Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1920, Image 3

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Of Pure Bred Cattle
If Interest Measure Passes in November
Will Cripple Business and Drive Money
Over Into Washington.
If the proposed constitutional a-
mendment fixing the rate of interest
on money carries at the November
election, people will have to go over
into Washington to borrow money,
as all of the financial institutions
of the state of Oregon will have
to go there to do business should the
people give the measure a favorable
vote. The measure is another freak,
similiar to the newspaper rate bills
that were initiated by Jackson, of
the Oregon Journal, to injure the
newspaper industry. The new freak
measure initiated by J. F. Albright,
of Oregon City, aims to injure the
banking business. Instead of having
flve prosperous banks in Tillamook
county, should the measure carry,
they .will simply act as agents for
some bank in the state of Washing-
I ton.
Looking at the measure from all
| angles, any one with ordinary com-
' -.non sense can see that it will drive
money out of the state and those who
I want to borrow money for any pur-
! pose will have to get it elsewhere,
i and they will have to pay the pre­
vailing rate of interest.
This is how the bill reads:
Sec. 9. The legal rate of interest
in this state shall be four per cent
per annum, and no more, on all mon­
eys after the same shall become due,
but on contract the rate of five.per
cent per annum, and no more, may
be charged by express agreement of
the parties, which rate shall be in­
clusive of all brokerage and commis­
No doubt, some persons will be
foolish - enough to think that they
will be able to borrow money at 4
and 5 per cent if the measure carries,
but they will not be able to obtain it,
any more than if some crank initiat­
ed a bill and it became a law that
flour should not be sold for more
than $1.00 a sack.
It is simply another case of one
person endeavoring to butt in and
ruin other person’s businesses.
COLONEL J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer.
DR. E. L. GLAISYER, Supt., Cattte Dept., County Fair.
The most surprising thing is that
Albright did not exempt Oregon City,
“He kep’ us out o’ wah,
platform in 1918. The truth is that the same, as Jackson did in the news­
All Tuned up for a Jazz Campaign
He kep’ us out o’ peace,
their complaint against Senator Gore paper rate bill when Portland was
He kep' us out o’ sugah
is not that he is not a 100 per cent exempt.
There are a couple of colored bar­
We have obtained an expression of
An’ he messed us up wi’ Greece;
American but that he is net a 100
bers down in Louisville who can put
opinion from some of our leading cit­
He kep’ us out o’everything
per cent rubber-starpp Democrat.
as many parts into a bar of music as
And goodness only knows
the little Russian symphony, and you
What evidence has Gov. Cox that izens on this pernicious measure,
If he'd stayed there any longer
never miss a word.
the mothers of the boys who fought which will be found below:
He’d a kep' Is out o’ clothes.
They’ve got a lot of campaign songs
in France are holding President Wil­
and they tune up every evening in
son to a “promise” to involve this Would Work Hardship On Tillamook
Anothah good man gone wrong.” country permanently in war-breeding
the little back yard of the barber
shop, where Josh grows okra and
European'entanglements’ What Fre-
hollyhocks and John is' raising but­
Oklahoma Democratic organizat­ sidet Wilson promised these mothers
Regarding the Four and Five Per
ions in (lie recent state primary cam­ was to "keep us out of war,” and Cent Interest Measure, we believe
ter beans and touch-me-noiB.
And when the begin this one, all paign assailed Senator Gore on the that promise was known to be decep­ that if this goes through it would
the children in the neighborhood ground that he was not a 100 per tive when President Wilson and Gov. work a great hardship on our coun­
climb upon the whitewashed fence cent American. These same Okla­ Cox made it four years ago as a try as it would no doubt drive all
and the dogs try to dig holes around homa Democrats did not criticize means of boosting themselves into capitial away as this rate is altogeth­
Senator Gore’s position in their state power.
the posts:
er too low for any person to Ioan
his money and live, From a selfish
standpoint, without looking ahead,
we would like to see such a measure
passed, We borrow a great deal of
money from time to time, and also
discount a great many notes with
our bank, and this would mean a
large saving for us, but we know it
could not last.
We hope to see the measure de-
Thos. B. Watt
Holsteins, Jerseys and Guernseys
First Annual Sale
Of Tillamook Pure Bred Breeders’ Association, to be
held Annually in connection with the Tillamook
County Fair
Over 100 Choice Animals
of all breeds to choose from
To be held at the Fair Grounds during the Fair, on Frit r
September 17. All cattle in this sale will be on exhibition at
the Fair, September 15, 16 and 17.
Tillamook County
17, 1920
At Tillamook County Fair Grounds
in Tillamook City.
