illamook TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Alli I SI lleuWjt Tillamook Jottings Mrs. G. W. Gibson and Mrs. H. „ with his uncle, Myron Trowbridge. ( were in Monday and Tuesday. They and family, all of Salem, Or.; Mr. SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 6. W. Irland returned to their home in I M The road however, will be benefited, 1 rowbridge is the chief printer ate making a tour of the coast, as and Mrs. E. Gabel and Hansel Conf- Portland Saturday after having spent as the sunlight will dry it out in the — - —o------- D. R. DeGrose was fined |10 and for Bremerton post in me navy Mr. Miller is in the barber supply er, Maupin, Or.; I. C. Black and fam ­ a couple of weeks at Netarts camp­ costs, last week for speeding. Mr.•and Mrs. George Arenz went business and does his ow n traveling, ily, W. A. Beldridge and wife all'of With An Efficient Staff of Teachers winter and make it last a great deal ing. longer. to Portland Saturday to spent a few They were lavish in their praise of Fullerton, Neb.;R. H. Hughes and Mrs. A. Reppar, of Bay City, spent o------ L. Willard, who has been here for days, then drive back* in a new car Nothing definite was decided upon Monday in Tillamook shopping. Tillamook county, especially ot its family und Mrs. Ed Hughes, Hllls- The Tillamook City Schools will by the court, but Judge Hare said several months with the Warren which they purchased while there. roads. Mrs. Miller said, "We think bor. Or.; Gordon Black and family, open Monuay, September 6, tor the A baby girl was born to Mr. and Construction Co., left Saturday aft­ George Webb, of The Dalles, was there surely must be some live tim­ Forrest Grove, Or.; Don W. Young, 1920-21 term, lhe school board has that he knew the road had to be re­ Mrs. Reuben Glad on the 15th. ernoon for Klamath Falls, where he hpre a few days last week, visiting paired and he knew what ought to be ber in the road commission of this Detroit, Mich.; Tillman and Paul secured tne following corps of in­ done, but that no action would be Carl Heisel left Sunday for Monte­ will live. with friends. county from the way the roads ate Glover, Bayfield. Colo.; R. W. Glar- sti uciors; sano, Wash., where he will visit for taken just yet. In a week or ten i R. W. Bennett spent the week end Myrtle Shinaberger, daughter of kept up.” Uiaues; Mrs. Clara Burge, 1-B; days he will have the plans of the a week or so with his parents. i scock and family, Emmet, Idaho; at Dalles with his mother, Mrs. A. the Southern Pacific depot agent at Some time Mrs. Frances ¡steinback, 1-A, Miss Charles Burgess and family, El Dor ­ last Tuesday night a court in regards to the improvements Miss Lillian Severance left Wed­ W. Bennett, and family. He return­ Hillsboro, returned to her home Mon­ vuluuble bull belonging to Wm. Hare ado, Kansas; G. H. Patterson, Salt Florence Heffley, 2-B; Miss Eva Bee­ ready for publication. nesday to spend a few days vacation ed home Monday, being accompanied day. She and a party of others had wus fatally injured in a fight with Lake City, Utah; O. E. Hiller and kman, 2-A; Mrs. Sylvia Hosains.xp; at Neah-kah-nie. by Mr and Mrs. Albert Reunett. driven over in a car and camped at another bull. He was kept at lhe family. Lebanon, Kansas; G. E. Gril- Miss Ferrol Swallow, 4 ; Miss Ida Obituary Notice. Mrs. J. K. Stamper and daughter, Mis. B. D. Lamar and daughter, Netarts for two weeks, and as she George \\ illiams ranch, where a ion. May wood, Mo.; J. S. Bell and Snyder, 5, Mrs. Gertrude H. DeBoes, of Bay City, spent Monday here visit­ Pauline, of Corvallis, and Mr. and was ill it was necessary for her to Guernsey bull was also kept. The wife. Centerville, Cal.; Georgia Black 6; Mr. J. S. Goin, Giaue Principal, Olive L. Thompson was born in ing and attending to business. Mrs. Earl Goodman, of Marshfield, return on the train. 7; Miss Belle Wilson, 8; Miss Mild­ Klickitat county. Wash., on Decem­ two were tied, one on the inside of Clarks. Neb. daughters of Mr. Floyd Eberman bought a Buick and Mrs. S. A. red Hanselman, Music and Drawing. ber 27th, 1885, and was married to George Williams reports the sale the burn and one out of doors, but Six from the Sunset Garage last Fri­ Brodhead are here on a visit. of a Husdon Super Six to George some time during the night they GEM THEATRE PROGRAM Highschool: L. N. Bennett, Prin­ W. J. Wilson on December 17, 1905. day, the 13th. Hope he has luck. cipal; Mrs. Bertha Hanson, Teach­ They moved to the Willamette valley L. J. Lamb, of Portland and hl.