TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEP'l EMBER 2, 1920. ble lessons. One is that all frame buildings should be eliminated ■from I the business section; and the second I is that no private hospital should be allotted to locate and do businesss in tire trap buildings, in the heart of the (Inatructlona glv.n year, ago to »very r.portor and w-ltor on the Marlon, city. Hud the fire obtained u little Ohio, Star.; more headway on Tuesday morning Remember there are two «Ides to every question. Get them both. the patients in the hospital stood Be truthful. Get the facts. some chances of being roasted alive. Mistakes are Inevitable, but strive for accuracy. I would rather And had a catastrophe like that tak­ have one story exactly right than a hundred half wrong. en place th« citizens and thc city offi­ Be decent, be fair, be generous. cials would be held responsible. Whqt Boost—don’t knock. took place Tuesday morning is liable There’s good in everybody. Bring out the good In everybody and 1 to take place at any time, where never needlessly hurt the feelings of anybody. . there are tire traps and frame build­ In reporting a political gathering give the facts, tell the story as ings. And at this dry season of lhe It is, not as you would like to huve it. Treat all parties alike. year it a fire gets a good hold in If there's any i>ollties to be played we will play it In our editorial some of the large frame buildings it columns. will be good-by to the business sec­ Treat all religious matter reverently. Adults 25c. tion of the city and the destruction If It can possibly be avoided never bring Ignominy to an Innocent goods. The snap of valuable stocks of man or child in telling of the misdeeds or misfortunes of a relative. Don’t wait to be asked, but do it without asking, and, above all, shot man wants to say distinctly, and we do not want to be niisunder- be clean and never let a dirty word or suggestive story get into type, I want this pais-r so conducted that It can go into any home stood, that the person who owns a without destroying the innocence of any child. small fire trap building or a laige frame building in the business sec­ WARREN G. HARDING. tion of the ctiy should be held finan- daily liable should their buildings i burn up and destroy other property. It is true that there are a number of I desirous of making this a most im­ business men who are doing business portant section of the Northwest for in fire trap and frame buildings, but pure bred dairy stock. For that rea­ as long as they do so and no effort Fred C. Baker, Editor. son every dairyman in the county made to build and get safer quarters, SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 should attend the county fair this the serious menace that now con­ year and rub up against the pure bred fronts this city, will continue until stock boosters, and in doing so a perhaps the business part of the city large amount ot useful information is burned out and lives lost. Let’s can be obtained, for all the live wires wake up and rid the business section —0— will be there to enlighten dairymen of frame buildings before we butt up There are some Cox sure democrats who need some intelligent informa­ against a serious and disastrous fire. ill Tillamook, but they are very few. tion. Apart from that, the breeders That’s what's going to happen some ------- o------- are going to considerable trouble and day. Who’s building and who is the If any of our preachers vote for expense In making so large exhibit­ person that will be blamed and held Governor Cox it is Cox sure that beer ion of blooded stock, and to appre­ responsible? i 99 and the bible vote together. ciate what they are doing so success­ fully, one must attend the county Palmer Lost His "Pep.” Do you want another four years of fair this year. It was the breeders The Toledo Blade hits the nail on democratic squandering of public ! I associations that made the last year’s money and incompetence and four fair a success and from all accounts the head when It says: the pure bred stock this year will “Two or three months ago Attorn- more years of excessive taxation? bring about the sanie results. 