TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 26, 1920. ANOTHER CHAMBER OF COM­ H. Rosenberg. MERCE LAUNCHED IN CITY Chairman Traffic. Transportation and waterways committee. F A Board of Seven Members Will Have Beltz. I The Management. Chairman Mercantile and Agricul­ Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. ture committee, H. Crenshaw. Another Chamber of Commerce Chairman Legislation and Taxat­ was launched in this city on Thurs­ ion committee, C. J. Edwards. Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. .* day evening, at a meeting of the bus­ Chairman Tourist, Publicity and iness men at the city hall, and it is Just hear the new “Cheney" phono­ hoped that the new organization will Convention committee. R. B. Miller. graph, then decide. Monthly pay­ Chairman Social and Civic com­ have sufficient stability and staying ments. The Song Shop, Main St. mittee, W. J. Reichers. power to remain on the job for a Chairman Administration, Mem­ number of years before it gives up I the ghost. bership and Finance committee, Fred For Sale by John Leland Henderson. 20S-3d St., Tillamook, the Makin- That Tillamook City has been a C. Baker. ster, 160 acre ranch, near Oretown. “Dead one”, as far as a commerical Between now and the next meet­ Price $2500.00. Terms easy. body is concerned for a number of ing of the board of directors Manager years, but there is now an awakening Harrison was instructed to round up of the dead bones to life and activity. evety business and professional man When in need of something electric just call on the Sunset Electric. Notwithstanding about 50 business in the city and enroll them as mem­ men had signed up. less than 20 put the Sunset Electric wire your .it an appearance Thursday evening, bers. for it is hoped that the mem Let home and save you money. but those who were present found bership will amount to 200 the next their lost motion and became inter­ few weeks. I he board had under discussion For Sale: Jersey cow, will freshen in ested in matters pertaining to the February. See George Hoskins, future development of Tillamook the matter of water transportation, Tillamook, Or. city and county. and decided to cooperate with the The organization will be managed timber owners and dairymen who Wanted; good steady man on dairy by a board of seven directors, and have under consideration the matter ranch. See G. W. Olson. those who were elected Thursday of better harbor improvements. The were: H. H. Rosenberg, C. J. Ed­ Board decided to employ a stenogra­ Lost; fountain pen with gold band. wards, R. B. Miller, W. J. Riechers, Finder pleaseleave at this office. F. A. Beltz. H. Crenshaw and Fred C. pher to help the committee that was Baker. The board will elect the of- 1 appointed to procure data in regard Want to rent, a farm. Will buy 20 to amount of freight that is shipped fleers. or more cows. Address X Head­ Several matters were talked over R. in and out of the county on the rail­ light office, Tillamook, Or. B. Miller strongly urging the advisa­ road and what it costs, and what if bility of procuring an aviation field. would cost with a boat service. Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ R. W. Watson complained that the An effort will be made to raise $5,- al Mazda lamps. They give better work on the Bayocean road had been 000 for publicity work in Tillamook. light. stopped and advocated its comple­ tion as soon as possible, for it seemed To trade—Chevolet car for small a little strange after money had been house and lot or for lot. Phone Notice provided for completing the road it M-64. All members of Fairview Grange had not been done. Road-master Carrol stated that they expected to who have received notice of Fire In­ For Sale or Trade: 1 team of horses and a 4-horse power gasoline eng­ put a steam shovel to work the com­ surance assessment please mail check ine. Phone 34F5 or write Box 33, ing winter, but it appears to be the to Frank D. Bester. Rockaway, Or. 9-23 intention of a number of business men to interview the county court Small dairy ranch for sale with six Card of Thanks. and urge tlie speedy completion of cows, in Trask river bottom, three the road. miles south of Tillamook F. L. We wish to thank the many friends The matter of a road between Lin­ Buell T. F. coln and Yamhill counties was for their kind sympathy on account brought up by C. J. Edwards, who of the sad drowning of our daughter My middle name is George. Let me •showed the necessity of the road and and niece. bring you "Vaughn” Best drag saw which he thought would form part Mr .and Mrs. W. Bedortha on the market today. Call E. G. of the Roosevelt Highway. 0. M. Burbank Krebs. z ' o------- Tlie board of directors met on Mon­ Notice to the Public 1920 Chalmers 6 Sport Model for day evening at the city when the fol­ ------- o------- sale at a bargain, driven less than lowing officers and chairmen of com­ Having bought out Mr. Sutton’s 2900 miles. See Williams and Wil­ mittees were elected: interest in the Sutton & Loll Meat liams Garage. President, Fred C. Baker; Vice- Market, I wish to inform our patrons president, H. H. Rosenberg; Secret­ they will receive the same courteous For Sale: 50 acres good bottom land, ary and treasurer, W. J. Reichers treatment In the future as they have with cows, teams and farm imple­ Manager, Leslie Harrison. ments. $600 with half to assume. In the past. Chairman Industrial committee, H. Inquire at this office. 