TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 19. 1920. •<; ■O<" ->O<^ Movement on Foot to Improve Coa»t ABOVE WISDOM OF SOLOMON O> !>■ •b O Harbors I) Bro. M. U. aeaui..o US4 token Uti- Fred C. Baker, Editor. Great Secrots of Nature Hidden From Born, to Mr. and Mrs. 'like Rick- iu uUitselr u wife, we exieuu congiat- the Eyes of Even the Keen­ o u.alion, ana uual sum u, .ae joung- bach. on Aug. 8th, a son. The shipping problems of the Pa- SUBSCRIPTION est of Mankind. per year $2.00 ific Northwest are becoming acute melUOers wul c „ u . kc , tnai Born, to Mr. Mrs. Will Bedur- a. lUU^e jUat'lBc and demand the serious thought of tha, of Blaine, on Aug. 8th, a daugh­ «-»« O. AtvixilUlg The queen of Sheba came to ask manufacturers, merchants, farmers, Some Things the Editors Discussed. ter. j ami in fact all who must avail them- Solomon questions to test his wlsiloin. ------ 0------ ri. toe and D. x,. Btciubacn were Dr. Hoy reports the biith of a son of shipping facilities. The high O ik * questiou, trnilltlon says, was as The annual meeting of the Oregon to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Vincent, ittvieu ..a.p oy uiinex.».« se.ves freight rates in the past have worked follow-: •‘Here is a large dlnmoilil Editorial Association at Astoria tin.- on the 16th ot August. x.^««uiddvco ixiilloggwU seriously against the Northwest ship­ which I wish to put on a neckliice. on year w„j something more than a ciina per, and now with the new increase one side a straight hole Is ilrllled to E. L. McCiive vs. Leba A. Norton junketing trip and to talk “shop," 111 -»»_.. Grand appointed new effective on the 25th, of this month, the center of tbe stone—on unotlier for the editors seriously discussed is a suit tiled in the circuit court to Ueg»cv u «« a / cmíix 4 iur buxuncQ oi the whole matter is presenting a prob­ side a straight hole Is drilled to Ills matters that are of vital importance recover »610.0U due on a priniissory j ear. Ovt. MUo/, UUU Dlllia III new lem the seriousness of which can «•enter nt right ungfes to tlie first— note. on! - be contemplated. to the state of Oregon. It will be not­ tcinaiaatcd 3 wsj tile vaptaxxio < aa nave only how shall I string tlie dlamonH?” Marriage licenses were issued tu a chance tu The railroads are handicapped on iced on all questions of state interest i you how p.uxicieni Solomon tisik tin* gem, seat a serv­ i Twin Rocks, tile/ Cua uc ill Ixtcbc lihpul'L«A«xl pOrili- account of the lack of equipment, ant to bring lilm a little slender worm the editors took a decided stand, Andrew J. Bayles, oí and while striving to give service are In addition to having a 1247 lb. full sister and Ella Hoyer; J. J. Drowning, of none being on the fence or middle-of- lUllo. yet unable to hcndle the situation eith from a btiah near by, attached a silk Blaine and Eva Lobay. the loaders. whose daughter made 1232 lbs., also has me ¿bUOeaaU Noble Giund U right er in the matter of transporting pro­ thread to the worm and let it crawl That of most importance was the Married on August 14th, Rev. D chcit. a ciiii uivvuys iicux' the guv~ ducts and raw materials to and from through the crookisl hole, hnndeiJ back another full sister with 992 lbs. Non-Partisan League, which had A. 'I hompson performing the cere- ex urup uc o oa<*.p. this section or to provide a rate that the diamond with :i sulaatn and sntdt He has a brother that has sired eight be.n investigated by George W. Ai­ niouy, oaaiuel W. Sullivan and Mary x xiv .'pecu top is xiovv eiiroLed no seems satisfactory to the Northwest “Shucks, how ensv!" ken, one of tlie members of the Ore­ J. O'Brien. Mrs. Shelia th»o said, “I have iieie daughters with yearly records that aver­ dll tJUU «. tilth- , MUI eVvU Ut LllUt. IXXC shipping public. If there was ever a time in the his­ n vial which I wish tilled with wilier, gon Editorial Association, and he put The editor returned Monday uigli i degree work uia not slow aou««. xuo age 739 lbs. Fat each. the editors wise as to the workings from Astoria, where he attended the Adi'ge u xndjonty on the other sme, tory of the Northwest when the busi­ but the liquid must not be taken from ness men should be alive to the need Isn't this convincing of the transmit­ of that organization from the time annual meeting ot the Oregon Editor- so We are going io speed up me lougi tin- waters that are upon the earth, of the development of maritime ship­ nor under the earth, nor In the firma- that it was first organized until the , uil Association, his granddaughter. work, come uxid h.