1 ey General Palmer was a busy little | bee. He buzzed, buzzed, buzzed Harding and Stanfield clubs are ------- o------- Children 15c. Adults 25c. Senator Chamberlain admits that ; all day long and far into the being organized ail over the state. Tillamook county should have a club this Is a republican year, and, , on night, and there was an impres­ of that nature, for Tillainookers are ! that account, he appears to be un­ sion in some circles that even going do their best to place a repub- | easy. This is what is worrying in sleep his subconsiclous mind work­ MAY ALLISON in “HELD in TRUST • lican at the head of the government George. Republicans are going to ed right along figuring out ways of i- ■ ---------------------- and a republican to represent Oregon line up for republican candidates and • keeping busy during working hours. in the United States Senate. This is they are going to vote for a repub­ Palmer’s activity was prodigious. No­ a republican year, and it would be lican for president and a republican thing like it was ever seen before in , poor judgement to send a democrat for U.«S. senator, which is Harding i Washington. He concerned himself and Stanfield. Il would plàce Oregon with thc high cost of living, he went to the United States senate. in the wrong pew to have a democrat bush-whacking after meat packers, One cent a word per issue. Harding'., front porch campaign is represent the state of Oregon in the he dabbled in the sugar situation, he U. S. senate with a republican ad ­ scurried around after bootleggers, he very apt. to become a back room cam­ ministration. Under those conditions trailed anarchists and he ran down Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. .* A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearer» and wood-cutting paign. —Wheeler Reporter. contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable. If it does, and the free trade demo­ . Senator Chamberlain would have revolutionists. Besides all this he For Sale by John Leland Henderson, Hundreds in use all over the U. S. When not in like for wood cutting, the 4 II. P. motor will cratic party Is returned to power, wo , very little influence, whereas, should managed to find time to conduct a 206-3d St., Tillamook, the Makln- run mills, feed mills, feed cutters, pumps, etc. Quick dalivenco from over Stanfield be elected and we believe' wish to inform Bro. Nunn that the campaign for the democratic nomina­ ■ 100 point» throughout ster, 160 acre ranch, near Oretown. My Wade Saw Is cutting wood for leu than 3 cent» F. J. ' Williams. Burns. Orc. little city of Wheeler will too, have he will be- tie will have a whole lot tion tor President. Folks who hint­ th» Unit at Stat»». Price $2500.00. Terms easy. Hume sawed through five-foal solid oat logs a* the rate a back door feeling and appearance, of influence w ith the administration. | ed that all Palmer’s other activities N. B. Myers. Latou. Calif of one foot a minuto. ' for It is going to be hard for the lum­ Even from a non-partisan viewpoint where side lines to that the real task Dr. Wise will be at Nehalem Thurs­ America must burn more ber interests of Oregon to buck up it is to the interest of the state that to which he gave his heart and soul day Sept. 16th. wood for fuel. One Wade will do 10 men's work at against lumber brought into the Un­ Stanfield should be elected. It is al ­ was the job ot getting nominated one-tenth the cost Write ited States free, and to buck up a- so to the intej-est of Tillamook cm.11- | were looked upon as malicious gossi- Cows for sale. See M. C. Trowbridge, for tree Book. "How Dan Tillamook. Ross cuts 40 cords Und and gainst Hindoo labor. It is surpris­ ty to have a republican senator who, pers. But it does beat all how "Mit­ a day,” full de­ Bj>ecin«d ing how the Cox sure democrats are is in harmony with the administrât-! ch" has lost his pep since the Sun When in need of something electric tails and oo iai price. resorting to such punk as the above. ion if this county expects to obtain Francisco convention, doesnt?” just call on the Sunset Electric. ------- o------- money for harbor improvements, and Myron T. Herrick, formerly Amer­ we want somebody like Stanfield who j Dinning room at Todd Hotel to rent. An Editor's Impressions of the Furnished. Inquire at hotel. ican embassor to France, whose re­ will deliver the goods. Beauties of Neah-Kak-Nie ------- o------- ception in Paris has been marked by Mountain. Let the Sunset Electric wire your great warmth of feeling, said a few In the death of Coleman H. Wheel- I ------- u------ home and save you money. days ago to the Paris correspondent er, this county lost a man who had When Bro. Hamstreet, of the Sher­ of the New York Sun-Herald: "There a large amount of western grit. j per- Good second-hand wheel for sale. Ap­ is little confidence in Europe in the severance and determination in en- idan Sun, became a little inquisitive ply Charles Gross, Ramsey