TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 19. 1920. 9 J HALTOM’S 18th ANNOUNCEMENT ANNIVERSARY C I I Of Special Interest To Tillamook JJ Being Women Who Appreciate IS STORE WIDE-ONWARD! Correctly Corseted. Another step towards progress is what has been ac­ All Tillamook Seemingly Is Reaping From The Benefits Of This Great Merchandising Fete. Anticipate Your Needs For The Future Now. Out Of Town Folks Shop By Mail. * * favorably known to do. In this particular instance we wish to remind descriminating women about the expert * corset fitting, personally conducted by our Miss Dora Use Your Liberty Bonds Or County Warrants. The Cost Of Living Concerns All:-- g —We have had a number of requests from people who have bought Liberty Bonds and County Warrants to exchange same tor merchandise. —In turn, we will gladly accept them at face value and give you the benefit of the special prices prevailing. Smock who is a graduate of the Gossard School of Cor- setry. too. Maternity and medical cases given satisfaction, Below is proof of her proficiency. As A Fitting Celebration In Honor Of Our 18th Anniversary Diploma. PRICES ARE BEING DISCOUNTED 20 PER CENT —Your earning capacity is no more important than your money saving abilities. Learn to buy things right, what if you can’t increase your income, you can become just as well off if you only adopt the plan of making every dollar go farther. If you want to learn the philosophy of saving, begin by shopping at Haltom’s. I w * hieved in Haltom’s ready to wear salon, keeping abreaBt of up-to-date methods in merchandising as this store is —You can save on each item you buy for which you can feel thankful to this Anniversary Sale, you can see the real saving we make for you. We profit by help­ ing you to economize. We help you reduce the cost of living. Start trading here today. Make this your regular shopping place. Lace Curtaining : Colonial Cretonnes : 7 9c. Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard............................ 63c. 83c. Values. Anniversary Sale. Yard ........................... 66c. 98c. Values, Anniversary Sale ......................................... 7gc $1.12 Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard............................ 90c. $1.48 Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard . . . . ' . . . . $1718 $2.44 Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard ...................... $1 95 —This involves all of our beautiful lace curtaining that you’ve heretofore admired. Choice from white or ecru and in the latest designs, too. 44£. Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard ........................... 35c. 54c. Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard ............................. 43c 87c. Values, AnniversarySale. Yard ................................. 70c. $1.19 Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard................... -95c. $1.33 Values, Anniversary Sale, Yard ... .................. $1.06 $1.64 Values. Anniversary Sale, Yard ......................... $1.31 $1.79 Values, Anniversary Sale. Yard ......................... $1.43 —It no doubt will be of interest to our niany custom­ ers to know that our regular figures are below present figures—and to think that they've been shaded 20 per cent makes this cretonne, offering all the more attractive. Any piece in stock included. Patterns are good. All 36 inches wide. —Having completed the course of study in the science and practice of corestry and having given satisfactory —25c. 36 Inch Fancy Scrims........................................ 20c. —$1.19 Silk Finish Drapery Fabric, Rose and Green. Yard ..:........................................................................ 95c. $1.50 Silk Mixed Drapery .......................................... $1.20 proof of proficiency in Corset Fitting and Merchandising the Gossard Co. Inc. Awards to Dora L. Smock a certificate of graduation from their training school. Conferring the degree of Graduate Corsetiere (G. C.) Anniversary Sale Makes It Possible To Purchase Any Corset Now At Reduced Prices—Gossard, Nemo, American Lady Lines i —BIG ASSORTMENT OF BUTTONS 25 20 PER CENT LESS DRESS SHIELDS PER CENT OFF ON WOMENS LACE REMNANTS, 2 TO 4 YARD 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL MIDDY ASSORTMENT PIECES, 9c. AND WINDSOR SILK TIES BELTS, CHOICE igc. BEADS AND PURSES AT ANNIVERS­ 20 PER CENT OFF ON CHILDREN’S WHITE EMBROIDERIED HANDKER-. 