Women Just Received From Eastern Markets, New re New Lovely Fall Garments Have Been Unpacked From Their Wrap Fall Woolens— Offered At Anniversary Sale Prices Includes Coatings, Suitings aud Dress Material« « pers And Being Marked At Less Than TILLAMOOK, ORE. • Regular. j k in lovely colorings and plaid combination, wardrobe now and save the difference. • « Plan yonr Fall T HALTOM’S 18th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION r GOES MERRILY ON 1SOS» 1 1 ____________________________ J V ■J Being Indelibly And Favorabli Impressed Upon Thousntids CH Eager Shoppers. I he Banner Of Highest Quality And Lowest Prices \\ aves Over Every Section- Come In Arid Spend A .Short Time Wilh Us. There Are Many Unadvertised Items Ecpialy As Important As Those Listed. o w k ?8c. Piece Gcods, yard 29c. Conveniently situated in the centre aisle of the piece goods section are two tables full of piece goods to choose from at the above extraordinary choose fiom at the above extraordinary low price, low price. Skirting, Figured Flaxons Gil’-Edge Reason Why We’re Selling Yards And Yards Of !) Largest Stock Oí Shoes At Most Attractively Reduced Prices Expert. Fitting and Courteous Treatment. Women's Pumps And Oxfords, Black and brown kid militiary and Louis Heels. $7.00 values, Anniversary Sale $5 60 $9.00 $7.20 $8 00 10.00 Celebrated Red Cross Footwear tor the Dis­ criminating Woman 12.00 values, Anniversary Sale, .......... $9.60 $14.00 ” ” ” .............. $11.20 $15.00 ” ” ” .............. $12.00 Silks at 20 to 50 Per cent Women's Black Kid Shoes in Military And Cuban Heel, Stylish Vamps; Mahog­ any Calf With Military Heel, $9.00 and $10.00 Values. Sale, Pan ........................... $7.65 ture wear. Women's $6 White Canvas Shoes, Military or Louis Heel, $4.80 Note The Deep Cut In Prices That Have Been Made On Wash Goods And Domestics 35c. and 42c. Plain and Printed Dress Ging­ hams, Choice, Yard.................................................. 28c. 37c. Strongcloth, Good Weight, Plain and Stripes ........................................................................... 30c. Child’s $1.98, 5% to 8, pair .. . Child’s $1.87, 2 to 5, pair . . . Î Î Women's and Misses' Barefoot Sandals 1.59 Women’s $2.98, Anniversary Sale, . . 1.49 2.39 Misses’ $2.19, Sizes 12 to 2, pair .... 1.76 .......... 39c.. 49c., 53., 70c., $1.12, $1.18, $1.58 Colored Voiles ................................................................. 7 5c. Figured Linnings, Choice, The Yard . . .60c. Misses' $1.98, sizes 8 % to 11 %, ., . . Misses $1.69, sizes 5% to 8.................. 69c. Famous Galatea Cloth, All Wanted Col­ ors ...................................................................................... 55c, Children's, Misses’ Smoked and Russia 1.59 Tan 1.36 Shoes $2.98 value». pr. $2.39 13.79 values,pr. $3,67 $4.33 vulues, pr. $3.67 Shoe Attractions For Boys and Men 55c. Japanese Crepe, 30 Inch Wide, the Yard 44c. 93c, Standard Quality Sateen, Black, White And Colors, Choice, The Yard ................................ 74c. 85c. Hawian Silk, 36 Inch Wide, About, A- bout 1800 Yards of Wanted Colors, Annivers­ ary Sale, Yard ............................................................... 59c. $2.39 Velvet Corduroy, Medium Wale. Col­ ors Brewster Green, Light and African Brown, Navy and White, The Yard.................................. $1.91 Heavy Grade Bleached Sheets, Size 81x90 Standard Quality, Anniversary Sale $2,19 and $1.97 4 9c. Bleached Huck Towels, Large Size . ...39c. 17x31 Inch Red Border Huck Towels, Bleached ........................................................................ 19c. 75c. Large size Bleached Turkish Towels . . 60c. $1.26 Fancy 1'ujKish Towels, Size 22x46 Inches ........................................................................ $1.00 Pillow Cases, Linen Finish, Size 42x36 Eacli 53c. $1.50 (’( 1 fevtlully i.'lied, M-i • rized Taide Di.li as...................... '............................. $1.20 ------- O'-.