hotel. as'to the distance it was from Sea ­ league of nations. I have failed to deavoring to make a success ot the find a person who believed that It lumber business on Nehalem buy. . Ii side to Tillamook, while was attend­ Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of­ fice Wednesday afternoon and ought to have been organized before was in need of bar improvements, ing the Oregon Editorial Association and also on Sept. 10th & 11th. 9-9 peace was made. Everywhere I have with bad weather conditions in the at Astoria, we strongly advised him been asked why the President did winter that he blitted up again and to take the trip, via Neah-Kah-Nie not submit the Senate reservations although his ingenuity devised many mountain and he did so, and this is For Sale: Jersey cow, will freshen in February. See George Hoskins, to the allies before rejecting them. plans for getting lumber to market, what he had to say about that most Tillamook, Or. They would have been accepted he was met with many disappoint­ beautiful scenic spot in the state of quickly.’’ ments and losses. What looked at Oregon: ’’At Seaside 1 parted company with Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler office one time to be a solution of the pro­ Friday and Saturday ot this week It Is not generally know that be­ blem was the building of barges and the Jolly crew ot opinion moulders, an also on Sept. 10th and 11th. 9-9 fore thc County Court could buy the towing them to California with lum­ and with G. B. Nunn, publisher of proposed new fair grounds, that it ber. All went well for a few months. the Wheeler Reporter as a pace set­ Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ must be sanctioned by a vote of the While one barge, ard when near ter began a communion with nature al Mazda lamps. They give better people, which will be placed upon the completion, was being built in Port­ by hiking along Cannon beach to Tlll- light. ballot next November, the Granges land, it caught flic and was destroy­ auxook head and treading the noted have taken the mutter up and are cir­ ed. That for a time seemed to bo scenic trail over Neah-kah-nie moun­ For Sale: 1917 Saxon Roadster, first class condition. Inquire of Cedric culating the necessary petition«. The hard luck, but when a barg ■ broke tain. Although the distance was Jennings. Bay City. petition calls for an approprition of loose from the tug and piled upon fifteen miles it was one grand and $20,000 very year until the neceMury the beach later, it put a stop to that glorious trip, in comparsion with Woman, with one child wants posi­ buildings are completed. The county 111c; hod. Later the tug went on Ne­ which I imagine Switzerland would tion as housekeeper. For more in­ court has the $10,000 on hand. halem bar. bui Mr. Wheeler succeed­ be a back yard runway. With the formation apply to the Headlight which was voted at the lust county ed getting her off, much to the sur­ trail skirting the almost perpendicul­ office. tp. For Sale cheap if taken immediately: budget meeting last year, It has prise of everybody. Mr. Wheeler ar cliffs which ward off the power of complete drum outfit for orchestra the waves from the Paeitlc. and the For Sale : three cows, 2 Jerseys and 1 been suggested that the stock pavil­ when he first came to Tillamook de­ one bass and little dium also traps Durham. Call 3F92. mountain reaching to heights above; ion be the first section ot the build­ voted Ills attention to timber, and it and a set of Deagon Orchestra bells ings to be erected, and. it possible to was through his efforts that sc large through the pleasing shade of stately No. 1229, in first class condition. Small dairy ranch for sale with six have them ready for next year’, amount of timber In the north part trees of stupendous girth and height; Inquire Camp 4, Mohler, Ore. cows, in Trask river bottom, three plucking the luscious thimble berry county fuir, which, we think, is a of the county came tinder his control, i; miles south of Tillamook F. L. good suggestion. Imylng it from homesteaders and and huckleberry; viewing the mighty Buell T. F. Call and see the new models of pianos those who bought timber claims from ocean at the decline of the setting and players at "The Song Shop”. Up goes the high < >st of living the government. It was western grit sun, and revelling in the bounteous My middle name is George. Let me Sold on easy payments. You can store of grandeur so lavishly provid­ bring you "Vaughn” Best drag saw once more. Passenger fares on the that made Mr. Wheeler wealthy. safely deal wth a firm like The Wil­ ed by nature, caused a feeling of re­ ou the market today. Call E. G. Southern Pacific, between Tillamook ey B. Allen Co. Over 47 years on We wish to say*a few Krebs. • - and Portland are raised again. 