TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 2. 1920 MEN>! Boy s Smart AL TER A TIONS FREE ;— Matters not whether its women’s, men’s or children’s apparel the usual satisfactory alteration service will be rendered. ————————T——————————————————————— School Suits —Summer Hats Iu White And Colors, Sale - - - 50c. —387 Heavy Weight Work Shirts, Sizes 14J To 17L Worth $1.85On Today’s Market, Sale .... $1.48 $5.00 And 6.00 Cloth Hats At ----- $3.95 That Wear Like Iron All Discounted Entire Stock Of Men’s Suits 7-5 To 1-2 OFF TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Such Renown Lines as Hart Schaffner & Marx and Grifton makes z This is only one of Haltom’s many Anniversary Attractions that will be of interest to parents who are outfitting their kiddies for school. At last! Clothes for boys that wear like iron, yet have the classiest Suits for "regular” red-blooded boys, who run, jump, wrestle and ride their “bikes” as all boys should do to build bodyd, brawn and brain into perfect health. PARENTS!_ You can now cut the cost oi dressing your boys and know that they are perfectfully and correctly clad, be proud of their appearance, especially during the opening of school, and save money in the bargain. INSIST ON STEEL FIBER NIK SUITS becau.,3 they have built in protection at the weakest points. Seat and nees reinforced by an extra thickness and patent interweaving stitches. Thats the reason why they give twice the wear and cut the cost of dressing New Low Price Attractions Clearly Discernible Throughout Every Section Of Tillamook's Greatest Store--A Whole Page Of Better Values—The Salesforce Is Endowed Wiih Renewed Vigor. | the boy. —Boy s Rah Rab Wool Hats 25c. Others To $2.95 «••••«• —Boy’s Knick Pant3 In Corduroy And Grey And Brown Wool—Sale $2.45 —Boy’s Caps 25c. $1.38 And $1.65 —Boy’s Madras Waists, In Light Shades And Blue And Grey Stripes. Ages 6 To 14, At $1.19 —Boy’s Dress And Everyday Shirts In Plain Colors And Fancy Stripes At 98c. To $1.65 heading indicates that time is not far “ distant as to the termination of this yearly event, however, watch this paper for further particulars as you'll be the one who will be benefitted. Therefore it behooves those who ¡invent had the opportunity of participating to do so in the near future. As time waits for no one. Then too, you’ve the largest stock of best quality goods to select from. Battenburg Tatting Thread, Made In France. Ball lc. Al! Women’s Neckwear Formerly? $1.85 To $3 98, Choice 69c. All Women’s Neckwear That Regularly Sold Upwards To 1.75 Choice 39c. Big Assortment Of Buttons, All Sizes Price. Assortment Of Laces, To 35c. Values, Yard 11c. 1000 Yards Of Laces, Values To 15c., Yard 3c. 25 c. Finishing Braid, In All White Or Colored Edge, The Bunch 17c. Approximately 500 Yards Lace In White, Cream And Ecru, Values To $1. 75, Choice, Yard 29c. Dress Snaps, One Lot, The Card 5c. Initials Far Fancy Work, Anniversary? Sale 7c. Women's Handkerchiefs, Come In All White And Colored, Each 9c. Entire Stock Embroidery At Anniversary? Sale Prices. Women’s Dress Shields, Assortment, Sale 49c. Needless to state many mothers have plenty to do let alone making The splendid quality of ginghams that enters in the making of them Is worth practically that figure, not Including the find­ ings and the time required in making them. plaids or two color combinations. A Good cheery colors either Several pretty styles to select front. Girl’s $2.48 Washable Dresses, Sizes 2 To 7, Sale $1,99 Children’s 35c. Waist Hose Supporters, Sizes 6 To 14, Anniversary Sale 28c. Inch Shepard Check Suiting, Suitable For School Dresses, Sale, Yard 59c, “Here’s What Haltom’s 18th"Anniversary Sale Is Doing” Inch Good Quality Navy Blue Storm Serge, Worth $1.50 On Today's Miarket, Yard $1.17 / Inch Plaid Suiting, Anniversary Sale, Yard 72c. »nd 82c. Ï Astounding Price Reductions Prevail On Women’s Apparel—Balcony. , 300 Yards 32 Inch Plaid French Ginghams, Today's market Price Is 86c., Yard 49 q , > ; »«»«♦»♦ One Lot to 4 2*. Ginghams. 27 to 32 Inches Wide, In Checks, Plaids, Stripes and Plain Blue, Choice, Yard 28c. Children’s to $1.00 Percale Aprons, This Sale 49c. Hosiery ! Hosiery ! ! Hosiery ! ! ! Here Are A Few Wonderful Values A belated shipment of much wanted Dark Brown Silk Hose--Here! Women’s $2.50 Silk Hose. Sale. Pair $1.98 This is one of our reliable lines of Silk hose and sold at the except- ionaly low figures. In white, beaver, black and brown. Better known as the "Best Knit Hose.” <• Children's* Medium And Heavily Ribbed Stockings. Ordinarily 50c„ Black Only, Sixes To 10 tt 39c. Fashionable Two-Tone Silk Hose. Ordinarily Sell At $2.00. Sale—-$1.49 HALF PRICE HALF PRICE Sale Of Dresses Sale Of Suits —1 Black Taffeta Dress, Size 4 2. Formerly $47.50. Sale Price.................................................... $23.75 —I Navy Taffeta Dress, Formerly $23.90, Sale Price..................................................................... $11.95 -—1 Brown Paulette Dress, Size 36, Good Style. Formerly $89.90. Sale Price.................. $44.95 — 1 Figured Foulard Dress. Size 18 —1 Taupe Taffeta Dress, Size 16. Formerly $39.90, Sale................................................................ $19.95 —Broken Lines of Women’s And Misse's Percale Aprons. Sizes 34 to 40, Regular $1.98 Sale ................................. $1.49 • •*««** Mina Taylor House Dresses, Sizes to 46, Regularly $5.45 and $5.75. Sale ....................... $3.69 • •••••* Taylor House Aprons, of Percale, ies................................................................ $1.69 Another women's hose value that Is worthy of much praise, Very fashionable, indeed are they with pumps and oxfords. The color com- binations are black and white, blue and green, and blue and purple. - Extra Large Size Aprons, Light and Datk Colors. Sizes to 54. Sale ....................................... $2.89 Extraordinary ! Women’s Mercerized Lisle Hose Only. Pair—75c. $3.19 Pink Batiste Combination Suit. Sale $1.98 Purchased purposely for this oc­ Women’s Out Size Silk Lisle Hose, casion. splendid quality. In want­ ed black and blown. Black And While, Pair 89c. Then comes the goods news of the new 1920 Fall merchandise that is rapidly being unpacked and placed in their respective places so as to permit our patrons to purchase at savings worth while. We've combed the markets for only desirable high grade merchandise such as Haltom’s bas been well known to carry ever since its orgin which dates back over eighteen years ago, and which we main­ tain to up hold. The following are the new arrivals that thus far have made their appearance. —New Women’s Dresses —New Women’s Coats —New Women’s Suits —New Women’s Sweaters —New Women’s Dress Skirts —New Children’s Coats -—New Women’s And Children’s Hosiery —New Winsome Wool Plaids —New Luxurious Dress Silks —New Comforters, Etc. —New Neckwear, Belts —New Lingerie, Combs Arrivals Of New Fall Shoes:-- —Chic oxfords in new shade of brown, with 1 3-8 inch Cuban heel at pair $9 60: “Iso black at pair $8.90. New black oxfords, military heel at, pair $7.90-’ Bed Cross shoes: a semi-dress and cont- Ifort shoe in a combination last. Try this shoe for comfort and wear. Number of differen styles and prices. < ___________________________ ___ 18th Anniversary Sale! All Men’s, Women’s And Children’s SHOES 's school togs and this should be of interest to mothers who are planning their girl’s school wardrobe. RE yon interested in purse wisdom? Just as Haltom’s watched the market keenly and consistently to secure for you merchandise at the best possible terms, so should each patron of Tillamook arid vicinity watch and study Haltom’s advertisement to secure for herself qualitj’ merchandise at the most favor­ able prices possible. r Girl’s $2.98 School Dressesl$2.39 'ji J" IFall Arrtnalfi:- ANNIVERSARY ^RATION $13 50 Suits. Anniversary Sale............................................ —$10.80 $15.50 Suits, Anniversary Sale .......................................... —$12.40 $16.50 Suits, Anniversary Sale............................................ —$13.20 $18.00 All Wool Suits, Sale.................................................. —$14.40 $20.00 All Wool Suits, Sale................................................ —$16.00 $21.00 All Wool Suits, Sale.................................................. —$16.80 style and finish. Anniversary Sale Effects The Advance The Beginning Of The End Of Our 18th I I I I I I I I * Billie Burke style.straight around top with ribbon straps and bottom of knickers trimmed with hemstitched rutiles. —1 Serge Suit, Formerly $39.85, Sale— $19,93 —1 Brown Serge Suit, Formerly $35.85, Sale Price............................... $17.93 —1 Blue Serge Suit, Formerly $73.48, Sale Price................................................................................ $36.74 —1 Gaberdine Suit. Formerlj $39.85, Sale Price............................................................ $19.93 Women's And Misse's White Galatea Dresses, Anniversary Sale—$6.98 .Women's Khaki Divided Shirts, Extra Heavy Quality $7.85 and $9.85 Value .... $5.95 $6.75 Khaki Coats At $4.98 Semi-fitted, waist seam riding coat in fine qual­ ity klinki to match trousers and skirts. Women’s Brassieres, To $1.25 Values, Sale 69c. - This lot consists of front and back fastening models; cluay lace and embroidery trimmed. Sizss 34 to 4S, however not all sizes in every style. Women's and Misse's $2.75 Flesh Crepe Night Gowns. Anniversary Sale ............ $1.97 ATA GREAT SAVING. Consult Our Foot Expert, Mr. Gilberton, Re­ garding Your Foot Troubles. Consultation Free. Women's Pumps And Oxfords. Black and brown’ kid mllitiary and Louis Heels. $7.00 Values, Anniversary Sale .................... $5.60 $9.00 ” ” ” .................... 7 20 «10.00 ” ” ” ................. $8.00 Celebrated Red Cross Footwear for the Discrimin­ ating Woman $14.00 Values, The Pair ..................................... $9.95 One lot Women’s White Oxfords, In High and Medium H&els at Extraordinarily Low Price, Pair .............................................................................. $2.95 Women's And Growing Girl's Shoes. In Black Kid and Black and Biown Calf, Militl- ary Hefei, $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 Sellers, Widths A to EE, Sale Pair...................................................... $5.95 Women's Black iKd Shoes in Military And Cuban Heel, Stylish Vamps, Mahogany calf with Military Heel, $9.00 and $10.00 Vaules, Sale, Pair..................... $7.65 Women’s $6 White Canvas Shoe», Military or Louis Heel, $4.80 Women’s $4.35 White Canvas Pumps and Ox­ fords, Military or Louis Heel . . . . .................. $2.95 Misse’s $1.89 White Canvas Strap Pumps An­ niversary Sale, Pair............... $1.61 Women’s And Misses’ White Tennis Shoes Women’s $1.75 Tennis Shoes With Heel Anni- versary Sale •1.19 Women’s $2.35 Values, Heel . . . 11.19 Women’s $2.50 Values, Heel . . 12.00 Women’s $1.50 Values, No Heel 11.20 Misses’ $1.40 Tennis Shoes, Sizes 11 to 2, Anni­ versary Sale.................... $1.12 Child's $1.15 Tennis Shoes, Sizes 5 to 10 tt. Sale Pair.................................................................................. 92c. Misses' and Children's Patent and Black Kid Strap Pumps Mlsses’ $3.69, Sizes 8tt to 11 tt $2.96 Misses $4.49, Sizes 12 to 2 ................................ $3.60 . Child's $1.69, sizes 5tt to 8 ................................ $1.36 Child's $1.87, 2 to 5. pair ................................ $1.49 Women’s and Misses' Barefoot Sandals Women s $2.98, Anniversary Sale $2.39 Misses’, $2.19, Sizert 12 to 2, pair $1.76 Misses’ $1.98. Size^ 8 tt to Utt Î1.59 Child’s $1.69. sizes 5tt to 8 1.36 Children's. Misses' Smoked and Russia Tan Shoes $2.98 values, ,pr. $2.39 $3.79 values, pr. $3.04 /$4.33 values. p > $3.67 Shoe Attractions For Boys and Men Men’s $11.50 Florsheim Shoes, in Black or Brown, English or Medium Toes, Anni­ versary Sale, Pair............................................... $9.30 Men’s $8.00 Dress Shoes, English, Medium and over wide toes, at pair........................... Men's $5.50 Work Shoes, pair Men’s Outing Shoes, Sale pair Men's $2.25 Tennis Shoes, Brown and White with heel, pair................................................. 1.80 Men’s Mule Skin Shoes, &ile Pair................. $2.98 Men's $1.50 Tennis Shoes In Black and White, no hvel. Pair...................................................... $i.ie Boy's $1.50 White and Black Tennis Shoes Sizes 2tt to 6. Anniversary Sale............. $1.19 Boy's $3.49 Work Shoes, Sizes 1 to 5tt. An­ niversary Sale ................................................. Boy's $4.85 Dress Shoes, Sizes 1 to 6............ Boy’s $3.35 Dress Shoes, ?ize 12 to 2.......... Boy's $2.98 Work Shoes, Sizes 10 to 13tt. Anniversary Sal«............................................ $2.39 r' Undoubtedly, The Best Time To Buy Underwear Is Now Launching A Big Ribbon Sale As The Entire Stock, Including Munsingwear, Is Sold 20’LessTo33! Per Cent Less and More. — Involving Every Yard In Our Whole Stock. — Regularly Selling At From 3c. To $7.98. — It’s A Good Time To Buy Ribbons For Hair Hows—Also Tied Free Of Charge. Yea. its a good time to select ribbons now for holiday work, for there are scores of patterns and widths suitable for all kinds of fancy work as well as camisoles and trimming purposes. At Anniversary Sale Prices^ Women's Munsingwear Union Suits I Formerly Sold To $2.25. Sale Price J I 1 /TQ Extra quality, summer weight union suits, perfectfully bleached and form fitting. Two styles —bodice topfand tight knee in regular and out sizes; also envelope chemise in bodice top. To $1.85 Women's Munsing Union Suits $1.19. Women’s Bleached Union Suits, Worth 75c.. Sale 49c. Several styles, perfectfully bleeched, light and Women’s To 50c. Vesta, medium weights. Several Sty?les, Sale 29c. To 35c. Children*» Vest», Sizes 2 To 16, This Sale 19c.