Great Pure Bred Stock
Big Stock Sale last day of the Fair.
Ii you have any stock to sell at this time notify Dr. Glaisyer.
Say 1 We can your attention to tee Big Poultry Exhibit.
Bigger and better than ever. New classification. Look on list.
BigBaseball games between the leading teams of the county
each of the first three days.
See announcement of special prizes by different banks of the
county and by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bays.
Tillamook County Fair Board,
R O. RICH A RDS,^Manager.
Would Cause Industrial Stagnation
Should the Four Per Cent Interest
Measure which will be voted on in
November become a law. it would be
the greatest curse that evr happened
to Tillamook county or the State of
Orgon. No person who wanted to bor­
row money could do so, because no
money could be had at that rate
when a higliei rate could be obtain­
ed in other States. It would drive
Oregon money out, and at the same
time would keep outside money from
investment In the Sstate, which am­
ounts to more than one half of the
total investments. It would mean
that all mortgages, notes, and ac­
counts would have to be paid when
due, or suit would be brought to col­
lect. Mills would shut down, and dll
industrial developments would cease,
t sounds like U’Renism and that a-
lone should be enough to defeat the
Financial Conditions Should Not Be
Tampered With
I am in receipt of yodr letter re
Questing me to write a short article
on “What Effect the Reduction of
the Legal State Rate of interest would
have on the Business and Industrial
Development of Tillamook County
should Proposed Measure Reducing
Int ¡rest to 4 and 5 per cent Pass?”
1'his can be answered in a very
few words. In my opinion, if legislat­
ion is passed as contemplated, for­
eign investors outside of the state
could not be Induced to invest their
money In securities within the state,
the investors within the state as well
would be very foolish to invest their
money in low rate interest, when
they can buy securities representing a
higher tale of interest income. As It
is today many thousands of dollars
in captial are’being taken from our
state for investment In Canadian
bonds which brings higher rate of
interest on very desirable security.
I would not like to see the financial
conditions of our state tampered
with by adverse legislation at this
critical time.
credit in one form or another, and
credit means borrowing.
Tillamook county is comparatively
new in its development. The great
industry here new is dairying, but
probably not more than 12 per cent
of its land adapted to the raising of
pasture is in grass. It is still un­
cleared and in trees and brush and
logs. The same is true of the state
at large.
Our state and county have not the
means within themselves with which
to finance their development. Money
must be borrowed and brought in
from other centers. We, here in Till­
amook county, are in the pioneering
stag of our economic life. And as is
the case with pioneers in general, we
are long on natural resources but
short on cash. We want to expand
our business and grow, but to do so
must borrow heavily at times. In
order to borrow we must offer at­
tractive security and pay the going
rates of interest.
In my judgement the proposed a-
mendment reducing the legal rate of
interest on Ioans is far too drastic in
its terms, and if adopted would stifle
industry, because it would stop the
loaning of new money. It would pre­
vent outside money from coming in­
to the state.
It would be a cruel law and do un­
told harm to the commonwealth.
This would be particularly true here
in Tilamook county because It is now-
just entering upon an era of great
lumber development and one that
will call for borrowing in an im­
mense volume. Such a law would
place a greater burden on the indus­
try than is could bear and prosper.
It could not compete with other com-
muities outside the 'state, more fav­
orably situated with respect to fin­
ancing. Our lumber industry would
languish, and so, also, would busi­
ness in general.
The way to safety lies in voting
down the proposed amendment.
Oddfellow« Notes of Pacific Lodge
I. 0. 0. F. News Notes
Definite information from railroad
Headquarters, says the special ticket,
for which the writer has been patien­
tly waiting, will not be on sale until
Sep. 13tli, after waiting two weeks
tor this coveted rate, two weeks more
must be passed likewise, for lam go-
mg to have that ticket, hut promise
to take my departure as soon as pos-
sible after that date.
E. W. Perkins, Cicero Proctor, Bob
Roberts, Frank Iiidpath, Geo. S. Ben­
nett and L. Loll were instructed in
the mysteries of the Second Degree,
and will take the Third Dgree next
Tuesday eve.
The Bros, have volunteered to meet
at the cemetery on Labor Day to fix
up the fences and do necessary work
to put same in good condition. All
who can please meet at the cemetery
Monday, Spet. 6. Those who have no
way to go, meet at 1. O. O. F. hall at
8:45, and those who have cars are re­
quested to call and pick them up.
