TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 26. T92O. « I YOUNG WOMAN DIOWNED Cheese Factory Boiler* Condemned Her Uncle Meet* Seriom Accident Following Drowning Salem, Or., Aug. 20.—C. H. Gram, stall labor commissioner, returned here today from Tillamook county, where he inspected several boilers on complaint of the residents of that section. Boilers in the plants of that Neskowin Cheese company. Pleasant Valley Shingle company and Long Pra^ ie Creamery company were con­ demned. while in a number of other ir.stancs repairs weic ordered made immediately. Mr. Gram said he found a number of boilers in deplor­ able condition, and that he now has an agent inspecting several plants which he was ur.able to reach be- cause of lack of time. A fata! accident occurred Friday afternoon in the Nestucca river near Blaine. when a number of young peo­ ple were bathing. Miss Nellie Be- dortha. with her younger sister, Mary, her brother, Tom, and other young friends, composed the party. « Alter attempting to learn to swim Mary, who could swim, tried to take Nellie across the river, near the farm of their uncle, O. M. Burbank. Nellie became frightened and broke loose from her sister's grasp, and in de-1 sperately attempting to reach land she was carried under by the current. Death of Cyrus W. Buell It was three quarters of an hour be­ fore the body was recovered. Her Cyrus U. Buell, who died at the brother made several dives before he home of his son. F. L. Buell, on Fri­ recovered the body. All efforts to day, was born in Switzerland county, restore her to life, before and after Indian, Dec. 19, 1836. where he liv­ the doctor arrived proved useless. ed until 1846 when he crossed the Nellie Edith Bedortha. was born plains with his parents. In 1859 he in Bridgmann, Mich., June 28. 1900. was united in marriage to Ellen Car­ About two years ago she came with ey. who passed away in 1908. Six her parents to Bla.ne, Or., to live. children were born to Mr. and Mrs. For over a year she has been a tele­ Buell, three of whom survive. They phone operator in Portland. Abdut are: Chas. W. Buell, of Linn county; ,two weeks ago she came home to M. H. Buell, of Polk county; F. L. spend her vacation. Nellie was an Buell, of Tillamook. f obliging, kind hearted girl, and had The funeral was held Saturday af­ many friends. Funeral services were ternoon at the United Brethern at the home of her uncle, Mr. O. M. church, of which he had been a life Burbank, and was conducted by Mrs. long member, and always observed Dora Young, Aug. the 22. 1929. In­ fam.ly worship in his home. Rev. terment was in the Bi« -.e cetretery. Wriggle conducted the services, aft­ Following the drowning o* Miss er which interment was made in Nellie Bedortha at Blaise on Friday the I. O. O. F. cemetery. His family afternoon, her uncle. O. M. Burbank, have the sympathy of a great many met with what Eight hare been a friends and acquaintances in their fatal accident. Wi .t Setting some sorrow. beards from his iart to piace -he body of his aiece a board slip­ I. 0. 0. F. Items ------ o------ ped and struck him orer the eye. knocking him don and rendered Time and tide waits for no man, him unconscious for > time, He lost but man sometimes waits for time, about a quart of blood and Dr. Rob- as in this case your secretary is wait- inson was called upon to sew up the ing for the time when the G. A. R. wound. Convention tickets to Indianapolis go on sale, which will be in a few days, TRAGEDY OCCURS ON SK00KUM for while I am Secretary of the Odd Fellows, my better halt is secretary LAKE TRAIL of the W. R. C. which works to a T. U. T. . on this occassion; better Boy of Fifteen Accidentally Shoots rates on the fare, see! That Is the Himself With Rifle. reason I am i still on the job. do not believe the last ven­ t If you Rudolph Qriest, a boy of fifteen • years, who lived at the Yellow Fir tilating