- Arenz last week. He has a one thou­ managed to get loose und engage in State Industrial Accident Commis­ family are camping for a few days sand gallon tank on a Republican a furious fight, which resulted in the Friday-Saturday, Aug. 20-21, "No­ er Training; Miss Marguerite Brakel, in 1906. where they resided until thing But Lies" featuring Taylor English; Mrs. Flora Heyd, Latin ana sion vs. J. A. Jensen is a suit field in on lhe old Lamb place ut S.iu.h truck which he uses to haul the gas tatal injury of the Hare bull. Mr. 1917, when they came to Tillamook Holmes. French; Miss Nena Starr, Commer­ and located at Hemlock. She leaves tile circuit court to recover 1174.62. Prairie. Mr. Lamb is a brother of from the depot to the garage, The Haie valued the bull ut >2,500, anu “ All in a day ” comedy. garages are now getiting the feels that it will be hard to replace cial; Miss Geòrgie Barry, Histoiy; t25 each, but Orin has not yet ing at about 8 o'clock, on their way children are viBiting at the home of One reel comedy. universities where they have special­ to Portland have not arrived there ■ n apprehended, as he is in Mont ­ A Pleasant Gathering. Sheridan Sun, was in Tillamook on Mrs. Blair in this city. Tuesday, Aug. 24, "Wings of the Mo­ ized in the branches which they are ana at the present time. yet, and no one has heard of them Monday. He had come in over the rning ” featuring Wm. Farnum Mrs. R. T. Boale and two small to teach. With one or two except­ The home of Paul Hanson was the Have you noticed the cute little since thut time. Grave doubts are Neah-kah-nie trail, after having at­ "Pathe Review.” ions they have had several years' scene of a pleasant gathering, when sons left Wednesday for Portland, tended the Editorial convention at dolls in Pennington's windows? They held by the friends of the missing Wednesday, Aug. 25, “Slaves of successful experience. Miss Snyder where they will spend a few days. the friends .neighbors and member^ were drawn by Lucia Wiley, a twelve ones, for they are probably lost or Astoria. Pride” featuring Alice Joyce. is a graduate ot lhe Minnesota Stale of the U. B. church, assembled to nave met with an accident. Wednes­ .Misses Evelyn Shartel and Ella year ota school girl of this city. She Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McGuire, of "No Never Touched Me ” comedy. Normal at Winona, Miss Heffley and tender Mr .and Mrs. Nels Hanson a Orth spent a few days at Wheeler Woodburn, spent a week here visit­ also designed and made the costumes day the Telegram, of Portland, call- eu this office .asking that an attempt Thursday, Aug. 26, “The Dead Line” Miss Beekman, ot Monmouth State furewell party. A few hours were and Rockaway this week. which they wear. Miss Wiley is to ing with their daughter and son-in- featuring George Walsh. Normal, Miss Hanselman, of Oberlin, spent in pleasant visitation and sing­ be made to ascertain whether they Mrs. C. H. Boman conte in from law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl White. They be complimented on her excellent “Her Wooden Leg-acy” comedy. Airs. Heyd, of Missouri University, ing .when prayer was offered and an liad come through Tillamook or not, work, as it is commended very high ­ Rupert, Idaho, Wednesday, to live left Wednesday for Rockaway, where Friday-Saturday. Aug. 27-28, "The Miss Barry, University of Washing­ address made setting forth the sorr­ but,if such was the case, they left ly by all passers by. here for a lime. they will stay until Sunday. Misfit Wife”, featuring Alice Lake. ton; Miss Stutz, ot O. A. C. and Mr. ow and regret felt and loss realized, Mrs. C. Hergesheimer and B. Me no trace of having been here. A marriage license was issued to Mrs. K. Bothwick and Mrs. Wm. Dimmick, Will amene University. In their going away. And the desire Mrs. E. T. Haltom was the charm­ Bride, who are spending the summer Thirteen Feet on Nehalem Bar. J. J. Brownilig and Ivah Loban, of Muirliead, of Portland, who have rhe Superintendent and the high of those present that God might bless ing hostess at an informal afternoon at Garibaldi spent Monday in ’ Tilla ­ Blaine ,on August 14th. been visiting here at the home of school principal will be in the office them wherever their lot was cast. mook. They are from Philadelphia, party held at her home last Wednes­ Thos. Watt, Harry Bell, D. R. Alfred Gillett left Tuesday for Co­ Captain and Mrs. John Groat for two For thirty two years the Hanson’s this being their first trip out here, day in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. Groves and Frank A. Rowe sounded Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, chran, where he will stay for several weeks returned to their homes Mon­ Mr, McBride said he C. Monroe, of Spokane, who i, m visit- the bar Wednesday