FINANCIAL INTERESTS AROUSED We expect some of the Rebekah’s will
meet with the Bros, to do their bit,
Jackson, of tile Oregon Journal, Set and maybe they will have a camp­
tire dinner at the cemetary; Say,
a Bad Precedent
can’t you smell that coffee, come out
and see what a bunch of Odd Fellows
We have received a letter from and Rebekahs can do toward beaut­
Robert E. Smith, of Portland, Or., ifying the grounds, also it, is a good
who is appealing to the country time to show your appreciation of
newspaper men of Oregon to help de­ Odd Fellowship.
feat the interest measure and in re­
Some feed at lodge last meeting,
ply we mailed Mr. Smith the follow­ Bro. Frank Matthews had the menu
ing reply:
prepared at ho^ie, but is is a safe
Mr. Robert E. Smith, Portland. Or.
bet that a Rebekah done the handy
Dear Sir, Yours of the 27 inst. work. Ask Sister Matthews.
to handfl re the 4 and 5 per cent in­
After three months of hard labor,
terest measure, and I want to to as­ and no lodge attendance Bro. Ray
sure you of my active co-operation Hammond was in lodge last meeting,
in putting the measure to sleep.
Bro. Bettcher also tilled his official
I cannot help reminding you. how­ position, Bro. Watson jut in an ap­
ever that it was one of your citizens, pearance. Wilson and Winslow was
Jackson, of the Oregon Journal, who I in their designated places, so when I
initiated measures to injure the Bro. F. A. Beltz finishes up that hon­
newspaper industry outside of Port­ eymoon trip, and returns to his
land, add there is a good deal of sim­ chair; Max Schultz and F, W. Tal­
ilarity in the present measure which bott returns from their hunting trip
is aimed to injure the banking busi­ with plenty of vension. then maybe
ness, but which is more drastic, for we will have a full house; yes the
it will injure the entire state. Well, secretary will miss a few meetings,
it seems, that the chickens are com­ but Bro. Brodhead will fill the chair
ing home to roost. The business and as he knows the game, so there will
financial interests of Portland and be an answer to my name at role call.
the state did not fully realize at the
The Patriachal Degree will be con­
time what pernicuous measures Jack- ferred on all eligibles next meeting
son initiated, and which formed a of the Encampment , Sept.. 9. All
precedent for another to follow. Now members are requested to come out
that a similiar bill is initiated that and help.
strikes at the very foundation of Ore­
Bro. C. F. Beltz, of Vermillion
gon's progress and development, they lodge, I. O. O. F. of Hastings, Minn,
are naturally aroused, and are ap­ is still confined to his bed at the
pealing to the country newspapers to home of his daughter, Mrs. O. A.
help defeat the measure. This is Schultz, of this city.
sQtn what of a strange coincident, for
Initiatory Degree will be conferred
it was in Portland, and by one of I on all waiting candidates Sept. 14.
your citizens that the newspaper rule All application on file are accepted,
bills originated. The financial Inter­ so please be on bund at 8:30 p. in.
ests of Portland, should have been on that date.
far-sighted enough to have seen that
Look up your official receipt, if not
Jackson set an exceedingly l»sid pre­ up to date, better see your secretary,
cedent for others to follow and, no better be paid In advance, than de­
doubt, when the Clackamas county linquent; life ¡8 uncertain, death is
man initiated the interest measures. sure. Benefits are paid to members
It is only natural to suppose that in good standing only. We hope you
other pernicious measures will be in­ are up to date.
itiated in the near future to injure
R< bekahs have Installed some m itch
other business interests and if the needed light switches in the lodge
Non-Partisan League ever obtains a room. They are progressive, Meet
footing in this state it v ill be by the with them Wednesday eve at 8. Odd
same tact hod Jackson used to Injure Fellows, Tuesday at 8.
the newspaper industry for the Lea­
F. F? Conover, Sec.
gue will fiind that thy iniative law
under our hosted Oregon .System is
exactly the kind of law to help them Notice of Executor's Final Account.
obtain control of the political mach­
Notice is hereby given that Jos­
inery of Oregon.
eph Dm rer, the undersigned execut­
or of the estate of Barbara Babi, de­
Editor Tillamook Headlight.
ceased, lias tiled in Hie County Court
for 'I illumok County. Oregon, his fin­
Reformed Congregational Church
al account, and that by older duly
mad)' and entered, file said court hat
Sunday School 10 a. ni.
fixed the 4lh day of October, 1920.
Morning Worship, 11 a. m.
at tell o’clock a. m us th" time, aud
Subject “How to Bring Conven­ I lie Court House of Tillamook Coun­
ience ill Your Dally Life” Many ty. Oregon, as the place, for tin heal ­
troubles and dlflcuhles could be easi­ ing of said final account.
ly avoided If they only would know.