committee has been doing mill with his parents, was accident­ their duty, just come to lodge and ally shot and killed Wednesday af­ not how fresh and pure the air ternoon. He was on his way to Skoo- since the committee and the carpen­ kum lake with Mac McClellan, the ters got in their work. No more ex­ Ure warden, and they had traveled cuses now. You can't pull that head­ up the trail about three miles when ache stuff, poor ventitation, bad air, the accident occurred. The boy had asthma or hay-fever stunt any more. crawled under a log, and. in reach­ You can take In the picture show, ing back to pull his high powered i I ami let the workers keep up the rifle after him, the gun was accid­ lodge for you, so you can wear ihe entally discharged. Perhaps the tri­ Thiee Links, but say hatch up some gger caught on a twig or chunk of new excuses or go, anyway, but we wood. The bullet entered his fore­ really enjoy company here. So come head between the eyes, tearing a once anyway. large hole through his head. Me Something new in music last meet- Clellan, who was down the stream ■ ing, Shorty Myers get up; say it about a hundred yards. Ashing, heard ' was all right, beats marching with- I the report of the gun and rushed to out the piano, but say why don’t the disaster. The wounded boy was some one get an application for mem­ brought to town and taken to Dr. bership who can play the piano? In Boats Hospital, where he lived until a city like Tillamook of something ' the next morning. The shooting oc­ less i hen 2000 population. Thera curred about 3 o'clock In the after­ ought to be at least one male pian- i noon. ist who can qualitfy as an Odd Fel- ! Thursday afternoon the body was low. If you can not locate one, then taken on the train to Kansas for bur­ by all means Import one. For it ial the father, mother and small sis­ seems there ought to be one pianist ter of the boy accompanying it. out of a membership of near 300, but | th only one we had, has passed ovei Timber Owner», Buiinetsmen and the Great Divide. ’ . . Dairymen Confer. E. W. Perkins, Cicero Proctor. Bob j L A conference —0— of representative Roberts, Frank Ridpath and Geo. S. timber men. business men and diary Bennett were instructed in mysteries | men was held in the offices of the of th« First last meeting. Tillamook County Creamery Assoc­ Bro. J. R. Coxon, from Hassolo j iation Saturday evening, this being Lodge No. 15, Portland paid us a ■ the second of »uch meetings, to ascer- ! fraternal visit last Tuesday. tain whether the timber owners, bus­ Bro. J. R. Church having rented iness interest and datry men could a fruit farm near Oswego, for a term get together on a proposition for har­ of ten years, will soon leave Tilla- bor Improvements, it being the desire moook to take up his abode at that of the timber owners to have further place; surely our members are scat- improvements made at the bar by tering to all parts. having [ a Jetty built on the south Good eats committee next Tuesday side Those present at the meeting were: 1 Rusaell Hawkins. Geo. B. Mc- J. R. Church, LeRoy Church, C. I. Leod. 1 Wells Gilbert, and Mr. Ham­ .Myres. Frank Mathews. Chas. Ben­ tnond. representing the timber own- nett. Carl Anderson. Come and try •ra; W. Maxwell. Jess Earl. Ben Tur­ their menu. ner, H. B. Johnson. John Nelson. C. Some ball game I say. judging from J. Edwards and II. H. Rosenberg the report as given by such reliable representing local interets and dairy­ Bros, as Shorty Myers, Dr. Glaisyer, men. and Ross Chilcott, Oh yes. and Sam After a good deal of discus» ion a Greene. This is the sub and sub­ committee was appointed to asceit- stance of the whole thing, as report­ ain what it was costing to ship hay, ed by the above: As you know the feed «nd other freight in and shipp­ Tillamook bunch, as will as all oth­ ing cheese out on the railroad. When er Three Link men and their families