morning, and September 1-2-3, to enroll high have been residents of the community thought this day. months. senool students, from 9 to 12 and and in the going away of both Nels i was a splendid place and that the ing here with her. A very fffeasant found a minimun depth of 13 feet at from 1 to 4. All young people plan­ and Paul Hanson and their families Mabel Wilson, the eleven year old climate was excellant, although they atleruoon was spent with fancy work Rollie Watson left Tuesday for a low water, which ie equivalent to 20 several days business trip to Portl­ daughter of Thomas Wilson, of Ore- were rather cold. and a delicious luncheon was served feet or more at high water. The ning to altenu high school this sem­ the community will loose honorable ester should select the studies which and highly respected citizens. The town, is at the Vidito hosiptal, where and. L. G. Wyant vs. Evelyn Wyant is by the hostess. The decorations used channel is wide and straight. Ar- they wish to curry at this time, whe­ she was operated on for an infected church will miss their attendance. were gladiolus and sweet peas. The Dr. Crank reports the birth of a rangements are being made to chart­ a divorce suit filed in the circuit son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilkes, on appendex, by Dr. LeFevre, of Clover­ court. These parties were married invited guests were, the Mesdames er the gas schooner Oregon of San ther they can enter the hist week ot While their leaving will be our loss, school or not. By enrolling at this it will be another's gain, for they dale. The child Is improving rapidly. the 11th of August. at Vancouver, Wash., on the 27th of B. C. Lamb, J. C. Holden, S. Bord- Francisco, to load a cargo of 450,000 time more alleni ion cun be given the will be a splendid gain to that com­ head, H. Crenshaw, F. C. Baker, W. Owing to a freight ear loaded with feet of lumber in the near future.— February,' 1916, no children being Floyd Woolfe was arrested and needs ot individual students. Those munity in which they choose to make J. Rlechers, E. E. Kock, David Rob­ Wheeler Reporter. >50 and costs last week for unlawful lumber jumping the track about three born to the union. On the 1st of Oct­ who are planning to enter some pau- their home. We wish them success miles west of Enright on Monday, it ober, 1918, while residing in Port­ inson and John Groat, and the out of fishing. icular college or university later on, in their new enterprise. was near midnight when the after­ land, Or., the defendant deserted the town guests were Mrs. Botwick and Fred C. Baker Named Mark Sweeny and Mrs. Ida Townes noon passenger train arrived in the can have their high school course sel­ Miss* Robinson, both ot Portland. plaintiff. Officer of Association ected to meet the entrance require­ Second Annual Tillamook County were married on the 9th of August, city. A great many people are camped Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart left Satur­ by Rev. Father Mai tin, of the Cath­ ments ot mat institution, so that Hany Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and day to spend the week end in Port­ at Netarts this season, owing to the — Fred C. Baker, publisher of the olic church, at the parish house. they will have no difficulty in gain­ family, of Vancouver, Wash., are land. Mr. Eberhart is putting in the improvements thut are taking place Tillamook Headlight of Tillamook, The officers of lite Tillamook Cow mg admission upon graduation trout A marriage license was issued to here visiting at the home of 1 Mrs. and the accommodations being rend was elected vice president of the Ore­ Testing Association are making ar­ high school. Sain Sullivan and Mary J. O'Brien, Harris's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. steel on the Kelchis river bridge, and ered. Those who wish a place to gon State Editorial association at the uraue pupils who plan to enter rangements for the second Annual bout of Nehalem, on the 14th of Aug­ Lance. They will remain about ten says it will be completed before very camp in the open and have rest and morning session Saturday. Other of­ i lie lillaniook schools from long, as the remaining portion of the other Tillamook county Dairy Festival at ust. days. steel, which is being shipped from quiet, with the mountains near as ficers elected were: Lloyd Riches of school systems are requested to cull the farm of L. A. McCormack south Bids are being received for the er­ well as the beach, go to Netarts. Portland, secretary treasurer; W. C. Edwldd Parsons vs. Wheeler Man- New York via the Panama Canal, at the cuie on me sume dales a- of Tillamook, on Saturday, Aug. 28th. ection of a high school building at facturing Co. is a suit filed in the will be here sometime next week. Some duys there are us many as eight DePew of Lebanon executive commit­ those of ilie high cliool, so tliut they Every dairyman and others interest­ Oretown, which is to be built in the circuit court to recover >810.83, the The Bay City Investment company, or nine hundred persons camped teeman. three year term. E. E. Brod­ may be assigned to grade, without ed In the dairy development of the near future. plaintiff alleging that this is the a- capitalized at >155.000 filed articles there and almost every morning ie of Oregon City and Bruce Dennis loss of time. Report curds tiom their county ure invited to come. Bring J. N. Ellis returned to his work in mount of money due him for wages of incoi poration Saturday at the of­ twenty five or thirty camps are brok­ of La Grande are the other two com­ last school should be brought to the your basket of lunch and we will Portland Tuesday after having spent at >7.00 per day. have a rousing feed at the noon hour. fice of T. B. Handley, state corporal en up, which are filled again by mitteemen whose terms have not ex­ office. two weeks with his family near Attention Knights of Pythias. Big i. n commissioner. Bay City will hj night. Many of the eastern states pired. There will be speakers of State Beginning first grade pupils will Blaine. K. P. picnic at Rockaway, Aug. 29. me place of busines.-. The incorpor­ have been represented this year al­ go to Mrs. Burge's room in the grade wide reputation who will talk on ready, for instance Mr. Effing, who The Annual G. A. R. Encampment. building, Monday morning. No be­ subjects bearing on the bettermant Mrs. A. M. Wetterborg and daugh­ Bring all the kiddosand your friends. ators are R. C. Magarrell, Solon ter, ot Raleigh, spent Wednesday in K. P. band, speeches and kite flying Schiffmann. Webster Holmes, B. L. is from Orlando, Fla., who was there of your herds, or farm conditions, Members of lhe G. A. R. who want ginners can be admitted to tire first for some time. He was formerly a Tillamook. They are camping for a contest. Weather permitting. Com- Beals, Jr. and Theresa M. Gayloid. etc. You will have a chance to see B utter Monday, September 13. No Portland man, but now lives in Flor­ to take advantage of the railroad couple of weeks at Twin Rocks mittee. Mrs. E. W. Perkins left Saturday ida an goes to Netarts each summer tates to the annual encampment at children under six years can be ad­ the cow Pennie who made 1896 lba. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morris, of Port- for Portland to met her father, R. for his vacation. H. B. Kennedy and Indianpolis, Ind., should communic­ mitted. A new beginning cluss will milk and 115.7 lba. butter fat dur- I > H. Barnes, of West Timber, spent land, spent a few days in Tillamook undt. of Spokane, who is coming family, of Pittsburg, were also camp­ ate with H. W. Spear, Commander of be tormed in the second semester, the ing the month of June. Mr. McCormack has had his herd Wednesday in Tillamook visiting this week, stopping while here at here to Visit. They returned as far ed there, and several families from Cornlth PoBt, who has received the latter part of Januury. ourvlew i uesday, where they will Kansas, including W. A. Nicholson .ollowing letter from C. A. Williams, All other grude pupils will go dir­ In th« Testing Association since It and attending to business. the Hotel Tillamook. They returned started in 1911 and has built It up Mrs. George Snyder, of Days Creek, as far as Rockaway Wednesday, and camp for a couple of weeks. Mrs. and M. B. Band. assistant adjt. gen: “Dear Comrade: ectly to the rooms lndiciated by theli until he has a fine average product- report cards. Or., who has been here for three then resumed their journey Thursday Reed, of Portland, Mrs. Perkins' Sunday afternoon as Rollie Watson Received your favor this morning ion. sister, accompanied them. Mr. Jundt Only short sessions will be held W. A. Brooks, of Portland, return­ weeks, visitlngwlth Mrs. A. D. Smith, and a party of folks, nine in ail, were and hasten to tell you all about it, Monday. Teachers will assign seats Sports will be arranged for the left for her home Monday afternoon. ed to his home Wednesday, after says the heat Is almost unendurable that is what little 1 know. We have on their way to the beaches ,an acci­ children and young people and a tn Spokane. and lessons, and give out listB of having spent a few days on Whisky not been able to get the details of Mr. and Mis. August Henker, of dent occurred on this side of Bay nooks and supplies required. It is general good time for all. A fatal accident occurred last Sandy, returned home Wednesday creek, on a fishing trip. He said that City just as they were passing the the excursion business to the Nation­ scuggested that parents do not pur­ The first Dairy Festival was held afterhaving spent a week here on a there were no drinks there or no fish Thursday at Watseco, when J. J. Thore Haugen place. A car driven al Encampment, that is the sale chase books, etc., until lists have last year at Cloverdale under the au­ McKenna, who was working on the either. dates, the time limit, stop overs, div ­ vacation. by one of the conductors on the train spices of the Nestucca Association. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Handicky, of donkey near the shingle mill, wa's was just ahead of Mr. Watson, and erse routes und all that sort of thing, been given out. School books and Unfortunately, it rained and the Adolph Kohler, who has been supplies will be handled at th e local struck over the heart with a portion working here for about three weeks, Portland, Hpent Saturday in Tilla- as he tried to pass, after having but the rates ure fixed ut one cent drug stores. meeting had to be held in the Grange of cable and killed almost instantly. left Tuesday for his home in Port­ mook visiting. They returned as far The line from the donkey parted and honked his horn, which the other per mile each way, which, ofSiourse, A number of the new teachers will Hall. The crowd was not so large will not be affected by the rlst ■■■ hlcli where as Bay City in the afternoon, driver failed to hear, he saw that as the preparations warranted but land. they stopped with friends for a few the cable hit the man on the rebound. the car in front was turning out to goes into effect this month. It is wish to secure lists of rooms and all who went enjoyed a good time Miss Agnes Coates left for Brigh­ boarding places when they reach Till ­ Van- lhe remains were shipped to days. avoid a hole in the road. As there supposed that the conditions will be amook. It will be appreciated if any­ and spent a profitable duy. ton Tuesday, w’here she will visit for couver for burial Friday. W. Knight left for Rockaway Mon­ was nothing for Mr. Watson to do about as last year, and we are 1» This meeting will be held, rain or a lew days with her friend, Mrs. Paul Mrs. 'lhore Haugen and Mrs. O. A. but to hit the other man’s car or to daily expectation of receiving official one wishing to bourd or room teach- day, weie he will spend some time. Werner. eis would telephone name and ad­ shine, at McCormack’s farm as fliers town Haugen, of Bay City», were in notification of lhe sume. Mr. Knight had the misfortune to drive in the ditch, which latter 1s ample room in the barn to shelter W. C. Logan vs. Thomas W. Ross, have his car burned Saturday after­ on business Wednesday. Mrs. Thore course he preferred. As he drove off "Last year those intending to go dress to Supt. Turnbull, either at the the crowd in ease of In ciernen; wea- School house, 150, or his residence, Carl Armstrong is a Kina Ross and noon near Coates' camp, where he Haugen has just returned from an the road he turned on to a culvert on the trip at the reduced rate bud ther. I55-R. suit filed in the circuit court to re­ was working. The fire was caused eight weeks trip to Gasley, Alberta, to obtain Identification Certificates which was improvised by putting Mark this date on your <-al«ndar cover >2,294.97 on a promissory note. where she has been visiting with limbs across a small ditch and lin­ through this office which entitle the by short circuit in the wires. and make it a point to attend. bother to purchase tickets at the re ­ her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Tratner. ing in with planks, the culvert broke Improvements for Netarts Mr. and Mrs. E. Watson, of Bux­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNab, of Port­ Everyone invited. Road Suggested. ton. returning to their home Monday, land, and Mrs. T. E. Reese and dau­ She says it was excedingly hot when through with car, which was then duced rate: we have not received the ------o-----* after having spent the week end here ghter, Roberta, of Morrow, spent she left there, but that she liked the thrown on its side. Two fenders wire the certificates yet. As soon as we Base Ball. I'iie County court, with D. J. Had place fine. Almost all of the grain badly bent and the top of the wind­ get the details from the Railroud and at Cloverdale with relatives. Tuesday in Tillamook. They had been ley, went to Neiarts Saturday after­ th : first garnie of the c ible T. H. Purcell, who has been here