-xp us. ting ability of Burton’s dam. ping and to cooperate on the program preseht time. After hearing Mr. Miss. Fredericks Travis, of Eugene, Bros, r reu acneuit,«, oi Butteville of such development or to consider meat above the earth." Let one of his sons improve the milking Aiken it seemed strange that thous­ accompanying him. Solomon turned to n servant and couge ana j . H. rioctor oi Mt. Hebo seriously these problems which mean ands of farmers could be humbugged whispered a command, Tlie servant quality of your herd. l^ouge visited us last so much to the business interests of tuesaay eve. County School Superindent G. B. i and induced to part with the money Bio. Raui Marttny started for this section, it is now. A relief for mounted n horse standing near, rode I.amo. who was authorized to make Ours is a clean, healthy herd, regular­ for a band of political tricksters, who .Surin Danuta, U eanesday, to look merchants and industries of the North hint two miles at full run. brought him 6 ly inspected. had come into power in North Dak­ an Investigate of the building of the i utter some Dullness, he wul endeav- west can be secured through the de­ back reeking with sweat. Solomon Bay City school building expects to caught the sweat in it. velopment of streamship of this part took the vial, ota by simply pulling the wool over or to setl out ius interests in a thres- A calf on hand that has for his four the eyes of the farmers. Mr. Aiken have his report ready in the near ning i outnt and also his grain ranch, of the county, giving the advantage han o •O' <><_ >o •O' o o o lature; how they capitalized the theirs. The party left lor Salem to- d«.y&, some trip for Kenneth but it depend to secure the cheapest rates combined Is adjourned.”—Charles D. Merrill. merchandise stores witli large a- day. t u i\.es his uud to boast of Tillamook with prompt service for the shipment, mounts of money, and then used Editor E. E. Brodie and family ot uuu Fellows. While absent several c.' raw products from the east and for i Important Discovery. íase5ESZ5H525Z525aS2SZ5H5¿SHS2Sa5H5H5ZS?Sa5?5?S25H5H52SRS?525HSHSaS25?ra the greater amount of the money Oregon City, alter attending the or the thus, have promised to keep the distlibution of their manufactur­ For many years Mr. William W. for propaganda and to pay workers; Oregon Ediioiial Association I meel- cue Nome urand E. Heusser in touch ed articles if they are to compete with Ellsworth was connected with tl.e how they employed and paid organ­ ing at Astoria, returned to Rockaway with all events regarding the lodge other industrial centers of the world. Centnrv Magazine, and that brought The Oregon State Chamber of izers; how thew run the banks and Sunday. Mr. Brodie has made several members, he in turn will see that die him into contact with many Interest­ loaned the money; liow they obtain­ trips to Tillamook this year, and papers get »1 in time to publish. We Commerce has disscussed this matter ing people. In Ills hook of reminis­ thoroughly with C. W. Hodson of ed control of the newspapers, and a every lime he conies hare he appre­ expect a good bunfli of news for a Oregon’s representative on cences. "A Gohlen Age of Authors.” great many other matters, Mr. Ai- ciates our climate and good roads, tew weeks, and for their endeavors Portland, the Rivers and Harbors Congress, he tolls an amusing anecdote of Tim- ken informed the editors that the a.ill he doesn't forget to say a good i ne secretary has promised to send a- and Mr. Hodson states that it is high­ oihv Cole, the engraver. Non-Partisan League was going to word tor