TILLAMOOK The Proof Of The Pudding Cooks appreciate its firmness and flavor Blit the “Proof of the Pudding” is the way the folks enjoy the splendid breads and pastries made with it. 'iTJTXTJre • • £ If your poultry Just boards with you — instead of producing, KGIiBg Poultry Feeds will put them to work. Use OLYMPIC Stock Feeds, too. FLOUR WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ÏÎ FEED TILLAMOOK I WADE; does IO mci njwc A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearer« and wood-cutting contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable, Hundreds in use all over the U. S. When not in Uie for wood cutting, the 4 H. P. motor will run mills, feed mills, teed cutters, pumps, etc. Quick dtlioeri»» from over 100 point» throughout My IFede &¡w h tutting wood ftf Un than 3 centi F. J. Mlliami, Burnì, Ors. th» United State», a ccd. ’ " I have ¡awi 1 through five ful ullJaat hg iati he ratefL^Z N. F. Mirri, Laton, Cail/ if inc fm a minute. ' America must burn more wood for fuel. One Wade will do 10 men's work at one-tenth the cost Write for free Book, ' UowDan Hoss cuts <0 cords a day,” full de­ tails and j Des­ iai price. Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent "Wings of the Morning” With Wm. Farnum as Star o------- Séni Theatre will show on Tuesday, August 24th, Wm. Farunm, the eminent William Fox star, in his latest photodrama. "Wings of the Morning" a picturization of the well- known novel written by Louis Tra­ cy.. This is a stirring sea story with all the elements necessary for a sup­ erior screen entertainment. The romance opens in faraway Singapore, at a British army post. Mr. Farnum, as the hero, is cashiered out of the service on a false charge, and later found as a sailor on boari a passenger steamer crossing the China Sea. The boat is wrecked on an unchartered island during a typ­ hoon. and he rescues the daughter of the owner of the line. Their viciss­ itudes and adventures on the island and the final denouement are said to lie developed along extremely drama­ tic lines. The picture was directed by J. Gordon Edwards. You’ll Find There s Luck in the Right Fishing Tackle VX/E have given a great deal of attention ’ ’ to selecting the kind of tackle that brings home the fish. Here are the most successful Lures— strongest, best wearing and least conspicu­ ous Lines- smooth running Reels for hard service—Rods that properly combine elas­ ticity and power—Landing Nets, etc Let us fit you out for good luck. Call For Bids. -------o——— Sealed bids will be received at the Record- r s cilice, of Bay City, Ore., for grati'ng and graveling of Ocean . treet from 4th St. West to 2nd ■ "i-et. and 2nd Street from A Street No. til to Main Street. The plans may bo seea al Recorder’s office in Bay City, i tie council reserves the right to reject any and all blds. F. W. Smith, Recorder of Bay City. King-Crenshaw Hardware Co THE "WINCHESTER STORE Governor Coolidge has been made a Doctor of Laws. He qualified as an enforcer of laws several months ago. MILK COWS FOR $ SALE or EXCHANGE ? for Dry Stock. ? YACER & BRADY, Í ■ 4^ Hai2SZSE5iíSaS2SH5aí¿5a5?SH5i52.'í25í525Z5HSíSare‘raS¿SESa5E5?5Z52S25aSÍ!52S We Buy CASCARA BARK Highest Cash Price. J AI | Kupp entender’s Warehouse, Tillan ook and Hebo. S8SaSí52Sí52S2Sa5a5?S25aSH5¿5HS¿5?S2Sc Having your house wired by folks who know their business is not a thing to be dreaded. It can be done with far less muss and fuss than you put up with in having the house papered or painted. We can wire vour house in two or three days and leave not a scar on your wood-work or plaster. There’s no dirt, nor any incon­ venience to you and tne cost is We will come and tell you ex­ actly what It w ill cost if you wish. SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY Tillamook • • -Oregon, 4* no muxr no OREGON ThefirstNationalBank EDUCATION PAYS Oregon Agricultural «College 1 CLOSING OUT SALE 4X florernment Folder Describes Oregon's Eecreat '.on Areas A handsomely illustrated folder i limit includes a map of the princip- al highways for the entire State of Oregon has just been issued by the Forest Service, This is the first time this branch of the t'niud States Department of Agriculture has issu­ ed a map of an entire State. The new publication should prove of im­ mense value to nil persons, particul­ arly motorists, seeking