spending several days at Rockaway crops are excellent this season. shield broken, no other damages be­ offices w< w111 publish the whole bus- In 1 noon to ascertain I lie condition of ■ about two weeks, working at ihe and came up to see Tillamook be­ Mrs. Olise Liisberg has just receiv­ ing done, and none of the occupants iness. heude< 1 on the Nehalem groum last th:- road und to niuke suggestions u., yon. and wish to hear from "Glad Warren Construction camp, left Mon­ fore returning to their homes. ed word from her son, Theodore, who of the car were injured. io wnui impiovements are ceded, and Sunday, Camp No. 4 won from Till— you all the good things going.” day for his home in Bull Run. is the naval training station at San amook by a wide margin. Till;, iook A letter from A. C. Barber, the of Portland, who how t hey cun he brought about. T. E. Hadden, F. F. Conover and son will leave has ben here for several days return­ Francisco, that he was permitted to State Fire Marshall, was received In stretches the road is very rough, was forced to use several no h end Mrs. Munro Heard From for Esperance, N. Y., on Sunday and ed to 'his home In Portland Tuesday. take an examination fitting him for last week by Chif Coates. Mr. Bar­ owing to tile fact that the planks, players to fill In. Their own nlayqra ■ o failing to show up-Donovai .long will be gone about six weeks, while While here Mr. Hadden put in an ice a machinist's mate. He passed suc­ ber says that he is extremely*will Mrs. J. B. Munro, of Crasy, North which have been laid for about seven them. The moat exciting pari ,f the cessfully and is now making ready pleased with the results of the edu­ there will visit with relatives. years, are wearing out. It was sug ­ plant for John Patterson at the Lou­ Dakaio, who was a former resident game was the rooting of a ma;. . om Mr. and Mrs. George Calliff, of vre Cafe. Last fall he put in a simi­ to sail, which *he will do in six cational campaign with Mr. Stevens, of Tillamook county, writes as fol gested tout these planks be replaced Tillamook. He wus fat and jo! t and weeks time. Ordinarily the boys are and that the city of Tillamook cer­ Oregon City, returned to their home lar one for Morris Leach in his but- within another year, but as it costs required to await their turn until tainly came across with the right lows: “Inclosed you will find check feeling just happy enough to b; Tuesday after having sent a week at cher shop. over twice as much to build a plank they are experienced before taking kind of co-operation, which is need­ for 12.00 for the paper, which we ny. road us a gravel one. It would bo Netarts. could not keep bouse without, as 1 While cranking his car 1 uesday such an examination. In the second game Wheel« I ed to make a thing successful. He cheaper and bettei it all the plunks Mrs. Philloughby. of Portland, re­ afternoon, Will Robltsch had a There will be a meeting of the says he feels a great deal ot thanks look for it regularly. We are hav- were taken up und gravel laid in from Beaver 9 to 4. The gam wan turned to her home Saturday, after streak of extremely bad luck, for the ing i a beautiful summer here, altho- close up to the seventh innnr. ... av« having spent some time visiting with crank kicked back, striking his arm Chamber of Commerce in the City is due to the fire chief of that city, ugh I have missed all of July, as I their stead. While four inch plunks er leading 4 to 1. then their Infield Hall Thursday, August 19th. This and we think he is right on that last from twelv« to fifteen years, gra ­ friends at Beaver. and breaking it. The accident hap­ is the second meeting of the Chamber point, for Mr. Coates is a live wire, had a bud attack of heart trouble blew up. IWth only one ara.-h hit Dr. Viereck of Portland, Eye, Ear, pened on the Paul Fitzpatrick lanch. of Coniermce and officers will be el- and was in Devil's Lake, hospital vel will never wear out. Of course Wheeler scored five runs. Errc ■ and' and most of the work would be sad­ more must be added from time to Nose and Throat specialist, will be in just as Mr. Robltsch was preparing cted. also a set of By-laws presented most t of July, and just got home. Am wild throws helped them along ly lacking in punch if it were not Tillamook. Aug. 22, Room 110—I. O. to leave the Jersey Club meeting. very • weak and the doctor says It will lime but the foundation is always King did the pitching up to * and acted upon. The Chamber of for him. Mr. Barber is glad to know firm and good. As the Netarts road is O. F. Phone 27-J. Through the efforts of the Tilla­ Commerce has a room in the City that the city is well pleased with