— And Such Lovely Silk DRESS SKIRTS AT 1-3 OFF Sale $7.30, $13.30. $15.97. $16.64. $21.56, $23.92 Men’s $11.50 Florshein Shoes, in Black or Brown, English or Medium Toes, Anniversary Sale, pair........................... $9.30 Men’s $8.00 Dress Shoes, English Medium and over wide toes, at pair................. $5.60 Men’s $5.50 Work Shoes, pair.................. $4.40 Men’s $2.25 Tennis Shoes, Brown and White, with Heel, pair........................... $1.80 Men’s $1.50 Tennis Shoes in Black and White, No Heel, Pair............................. $1.20 Boy's $1.50 White and IBack Tennis shoes Sizes, 2% to 6. Anniversary Sale .. $1.20 Boy’s $3.49 Work Shoes. Sizes 1 to 5%, Anniversary Sale............ .......................... $2.79 Boy’s $4.85 Dress Shoes, Sizes 1 to 6, . $3.87 Boy's $3.35 Dress Shoes, 12 to 2............. $3.45 Boy's $2.98 Work Shoes, Sizes 10 to 13% Anniversary Sale..................................... $2.39 If You Have Foot Trouble Insist On Snow­ ing "Wizard” Appliances. k cation may prove beneficial, we hope | zest to our 18 Anniversary Sale the gloves in our already long string of 20 per cent (re­ duction) items. In Store 20 Per Cent Off Double finger tips, too. -—$1.25 2-Clasp White or Slack Silk Gloves, Several Styles, Pair............ ........................... $1 00 $1.25 Black or White Ebow Length Silk well brands as "Hart $1 qq Gloves, pair.................................................................. SILK PETTICOATS 20 PER CENT OFF Sale $7.18, $7.98, $8.52, $8.79, $11.15 Schaffner & Marx” and "Griffon.” —$1.50 Short Silk Gloves In White, Black, Then Too Every Men. Any Dress Shirt You’ve Heretofore —$2.00 Extra Heavy Double Silk Gloves, In HOUSE DRESSES 20 PER CENT OFF Sale $3.40. $3.58. $3.99, $4.60 And $5.80 Admired Deducted 20 Per Cent. CHILDREN S DRESSES DISCOUNTED 20 Per Cent Anniversary Sale $1.99, $2.39 And $2.75 TO $8.00 SILK WAISTS $4.98 Women’s Lovely Creations of Geogrette And Crepe de chine, Popular Colors. $2.80 Sellers —All Men’s Beautiful Silk Neckwear 20 per cent Off. —20 per cent Price Reduction On All Sweat­ ers. There Are Silk There Are HATS AT l/2 PRICE Sale $2.97, $3.67, $4.25, $5.37, $6.12, $6.62 — Assortment To $12.50 Women’s Sweaters And Scarfs. Cheery Colors............ ......................... $4.98 — Ka'uaki Outing Togs At Anniversary Sale Price. TIE ON- APRONS $1.33 TIE ON— APRONS $2.25 In Blue and Pink Combination —$9.00 Genuine Black Cowhide Traveling Bags. Sale ................................................ $7.20 —Men's Khaki Pants................................... $2.35 —Boy’s Caps, Anniversary Sale.................. 25c. —Men’s Wool Cloth Hats, Sale................ $1.50 —Entire Stock Straw Hats, Hayfield and All Trimmed Of Good Quality Percale With Bib Heavy Cottonade (Celebrated $2.98 All Heavy, Kaysei) White Long Silk Gloves, Daintily Embroider­ ed on back, Pair . . . • • • $2.39 Men’s To $7 Shirt: That Are Without A Peer At Choice..................................... This Is The Time Especially Vhen Men And Young Men Will Come Out IrFull Force To Share In This 18th Anniversay Sale. Devel­ oped Of Lovely Silk Mixtures, Light Weight Flannel Etc. Golf And Neglige Styles. - -The choicest of materials liav been fashioned Dress Styles Half Regular Price. —Men’s Gray and Sand, pair.............. i............................... $1 20 Black, Brown and Grey, Pail ................................ $1 60 Men's Snappy Dress Caps $3.50 and $4.00 Mothers, Our Entire Stock Of into the superb shirts by one of tp foremost shirt Pants makers. ................................................. $1.98 and $2.95 —Men’s Heavy-Cotton Work Sox 15c and 23c. Your choice of a tine apartment of wear­ ing patterns and colorings were n»er seen. —Men’s Heavy Canvas Gloves. . 19c. and 23c. —Men’s Heavy Canvas Gloves, Leather Palm ....................................................................... 