recreating in ihis region endowed with such a var­ iety of natural attractions. The booklet is entitled. "Road and Recreation Map of Oregon." and con­ tains descriptions of recreation spots in the national forests of that State, rhese picturesque many Notice. Any one in Tillamook county who has any amature photogtaphs. paint­ ings or work of Art of any kind that may be exhibited at the Tillamook county Fair, will please let me know by letter or otherwise at your earl­ iest convenience. Let us have a good display. Don’t dpend on the other person furnishing the exhibit. Ad­ dress. E. G. Lantz. Supterindent of Art Department, Tillamook County Fair. Tillamook, Ore. Both phones. While some of Jhe Democratic, punsters and jokesmith are w'orrying who put the hard stuff in Harding and th«f cool stuff in Coolidge, they might take time to inform us who put the mock in Democracy. I am Closing Out my entire Stock of Household Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices Come and Investigate A. L. PACE i SUM AUTOTUBE TON TESTED “The Meat of the Wheat”, Wheat Hearts make the ideal breakfast food. Even waffles are easily made with Pancake Flour. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Beals of the est Service asks is that you be care­ Highland Grove farm are developing ful with fire and that you look to finest herd of Registered Holmetn the proper sanitation of your camp." Not only Is this wonderfully char­ cattle in county. Enjoyable day, with the favorite acterized by scenes infinitely varied, breed, much talk, plenty to eat and out as the map shows, they are easi­ enthusastic breeders from north and ly accessible. In the construction of the present highway system the For­ south ends of the county present. What promised to be the most en­ est Service has played an important joyable as well as profitable get-to­ part, having built many miles r>f gether meeting of the pure-bred live road. When all plans have bee i car- a t.'iou*- stock developers of Tillamook coun- ‘ ried out, there will be over in these ty was Wednesday, Aug. 11th, when and miles of good highway over fifty boosters for better stock national forests. Many weli-laid-out camp sites a- participated in the annual picnic of wait the outdoor enthus’ast. S< ver- the Holstein Breeders Association at al of these are close by stream» theHighland Grove Farm of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. eBals. The day being ex- where fish are abundant and where ceedingly pleasant the picnic coui- hunting is good. Numeious camp grounds are equipped with stone menced at 10:30 a. m. and there was something doing every minute until fireplaces. Th» extensive telephone systems of the Forest are available 4:30 p. m. when it was realized that to the Public free in case of emergen­ the time had come when all should depart to lake care of their respect­ cy. Persons desiring copies of this ive obligations which come along a- paniphet may qbtuin them by ad- bout milking time. dressing a request to the Diatn^t The forenoon was spent in getting Forester, Portland, Oregon. acquainted and renewing old friend­ ships and looking over the farm. At the noon hour a great IcAig table Taylor Holmes in "Nothing But Lies" For a LIMITED period we are giving new and loaded with eats was spread in the regular customers, with each Vacuum Cup Coming to the Gem Theatre Fri­ grove and everybody enjoyed the big Tire bought at our store, one “Ton Tested” teed topped off with an auto load of day and Saturday, August 20 and 21 large watermelons. After the feed, is Taylor Holmes in one of those Tube of corresponding size. Buy NOW! the meeting was called to order by howlingly funny stage comedies Save money by anticipating your Spring and president, B. A. Folks, of NoyFolk written for Mm. Colliei and adap.ed Farm who, in his most enthusastijc for the screen use of Mr. Holmes. Tlii.- Summer tire and tube needs. style gave an interesting and instru­ ¿hird one-—the first was "Nothing but Adjustment basis—per warranty tag attached ctive talk. After Mr. Folks’ talk, the The Truth” and the second "The Ve­ to each casing: .Secretary-Treasurer, Roilie Watson ry Idea”—is entitled "Nothing Bui Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires . . . 6,000 Miles was called upon tor a report show­ Lies;” and it was written by Aaron Vacuum Cup Cord Tires .... 9,000 Miles ing a healthy condition ot the assoc­ Hoffman. iation work for the past year. The The plot—for there is a most am­ correspondence of the National As­ using one in this play—concerns the sociation aua the report of the Nat­ efforts of a young man to cover up a ional meeting and sale of St. Paul friend's mistake, made at the instiga­ was read and placed on file. tion of a radical young woman who Mr. Chas. Kunze, of Dykeland 1 is known to her friends and the pol­ Farm from Nehalem and ex-president ice as Riot Rosie. A she-Bolshevik and leading breeder of Holstein cat­ is Rosie, of the indoor and harmless tle in Tillamook county made time­ type, but when a lurid pamphlet shi ly and interesting remarks also Dr. I has her friend write is sent to the pa- Glaiyser, Roy Jones, Dolph Tinnerst- prs in place of a big firm’s advertis­ et and F. R. Beals ail of which ing copy, something of a stir is creat­ were enthusasticaly received and ap­ ed. And such a stir can be explained proved. The Roll of Honor" for tile by nothing but lies. official testing for month of July gave Mr. eBals’ herd several very en­ An Important Sale of Holstein Bull viable records. Matters pertaining ——u------ to tile County and State Fairs were ’ An important sale in Ohio is re­ discussed and a good showing will be made by our breeders. Dr. Glaisyer ported irom Maplecrest Farm, the reported on what was taking place , purchasers being a syndicate of Ohio relative to placing Tillamook county breeders consisting of Niins Bros, E. YOU ARE NOT TOO FAR AWAY TO BANX AT in a "cler list" or "Accredited Herd ! Orwell, It. E. Dillon, Lj le ana THE FIRST NATIONAL. , Allen, of Williamsfield. Area” this movement is under way The bull is a son of Ohio’s first 30 DISTANCE is easily discounted in barking at the so that Tillamook county will be in­ j spected by Federal inspectors and by . ' lb. cow, Burton Highlawn 2d’s Hart­ First National Bank by our BANK BY’MAIL next year will be undoubtedly the og, one of Mr. Dimmiek’s foundation Service. Accounts may be both opened and main­ cows. She has never had an opport- first section of the United States to tained here by mail, thus eliminating the necessity be given a clear bill of health as tai­ . unity of making a long time record for the farmer to run in to town when he is at ns our cattle are concerned; the , owing to an injury to her udder heighth of the busy season. which occured after making her 30 much dreaded TB, being practically “ NATIONALIZED” ACCOUNTS.; eliminated from this county. A mo­ lb. record, but her owner, Mr. Dim- DIRECTORS. mick and others who know her tion was carried to co-operate with JOHN MORGAN. ¡C .1 EDWARDS. all other breeders in securing an O. well, are confident that she was. A.W. BUNN. 11. C.; I.A M B, 1 when in her prime, a real .00'1 lb. A. C. tester to officiate at the County HENRY ROGERS W. |J. RIFCHF.KS. Fair Board for this work. The Hol­ I cow a- tar as capacity is coucerneu. . A. IMcGHHF. stein Association are also trying to ■ She is alive and in good health and secure the services of Prof. Brandt 1 believed to be safe in calf at the ad­ lot tile 0. A. C. to judge the cattle, vanced age of 18 years. Although I whose sei vices were so generally sat­ i uh lias no long time record herself. isfactory to all last year. Roilie I she lias three daughters w ith records . Watson was appointed as a commit­ I averaging well over 1000 lb. each, tee of one to take charge of the one of the number being made a jun- , booth at the Fair. Mr. Dolph Tin- j ior two-year-old. Probably her most nerstet, county dairy inspector was famous daughter is High-lawn De called on and he made an excellant Koi, who until recently was known talk on the lines of his chosen work; as the only cow with a 1200 lb. but­ among other things, he stated that ter record to have a 1200 lb. daugh­ he had ’scored’ Mr. Beal’s barn and [ ter. She has several other good sons thut it was the best scoring barn in | 1 besides the youngster just pur.chas- __ ______ IFOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FCR TEE STATE the state of Oregon and went on to j I ed by the Dillon, Allen, Nims com­ explain that the scoring ■ made was bination, perhaps the most famous A Person with No Educatinn litis but One Chance in 93.2 perfect, this of course, was very being Maplecrest Pontiac Hartog, 150,000 to Render Distinguish Service to the Public gratifying, as Mr, Beals is very proud one of the leading herd sires in the With Common School Education 4 Chances famous herd of Peter Small of Chea- ot his flue barn and his wonderful With High School Education .. h7 Chances herd of cattle. After the meeting t terland. Ohio. With College Education............... WO Chances The sire of the young bull Mr. was over, everybody went thru the barn and were introduced to the Dimmick has just sold Is out of _ _ _ _ _ _ Are You Giving Your Child Pis Chance ?___ Royalty, of which Mr, Beals has a Maplecrest Pontiac Flora Hartog, THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT [HAVE INVESTED number ot official work and all of who is a 1232 lb. daughter of an MOST IN EDUCATION! Ohio ’ s first 30 lb. cow who was just ihis produced much interest as sev­ mentioned as being the dam of the eral of Mr. Beals’ cows are milking around a 100 lbs. and over every ! young bull himself. This is real con­ day, also several milking over 60 lbs. structive breeding and should get Though a "Liberal and Practical Education pre­ per day that have been in milk for results. pares the Young Man and Young Woman for question is The sire of the calf in over ten months. Mr. Chas. E. Gab- Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers by. formerly of Hollywood, is Mr. by Friend Hengerveld De Koi Butter Boy who is the only sire in the MINING AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING Beals' head herdsman and is very in­ PHARMACY HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE teresting in his knowledge of feed­ world to have five 30 lb. daughters i FORESTRY VACATIONAL EDUCATION ing and rationing the grand-dames, each of which h*8 herself produced a 30 lb. daughter. "Old Friend” sired that are making the records. The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Tile next meeting of the Holstein the first 1300 lb. cow and was the MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE, ART and Breeders will be at the farm of Jack first sire to have three 1200 lb. the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical Hupp, in Fairview on Thursday, Aug. daughters. C ollege Course. The Ohio breeders that pooled I 26th, when it is expected that Mr. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. TUITION IS FREE. their resources to putchase this val ­ Fred Stimpson, of Hollywood and EOK INFORMATION WRITE TO Mr. Geo. Gue of Yakima. Wn. will uable young bull are to be congratul­ THE REGIST AR, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore lie present. These gentlemen are both ated upon securing a young bull with proniineint in the Holstein cattle bu­ such a remarkable combination of siness and have a wide acquaintance great records on both sides of his and National reputation; their delib­ pedigree. A representative of the o< ><> O O <> erations will carry great weight in World recently had the plearure ol O anything they may have to offer to seeing this young bull and does not the breeders of Tillamook county; hesitate to pronounce him as one of everybody is welcome to the meetings the grandest individuals of the breed of tin- Holstein Breeders, in fact you with about as fine a top line any bull are invited to be with us at all ever carried. Altogether he is a limes. Nothing will be said or done young bull that any one might be to hurt the feelings of anyone that proud of. The above has reference to a bull, may differ with our opinions In re- gard to our favorite bleed. In case which is an anmial that has the same the weather is disagreeable, or rain­ dam and also the grandam of the sire ing on Aug. the 26th, the meeting as is the dam of a bull now doing ser­ stated at Mr. Jack Rupp’s will be vice in Tillamook county. This will held at the Fairview Grange Hall. give you an idea of the value that Everyone interested in the develop­ some of the leading breders of the country place upon the Maplecrest ment of better stock la Invited. stock. R. W. Watson, Sec.-Treas., i,,, 4 AUGUST I q . 1090. Sixth Annual Picnic of Tillamook i them heavily forested, are "in every sense free recreatlou grounds,” says County Holstein Breeders' 1 the paniphet, "and no trammels are Association put on your enjoyment. All the For­ The Olympic £ 4° HKADI.IGTT*