the take I months for me to get myself a- one of the market roads of the coun­ eighth and showed some of h We have Our crops are fine. Irene Morgan, of Portland, who mook Fish and Game Club a car of Hall for its office, and will have a Stutz pumper, and that It had put gain, time form, holding Wheeler to . ty, it should receive about fifteen has been here visiting with Mrs. L. Eastern Brook Trout arrived In Till­ secretary who will be present at all on two paid men. He thinks they ar-: over 600 acres of choicest wheat. scattered hits. Johnson who pi:c bed thousand dollars yearly from the L. Lichter, returned to her home amook. sent in from the flsh hatch­ times to look after the interests at necessary to make the departn.ent a cornea up to a horse’s back. Every In the eighth was not effective and Also 280 slate, which will go a long ways to­ three more runs crossed the p ery at Bonneville, to be distributed the people, tl also has use ot the first class one. About the best thing blade is full of wheat. Monday. ward making it more passable. will soon be of flax, which Scott, pitching for Wheel r did Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ledgerwood, of in the lakes at Lake Lytle, Bar View, auditorium for all its meetings. about his letter was that he 1» able arces A sawmill has been built up near ready to cut, besides acres of oats, The Dalles, who are spending a few Sandlake, Hebo, Cloverdale and Nest­ The amount of paint that is being to hold Tillamook as a model city in corn and potatoes, which are all tlie summit, and lu hauling rhe lum­ good work and deserved to w . <1 for The game that was advert weeks at Rockaway In the Manroma ucca. used around town is certainly im­ regard to fire protection and prevent­ good, We have seven men cutting ber out the road will be torn up Sunday the 15th at Tlllamis '< was cottage, were in Tillamook M ednes- A few days ago C. J. Boman, who proving its appearance. A number ion which sounds mighty good. hudly by the heavy traffic. The mill and shocking and are running four cancelled by Wheeler after tl post« day. works at the Warren Construction of the business places are receiving A large number of campers are at binders. They make three rounds In owner hus promised to furnish’ en­ era were all out. This mak it bad Camp, was severely burned by back a new coat, as well as a grea many road fiont the ough plank for the Mrs. E. R. Fitzpatrick and grand- j the camp grounds this week. They the forenoon and three in the after­ for the Beaver boys, who hit had a daughter. Jane, of Portland, return­ fire from the drum of the boiler. His dwelling houses. Tillamook’s reput­ are registered from several different noon. two and a half miles to the haid urtace near town to the rulli, hard time arranging games ;ll : um- ed to their home Monday, after bav- 1 hands, face and neck were blistered ation is being made and maintained states, some of them are: R. E. Shan round. Will be all through in a- This plank should be four inch thick, nter, and hurts their chanct of good ing spent a week here and a week and he has ben suffering a great deal in more than one way. Not content non and family, Sellwood, Or.; John bout ten days. Great place for one and about two feet longer than crowds at future games. I although is getting along nicely at with having one of the cleanest Glenn and Ralph Marquis, Albany, at Barview. to get a start in life. It's land of a that on the present road. Some of towns along the coast, its citizens Or.; Wm. Waterman and family, Sul­ plenty, but 1 would like to have Just the people who are admirers ot nut present. “If Mr. Wilson had been willing to State of Oregon vs. Rudolph Zwel- E. F. Trowbridge with his wife are going to hav*one of the prettiest tan. Wn.; A. F. Peterson and wife, one more salmon from grand old Till­ oral beauty will be sorry to see tli> accept the reservations which Lord fel is a writ of review filed in the also. Portland. Or.; L. D. Litchfield and amok. Wishing you a good year. trees cut down, as the torrent in that Grey stated that Great Bril’in was circuit court growing out of the case and child* left Saturday for their n>l4 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Milley and family. Orchards, Wn.; M. Jenseu Give my best regards to all rrty old place Is one of flic most beautiful, .perfectly willing to acct pt. v. where the defendant was fined 53«O home in Bremerton. Wash., after I primeval spots to be found any place. have been In the league now.” having spent some time here visiting small daughter, Jewell, of Portland, and family, Dr. Picker, E. A. Rhoten friends,’’ for having dead hogs on his place. t * j «