39c. —Men’s Work Shoes, Solid Leather, Pair ....................................... $2.98, $3.59 and $4.40 Items 01 intensi At Atasyeisary Salí Prices $4.98 KHAKI FEMINALLS $4.49 FEMINALLS —Men’s Heavy Work Shirts. . 98c, and $1.48 20 per cent Off on Entire Stock ctnfants Wear. These heavy quality twilled feminalls are ideal for outing and especially made for comfort and wear. —Men’s Heavy Blue Denim Unionalls $3.95 Yarns at Anniversary Sale Pi ices.. —^Men’s'Khaki Unionalls at ..................... $3.45 Assortment of Buttons 25 per ceni itLess. —Boy’s Blue and Stripe -Bib Overalls 20 per cent Off on Children’s Wi a$ Hose Sup- $2.50 BLUE CHAMBRAY KOVERALLS $1.98 In sizes 34 to 44; ankle or knee length, long sleeves, high or low neck. Belted model. Belted model with drop seat. ............................................. $1.17 an*» $1.39 —Boy's Leather Work Shoes, Ito 5, At $2.79 -—Boy’s Unionalls, Age 7 KIDDIES COVERALLS AT SALE PRICES CORSETS AT ANNIVERSARY SALE to 16 At Garment 59c. —Men’s Porous Knit Union”Suit 98c. All Boy's Suits Discounted 20 Per Cent. Death of Win. T. Collins. William Thomas Collins died last week in the south part of the coun­ ty and his remains were buried at i lie 1. O. O. F. cemetery of Clover­ dale, Rev. J. T. Moore conducting the funeral service. The deceased was highly respected by all who knew him. and his bereaved wife and falli­ lly have the sympathy of all re ho know them. William Thomas Collius was born at Stockdale. Ontario, Canada. April 28. 1864. He was married to Effa Malone at Lake Charles. La.. April 1896. To this union was born two children, Electa and Jnunita both dying in infancy, The wife depart- cd from this life in Dec., 1900. He "as married to Lizzie Johnson, of Cloverdale, Nov. 9. 1914. to this union was born one child. Vivian Irene. Deceased leaves a wife one child and five step children. Glen While, of Eagle. Idaho; Juanita White, of Portland; Elma. Iva and Lesly Johnson, of Cloverdale, also two sisters and three brothers. Base Ball Last Sunday. Pitcher Johnson, of Beaver, had the Brighton team feeding from his hand last Sunday and Beaver won 7 to 2. The game promised to be close for the first five Innings the batters on both sides going out in almost one two three order. Brighton munaged ■O' o O' ■O' to put across a run in the third by two hit«- and an error at the home plate. Beaver evened it up in the fourth and added three more in the sixth, two in the seventh and one in the eigth. Brighton made several costly err­ ors that let men on bases after the Sth inning. These coupled with some good clean hits brought in the runs. The Beaver boys found Patchell for 7 safe hits while only 4 were made off Johnson. Scott did good work in the Held and King caught four men off second. Beaver was crippled by the loss of four players. Hollett worked behind the bat for the first time this year and did exceptionally well. Heisel. of Tillamook, tilled at short. There will probably be a game next Sunday on the Tillamook | grounds, between Wheeler and Beav-1 er. The score: Brighton, runs 2; hits 4. Beaver runs 7; hits 7. Struck out by Johnson 9. Struck out by Patchell 14. " o Revival Meetings at Woods Evangelistic services will begin at the Mission in Woods. Or., on Thurs­ day night. August 12 and will con­ tinue over the 30th. Rev. Frank Stev­ I ens. noted evangelist of Los Angeles, Cal., will speak every night and Rev. A. F. Ingler, formerly of Tillamook, will conduct the singing, at 7:30 p. i o O' 'O' o m. Services on Sundays at 11 a. m. t he public is cordially Invited. This will be a splendid opportunity for the campers at Pacific City to attend divine service as Woods is on! ly a mile distant. 20 per cent Off on Women’s Dressihields. Lace Remnants, 2 to 4 Yard Pieces,................ gc 20 per cent Off on Orangdie andLace Dress —Men’s Summer Weight Underwear the MUNSINGWEAR (UNDERWEAR) k AT ANNIVERSARY SALE J PRICES TOO All men, women, boy’s, girls and County Warrants And Liberty Bonds Taken At children who wear Mnnsingwear are Par In Exchange For Merchandise We re­ comfortably underclothed. commend it to all our trade as the best popular priced knit underwear Out of Town Folks or Patrons at Beach Make on the market. Use of Our Mail Order Service o porters. White Embroideded Handerchiefs 1;, 2 for 25c. ..............................................$2.19 and $2.39 Practically a dozn different styles, several col­ or combinations. Range in price from $1.13 to $1,80 so. We are glad to see our new otllcers Bru. E. E Sharon, Gland See., paid both Rebekahs and Odd Fellows ent­ us u fraternal visit ¡1st Tuesday er Into their official duties with so evening Bro. Sharon Is camping ai much pep and vim. which bespeaks Rockaway, spending a lew weeks va­ success: They may be sure their cation from tils official duties Wn lodges ure behind them, and th4 hon­ are always glad to see our Grand or of all success will fall on the mem­ lx>4ge officers in om fraternal circle. bers attending the lodge meeting, The second degree obligation was Oiiiers please withhold objections or given to Bro. C. S. Wald, who being come and take part with us. In num­ unable to attend last Second Degree ber» there is strength, we like to meeting was thus unaided to lake have the numbers with us. Will you the Third Degree with C. (’. Doug­ come’ herty, H II. llanenkratt. Ed Thonip- Ths Initiatory degree will lie con­ son, Roy M. savage. Norman Wagner ferred on all candidates, who have and Earl Snodgrass, who were in­ been elected thereto, on Tuesday. strutted in thè Third Degree last Allgust 17. All who have been elect­ Tuesday. ed, please meet in the waiting room The Odd Fellows of Tillamook at 8;30. county util have a picnic Sunday. The Rebekahs surprised the Bros, August 22, al the New Conder bridge last Tuesday, when Just before the near Hebo., all Odd Fellows and fam­ elose of the lodge session 25 strong, ilies are invited. See hand bills for the sisters marched into the lodge particula re. room and announced that dinner was Through an oversight the Secret­ ready in the dinnnig room. Surpris­ ary failed to get the name on official ed. well I quess we were, and talk a- receipt No. 82 amount $2.00 will the bout ice-cream, cakes and salads. Bro. holding receipt No. 82 please Well Bros, you, who stay away from let nie know his name ao 1 can post Idoge miss many a treat. some to his account in the lodge. A good many of the Bros, are a- Also $4.00 was handed to me on the way on vacations, Sollle Smith and street by some lady, to pay some family, H. C. Odell and wife are a- Bro's dues, the name slipped from mong the absent. E. B. Church my mind bvtore I recorded same, has returned from Washington and please inform me for whom the $4.00 S. W. Conover from Netarts. payment was Intended, so 1 can for­ I Do not forget every Tuesday at X ward receipt. These errors may seem F F. Conover, Secrclai j. to be carelessness, a prospective va I —To add merchandising chief saw fit to include ail our silk ¡ISuch And Every Woman’s SUITS AT i/2 PRICE Sale $19.92, $26.72, $28.32, $29.92, $39.95 Splendid Assortment White Goods At 20 per cent Less I. 0. 0. F. Items. Your Choice oí Any Suit Women’s And Misses' White Tennis Shoes Misses’ and Children's Patent and Black Kid Strap Pumps to 1 1 % Misses’ $3.69, Sizes » 2.96 Misses’ $4.49, Sizes 12 to 2 ... 3.60 B'-ii S;■i'e-ui» ¿0 per cent Off. The Women’s Apparel Sale. DRESSES AT »/2 PRICE’ Sale $11.82, $18.37, $19.98, $23.87, $44.95 57c. Krescent Cloth, Launders Splendidly, 32 Inch Wide, Good Patterns, '1 lie Yaud J. . . . 45c. $1.19 Exquisite Organdie, 38 Inch Wide, Beautiful Shades....................................................... 