I i TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 19. 1920. OVERLAND BREAKS ANOTHER U. S. RECORD 1 '<> ■<>■ Coaxing You to Smile. Liked Movies Famous Light Car Sets New Standard Kind old lady—“Why are you of Economy With Remarkable ing, my.boy?” Average of 27.2 Miles to the Boy—"Pa fell downstairs.” Gallon Kind old lay—"tvell, don't “ ■ w — He 11 be all right soon." Across the United States, 3.442 Boy—"Yes, I know. But my miles from New York to San Fran­ -er saw him fall all the way, and I cisco, with an average of 27.2 miles I never saw nuthln’.’’ to the gallon of gasoline! Twenty- live different drivers handled the ear. Marriage of Truth and Humor That's the new trans-continental 'N-wspaper "colyunis", as a rule, economy record established on Mon­ I day morning, July 26th, when the bear a 75 per cent resemblance to a Matty foresiuhted merchants and bride s wedding ring — something i Overland "How Much Gas” car found manufacturers recognize that the new, something borrowed — but noth- the end of its trail before the Over­ friendship of an important bank is a land stere in Van Ness avenue, San i..o "blue.” Francisco. priceless business. A Ringer o The run was started from 50th •O' O' O 'O' O' And especially a bank whose "Why didn i you »end up a man to street and Broadway, New York, at midnight, July 18th. Just 179 hours mend our electric bell?” officers are “human1’ men who take I "He aid go, maaam, but as he rang later, or roughly 7 days, this light­ pleasure in other men's success. weight car had completed one of the the boor bell twice and got no ans­ most interesting and unusual trans­ wer, iie concluded that there was no We are in business to help other continental journeys in recent auto­ one at home.” businesses. Therein lies our success mobile history. Eleven states cross­ ond yours. ed, with all their variety of rough Motherly Advice. country roads, broken mountain "Mother, may 1 go quench BANK YOUR MILK trails, stretches of mud and weary tnirst?” CHECK WITH THE wastes of desert land; yet the car "Yes, my dear Susanna; arrived in San Francisco ready and Go try a chocolate sundae first, fit to make a return trip . But don’t go near Havana!" This great record is all the more remarkable because of the conditions “Can I do anything for you?” ask­ of this economy test. Spanning the ed the sympathetic motorist of a continent has usually been a contest dutsy, grimy individual who was try­ Member Federal Reserve System. agaist time. The Overland run was ing to ttnd out what was the matter directed against high costs of gas, with his car, while a corpulent dame oil, tires and upkeep. on the back seat kept up a running The object of the run was to de­ lire of comment ana advice, termine a national standard of eco- , "Yes, you can," answered the man nomy and stamina for the light- jn tlou pie. "1 wish you d come over ........... ............ weight car, a class in which the Ov- i here and my r wife the story of erland has created a sensation be- your lite or do.something ,,,„ else to keep cause of its many new features, in­ ner f.om meddling with me until 1 cluding the Triplex Springs, design­ get this blamed job finished.” ed to ward off the pars and jolts of ------- 0------- the roughest roads and thus prolong Obeying Orders. the life of the car while protecting The foreman swore at Cassidy for passengers front the usual road dis- not aking a full load of bricks up comforts. la tnese dqys of increasing talk the ladder every trip. Otte morning the supply of bricks about the scarcity of gasoline, the Ov- muau recoiu vi - miles to the ran out and Cassidy, after gathering gallon of gas in a continuous night- every one nt sight, found he was still itud-day punishing drive of 3,442 short the proper number. He yelled wiles can not fail to have a pockel- to a workman on the fifth floor. “What do you want?” asked the ucep interest tor every man and wo- uiali who drives a motor car. This man. ’’. brow me down wan brick,” run establishes the ugln-welglit Ov­ erland as ideal not aione tor us eco- shouted Cassidy, "to make good me .luaij ia city traffic but for its com­ load!” bination of stamia and economy in tue most aousive test that could be Making Himself Useful ■ devised. "Golly, but Ise tired!” exclaimed The Overland record was not made a tall and thin negro, meeting oy experienced drive.s selected by shot t and .-.tout friend. ilie lactory. The company wished to “What you been doin’ to get tir­ find out what the car could do under ed?” demanded lite other. me worst tondnions of operation. "Well,” explained tile thin one, Accordingly, each distributor and drawing a deep breath, “over to Bio- ueawr whose territory was crossed ther Smith’s dey are measurin' de rillamook County Fair Board, i tuniished a driver. There were good house for some new carpets, De hav- r^ROI’ into our store and find out why. R. O- RICHARDS,¿Manager. drivers auu bud; men who saved the en't got no yardstick and I'se just 7 The Budget Plan Roes away from the old cur others who punished it. exactly six feet tall. So to oblige slipshod methods of buying home entertain­ O in crossing me eic.cii stales on Brother Smith l’se been a-layin’ ment. the route this Overland was driven down and a-gettin' up all-over It presents a reyular, definite plan of buying estimated I ly that the motorist driving over it oy 2 5 different men, none ot whom house.” water Permits for June and July domestic purposes. which tells you at a «lance how much of had ever seen or handled the car be- cost of this installation amounts to at night would swear that he was your income you can devote to your New tv.e it arrived lu the town where I raveling over a pavement?* Chuck- »1,000.00. Cause ror Pride. During the months of June and Edison. holes along the entire route have they were told to meet it. Thus the “She's a proud beauty.” July, ninety one permits to approp­ It s better business for you—because you average of 27.2 ,.nies IO the gallon | oeen taken care of, and, in fact, Praise Tillamook Roads. "Some v . use for her being riate water for the irrigation of 3,- becomes a measure ot performance proud beauty.’’ can have the New Edison now. there is hgrdly a foot of the road 120 acres of land, municipal supply, for the ordinary man's ability in Ask about the Budget Plan. We want you “Huh?” doemstic, use, mining, anld other pur­ The Tillamook county court is de- but that shows evidence of careful driving, lamer man whatever record to take advantage of it, ’ one fixed up that face herself.” poses, and three permits to construct serving of great credit for the man­ attention. Tillamook is one of the most pro­ trained crews ot experts might have 6000 RECORDS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROMr reservoirs were issued by the State ner in which they have seen to it accomplished. Engineer, Percy A. Cupper. The Rush for Oil. that the main highway passing thr­ gressive and prosperous counties in Night and day, this Overland was Under these permits, the construc­ I ough that county has been maintain­ the state and her citizens are to be driven, always westward. The car "I’ll take stock in that well." tion of 64 miles of canal, and other ed in such a excellent manner. For congratulated on having such an ef- was stopped only for the refilling of "Me too.” irrigation works at an estimated cost almost the entire distance, from the fleent board of commissioners. It is the gasoline tank and change of dri- “Count me in.” “Now g’way, boys. We ain’t putt­ of approximately »90,000, and reser­ I Clatsop county line to the Siuslaw quite evident that the Tillamook