the report is ready it will be used to were invited to a picnic at Beaver. show the saving that will be made Well, they have a crack base ball by shipping by boat instead of by nine. Shorty Myers as manager picked rail. At present there art quite a some of the has beens from the Till­ number of dairymen who opposed the amook bright lights with Sam Greene improvement, but it is hoped that as pitcher, and Dr. Glaisyer for em­ they will give their support when pire to go against tills crack team of they see the advantages to be derived the Mt. Hebo lodge. As Shorty never Another meeting will be held on the knew defeat, and you can’t keep him 25111 of September, when it is expect­ down, he expected, to clean ’em up ed that a decision will be arrived at. right, but after playing the game I for some hours, with all the home runs chalked lip in favor of Beaver, Says Gas Shortage ü a “Bogey" Shorty shows his nerve by digging Washington. Aug 18 The Coun­ up a bottle of I did not say moon­ try's gasoline supplies are increasing shine. but anyway he hands the bot­ nationally and on the Pacific Coant, tle Io empire Glaisyer; one drink according to Bureau of Mines figures turned the trick there after all the and the American Petroleum Instil home runs and fouls as well, were ill nte. The bogey of shortage is being favor of Tillamook. Naturally Mt. dispelled by the official reports, Hebo protested, and being all Odd which show that during April, the Fellows. Ross Chilcott was substit­ latent month for which there are flg uted for Glaisyer. Moonshine, as tires, production of gasoline was 2.- . well as sunshine acts different on 829.931 gallons ahead of the demand 1 different people: manager Shorty by Consumption was 8,591.912 gallons this time being outwitted and losing whereas the output was 11.421,843 his nerve took complete control of gallons. Reserve stocks increased to the game, and as you know an Odd S43.552.64 4 gallons, which showed a Fellows game ns well as an Odd Fel­ considerable gain on the March I lows lodge cannot be dominated by ure of 626,393,046 gallons. one man, Shotry reports that both sides won rtrst place. No one dis­ Card of Thanks puting this decision it still stands. 4 o ... The Encampment meets this Thurs­ W. desire to express our • slnceri thanks to our many friends I who so day eve at 8 sharp. After a short ses­ sion all Odd Fellows will be enter­ kindly assisted us by their presence | kelp, sympathy, kind administrations tained by the camp. Shotry calls It a "smoker”, some feed afterwards and floral offerings in the Illness, probably, all Odd Fellows come. burial of our beloved death and Not hearing from the Rebekah No­ father. Chas W Buell ble Grand to the contrary wo know she opened up the meeting at S as n Bert Buell usual. F. L. Buell i i, F. F. Conover, Sec. Florence Buell c Eveiv¡|Nook And Comer ThroughoutgThe Whole Quality Store Contributes In Behalf Of Haltom’s iSth I ANNIVERSARY C ** I I I NATION Are Wonderfully Busy Days, Largely Due To Price Reduc tions Ranging Upwards To 50 Per Cent, That Which Has Been In strumental Of Attracting Countless Number Of Satisfied Customers This Ad Tells Only In Part Of What Haltom’s Store Means To This County In Reducing The High Cost Of Living, Bear In Mind That Everything At Haltom’s Is Being Sold At Less Than Today’s Prevail- ing|| Prices, This Being Done To Show The Appreciation Of Your Liberal Patronage Which We’ve Enjoyed During The Past 18 Years. High Time ■ i ( School In Tillamook Opens Sept. 6th. Only a tew days for parents to take care of their childrens school needs and it behooves frugal r ones’s to take advantage of Haltom’s 18th Anniversary Sale and benefit by it’s saving. I I o I 1000 Pairs Children's Me­ dium And Heavy Weight Stockings, sizes 6 to 10)4, Good 50c. Sellers, 39c. Boÿ’s'l Waists,*tIn Light And Dark Colors*Sale $1.19. Women, All Of The New (Advance