready
For School ?
A Bank Thai s Squarely Behind Business
Have You Everything You Need for the
Months to come ?
We would lik.e to have •/ vou make
the Rexall Store your permanent
headquarters for all your school
Pens, Rulers, Pencils, Erasers,
Fountain Pens, Eversharp Pencils.
The First National Bank
Just Starting in Business
Tablets, Composition Books, Etc
Our stock is large, extensive and complete.
We are satisfied that you will be satisfied with the quality,
quality and price of our merchandise.
If you cannot come personally just send the children
down with a list, and they will be given as
careful and courteous attention
as if you came yourself.
At the Head oí Our Herd
The Rexall Store
Burton’s Dam and Her
Sister are Two of the
Hill Military Academy
Portland. Ore
Opens Sept. 15th
Phone 37 W
TillamookjTransfer Co
Liberty Temple
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector