TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 26. 1920. MEN OF STATURE CLOSING OUT * ** SALE Only a Few Have Been “Giants in the Land.” Johann Van Albert. Recent Importa­ tion From Holland, the Tallest Specimen of Humanity Ever Seen in Modern Days. When Johann Van Albert stepped from the gangplank on a recent ar­ rival of tiie Mauretania he hml the distinction of being the tallest man who ever entered the United States. His 8 f«>et 5 inches of height required thut n special berth, made up of two cobs placed end to end in a large com­ panionway, be furnished for the trip from bls home in Amsterdam, Holland. Since Johann has left bls quiet home out among the nearby windmills of Amsterdam and Intends to enter the show business over here, It will be in­ teresting to dig up some giant history and see how he compares with previ­ ous competitors who used to lie great attractions. Probably no living giant In tiie United States ever exceeded the 8 feet attained by the late Captain Bates, who was a native of Kentucky. Tiie word “living” is used here be­ cause of the fact that for some time during the year 186!» the famous Car­ diff giant led many people to be­ lieve that a 10-foot man had once lived In Onondaga County, N. Y. The story of tliis monstrous fraud perpetrated on the American public makes such un­ usual and interesting reading that it will bear repenting. Tiie idea bad its inception out in Fort Dodge, la., when an adventurous fakir purchased a huge block of gyp­ sum from a quarryman of that place. The block then was shipped to Chi­ cago, it being taken in charge by a sculptor, who chiseled it into a 10-foot giant. The surface was pricked with needles to give It tiie appearance of pores In tiie human skin, and then treated with a variety of acids which made the entire statue appear of ancient origin. After completion the giant was securely packed in an iron box nnd shipped to Union, N. Y., where the owner claimed it, loaded the bulky box upon a large wagon and hauled it fifty miles to a farm near Cardiff.' The giant form was then removed from the box and secretly burled, remaining under tiie ground nearly a year, until it was “accidental­ ly” discovered by some workmen who had been engaged to dig a well by the promoter of the fraud. This great discovery was made on October 10, 1869, and news of the won­ derful petrified giant spread all over the country. The lucky finders cover­ ed it with a tent nnd put it on exhibi­ tion, while special trains were run from New York city and other nearby points so that the clamoring multitudes could see the astonishing remains at tiie earliest opportunity. Until the deception was discovered tt is estimated that more than 50,- 000 persons Jostled each other tn order to view the wonder, paying a dollar apiece for the remarkable priv­ ilege. But. passing on from this greatest hoax, It is found that Captain Bates was the tallest of our modern Ameri­ can giants, although his 8-foot height was slightly exceeded by thnt of Anna Swan, a native of Nova Scotia. Going further back Into giant history we find that Queen Elizabeth's head porter was 7 feet 6 Inches high, probably be­ ing given this exalted position on ac­ count of his ability to see what was going on nt all times. Among royalty Itself It Is claimed that one of tiie Roman emperors was nearly 9 feet high, but the measure­ ments of those days may have allow­ ed him considerable more height than lie would he entitled to at this time, though no doubt ho was a person of SEARCH OF HOMES FOR LIQUOR great stature for history to make note LIMITED of the fact. ---- --O------- I am Closing Out my entire Stock of Household Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices Come and Investigate A. L. PACE wz/Zt progress Lubrication has advanced since the days of tallow on the wagon hub. Today it is a science—with a correct grade of Zerolene for each type of engine. j More than half the automo­ tive equipment owners of the Pacific Coast follow the rec­ ommendations of our Board of Lubrication Engineers and use the correct grade of Zerolene for their automobiles, trucks, tractors and airplanes. Ask your dealer for a Correct Lu­ brication booklet for your en­ gine. Agrade foreach type.qf engine TRACTORS There is a correct grade of Zerolene for each type of tractor. \ STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Goodyeai Service Station for Tillamook City is at the H. C. BOONE, Special Agent,Standard Oil Co. STAR GARAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESS0RIES. We Give Goodyear Service CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE’HAULING World’s Strongest Child. 1O-O-F- BUILDING BOTH PHONES. A TOUCH of our facial powder will make your skin blossom like a summer rose. It will give to your complexion the soft rosy glow of youth and health. Our cold cream is another infallible aid to beauty. Try them both If you would better your nppearance. E. E. KOCH Tillamook, Oregon , MILK COWS FOR SALE or EXCHANGE tor Dry Stock. . < » YAGER & BRADY 'v* ¿S ¿52SHSaS25HS¿5é5252525E5ZG252SHS2SHSB52525B5a5E525HS2SH5HS ¿525252Í We Buy CASCARA BARK Highest Cash Price. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, Tyiairook and Hebo. C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor. Notice of Final Hearing. Home Blew for Family Consumption Declared Safe From Federal Interference. In the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the county of Tilla­ mook. In the matter of the estate of Fritz Buhrow, late of the county of Tillamook, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has, in the above en­ titled proceedings filed his Final ac­ count as Administrator of the estate which was of Fritz Buhrow. late of tiie county of Tillamook, deceased, and that the Court has appointed Friday, the Tenth day of September. Nineteen hundred and twenty, at Ten o'clock In the forenoon, as the time, and hie County Court room in the County Court House at Tilla­ mook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ gon. as the place, for the hearing of objections to such Final Account and the settlement thereof. Dated, August 7th, 1920. W. L. Campbell. Adminstrator Robert H. McGrath, Attorney for the Administrator. Natalie Owens of I.os Angeles, Cal., nged nine years, Is said to be the strongest clrtkl in the world. She ------- 0------- easily lifts a num of 175 pounds. In Seattle, Wash., Aug. 19 -Robert C. her father's dairy she handle* cans Saunders, United States attorney, an­ of ndlk of all sizes, the largest weigh­ nounced tliis morning that he had in­ ing over liX) pounds, with ns little structed federal prohibition agents effort and concern ns tiie sturdiest to make no further searches or pii- farm hand about the place. In the vate residences for liquor unless they public school she attends, she out­ had absolute proof that unlawful runs all the boys of whatever age or sales were made. size, nnd can trounce any two of them Home brew for consumption of If the occasion arises. She has done family and friends is safe from fed­ this thoroughly several times. She eral intervention on a search war­ Is slender, not tnll for her age, nnd rant. Home-made beer and wines are weighs but 61 pounds, yet she amuses exempt as well as any imported herself by lifting bunlens thnt would stocks, intended for strictly social tax an ordlnnry man. as readily as a purposes, insofar as a search warrant woman raises a small basket of eggs.— applies. Unlawful possession of liq­ Montreal Herald. uor, the prqecutor said this morning, may be met with prosecution, but Hunt Sardines With Seaplanes. the home where it is kept is inviola- California promises to be the great­ able from search. From the instruct­ est sardine canning center of the ions issued to the federal prohibition world as the result of the use of sea­ squad. It is understood according to planes in the Industry on the Pacific the federal officials that no special Administrator's Notice to Creditors const. Since the first pf the year effort will be made to locate stocks Notice is hereby given that the nnvnl seaplanes have been flying out of exhiliarating beverages, unless County Court of the State of Oregon, from the sea coast, sighting schools of their use Is flagrant and offensive. for Tillamok County, has appointed flsh nnd sending a wireless back to The instructions issued, he said, the undersigned as Administrator of the naval station giving the direct are based on the fourth and fifth a- the Estate of Alfred Marolf. deceas- location. The qaval station then tele­ niendments to the federal constitut­ ed; and any and all persons having phones the Information to the San ion. especially the fourth amend­ claims against said estate are hereby Plego office of the flsh nnd game com­ ment. which makes a “man's home mission. Fishing fleets are Immediate required to present same, together his castle," and on section 25 of title ly directed exactly where to seek their with proper vouchers, to the under­ II of the Volstead act. which reads game and are conseqnentlty assured signed at his residence in Tillamook of a big catch.—Wall Street Journal. as follows: County. Oregon, or, T. H. Goyne, “No search warrant shall issue to Attorney-at-Law, at his office In Till­ search any private dwelling occupied Describing It. amook city, Oregon, within six mon­ as such unless it is being used for “What sort of n »tore Is the Right ths from the date of this notice. the unlawful sale of intoxicating li­ place?" Inquired a guest. Dated this 12th day of August, "Well," replied the landlord of the quors." 1920. The new instruction do no apply. Petunia tavern. "I'll tell you. They Albert Marolf, Administrator, not only «i'll suspenders. Imt netuail;. Mr. Saunders said, to lodging houses, of estate of Alfred Marolf. deceased. hotels and rooms over stores where call ’em galluses."—Kansas City Star. the transient public resides. The rul­ ing is to apply to the home-owner \j\J C. DI ETER. Call For Bids. and the permanent resident citizen who has a family and is maintaining DENTIST. Sealed blds w|ll be received at the a household. TILLAMOOK Bl ILD1NG Record r'- < fllce, of Bay Cl>y, Ore., (Over Haltom's). for grnd'ng and gravelinc of Ocean Portland-Tillamook Stage Line. Street from 4th St. West to 2nd T illnmook- Oregon. Street, and 2nd Street from A Street A new Portland-Tillamook stage 0R. O. L. HOHLLFEl). North to Main Street. The plans may be seen ut Recorder's office in Bay line has been established here. The City The council reserves the right stage will leave Tillamook on Tues­ VETERINARIAN, days. Thursdays and Saturdays, at tell Phon»— JF2 Mutual Phon» to reject any and all blds. 7:30 a .m., arriving In Portland at F. W. Smith. re«on '."Op ri. I'il! >-n »ok Recorder of Bay City. Stage starts from Tillamook Hotel. I I Friendship of a Bank. Many foresiuhted merchants and ritanufacturers recognize that the 1 friendship of an important bank is a priceless business. And especially a bank whose j officers are “human'' men who take . pleasure in other men’s success. We are in business to help other businesses. Therein lies our success 1 ond yours. BANK YOUR MILK CHECK WITH TEE (Tillantnnk (Emmty Sank Member Federal Reserve System. ----------------------------------------- - --- - Transfer Wood, Gravel. ------ o — ‘ Phone 37 W. TillamookjTransf er Co. Liberty Temple.