K * I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, greater than the sphinx camous roman feast day REFUSED ID ADMIT FAILURE Statu« of Buddha, In Western China, Is Truly On« of th« Marvel« of the World. I May 24 Has Been for Centuries a Day History Record« Many instance* o of Merrymaking in the Italian Men Who Rose Superior to Ad­ Capital. verse Circumstance«. For many years it has been known that about fifty mll«>s from Juh-dlng, tn western China, there is a very large and remarkable statue of Buddha, but jt was not until a very few years ago that It was ever described by an occl- dental. Dr. Sprngue, an authority on things Chinese, visited it. At the end of two days’ travel he reached the image anil found it to be a ctdossus In size, al- though not so large ns rumor had made it out. The upper half of the hillside consists of a sandstone cliff and In this a ui*’he fifty feet broad has been cut leaving a central core of stone thnt Is carved In the shape of a figure seated in Eiiropemi style, not cross-legged, is Buddha is so often represented. Tlie traveler found tlie height of the image t<> be m>t less than one hundred feet. A series of live tiled roofs, descend- lug like a flight of steps, built hi front of tlie Image, protects it from the weather, so that only tlie face can be seen from without. When tlie doctor enme within sight of the great Buddha he paused and rested from ids journey at a point near one of the gates to the wall d city that Iles In the valley below. As Ids eyes turned to the grout face, which Ims been glldisl until It shines like metal, as the Immense size and perfect preservation of tlie Idol made their lm- pressiou, tlie thought came to him that "this is more marvelous than many of the world's boasted wonders." He thought of the colossi at Thebes and the Sphinx. Scarretl and ruined and defaced by the hand of man mid the effects of time, they are little bet­ ter than lumps of battered rock. But far in the west of China sits tills old BiiiMb.il. unnoticed and almost un­ known, yet greater in size than tile Eg;, i'tlan colossi, with his proportions preserved intact, with temples about and below him, ami with the priests In attendance to keep the Incense burning nt his feet. There he sits. grimly gazing out over the tiled roofs of the city that lies before him. AUGUST 19. 1920 GEM THEATRE FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS Though the night of May 23 was Failure is not a pleasant word, and " H’s Hiraht in Koine no serious It is not a safe word to use, for you accident was reporteil next dav. The can never be sure. Many a man who Witches Which fly on broomstick» be­ has been called a failure even by his I ta »on the and. nt hills of the Caello friends has turned out to be unusu­ I anil l.squlHno apparently were afraid ally successful, as the Rev. John T. I nf the broom and tbe basin of suit put Faris in the Christian Endeavor I mitshle so many doors and went home World shows by the following ex­ I In »lespatr. ample: I •'lay -1 is St. John tlie Baptist'» When Sir Henry Bessemer was a « Featuring m>y. om- always kept by old-fashioned young man he perfected a plan for | Romans as a day for eating snail». using revenue stamps that promised I Si.¡ills are the Roman idea of the to save the British government large I locusts which St. John th.. Baptist ate sums, and he was promised a coin- I •'lien In the desert. But why witches fortable position tn the employ of the I should try to take possession of Rome government. Then a tlaw was re- I "11 the night before his hast dav is venled In ids stump plan, ami the B 1 mystery. They do fly about' on easy position slipped from Ills grasp, ■ oroomstlcks, says popular report, and Although lie had failed, he did not I «alt and a broom alone will keep them . lose courage, Within a few years he I out of homes. invented the process of milking steel H By some hidden law which the that made his mime famous and prov­ I Romans themselves don't try to ne- ed of incalculable benefit to the world. I count for, no witch will enter a house When Stephen Girard was twenty- I before which stand a basin of salt and six years old, he was the successful ■ i* broom until sin* Ims counted every | captain of a merchant vessel sailing ■ grain of salt In'the basin and nil the from French ports to the West Indies. ■ w Isps In the broom. As the nights But In Muy, 1776. storm and fog drove I are short In May the witch gives up him Into Delaware bay. ami the Brit­ I the task In despair, knowing she could ish fleet prevented his escaping. He B never finish her Job before sunrise. landed at Philadelphia, a captain with­ B The night of May 23 Is a great night out a ship, a seamen who could not ■ Children 15c. Adults 25c. the It.... ¡ill |H’<>ple; they gather In leave the hind. But within two years ' B the fields outside St. John Laternn. 1 he was an American citizen, and with­ ■ »•at snails, dance, sing mid throw flow in fifteen years he was the leading B ers at each other. shipowner In Philadelphia. Thirty-six ■ An odd modern note Is given by nn years Inter he became his country's B enormous merr.v-go-round, opposite the bank »luring the war of 1812, and, B ancient church dodh alod to St. John. when after the war only $20,000 was ■ Its wooden horses go round and round subscribed to a $5,000.000 loan, he ■ to American ragtimes, lox trots anti stepped into the breach and subscribed ■ bunny-hugs. If is a mixture of old for the rest. fl and new worthy of that extraordinary Phillips Brooks’ first work after ' ,/ J < . < J j Featuring B city, where all the centuries get jum­ graduating from Harvard college was : . ■ and not find elsewhere. he was not able to control the lively B Tlie May night festival is older than I boys under his charge, The dlfficul- ■ John the Baptist and marks the tradi­ ties grew, and he resigned his posi- B tion of the old Roman springtime Jol­ tlon. The head master, when speak­ I lity called the lupercall. These Ing of the successor lie hoped to se- ■ feasts were In honor of the wolf which cure, very ungraciously said that any ■ fed Romulus and Remus», the twin change, no matter what, could hardly founders of the city. A real live wolf tall to be for the better. Six months Consul. ‘ Í Is kept in the capilol till that day in after his resignation Brooks entered T1 non] consul is of T.nlln origin, memory of this one; for had there the theological seminary, and three à ; bei: - derived from the verb consulo, been no wolf to feed the twins there A years later he began his career in I consider. As the name of an office would he no Rome today, the Romans the pulpit that made him famous. It also had its origin in Rome In the argue. •Í Failure succeeded failure in Abra­ 4 early days of the republic. I ham Lincoln's life; yet every one of ! The constitution of that republic Is It Pseudo-Science? ♦ »lie seeming failures bad Its part in was democratic beyond anything we Human intellect Is so partinl to n making tlie man. When lie failed know today. The source of all power generalization that even men of sci­ as a shopkeeper, the failure brought r a-. V tyas the people. They elected tile ex- ence constantly are guilty of general­ out tlie deep-seated honesty that won •y ». ■ P »utlve magistrates and the Judges, izing upon nn insufficient basis of for him the confidence and the affec­ Adults 25c. Children 15c R.. [and they enacted the laws, not through facts. A learned professor of the Uni­ tlon of those who knew him. He —— chosen representatives, hut by direct versity of Cincinnati invites us to be- thought of learning the blacksmith's action in nn assembly of the whole ileve that th»’ older the parents the trade, and even after he had com­ people called the coinitla. They had better the chances of distinction for mitted himself to being a lawyer he For sale: Columbia Hotel, at Wheeler. two chief executive officers of equal t?te children. thought he might perhaps do better Tillamook Headlight’s Has 23 rooms, all with modern rank, elected each yenr. who were at He draws his conclusion from what as a carpenter. Several times he was equipment, and is doing as good a the head of the work of governing. he says are the facts concerning cattle defeated when he asked the favor of Trade Mart. business as any hotel in the coun­ [These were called consuls. Iti tbe end and horses. But only the other day the people at the polls, but after each ty. Price $5,590, furniture includ­ [corruption and recurring periods ofan- we read a dissertation by another sci­ defeat tie was stronger as a man and One cent a word per Issue. will buy your ed. Ed Kblly, Wheeler, Or. 9-2 prehy broke down the government, entist warning against taking for cri­ more popular with the voters. I end an autocracy grew up, but which terion the history of tlie domestic ani­ Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * Wanted: Men or women to take ord­ ers among friends and neighbors tor years preserved many of the forms mals, asserting that the humnn race, Mistletoe Superstition. for the genuine guaranteed hos­ pf the dead democracy. For five cen­ I as far ns heredity is concerned Is as Just hear the new “Cheney” phono­ Mistletoe is in many countries not iery. full line for men, women and graph, then decide. Monthly pay­ times under the empire there were much a wild species as lions, ele­ admitted to the house before New children. Eliminates darning. Cannery will be in operation at Tillamook as soon as ments. The Song Shop, Main St. Mnsuls, hut they were without any phants. or wolves. The Cincinnati savant also derives Year’s eve for fear of some dire disas­ Saves money. Everybody buys. leal power. As a title of an office the ter. This seems a relic of the re­ I A bonanza for agents. Experience Lord consul Is still In use. Today his Induction from the facts concern­ ligions ban long placed upon the For Sale by John Leland Henderson, berry season opens. 206-3d St., Tillamook, the Makin- unnecessary. Write International I consul is a representative of bls ing the parentage of Illustrious men. Druidic plant, which by reason of Its ster, 160 acre ranch, near Oretown. Stocking Mills, Norristown, ,Pa. lountry’s commercial interests in a Franklin, Lincoln, Newton, for in­ Price >25000.00 Terms easy. lorelgn Country. The political repre- stance, the sum of whose parents’ historic connection with hefrthenlstn Sep. 30 GRAVES CANNING CO. Inc., ages at their birth was high. Yet it has been excluded from the decoration kutative is the ambassador. of churches and from Christian sculp ­ When in need of somethin® electric is a fact that the mother of Napoleon Miscellaneous Advertisements Just call on the Sunset Electric. nt the time of ills birth was but eight­ ture. It appears in old English ec­ Tillamook, Oregon. Getting at the Facts. clesiastical art only at Bristol cathe ­ een and his father scarcely thirty. Dr.’i Allen and Sharp. Dentist*. “I wish to marry your daughter,1 Let the Sunset Electric wire your National Building. And the illustration can be repeated dral, where both leaf and berry are lid the young man to the girl’s fa- home and save you money. carved upon the remarkable tombs er, according to the Detroit Free many times. Dr. Wise—Dentist. which were probably designed by some Citation. rasa. For Sale: Polished steel top range. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Notice of Intention to Improve Cer-1 artist monk In the household of the Make Study of Botulism. Phone 120. Mrs. Ross Chilcott, tain Streets in Tillamook City, “Does she love you?" asked the fa- Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Berkeleys. The association of the mis ­ A sum of money lias been raised by pr. Oregon. In the County Court of the State the olive growers and the canning In­ tletoe with Christmas did not arise For Sale: 3 pedigreed Persian kitt­ Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ rYes, sir. And I love her." of Oregon for Tillamook County. until long after the Reformation. ens, and mature male and female. dustry for nn intensive study of botul ­ fice on Wednesdays F-26. Notice is hereby given, to all whom rWell, that, of course, Is the first In the Mutter of the Estate of B. Knowing nothing about the parasite— Box 6, Cloverdale, Ore. it may concern, that the Common Irndorf, deceased. pessary condition, hut there nre a ism In California. According to Sci­ which Is not native In Scotland, and Is Dr. Ramsey Osteopath ence, the Investigation will he conduct ­ Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, fr more »piestionx I must ask. Have Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ still rare there—Sir Walter Scott com­ For Sale: Jersey cow, will freshen in To Anna Abplanalp, Magdalena |i made any shopping tours with ed In the laboratories of the Stanford mits a terrible "howler” in his intro­ mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone has determined to improve the follow Koenig, Freida Seiler, Alixes Cleon, February. See George Hoskins, University Medical school and the ing streets in Tillamook City, Oregon, | ’ntely?" 