Arrivals) Fall Apparel, Consisting Of Winsome,Dresses, Coats, Suits, Sweaters And Dress Skirts At Anniversary Sale Prices Much|Enthusiasm IsfAstir About Ti e Lovely $6.75 To $8.60 Georgette And’Crepe de Chine Waists. Enlivened With 36New Ones, Just Arrived. Another Big Waist Good Styles, Sale * • —6 Women's Silk Dresses Involving Every Women’s Trimmed Hat. 26 Models 23|Models Formerly $10.45 To Formerly $6.50 To $14.98 $8.50 $2.98 18th Anniversary Sale ! All Children's Dresses Reduced 20 Per Cent. * 12.48, Anniversary Sale—$1.99 >2.98. Anniversary Sale—$2.39 13.69. Anniversary Sale $2.95 •—School will before many days be upon you again, therefore It behooves economical parents to take advantage of this worth while attraction. Then, too, others will prehaps wish to get their share for immediate wear. Smart gingham and chambray togs, in stripe, plaid and plain colors. They have pretty smocked yokes round, collars, suspender and guimpe styles, too. Above All Times Buy Your Boy's Suit Now As They're Discounted 20 Per Cent. 9 çJWIiss Dora Smock A Granduate Of The Gossard School Of Corsetry, With Knowledge Of Corset Fitting In All Its Phases, Will Be Pleased To Fit You Correctly. The Following Celebrated Lines Of Corsets Represented Are Gossard, Nemo and American Lady All At Annivers­ ary Sale Prices. Mail Older» Prompty Filled And the largest stocks to fill from. Please enclose sufficient postage for mailing. September Delineator Ready For Distribution. Butterick Autumn Quarterly. ■'Munsingwear," The Recognized Under­ wear For The Whole Family At Anniversary Sale Prices. Arrival of New Black And Cordovan Nót­ aseme Silk ’Hose (Including Fancy Black) Which are Being Sold At Sale Prices. * * * o I u 0 I Price $11.82, 18.37, 19.22, 23.87. t —4 Women’s Suits At ? Price $19.92, 26.72, 28.32, 29.92. REDUCTION $4.98 Famous Wirthmor .Line, Washable, Dozen Or More * * 4 * FINAL MILLINERY The Value, 0 —Women’s£Dress Skirts, Lot, Discounted Upwards To 50 Per Cent. —All Women’s Silk And Muslin Underwear Discounted 20 Per Cent. Entire Stock Of Women’s House Dresses Discounted 20 per cent, $3.40, 3.58, 3.99, 4.60 —All Women’s Silk Petticoats 1-5 Off—$7.18, 7.98, 8.52, 8.79. Men,\Great Half Priced Suit Sale, Special Lot, Choice $24.85. o ------ 1 Good Size Woven Felt Rugs, Suitable For Beach^Or Home Use, Sale $2.89. To $1.98*tBrassieres, Three Styles, Sizes to 46, This Sale 83c. Anniversary Sale Of SHOES Domestic & Piece Goods *“ Just Like Buying Government Bonds.” —About 15000 Yards Wash Goods. Consisting of Figured Voiles. Flaxons. Also Percale» And Cliallies. Regularly to 98c.. Choice. Yard.................... 29c. — 12.39 Splendid Velvet Corduroy, Good Colors, Yard............................. $1.81 —To 45c. Dress Ginghams. Assortment. Sale, Yard . t........ ................. 28c. —55c. Figured Serpentine Crepe, Now. The Yard...................................... 44c, —37c. Strongcloth. 29 Inch Wide. Striped Patterns. Yard .....................3UC. —18.35 Navy Tricolette Silk. 36 Inch Wide. The Yaid................... $6.68 -Fact is Our Entire Stock of Silks Shaded In Price (Reduced) 20 per cent to 50 per cent Select Now for Your Fall Ward Robe. New Fall Woolen Plaids Included Too. —Now Is The Opportune Time To Beautify Your Hom« With Cretonne And Lace Curtaining while The 20 Per Cent Price Reduction Is In Effect. —Children's Coveralls At Anniversary Sale Prices —Every Pair of Women’s Silk Gloves 20 Per Cent Off. I Fitted Correctly Will Never Cause Foot Trouble. 0 —Our Salesman has been Trained to un- derstand feet and to flt shoes. —If you already have fallen arches, pain- fill callouses or other foot troubles, our Foot Expert. Mr. Gilberston, will give you instant and lasting relief with the particular style of r item's TILLAMOOK. ORE. that you need. Wizard way. He has been trained the Anniversary Sale Price» On Every Pair Of Shoes In Store. A •<: