T1LLÄ.MOOK HEADLIGHT. SEFlEMBEP. 2. 1920. What the Editors Say ------- o- — ■ The administration crow has been revised from McAdoodkdoo to Coxad­ oodleduo.—Corvallis Gazvile-Times. CLOSING OUT SALE Governor remember while condemning the republican campaign fund, that he himself is the first millionaire ever nominated for the presidency.—Sun. The country is experiencing now whut could uaturally have been ex­ pected when nationl prohibition went into effect. The country is full of stills, and federal authorities are kept busy searching them out in se­ questered places and closing them up. Oregon is not without her examples Newberg, Independence, Woodburn, Salem, and Washington, Clackamas, Tillamook and Polk counties have all been investigated by federal authori­ ties and large-sized stills found and closed up. Some very drastic punish­ ment will be inflicted, no doubt, when all the trails have been heard. Know­ ing ones in almost every community have their suspicions of these places existing close at home, and no one knows the day when they will meet their fate. So many persons think they cannot live without their "tod­ dy,” but the day is coming when they will have to, if the government keeps up its present gait. In the state of Washington it is said by investigat­ ors that theje are ten thousand stills dripping hard liquor.—Telephone Re­ gister I am Closing Out my entire Stock of Household Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices. Come and Investigate A. L. PACE your tractor The resources, experience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company combine to make Zerolcne an oil of quality. They cre­ ate an efficiency in the man­ ufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Our Board of Lubrication Engineers has studied your particular type of trac­ tor and provided for its Correct Lubri- * cation. Their recommendations for the Correct Lubrication of automobiles, trucks and tractors are available in book­ let form. Ask your dealer for your copy. grade for each type of me STANDARD oil company (California) Cox ^should A Nebraska farmer in Wayne coun­ ty was recently urged to donate* $18 for the privilege of wading in the same pool of turbid discontent with A. C. Townley and others of lesser weight in the Non-Partisan League that is making North Dakota notor­ ious. That he did not take kindly to the propaganda is evidenced by the following letter he wrote to his local paper: "Being a farmer and a friend of farmers and interested in their welfare, I ask the privilege of giving warning to people in this part of Nebraska against the political pro­ paganda that is being worked among the farmers at this time at $18 each. Having been canvassed a short time ago to join the Non-Partisan League, I inquired about the merits of the organization, and the best the agent could say was that the league desired to get control of the legislature and get control of the legislature and would then make laws to suit. That is what has been done in North Dak­ ota, and 1 judge from reports North Dakota is the least progressive states in the union, owing to the Non-Par­ tisan league laws. This agent is now preaching class hatred, arraying one class against another, and particul­ arly against the bankers. Now, I have had my turn with the banks, and I will say that they are one’s be.i friends if they are treated right. Non-Partisan league agents are go­ ing among our farmers sowing the seeds of discord, and asking them to pay $18 apiece to have their country hurt the same as North Dakota has been hurt. The league is trying to get into our legislature under a cloak of deceit, and it is no friend of mine."—Sheridan Sun. ------- o------- The press of the state appears un­ animous in swatting the freak inter­ est law and pointing out what its I effect would be while as yet not a single argument in favor of the mea­ sure has been made by Its promoters, it is probable that of all the freak measures which have appeared since the initiative made it possible for visionaries to promote half-baked ideas no more vicious and dangerous measure has been proposed, but. for- ! Innately the measure itself carrier, i the danger signal and even the most careless is bound to heed it. Just now applauded while Cox represented | son on the floor of the House said. it is easy to flgure how such a meas­ the dead. What more do you want? I "Thus the war is ended," the Gov- ure would work out. A mammoth Politics? What’s the use.—Indepen- j eminent entered into a contract with harvest is being gathered, and large dant. the Norfolk Ferries by which the sums are necessary to move it. Far­ I properties were taken over by the mers have used their credit to buy HOW THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY | Government for operation. implements and pay wages and buy­ WASTE PEOPLE’S MONEY . “Before that time Government ap- ers have borrowed the money they | praisers looked over the property and will pay the farmer for the crop. The War-Time Debauch of Money estimated its value at $165,000, but With a limit of 4 per cent to be paid in spite of that and in time of peace, Squandering Is Still On. for this money in Oregon while twice the Government agreed to pay an an­ that interest could be secured in Senator Calder has written to Sec­ nual rental of $135,000, almost the Washington it is easy to flgure how- retary Daniels stating that despite total value of the properties and in much would be loaned in this state the Bill repealing authorization of addition agreed to spend $1,000,000 and the widespread ruin that would $5.000,000 to build a dry dock in the rehabilitating the property, which follow. The proposition is so simple Charleston Navy Yard, he. Senator they were to turn over as soon as the that doubt of the sanity of one who Calder, understands that the Secre­ operations of the ferries had brought would advance such a remedy for tary is about to begin operation» on in enough revenue for the rental economic ills is justifiable. If a law payment.” the job. says a potato grower can receive but And "job” it is, for if ever there Mr. Good does not exaggerate when $1 a sack in Oregon while other was a "job” the sole result of which he says: "Multiply such instances by states are paying $2 and $3. potato would be the wanton waste of mill­ the thousand and we have a picture growers will sell no potatoes in Ore­ ions of money, it is this Charleston of the wanton waste of the present gon, but will ship them to a more The undisputed dry dock undertaking. In his letter Administration.” profitable market. So also will the to Secretary Daniels, Senator Cald­ specifications that have already been man with money loan it where It will er says that he believes the entire introduced on the floor of Congress bring the greatest return. You can project, including dredging, will cost suggest a saturnalian orgy of lunatic regulate interest rates by law, but at least twenty million dollars. And squandering, rather than the careful you can’t compel the man with mon­ this vast sum is for a projeet which actions of sane and honorable men ey to lend it.- Independent. no naval board has recommended, entrusted with the grave responsibil­ Goodyeai Service Station for Tillamook City is at the STAR GARAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESSORIES. We Give Goodyear Service CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor. LONG DISTANCE) HAULING 1-O-O-F- BUILDING BOTH PHONES. A TOUCH P their mind's to attend the funeral ■ lAA ** ■ they have a distaste to the details of the lust illness, which they know very well, to their sorrow. If you a525?5252Sa5?5a ,rasa52SH5Z52SHSZ5H5H52SH5HS?52SaS25aSHSZS want an idea of how they stand here it is, and it is a fair sample. At a movie the other day the pictures of the presidential candidates were thrown on the screen. Cox came first and there was nary a clap, but when Harding followed the house went wild We will bet dollars to dough­ nuts that mighty few in the audience Highest Cash Price.’ knew anything in particular about either candidate. It was what each atisid tor and those that applauded knew that Harding stood for an end Tillamook and Hebo. of Democratic policies and mistakes. Harding stood for success and was 8S25ZS2S25H5Z52SZSaS252SÏ52525H5HS25ÏS YAGER & BRADY. ! Democratic Party is Dead Says Forest val officers of high authority, is tot­ earned money. The statistics of this infamous debauch are available. The ally unnecessary and superfluous. Grove Editor. We Buy CASCARA BARK. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, □ It is merely a repetition ot the old story. The war-time debauch of nio- | ney-squandering is still on. High and low. those in the Administration can not get over the scoop-shovel habit in handling the money which the people of this country must stagger under back-breaking tax burdens to supply. Speaking on this subject a few days ago, Representive Good, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said that the Government at this day Is honeycombed with waste and dup­ lication. and he added: "When Con­ gress proposed a remedy that would put the greatest business in America, the Government itself, on a business basis, a man in the Treasurp Depart­ ment wrote a veto for the President and the buget was lost.” So th? dup­ lication of Jobs and the money shov­ elling of the Administration go right on in full swing. The end of the war did not end the crime- for such wanton waste of the people’s money, pure and sim­ ple, was nothing short of crime. It went right ahead. Mr. Good cited an instance. He said: "Just three days after the signing of the armUtice, when President Wil- people of the United States will have amplt. opportunity for their thought­ ful inspection between now and next November. Harvey’s Weekly. Samuel Gompers says: “The high cost of living'is a paramount issue with the American people.” Impos­ sible. Mr. Gompers' party came into power seven and a half years ago promising to settle that question sat­ isfactorily by repealing the infamous Payne-Aldrich tariff law.” You’ll have to hand it to a Demo­ cratic politician who has the nerve to get up this year and talk about what the Democratic party is going to do for the people when everybody holds In fresh remembianc just what it has been doing to the people for the past three hundred and eight-six weeks. What has become of the old-fash­ ioned Democrat who used to cuss out the robber "coal barons" under Re­ publican administrations when soft coal sold for a couple of dollars a ton? He has broadened out in tell­ ing his neighbors how the millenni­ um is going to be superinduced by the Wilsonian league ot nations. SCHOOL BOOK TIME Complete line of Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Inks. on this year’s Bill by Buying Here. We Are Headquarters for School Books and retail at Board of tion’s wholesale list price. LAMAR’S DRUG STORE, Tillamook, Oregon OREGON’S FINESTjBEACH RESORT BAYOCEAN HOTEL BAYOCEAN, NATAT0RIUM, BUNGALOWS, TENTS, Renaotiable Rates; Hotel under management of Mr. anti Mrs. C. C. Nepple who are experienced hotel-people; bowl­ ing allies and pool tattles; unexcelled sports in Natatorium atai on beach. Come to the best beach in Oregon for your vacation. Receivers of T. H. Potter Realty Co., 325 Chamber of Commerce HIdg., Portland.