146-M. Louis Cicon and Lena Margrite Cle­ George William Hooper Foundation for duction to the sixth canto of "Mar- • Tillamook, Or. to-wit: [No, sir.” mion. ” Describing the delights of a Fifth Street, from the West line of on,, heirs at law of B. Irndorf, De­ ■Ever been in a department store Medical Research of the University of medieval Christmas, he sends his To rent: a small dairy ranch. 13 LODGE MEETINGS. Stillwell Aver.ue to the West line of ceased, and E. J. Gienger, Adminis­ California, and the co-operation of the 1 asked the present price of wom- United cows. Renter to buy cows. In­ “merry men” to gather mistletoe “In Sixth Avenue West, nd Sixth Avnue trator of the Estate of Alice Kath- States health service and the B suits and hats?” quire at this office. Tillamook Lodge No. 57 West, from the North line of Fifth California state board of health. The the wood," where they could not pos­ rlna Balmer, Deceased and E. J. fco. sir." Street, North to the South line of A. F. and A. M. sibly have found It at that period. Investigation will Include a careful Gienger, Administrator of the Estate Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ ■ the talk of others.” You and each of you are hereby ers welcome. a gravel concrete roadway 16 feet in cited and required to appear in the ■Fell, young man. my advice to you Infected, and of the steps necessary large share of the trade of the South For Sale or Trade: 1 team of horses By order of W. M. Sea islands, which Is estimated at to destroy the organism when it has and a 4-horse power gasoline eng ­ I width and Cinches in thickness, by above entitled Court and cause on B make a trip of investigation. I Infected raw food materials. A staff yen a year. Of this Jap- Leslie Harrison, Sec. constructing laterals for sewer con- the 19th day of August, 1920, at 10 ine. Phone 34F5 or write Box 33, A know what your present income of specially trained workers hns been anese exports amount to only 1*4 per . nections nd any matter appertaining Rockaway. Or. 9-23 ------o------- But after you've learned for your- thereto as set forth in the plans and a. m. on said date, to show cause. If and It is expected thnt the cent, but have Increased rapidly since Stated convocation Friday specifications Bj'ist what those clothes she wears engaged prepared by the City any therebe, why and order should Mv middle name is George. Let me work will require at least two years. war. Some Japanese commercial the Besting me, If you come back and Aug. 27. Visitors welcome. Engineer now on file with the City not be made and entered herein, auth­ bring you "Vaughn” Best drag Baw leaders are advising that In order to ■hat you can support her in the orizing and empowering M. Ablunalp, Johnsod Chapter No. 24 Recorder. on the market today. Call E. G. i Increase the sale of Japanese goods ImpraMlng the Office Boy. ■ tn which she has been accus- | That all of said improvements be adminlHtratlor, to sell at private sale, R. A. M. Krebs. “ The secret of suirem. sen." said In the South seas Japan must Import ■1 lately, I'U give my consent.” made in accordance with the charter, for cash, to the highest bidder. In th* I. E Keld»on, Sec. resolutions the boss to the new b«y. “In absolute, I from the islands rubber, sugar, chemi­ and ordinances of Tilla­ manner required by law, all the I complete consecration of time to bual- cal», dyestuffs and spices, in which For Sale: 50 acres good bottom land, mook City, and in accordance with Th« Eppo. with cows, teams and farm imple­ the«« Islands abound. President Ki ­ the plans and specifications, and esti­ right title and Interest of yourselves G. A. B. f Times of London announce« nesa." ments. $600 with half to assume. mura of the Singapore Japanese Em ­ “ Yes. sir." mates of work, made and prepared and of this estate In and to the fol­ Cornlth Post, No. 36 Dept, of Ore ­ llscovery by Captain Phillips In Inquire at this office. 