Notice ir. further given that all
The real connection with the root of persons having objections to such ac­
life will burst the clouds of sorrow. count must appear al said time and
Enjoy your life!
place and show cause if they can,
A cordial invitation extended to all. why the sulci final account should not
Rev. Richard Hchuteze.
he approved, and the said executor
Notice to the Public
Dated September 2, 1920.
------ o------
Joseph Durrer,
Having bought out Mr. Sutton’s
Executor of the Estate of
interest in th" Sutton & Loll Meat
Barbara, Babi, deceased.
Market, I wish to Inform our patron«
they will receive the same courteous
Presbyterian Church.
treatment in the future as they have
------- 0-
in the past.
Morning Worship, 11a.m.
L. E. Ix>U.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Restaurant Open At Rockaway.
Subject: “Christs Secret of Suc-
The Elmore Annex Restaurant,
Evening Worship, 7:30 p. hi .
Subject: ^“Unreasonable Unbelief.”
Wonld Do Untold Harm to Oregon. next to the Elmore Hotel, is now
up^in for the season. Chicken dinner
The Ladles Guild will lesume re­
gular meetings next week.
Bay City, Ore., Aug 23, 1820. aerved Sunday! from 1 to 5 p. m.
Special attention given partiea on
Every body always welcome
Over ninety per cent of the bini­
ne*« of the United Stater la done on reservation. “Quality our Motto. -
A. A. McRea, Minister.
A Bachelor'! Prayer.
Pacific lodge is painting their hall, Backward, turn backward, O Time,
putting in new glass in front, and an
in your flight!
ip-to-uate lighting system.
Give us a maiden with skirts not so
Unity Rebekah louge, No. 51, will
celebrute the 69th anniversary of Re­ : Give us a girl w hose charms, many or
bekah Odd fellowship on the evening
ot Sept. doth. with a big time and Are not exposed by much peek-a-boo.
program and refreshments. We cor­ . Give us a maiden, no matter what
dially invite all Rebekahs and Odd-
.ellows to participate with us.
Who won’t use the street for a vaude­
Pacific Lodge, No. 105, will soon
ville stage;
ouild a road through the cemetery, Give us a girl not so sharply in view;
which will he graded and graveled, Dress her in skirts that the sun
also a complete cleaning up the
won't shine through.
Then give us the dances of days long
We are still taking in members.
gone by;
We meet every Friday night, lots cf With plenty of clothes and steps not
business, work and pleasure.
so high;
Bro. C. 1. Myers, ot o. 94, has the Oust turkey-trot capers and butter­
joutract painting the hall.
milk glides.
A big farewell party was given in The hurdy-gurd twist and the wiggle
tail slide;
i he hall Saturday evening, Aug. 28th I
,o Bro. and Sister Sullins and Bro. Then let us feast our tired optica
J. S. Douglas and family, who are
once more
going to Okalohoma. The Rebekahs ; On a genuine woman as sweet as of
presented Sister Sullins with a fine
Rebekah pin, and the Oddfellows a I Yes, Time, please turn backward and
camp pin to Bro. Sullins, and an offi­
grant our request
cial certificate holder to Bro. J. t>. J For God's richest blessing—but not
Douglas, We regret their absence, i
one undressed.
but what is our lost is Okalohoma
—Wyoming Mountaineer.
Bro. J. P. Coxon, trustee of the
I. O. O. F. home, paid us a fraternal
All members of Fairview Grange
visit and gave a fine talk about the
home, and Oddfellowship in general. who have received notice of Fire In­
surance assessment please mail check
Come again Brother.
to Frank D. Bester.
Wm. Bragg, Sec.
Tillamook Lodge No. 57
A. F. and A. M.
Wednesday of each month.
Rehersals each Wednesday
following. Visiting broth­
ers welcome.
By order of W. M.
Leslie Harrison, Sec.
Stated convocation Friday
Aug. 27. Visitors welcome.
Johnson Chapter No. 24
R. A. M.
I. E. Keldson, Sec.
G. A. R.
Cornith Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­
gon, meets on second and fourth Sat­
urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m..
In the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel­
H. W. Spear, Commander
Samuel Downs, Adjt.
------- o-------
W. R. C.
Corlnith Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept,
of Oregon, meets on first and third
Friday evenings of each month, at
8 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors
welcome .
Minnie Johnson, President
Elizabeth Conover, Secy.
Tuesday eve, 8 p. m.
Rebekak, Wednesday evening
Camp 2-4, Thursday
Tillamook Lodge No. 1260
L. O. O. M. Meets every Fri-
day at K. of P. Hall.
S. A. Brodhead, Sec.
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