1 his the coast. words about verence that can only be experienced time they jump from $4.60 to $5.53. the managements of our county fair. by those under similar conditions." A young lady wishes to rent a piano. For sale: Duroc Sow. will furrow in That takes an exLu dollar with a 7c. not. however, in a critical spirit, but Will take the best ©f care of it about two months. Inquire of Bo- smoke thrown in, or neariy two more in the nature of obtaining bet­ Death of Coleman H. Wheeler while in her care. Inquire at this quist Bros. bucks for the round trip. We don’t ter co-operation. Of course, it Is gen­ Many foreaighted merchants and office. Coleman H. W neeler, prominent see. under our Oregon System, why erally admitted that the Grange For Sale—two good cows, both now manufacturers recognize that the somebody don’t Initiate a measure should take a lively Interest in the pioneer lumberman of Oregon and a milking, will both be fresh about ranch for rent. Will su placing railread fares in Oregon at county fair, for without their assist- resident of Portlaud for a number of friendship of an important bank is a the first of next March. Would take cows. 8 miles south of 2c. a mile. We will gamble the mea- ance it would not amount to much by years died suddenly Saturday night some tide land hay for part pay­ priceless business. monk For further information sure would carry with a big major­ way of agriculture display, which is at his home, 415 Montgomery drive, ment. I also have an all iron fartn apply to John Theilcr, Pleasant Evidently the people are being one the pleasing features. Since the death being due to cerebal hemor­ And especially a bank whose wagon for sale or trade for light ' ity Valley. 9-15. hum-bugged again under lhe demo­ dairymen have turned their attent­ rhage. Mr. Wheeler had gone to his wagon. E. A. Reynolds, Bay City, i officers are "human1’ men who take cratic administration, which took ion to breeding blooded stock, this office in the Yeon building ns usual Twelve million feet standing timber pieastire in other men's success. in Douglas and Tillamook counties. A phonograph you can play yourself. 1 control of the railroads and made a too, is another important feature of Saturday, but hud complained of not ¡’he Aeolian Vocalion has all the ; Ore. Might consider partnership muss of it with the result (but the our county fair, and for that reason feeling well and about 5 o’clock left best features of the others and ( We are in business to help other people are again called upon to foot the fair board should consist of sev- his office for his home. Shortly after with experienced mill man. Write some unknown to them. The new businesses. Therein lies our sin cess eral representatives of the breeders arriving home he was suddenly st lik­ for particulars. W. D. Haynes, SOO the bills. ■ nd greater phonograph. Shown ' o'ul yours. associations, especially as stock pavil­ en and passed away within a short Fulton St., Can Francisco, Calif. for the first time in Tillamook I The new tire engln»’ paid for itself ions are planned to be built at the time. BANK YOUR MILK county at the Tillamook Music Mr. Wheeler was born in Ontario. For Sale: 50 acres good bottom land, early Tuesday morning, when a few new fair grounds. As the business Store, opposite Post Office. with cows, teams and farm imple­ CHECK WITH THE lire traps came near wiping out some men are equally Interested. It would Canada in 1865 and came to Oregon ments. $600 with half to assume. portion of the business section. It is be 11 good idea that they should be as a young man. entering the lumber Inquire nt this office. 9-2 Money to loan—Enquire of John our enndid opinion Hint had the fire­ represented on the board. Hut what business. He continued in this busi­ Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., men been dependent upon the old Is probably more Impartant, we con ness throughout his life, acquiring Tillamook. Oregon. system of fighting tire, several busi­ aider that the county agriculturist large holdings and carving a place Will trade 5 acres of land.in Kitsap county Wash, tor automobile. Ford For sale: Columbia Hotel, at Wheeler. ness blocks would be in ashes to-day. should be the manager, for all the for himself us one of the most promi­ preferred. See P- W. Powers or Has 23 rooms, all with modern