Tillamook and the good long .something gleamed from other ly necessary that immediate and drast Cole Is a simple man. says Mr. Ells­ make an effort to obtain control of work tlie County Court is doing. Mr. lodges to let you know, tho absent, ie action be taken to improve our har­ worth, of great kindliness, who has Oregon, for he liad been told this by Brodie lb vice-president of the Nat­ not forgotten. Expect to visit lodgeo bors and increase our shipping facili-1 had at various times some interesting ties if the Northwest expects to keep Motions about food. Years ago, when k on of the officers of the party. This ional Editorial Association, and is at every opportunity. pace with other sections of the United proved true, for it was stated that one of tile live boosters tor Oregon. Several Bros, and sisters visited States.The biggest men in this North- Horace Fletcher was just beginning paid agitators wete now working Airs. Hubbard's surgical hospital Bay City Rebekah lodge last meeting. thwest territory are a unit in believ­ to publish his theories, I made some with some success in some parts of wv.s opened last week, and in the good-natured fun of them, and de­ Bro. S. A. Brodhead has consented ing that something must be done. the state. It was the editors of Ore­ last eight days she has had several to act as secretary during my ab­ The Oregon State Chamber of | scribed tlie visit of guests to my house gon who opposed the Non-Partisan patients, three undergoing major op­ sence, he will see that you get your Commerce has assumed the reponsi- while m.v family was endeavoring to League a few years ago, and now be­ erations and one a minor operation. receipts for all moneys paid in so do bility of starting a movement that Fletcherize and the Impatience of the ing better informed went on record as All of them are improving rapidly. not allow yourselves to become de­ should offer relief. To discuss the guests when they did not have enough opposed to it. Air. Aiken said that if Two graduate nurses are employed, linquent, you will find him ready and situation and outline plans for a solu­ to eat. Some friend sent my screed We have just received a large atul complete tion, of this problem, a convention has to Cole, then in Belgium, who took the Non-Partisan League did not one from Seattle and one from Port­ willing to accomodate you. been called to meet in Portland, Oct­ it very seriously. He wrote me of his assortment of Popular Copyright Novels. have an issue that it would make one. land, and alt the equipment is ot the Peter Schrauz is again in the hos­ He believed It was up to I he editors best. It lias been reported through an pital for a few days, so he can have ober 4th and 8th, 1920. Present at great Interest in food and gravely in­ ♦ more than anyone else to prevent trror that the hospital belonged to needed attention to his side, and Ben this convention will be representatives formed me of a discovery that he had of the Northwest State in Congress, the Non-Partisan League getting in- Di'3. Shearer and Crank, but we wish Neilson is on the mend, still be some- a representative of the National made—that the color of the skin was in to power in Oregon. to correct this by slating that it is time before lie can milk 25 or 30 Rivers and Harbors Congress, dele­ affected by food, He was accustomed (n The measure that is to be voted Mrs. Hubbard's and that she will ! gates from all of the railroads and to oat for a long time only one kind upon next November to lix the in­ care for the patients from all doctors. cows. shipping lines of the Northwest, dele­ of food, and once he went swimming members at lodge last About 50 terest on money, probably, was tlie meeting. Something special at camp gates from the port bodies, commer­ with his son, who suddenly cried out. I** cial organizations, wholesalers, in­ next matter of importance. The next Thursday, Aug. 26. They call dustries and many other prominent “Why. father, you're turning green!' Announcement. measure was denounced and it was "Sure enough, ” wrote Mr. Cole, “ 1 it a "Smoker ". All cainp members business men who arc interested in looked at my body and observed a shown that if it passed it would Mrs. J. C. Holden will open her come. the development of our territory. The tinge. ‘The spinach,' I said, for drive money out of the state. Like As usual 1. 0. O. F„ Rebekah and | call for this Convention is being sent green I had been making m.v sole diet of the previous resolution, the editors classes for piano instruction Sept. 1, to these various organizations and in­ spinach for six months. 'I must change Encampment at 8. 1920. Private lessons, classes in Dun ­ unanuniously went on record as op­ dividuals and an invitation extended F. F, Conover, Sec. posed to it. Some of the editors ning System for children also Nor­ !0 to them to be present and take part my food I’ “ mal classes for Music teachers of the Whereupon he ate beets, and at thought it was about time to do a- in the delivorations. Dunning System. the way with some of the provisions of United Brethren in Christ. Congress convenes, in Washington, the end of another six months found ! ------ 0------ the initiative and referendum, for it D. C. on the second Monday in Decem­ his body in a healthy, ruddy state, ber; the National Rivers and Harbors which he felt was owing to the beets. Big Breeder’s Picnic Dated. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. nt. gave cranks, agitators, single tax­ Congress, the second week in Decem­ Morning subject, "Your Choice.” ers, Non-Purtisan League and person THE REXALL STORE, ber. It is desired, as a result of the There will be an all day picnic at Sheep on the Hillside. Sunday School at 19 a.m.. with a grouch or want to spite some­ Sometimes «3 yon rlt^ along through Prayer mee3SB5252SHSa525H5a5HSa52Sa525asa52S25a5a5HSa5a5eS2525H525HSaS25Z52SH5H5 tiated two bills that fixed the price journment in the afternoon. It is I day afternoon at 1:30 p.m. matter that effect primarily the ship­ watch It awhile you see thnt It Is Of legal advert laments for newspap­ planned that there will be something per it neverlcss should demand the moving, and everyone knows that interest of very Northwest resident1 rocks would be pretty funny things Notice Of Assessment For Street of Blocks 4 6 and 4 7 Thayers Addit­ ers out side of Portland. There is of interest to the Live Stock Breed­ Reformed Congregational Church. because ion to Tillamook City, by providing Improvements in the end it Í3 the consumer if they started to move around all by no difference in the Jackson meas­ ers' of Tillamook county and you are •liemselves. These “ rocks" are really for the grading and paying thereof, who pays the bills. invited to coine, bring your basket ures and the bill to tlx the legal Church services next Sunday as sheep and they are having a fine time Notice is hereby given, to all whom and that the assessment so made has rate of interest on money. But our and spend the day. Mr. Fred Stimp- usual. 10 a.m.Sunday School, 11 a.tu. eating little grass hidden in among it may concern, that the Common been entered in the lien docket of Oregon System makes it possible for son of Hollywood and Mr. Geo. Gus, preaching. A letter from the Rev. Notice of Sale of Bond Warrants the sagebrush. Over at one side of Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, Tillamook City, Oregon, and that the some evil disposed person to initiate of Yakamia, Wn., are to be with us. Richard Schuetze states that he will the flock Is usually a splendid shepherd has assessed to the property specially amounts so assessed against each lot, If it rains the day will be spent at bills to tlx the price that shall be be home to hold services next Sun­ Sealed bids will Be received until i log. who Is always smiling. At least beneiitted thereby and being the pro- or part thereof, or tract or patcel of paid attorneys, doctors, dentists, ar­ the Grange Hall. day and hopes that all members of the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on the he seems to he smiling, because he erty included in Local Improvement land, together with the name of the R. W. Watson,'Sec.-Treas. chitects and other professional men I his congregation will make it a point 10th day of September. 1920, by the has his month open just ns though District No. 15 the cost of the Impro­ ownei, or reputed owner of the lot, for their services, as well as fix the to be present at the first meeting undersigned and immediately there­ he were, lie Is watching to see that vement of all that portion of Sixth or part thereof, or tract so assessed, price of farmers' and dairymen's Washington County Farm For Till- after the vacation. rhe little lambs and Inrger sheep do Ave. after publically opened by the Coun- j East from the south line of are all as set forth in the following product. Probably tlie measure ; to mook ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore- ’ not wander too far away from the Eigth Street south to the south line list. ------ u . fix the legal rate ot interest will gon, at the office of said Court in the flock.—Christian Science Monitor. Reformed Church. 25 acres, 15 miles from Portland. open the eyes of the people as to District No. 15. 6 Ave. East Paving — — o ------ County Court House in Tillamook what can be accomplished under our *4 mile from Tualiton Valley High­ Addition Block Valuable Motion Picture!. Lot Oregon, for the purchase of Owners Name City, The coming Sunday will be observ ­ Amount I boasted initiative and referendum, way, S. P. Electric and tine school Motion pictures of construction Thayers Warrants of said County, of 43 3 C. B. Wiley........... . »149.76 and we want to say this before we 16 acres cleared. 3 acres bottom land, ed as Rally Day.. After a brief respite Bond $10,000 to »60,000, issued for work In which a large public build­ 43 4 S. W. Elliott......... . .349.31 close that should the Non-Partisan | 1 '4 acres orchard, some berries, 1 the work of the church and Sunday from building of permanent roads ing appears to arise front the ground 43 5 Jacob Pesterfield . , . . 349.31 League ever get a strong hold in acre kale, running stream entire School will be resumed with renewed the therein, the same being issued in lieu I like muglc. being completed In the 43 6 Jemima Kirk......... .. 149.76 Oregon it will work tbe Oregon Sys­ year thru place, 4 room bungalow, zeal. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Pub­ ten minutes' duration of the film, are of a portion of an authorized issue 42 1 John Sheets Est., . . . . . 304.43 tem to perfection, for it is Just the large old barn, hen house 14x36, lic worship at 11 o’clock. The pastor, being shown before various engfneer- of »430.00, the same being in denon- 42 2 John Sheets Est. . . . . . 149.64 kind of law that will help them carry biooder house 14x24. Some stock W. G. Llenkaemper, will speak from i inatlons of »50.00 or multiples there­ Ing societies I by government repre- 42 3 Mary Burke Messner .. 44.98 and poultry if desired. About 14 the text: "We know what we wor­ out their purposes. sentarives. ' The structure Is the In- 42 6 Mary Burke Messner .. 44.98 The tourists travel was another' tons good oat and vetch hay in barn. ship." John 4. 22. At the close of the of. dnstrtal building of the United States Said bond warrants to bear inter ­ 42 T O. T. Tabltr .. 149.64 ▼ery interesting subject discussed, Fine well. Value »7000 not includ- services the members of the church bureau of standards, and the pictures 42 • O. T. Tabler . . 304.43 and the editors were given first hand Ing stock and hay. Free of incum- and Sunday School will go to a shady est at five and one-haif (5*4) per were made hy exposing a short length 44 retreat on Fawsett Creek, to partake cent per annum until paid principal of film every day during the ten SMt 3-4 W. G. and Hazel Larson . . 249.53 information by those who are engag­ bern ace. and Interest payable In U. 8. Gold 44 of a basket luncheon. All members N% 3-4 H. C. and H. L. Salton . 249.S3 ed in this work. It certainly set the I Address A. E. Newby. R. months of work on the building. Th« Coin at the office of the County 44 and friends are cordially invited. S Harry Gooch.................. . 349.31 editors who had not given much I HI, Beaverton, Ore. effect of running these short exposures Treasurer of Tillamook County, Ore­ 44 6 Harry Gooch .................. .. 149.78 thought to thts matter to thinking t eget her In a single picture Is an amax- gon. Said bids must be accompanied 45 Ntf 1-2-3 Mary A. Eichinger .... . 249.53 when told that the tourist crop was What About Reducing Tire Insnr- by certified cheek for 5 per cent of Ing condensation of time, making In­ Jokes on Piper and Stanfield. 45 Stt 1-2-3 P. W. Todd..................... cidentally a highly Instructive and .. 249.53 the best money making crop In the ance Ratest the amount bid and must be uncon­ Intensive study of modern building 45 NH 6-7-8 Mary A. Eichinger .,.. . 249.5» state. They were told and with a At the banquet given by the As­ ditional. 45 Sfe «-7-8 Carrie L, Sharff ......... methods. — Popular Mechantes Mag«- . . 249.53 great deal of truth, that the north- : toria Chamber of Commerce to the Tillamook City went to consider­ The Court reserves the right to re­ line. 46 1 Robert Roberts . 304.43 west could not be excelled for beaut- : Oregon Editors, there were some able expense in purchasing a fire en­ or all bids. 46 2 Robert Roberta . 149.84 iful scenery and deligh' weather. To amusing stunts pulled off in. "grape- gine and complying with the requests ject any Homer Mason, County Clerk. 46 i 7 Oscar and Kate Werschkul ..149.64 Rtaaenabl« Cenetu«l«M. obtain this great crop of tourists from ■ »in«” telegrams. of the underwriters, and the business 46 8 Oscar and Kate Werschkul ..304.43 "What made you think this man all parts of th«' world the highways One was a telegram addressed to E. men having been informed the in­ 47 2 Fred Lyster .. . ...................... 149.78 going to marry you?" must be put in first-class shape for j i E. Piper, editor of the Oregonton, surance rates would be reduced If Restaurant Open At Rockaway, 47 4 Cliff Hiner .... ...................... 349.31 "Your honor,” replied the stag« auto travel and more hotels built , who attended the Democratic con­ the city put in a fire engine, it is now 47 A. N. Goin .... ...................... 349.31 for the accommodation of visitors. The Elmore Annex Restaurant, beauty, who was suing a millionaire vention at San Francisco, which read up to the underwriters to give the f 47 6 A. N. Goin .... ......................... 149.76 In regard to the shortage of news- j "Kindly return the corkscrew you city a new rating. Other cities have next to the Elmore Hotel, is now for breach of promise, "1 accepted a 46 3 W. G. Dwight Est................ 44.98 print paper, the editors took a whack ’ ■ borrowed from me at San Francisco. been rerated and a reduction of 20 to open for the season. Chicken dinner motorcar from him, tors, diamond«, 46 pesrls and trifles of that sort a* a Oscar and Kate Werschkul 44.98 at th»» Sunday dallies, contending I need it to open my campaign. JU per cent made. Why delay giving served Sundays from 1 to 5 p. m. that they should be confined to 60 | . Governor Cox." Tillamook City a new rating and a Special attention given parties on matter of course. Such gifts didn’t Said assessments have been Unier­ must be paid in full In cash. Forms necessarily mean that he was in earn­ er as of August 18, 1920 and are now pages on Sundays and 24 pages on ‘ Another was addressed to K. N. reduction in fire insurance rates? Oi reservation. "Quality our Motto. est, bnt when he told me the combina­ payable. Application to pay said as­ of application may be had from the Other days. ' Stanfield, who is tlie Republican was it a "hot air” propaganda that tion to his wine cellar I considered sessments in installments may be City Recorder. Dated this August As :<> the increase In freight rates I nominee for U. S. Senator, and read: was doled out to the citIsens? Time that equivalent to a proposal of mar­ may within 30 days from said date, 16. 1920. Card of Thanks the editors endorsed the northwest "You'd better go back to shearing ■ will tell. FRANCES B. STRANAHAN. -------- o-------- riage." —Birmingham Age-Herald. risers and harbors convention and sheep. Not necessary to make a goat | and if such application be not made City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. We wish to thank the many friends favorrd the establishment of print­ of yourself.—Senator George E. I within said time, said assessments Nazarene Church Service«. for their kind sympathy during the Woman In War Work. ing departments in schools. > liuniberlaln. o------ Illness and death of our beloved wife It has been estimated that In Eng- These were sonte of the Important Both th»1 men were present at There will be special services at the and mother. land the war work for women drew things the I'dltorw discussed that are ' meeting and enjoyed the jokes. Notice to th« Public Church of the Nazart-ne next Sunday. For Sale. 401.000 recruits from domestic wort W. J Wilson of importat.ee to the state, which ■ ■■ o------ Hercules hot water and steam heat­ Miss Louise Robinson will be the and dress-making. Lloyd A. Wilson goes to prove that the Oregon Edltor- Having bought out Mr. Sutton's ing plant and fittings, in good shape. Presbyterian Church. speaker in the morning. Mina Robin­ ial Association la fully alive to the interest in the Sutton A Loll Meat Sealed blds to be received by district ------ o-— son expects to sail as missionary for We may rejolc« that the era of the Hay for Sale interc- i i of the state. Sunday School 10 a .m. Africa next October, and will speak tyrant himself in the White House Market, I wish to inform our patrons clerk within thirty days from date of ------ o------ they will receive the same courteous notice. Reserve right t« reject any Morning worship 11 a.m. subject, on her future work. She is a graduate Vetch Hay for sale. Apply to W. will pass before the idea of next Mr. Harding evidently is not en­ "The Powerful Weak." and an earnest A. Yocom. Ballston, Or. Phone Sher­ March. While the Democratic par­ treatment in the future as they have or all blds. i of Nampa College, amored to this mushy internationa­ Evening worship, H p m.. Subject' pleasing speaker. July 8, 1920. ty has taken over the Wllaon policies in the P*st. idan 54525. U E. Loll. lism which would look after every "Bolshivlki Religion." Tbe Red Peril I Mrs. Whiteside. field secretary of it has jettisoned Wilson and we can Ruby 8. Lommen, Dist. clerk. i country except the United States. of Bolshcviklsni is menacing down Nampa Missionary Hospital and San­ discuss policies and not personalties. Dial. No. 24, Balm School. the steeps of Russia Into Poland and Itarium will speak in the evening. The strong appeal of Harding and i At th« conference between Presi- Europe. It promises a new civilization Mt*. Whiteside will represent the "My heart is In the grave with Coolidgv to the people is the fact The esteemed New York World p Wilson and Governor Cox. It was based upon fredom. but is the great­ I work of that institution which la the Caesar,” said Mark Anthony. and that both men have had long legis­ finds some of the plaaks of the Chie- ie as usual, ths President est menace of true civilization. Is it I only on« of ita kind in the North­ William J. Bryan echoes him. Cheer lative experience, both know the leg­ •■’k’o platform hard to undereland, but id Cox, like all the others, a religion? It in. west. i up. William! Mark Aatkonp cam* to islative misd. and both appreciate It will be remembered that a Bepab- »bead and «aid. "Those are ■verybody always welcome. barr Caesar, zn4 you can do the tbs legtniativ*» function hi - onr lican plank ts always hard- when ft A cordis) Invitation Is extended to ■sate too." Alla« A. MeA*a, Minister. same tor CW. ail. sckem« of govsrnniont. I comes tow« op « Deaeaoratte head. Sillumnnk waùlüjht, Tillamook Jottings i. 0. U. X. Noyfolk Fann, j Our Herd Sire I BURTON lì w. I NOYFOLK FARM STEP INTO CHAS. I. CLOUGH’S and get one of the NEW BOOKS ! By Your Favorite Author § Your Choice for 95c Make It Now While the Assortment Is Complete C. J. CLOUGH CO ■ «