20 PER CENT OFF ON ORGANDIE ENVELOPES, TWO DOZEN TO PACK WAIST HOSE SUPPORTERS CHIEFS 13c., 2 FOR 25c. AND LACE DRESS TRIMMING AT 5c. —CHILDREN’S COVERALLS (Sizes 1 to 10), ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES —$1.50 FULL BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK, SEVERAL PATTERN, $1.20 —-ALL INFANT WEAR ¿0 PER CENT OFF —HEAVY GRADE WHITE DOUBLE BLANKETS, FULL FLEECE, Sale $3.55 — 36c. GOOD WEIGHT UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, YARD 19c. —ENTIRE STOCK OF SILK GLOVES 20 PER CENT OFF, SALE —200 YARDS, 25c. OIL BOILED CALI- COE. LIGHT AND DARK COLORS, YARD. 17c. —CHOICE OF ANY WOMEN'S TRIMM­ —ALL WOMEN S SILK PETTICOATS ED HATS AT EXACTLY HALF FORM­ 20 PER CENT OFF. ANNIVERSARY SALE $7.18. $7.98, $8.52. $8.79, $11.15 —ALL WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES 20 PER CENT OFF —TO $8.00 WOMEN S LOVELY SILK WAISTS $4.98 Q —PILLOW CASES, SIZE 42x36 INCH LINEN FINISH 53c. » —FANCY TURKISH TOWELS, 22x4 6 INCHES, WORTH $1.20, OUR PRICE $1.00 —SPECIAL GROUP OF WOMEN S SILK DRESSES AT l/2 PRICE $11.82, $18.37 $19.22, $23.87, $44.45. —SPECAL GROUP OF SPORT COATS $19.98, $23.87, $44.95. —WOMEN'S $2.50 BLUE CHAMBRAY KOVERALLS $1.98 ER PRICE -1-3 OFF SKIRTS. ON WOMENS DRESS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF EXQUISITE MODELS —ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES 20 PER CENT OFF TO 50c. WOMEN’S ARY SALE PRICES —DOUBLE TABLE OF SILKS, WOOL­ EN AND COTTON PIECE GOODS 20 PERCENT LESS. —ALL CHILDREN'S DRESSES DIS­ COUNTED 20 PER CENT. Sale Prices •w $1.99, $2.39 and $2.95. This should induce parents to buy for their children their school needs now. 20 PER CENT OFF ON WOMEN’S DAINTY NECKWEAR CREPE PAPER, STANDARD SIZE ROLLS, AT 5e. —TO 45c. DRESS GINGHAMS, MANY PATTERNS, CHOICE, YARD 28c. SPOOL SILK, ALL COLORS, AT 16c —SPLENDID STORM SERGE, 48 INCH WIDE, BLUE, WORTH $2.75 ON TO­ DAY’S MARKET, YARD $1.50 — RED .BORDER HUCK TOWELS, FIR- MERLY WOVEN, 25c. VALUES, 19c. —BED SHEETS, LINEN FINISH, FULL BLEACHED, SIZE 72x90 INCHES $1 99 • LARGE UNBLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS, SALE 39c. ALL CROCHETED BED SPREADS 20 PER CENT OFF $2.69 VALUES, $2 15 $3.39 VALUES. $2.71—to $9.16 ' —ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S SILK AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 20 PER CENT OFF —WOMEN'S KHAKI OUTING TOGS —ALL WOMEN'S WAISTS OVER $8.00 LESS 25 PER CENT. -CELEBRATED WOMEN’S WIRTH- MflR WASHABLE WAISTS. SALE $1.69 AND MIDDIES AT ANNIVERSARY a -........ ........... _ SALE PRICES —SPECIAL GROUP OF SUITS AT l/2 PRICE $19.92, $26.72, $28.32, $29.92, $39.95 r Special Lot Of To 98c. Colorful Voiles and Organdies O A* At Half Price And Less, Yard Just think of the money-saving advantages that confronts the woman or MI bh with limited means and what pretty and summery smock or dress that may be developed at a small outlay of money. 40 inches wide and more than a dozen different patterns to selcet from. 4* —82.39 Velvet Corduroy, White And Colors, Suitable For Women's And Children’s Wear, Sale, Yard.......................................................................... $1.91 — 85c. Hawaiian and Silk Mull, 36 inch wide, Beautiful Shades, Yard 59c —$1.19 38 Inch Organdie, Wanted Shades, Yard...................................... 95c. • Our 55c. Figured Japanese Crepe 30 Inch Wide, Yard......................... 44c. —White Goods, Number of Weaves, 20 per cent Discount. Good Anniversary News For Men Who Care to Save. Entire Stock of Men's Neckwear 20 per cent Off— 49c to $3.20 All Men's Sweaters Deducted 20 per cent—Save 20c. on the Dollar —$4.50 Soisetto Shirt, In white, grey and stripes, Sale. $3.45 —$7.00 Negligee and Golt shirts, Silk and silk stripes— $4,95 —$2.39 Negilee Shirts, White or Fancy Stripes. Sale $1.63 — $6.00 and $7.00 Kingsbury Hats, in new fall blocks, colors, Black, Laurel, Pearl and Slate—Salt $4.80 Men’s Porous Knit Union Suits—Sale 98c. —Dress and School Waists of Madras or Silk Stripe, . Regular >1.75-— Rale. . . $1.19 —Boy’sWool Mixed School Shirts, In Dark Grey, Formerly •Jt, $2.00, Sies 12% to 14—Sale. . . $1.49. — 37c. Strongcloth, Weight, Stripes And Solid Colors, Sale, Yard. , . 30c. SHOES—More For Your Money Than The Time To Buy Silks Is As Now The Price Reductions On Every Yard Ever, Men. Range From 20 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent. - 150 Pairs Men’s Dress Shoes in button and Lace style, of Vici and Gunmetal; Black and a few Brown, medium and English lasts. Regularly to >8.00 Sale Pair. . . 4.95. 95 pairs of Men’s Brown Elk skin Work Shoes at Pair $2.98 BOYS 65 pair Brown Elk Skin Shoes, Sale- Pair $2.79 85 Pairs Boy's Dress Shoes, good weight. Black Calf, chiefly button uyles, and suitable for school wear. Sizes 1 to 5% Sale P.air. .$3.45 4**4 Causes Foot Trouble. Changing back and forth from higli heels to low ones is putting a severe strain on the foot. - When such changes are made, the arches of your feet should be protect ed with UfiMN - They contain no metal. Consult our foot expert about your feet. has been trained In the Wizard System of Foot Correction. ar. free to you. ing of shoes. He Hts services Our salespeople give special care and attention to the tilt­ f • Haltem'i 18th Anniversary Sale Makes It Possible For Pat tom To Buy Any Pair Of Shoes In The Store At From 10 Per Cent TO 50 Per Cent Less Than Regular Extra Special Purchase of Children’s’.on« Splendid Ribbed Stockings to Sell, at BIG VALUES IF SOLD AT 50c. COMES IN SIZES 6 TO 10% —More good news to enliven Haltom’s wonderful 18th Anniversary Cele­ bration and this concerns parents who have boys and girls. n^y 1 (Misse’s Extra Fine Ribbed Stockings 1 ONLY ¡Ribbed Lisle Stockings —With school cnly a few weeks off it behooves the thoughtful parent to take advantage of this splendid offer. —Misse’s To 35c. Ribbed Vests, This Sale 19c. In sizes 2 to 16, wing sleeves and crocheted top. Girl s White Ribbed Stockings. —Up-to-the-minute two-tone Silk In Sizes 7, 7% and 8, Only Pair 20c. Hose, Ordinarily Sell at $2.00, —Misse’s 49c. Cordovan (Brown) Palr ............................................ $1.59 —$1.75 White Silk Boot Hose. at98c. Medium Weight Rib, 6to 10, pair 39c —Women’s Out Size Silk Lisle Infant’s Fine Lisle Sox, Fancy 47c Hose, black and white, Except­ ional at Pair ...................................... 8flc< UNDERWEAR VALUES-Extraordinary. WOMEN’S TO 50c. VESTS. SALE 29c. Fine summer weight gauze vests WOMEN S UNION SUITS. ANNIVERSARY SALE. 49c. Perfect fully bleached summer consisting of four different styles, weight, low neck, sleevle«s, crochet 18th Anniversary! Celebration Changing From High To Low Heels Just Received ! Regular and out sizes 36 to 50. ,op and lisht knee wol,h upwards to 75c. A Liberal Discount of 20 Per Cent On AU Hart Schaffner and Marx SUITS. Misses To 35c. Ribbed Vests, This Sale 19c. Me i’s Suits that Formerly Sold at $55.00 Now reduced to $44.00. $60.00 Men’s Suits Sale .................... $48.00 $65.00 Men’s Suits. Sale.................... $52.00 $70.00 Men's Suits Sale...................... $58.00 $75.00 Men's Suits Sale.................... $60.00 Men who «ho admire the best suits made, ’we feel that little need be disclosed about the best known line of men’s suits. This is ano'h< • one of Haltom’s Remarkable Birthday Attractions. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED »’hen you buy H S. A M. Clothes, you are entitled to complete sntlsfnctlon. We are authorized to say that if the clothes are not right, or not wholly satisfactory, your money will be re­ funded. Buttons Made To Order Of Your Own Material. Special Lot Men’s Suits, Half Price And Less. Entire Stock Of Boy’s Suits 20 Per Cent Discount. Sizes 2 to 16, wing sleeves and croehered top. New Arrivals In Wanted All Black Fancy Bilk llosê. $24.85 \-------------------------------- ---------------------------------- > TILLAMOOK, OREGON. 1 o