i Yet it is just as well to open ones activities of that office are centered nent and progressive lumber opera­ Member Federal Reserve System. write. Box 446, Tillamook, Or. equipment, and is doing as good a eyes to the serious menace that con- in advancing and developing the agr­ tors of the state. He was tin officer business as any hotel in the c.atin- fronts the city. If one or two fire­ icultural resources of the county. To of the Wheeler Lumber company of ty. Price $5.500, furniture includ­ traps, like lhe two small buildings our way ot thinking It seems alto­ Wheeler. Or., the town of Wheeler I Wanted: to buy, a »mall place, 5 or 10 arces, close to the beach or riv­ ed. Ed Kelly, Wheeler, Or. 9-2 that menaced the city on Tuesday. gether out of place to employ and being named after hint, and also had er, where 1 can fish or hunt. Some • f cun pieity ncur come wiping out a pay a manager for lhe county fair valuable perionul holdings, includ- Wanted : Men or women to take ord ­ Improvements. Address W. L. Var­ portion ot the business section, what for work that should be taken hold ing timber land, mlll and logging ers among friends and neighbors ney. 392 8. Stark St., Portland. Or. is going to^hnppen when some of the of by the county agriculturist, We railroad, at Cochran, Or. He moved r _____ • for the genuine guaranteed hos­ large flre traps get on fire, as they leave these few suggestions with the to Portland in 1893 and since that iery, full line for men, women and The Bruniwick Phonograph plays all surely will some day? We referred hope that in arranging for next time had resided here and directed makes of disc Records. No repro­ Oregon-Washington and Milwaukee children. Eliminates darning. a few weeks ago to gasoline being year’s fair all these interests may be his timber operations from this city. -’1 Allen and Sharp. Dentista. ducer to change. Compare the tQne railroads. Station just off land. B7 National Saves money. Everybody buys. Building. Mr. Wheeler Is survived by his wi­ stored in business and private houses represented on the fair board, which with any other machine on the Graveled county road crosses one A bonanza for agents. Experience and this is a matter that should be will foster a better spirit of co-opera­ dow and three children. Coleman H. market. Monthly payments to suit corner. School homy just off land. Dr- J- B. Grider, dentht, I. 0. 0. T. unnecessary. Write International covered by a stringent city ordinance. tion amongst all classes and a big­ Wheeler Jr.. Joe Bryant Wheeler and you. "The Song Shop” Main St. Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. Approximately 600 acres, net. Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. ger and a better fair, for we believe Miss Marguerite Wheeler, all of Port­ Price $12.000.00. Write to Aubury Sep. 30 Dr. Wiie will be at hi» Bay City of­ The Tillamook County Fair this Tillamook county will soon have the land. and by four sisters, Mrs. T. P. For Sale: 192 acre ranch, stocked T. Fisher. Trustee, Aberdeen, fice on Wednesday« F-M. and equipped. 6 miles south of Mc­ For Sale: All of section 21. Township year will have one of the best stock reputation of having one of the best Rorvlck of Portland, but at present Washington. 9-30 visiting In California; Mr». L. H. Minnville. Or. Will trade for a | Seventeen. Range Eight, Grays exhibits of pure bred stock in the county fairs in Oregon. Dr. Ramaey Osteopath Ruttan of Harrisville, Ont.: Mrs. E. Tillamook dairy ranch, stocked and history of the county, thanks to the Harbor county. Washington. About Miscellaneous Advertisements Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg.. TUla- Th . Are early Tuesday morning I. Rector, nt Pnrtl.trd and Mrs. J. F. prwaive spirit of the three breed­ equipped G. A. Kriger, R. 1.. Day- half way be»worn Aberdeen and —Mutual whone. Bell phon« I 14«-M. top. Or. » 1« in" o .mlation» and those who are .¡muid leash mar rtil.-ons two Va Inn- 'rndley of Wheeler. Or. Mi i.lr-mro. On the lines of the Dr. Wi«e—Dentist. HARDING’S NEWSPAPER CREED GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Tuesday Evening, Sept 7th, William Famum in Joyous Trouble Makers ” Patbe Review, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, SEPT. 3-4, ŒtUamnnk iicaîHüiht Editorial Snap Shots. MAY ALLISON Held in Trust “ANY OLD PORT Pollard Comedy Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent. The Tillamook Transfer Co. will operate Trucks to Pacific City on Sunday and Monday. ROUND TRIP $2.00 Friendship of a Bank. *** ÍLiUumnnk Œnitnty Sunk