9-2 “In our establishment, we never look porium. urge« that Japan establish di­ by he City Engineer of Tillamook lowing described real property, being gon. meets on second and fourth Sat­ lh Runtida of a specie« of duiker, at the elock—never look at th« rect trade agencies with Sumatra and City, Oregon, and filed in he office situated in Tillamook County, Oreg­ [stive» know It as an eppo or em­ For tale: a lot of No. 1 lumber and urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m., of the City Recorder of said Tilla­ on, to-wlt: Manila far expansion of Japan*»» brick, at new Gymnasium bldg. In­ In the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel­ ln <1 regard it with a good deal ef clock—" mook City. trade in Malaysia. The West half of the Southwest “ I won't sir." quire of E. L. McNeil. 8-19 come. i ft as the totem-beast of Musing«, AH of said improvements to be made quarter of Section twenty aeren, th* “Tlmt’e right, my boy. Never look pw reigning chief of that coun- at the clock when you're at the office. H. W. 8pear, Commander at the expense of the property, and all Northeast quarter of the Southeast Relle «f Bygen« Daye. J. E. Clink, contractor and builder, r Ruanda, the greater part of i Samuel Downs, Adjt. thereof .adjacent thereto and specially quarter of Section twenty eight, «ad open for all kinds of building and At the recent centennial tea. given I the peace conference has placed Never look at tbe dock except In tbe benefittad thereby, being all the pro­ ------ o------- rspair work. Phone from 7 to 8 I the tutelage of Belgium. The mom lug. look nt the alarm clock, «on by the Woman's Brea» Club of Indi perty within the limita of the dis­ begin nlag at the Northeast corawr —early to work, never at home, make» ■ na. the following was pinned on one p. m. Mutal. trict established therefor being de- et the Roethemit quarter of the W. R. C. f' forest of Mount Sabino and a man lnd»-;>eodent. That'll do. »on; of the quilts exhibited: “The blue- I mountain forest» provide the Corlnlth Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept, signated as Local Improvement Dis­ &rath«eet quarter uf Section twenty Sale: 2 yr. old Begisiter^d Guer­ b of the eppo. In appearance now get the duster.”—Richmond ■nd-wbtte blocks In this quilt were For of Oregon, meets on first and third trict No. 17, and the boundaries thor« sight, «nd running thence South on nsey Bull. Will take good cow In Tlmes-Dispatch. pieced by a maid of my grandmother’s, sefttion line forty rw«s. thence Went Future resemble« a large goat Friday evenings of each month, at of are «3 follows: trade. Inquire of A ZwalJ, Tilla­ Beginning 165 feet North and •• twenty four rods ; thence north forty a century ego. The quilt la not so I a rufnos black with a bright 8 p. m . In the W O. W. hall. Visitors mook, Or. *-26 Ancient inquiry. feet West of th« Northweat con*«» remarkable, but th« maid was—ehe ■stripe along about half Its lact- I welcome . of Bieck 1, of Central Addition to rods to tbe worth line of the south­ “We are »till seeking.” raid the »d- Hved with my grandmother for thirty ■t has a stumpy tail, oribl horns, Minnie Johnson, President Position wanted by man with family, Tillamook City, theri-s West 1455 east quarter of the southeast quarter entixt. "to a«cert»in the exact por-1 years." ■ rsti hoofs. on dairy ranch. Had several years Elizabeth Conover, Secy. feet; thence North 165 feet; thence of said section twenty eight; and poae for which the pyramid» of Egypt Many Inquiries came to the donor experience with registered cattle, West 270 feet, thenc South ««0 feet; thence east to the place of beginning, were conxtrncted." to know whether any of the descend he Humble Check Book, thence East 1620 feet; thonco North containing six acre»: also the north also feeding and milking for offi­ “Yea," replied Senator Sorghum, ah- 245 feet; thence East 105 feet; thence half of the northwest quarter of sec­ ppoae,” remarked the plaintive sent-mlndedl.v. ‘Some of these laves-1 anta of the woman were etill tn the cial test. Inquire at this office. of the living. land North 270 feet to the place of be­ tion thirty four, all In town-hip two 'that there are men in the (lg«tlons do take a long time." ginning. A phonograph you can play yourself. ►ho can forget about them- Qua I Mad. The cost of the improvement as South of range nine West, and con­ The Aeolian Vocation has all the knd rejoice In the aucceea of Tuesday eve, 8 p. m. Horse Racing Records. Cantrell—I think 1'11 go to prom as a fixed by the accepted bid therefor is taining 208 acres. best feature» of the others and Rebekak, Wednesday evening If you fail to appear and sh^w The Yenr Book credits 35.1)65 trot­ «tag. $14,970 04 dollars, to which shall be some unknown to them. The new I ild hope «o." replied Senator Camp 2-4, Thursday added ..he coat of advertising.engin :er such cause, said order will be July ters with records of a mile In 2:30 or Ochran — Why do that? and greater phonograph. Shown K‘That I« what many a eam- ing, superintendence end other in­ made and entered. for tbe first time In Tillamook slrtbutor itrlbutor la expected ta do »letter and 26.670 pacers in the 2:25 I Cantrall—I haven't any do«.—Prlneo- cidental expenses connected with the ton Tiger. ■1st Tills citation is made by authority county at the Tillamook Music election la over." carrying out construction of said of the Hon. A. M. Hare, the Judge of Store. oppoMlte Post Office. improvement as authorized by the The election of Harding would by w. C. DVKTER. the above entitled Court In accord­ es may be written and the charter of Tillamook City, Oregon. For Sale: 40 acre dairy farm, with 10 days from the date of the first ance of an order duly made and en­ sy be filled with talk, but all signs mean a passing of extreme good house, good barn, chicken DENTIST. publication of this notice is allowed tered on the 25th day of June. 1820. ing» and speeches simmer personal centralisation not merely In house, with 18 head of cow», team by the charter of Tillamook City, Witness my hand and the seal of this simple fadt; The league a Cabinet made up of eminent coun­ TILLAMOOK BUILDING of horses, harness and wagon, this* Oregon, for the filing of remonstran­ the said Court on thin 28th day of [- an framed and the conat- selors for removed from the rubber­ (Over Haltom'a). stamp stripe; but also In a new era ces again**, the proposed improvement. June, 1820. 1 hogs, milk cans and other farm im­ [>■ irreconcilable. Dated this 19th (lay of August, 1926 of cooperative Judgement and action plement«. Two miles east of Tilla ­ T illatnook- Oregon. Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder (Seal) between the executive and legislative mook. Price 117.000. Terms $4.- r F ide of abuse of the Repub- branches of government. of Tillamook City, Oregon. Homer Mason. 000 cash. D. A. Bailey, Tillamook QR. O. L. HOHLLFEl). form now being printed in Clerk of the County Court of the Or.. Route 1 Box 80. 3-18 i papers is the best of evl- j Governor Cox cannot snecesafully State of Oregon, foi Tillamook coun­ Tillamook Lodge No. 1240 Let us not forget the solemn truth VETERINARIAN. • the Republican« “beat psi* the buck hack to bis editor« for L. O. O M. Meats svery Fri­ that no man of a three-letter nam« Eoli Fhona—2F2 Mutual Fboo» Xaaey to teas—la^aira of Joba [' And baaidea. th« Mtuat- Leland Henderson. 2M-3rd ?t.. i ; lit* ediiorlal pollcl«* of his aowspap ty day at K. of F Kall. baa over bee« elected FraaMeat Of I quite Hk«ly to make them Ry N. 8. Rrlmbal). Deputy e t during , ho«* . »«noni Aasq. Tillamook. Oregon. ..«• Oregon Tillamook 8. À. Brodh-nd. Sas * th* Halted 8t»t*a. kd aad teat/- I “Wings of the Morning,” i I I I I è i William Farnum TUESDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 24th \ Pathe Review “Nothing But Lies,” Taylor Holmes / FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUG. 20-11 “ALL IN A DAY,” !z Snub Pollard Comedy —^WirOR HOWS GRAVES CANNING CO. INC I ■ k >■ BLACKBERRIES ! j < ! J I I i 1 I 1 ! % 1 1 I A & ■ f A 4