9-2 L. E. Loll. GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS FRIDA Y-SA TURD A Y, AUGUST 27-28 The Misfit Wife Alice Lake FEATURING “Grab the Ghost” Snub Pollard Comedy. i _____ I I Will trade 5 acres of land in Kitsap county Wash, for automobile, Ford preferred.* See F. W. Powers or write, Box 446, Tillamook, Or. If this Car Was Your Car Who Would Stand the Loss ? J. E. Clink, contractor and builder, ADULTS 25c. "THE MISFIT WIFE" w/rw ALICE LAKE Tuesday, August 31 “BROKEN BLOSSOM ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. It is a thing almost toQ beautiful too sublime, for words. The high art of the screen must remain as a closed book to those .who do not see and know CHILDREN 15c. DWGDIFFrnß BWH open for all kinds of building and repair work. Phone from 7 to 8 p. m. Mutal. This car burned on Saturday, August 14th. The loss Wanted: a position as watchman or was paid August 19th. care taker, by elderly man, not able For a small sum we will insure your car. Do it to-day. to do heavy work. W. H. Maurice, care of Floyd Woolfe, Tillamook. Tomorrow your car may burn. 1 r For Sale: 100 acre daily farm. Par- I tly cleared. 1 % miles north of j Beaver, on paved road. Good 5 room house, barn and orchard. In- ; quire I. Hiner, Beaver, Or. 8-3 j For Sale: 2 yr. old Registered Guer­ nsey Bull. Will take good cow in trade. Inquire of A. ZwalJ, Tilla­ mook, Or. S-26 For Sale—two good cows, both now milking, will both be fresh about the first of next March. Would take some tide land hay for part pay­ ment. I also have an all iron farm wagon for sale or trade for light wagon.—E. A. Reynolds, Bay City. A phonograph you can play yourself. The Aeolian Vocalion has all the best features of the others and some unknown to them. The new and greater phonograph. Shown for the first time in Tillamook county at the Tillamook Music Store, opposite Post Office. For Sale: 40 acre dairy farm, with good house, good barn, chicken house, with 18 head of cows, team of horses, harness and wagon, three hogs, milk cans and other farm im­ plements. Two miles east of Tilla­ mook. Price $17,000. Terms $6,- 000 cash. D. A. Bailey, Tillamook Or., Route 1 Box 60. 8-19 ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. All Kinds of Insurance. OREGON’S FINEST BEACH RESORT BAYOCEAN Money to loan—Enquire of John Leland Henderson, Tillamook, Oregon. 206-3rd St., i REPU BUG 1UGKS There is no reason why you should do any experimenting about your own particular hauling needs. There i§ hardly a line of business in this city wherein the Republic has not answered the transportation question. HOTEL BAYOCEAN, NATAT0RIUM, BUNGALOWS, TENTS,— For sale: Columbia Hotel, at Wheeler. Reasonable Rates; Hotel under management of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Nepple who are experienced hotel-people; bowl­ ing allies and pool tables; unexcelled sports in N'atatorium and on beach. Come to the beet beach ir. Oregon for your vacation. Receivers of T. B. Potter Realty Co., 323 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. We are almost sure to have solved success­ fully, for others, problems that parallel your own. Wanted: Men or women to take ord­ This is so because the Republic dealer actually sells more trucks, to more different kinds of business—not only here, but wherever trucks are used. Has 23 rooms, all with modern equipment, and is doing as good a business as any hotel in the coun­ ty. Price $5,500, furniture includ­ ed. Ed Kelly, Wheeler, Or. 9-2 i GRAVES CANNING CO. INC. will buy your BLACKBERRIES ! ers among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hos­ iery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. Saves money. Everybody buys. A bonanza for agents. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Sep. 30 ' Miscellaneous Advertisements Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. National Building. Dentists. Cannery will be in operation at Tillamook as soon as Dr. Wise—Dentist. berry season opens. GRAVES CANNING CO. Inc., Tillamook, Oregon. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ fice on Wednesdays F-26. ' . . ............ ....... Dr. Ramsey Osteopath Room 110-1. O Oy. Bldg.. Tilla­ mook Mutual phone, Bell phone 146-M. 7 1 s Restaurant Open At Rockaway. Hill Military Academy V THE SCHOOL FOR YOUR BOY. Portland, Ore. Opens Sept. 15th. The Elmore Annex Restaurant, next to the Elmore Hotel, is now op^i for the season. Chicken dinner served Sundays from 1 to E p. m. Special attention given parties on reservation. “Quality our Motto. Senator Harding’s speech of ac­ ceptance Is an able, constructive, fearless exposition of the Issues of the day. It reveals the nomine, as a man of sound judgmnt and well- balanced mind, one who fully appre­ ciate« the great responsibilities of th. office of President of th. United P'Me*. Williams & Williams @