95c. Silk Gloves 20 Per Cent Off MEN! Women's $4.35 Whit' Ca . vas Pumps and Oxfoids, Militaiy or L<>' Heel............. $3.49 Mi-■< es' $1.89 \\ hite Canvas Strap Pumps Anniversary Sale, Pair $1.61 Women’s $1.75 Tenuis Shoes with Heel Anniversay Sale . . . $1.40 Women’s $2.35 Values, IP 1..................... $1.88 Women's $2.50 Value IP I ............... $2.00 Women’s $1.50 Value No Heel.............. 1.20 M isses’ $ i .40 Tennis Shoes, Sizes 11 to 2. Ann i'rsary Sale ............................... $1.12 Child’s $1.15 Tennis Shoes, Sizes 5 to 10%, Sale pair........................................... 92c. All Long and Short Much Enthusiasn Is Being Created Over Wometi's And Growing Girl’s Shoes. In Black Kid and Black and Brown Calf, .Militiary Heel, $7.00, $8 00 and $9.00 Seileis, Width A to EE, Sale, Pair . . . .$5.95 Involving onr Entire Stock. Buy now for frit­ A Z” 18th Anniversary Celebration ! EXTRAORDINARY ! Í Trimming. 20 per cent Off on all Middy and Mtdsor Silk Ties. Envelopes, 2 Dozen to Pack at......................... 5Ct Assortment to 50c. Women's Belts, Chee. . -19c. Beads, and Purses at Anniversary Prig. 20 per cent Off on Women’s Dainty Nkwear. Crepé Paper, Standard Size Rolls at .... 5C Jgc> Spool Silk. All Colors at ;........................ Entire Stock of Cretonnes 20 per centT. 20 p< ; cent Off on All Lace Curtaining Cot tifh Blankets, Standard Size, Heavjfti Grey and W hite, Sale $3.55 rc •O' ject: “A Four-Square Gospel.” Evening Worship, 8 p. m. Sub­ ject: ’’The Cure of Souls.” If this church or itsminlster can be of any service to the community at any time we shall be glad. The doors of the church stand open that you may enter and rest, or meditate, Call For Bids. ——o------- or worship in God’s House. Sealed bids will be received a: the Everybody always welcome. Recorder s office, of Bay City, Ore., A. A. McReu, minster. for graa'ng and graveling of Ocean Street from 4th St. West to 2nd Board of Equalization Meeting. Street, and 2nd Street from A Street ------- o------- North to Main Street. The plans may be seen at Recorder's office in Bay Notice is hereby given that on City. The council reserves the right Monday, September 13th, 1920 the to reject any and all bids. County Board of Equalization will F. W. Smith. meet at the office of the County As­ Recorder of Bay City. sessor in the Court House In Tilla­ ------ o------ mook City. Oregon, and publicly ex­ amine the assessment rolls of Tilla- United Brethern in Christ. I mook County, for the year 1920, and ------O------ Preaching 11a. m. and 8 p. m. I correct all errors in valuation, de­ Sunday School 10 a. m. scription of lands, lots or other pro­ Prayer meeting. Wednesday, 8 P- perty. Said board will continue in in. , session from day to day until the ex­ Mrs. Bert Leach will entertain the amination, correction and equaliza- Ladies Aid, Thursday afternoon. I tlon of the Bald assessment rolls shall You are Invited to attend our ser- be completed. All complaints must vices and worship with us. be filed with the board the first week. You are invited to attend our ser- All persons Interested are requested vices and worship with us. to appear at said time and place, as E. F. Wriggle. pastor. no changes can be made after the adjournment of the board. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, Presbyterian Church. August 10th, 1920. Sunday School. 10 a. m. C. A. Johnson, Morning Worship. 11 a. m. Sub- County Assessor. District SnperintendeiComing. ------- O------- Dr. E. E. Gilbert. Diict Super­ intendent of the Salem jstrict of I I the Methodist church, wh includes Tillamook county, is to ijn Tilla­ mook this coming Saturdifcnd Sun­ day. The folks who attende Meth­ odist church services n< Sunday ure assured two inspiring|dre8seg. Dr. Gilbert is a splendi(r«>acher land very popular throuAjt his District. The last local cHh con­ ference this year will be htgatur- day night ai 7:30. All m^ers of the official board are expect to be present. Adminittrator’i Notice to C^ort. —----- Notice is hereby given tB the undersigned. D. A. Browne, an order of the County Court forua- mook County, Oregon, has bee appointed executor of the est Thomas P. Browne, deceased, is further given that all perso ing claims against the said must present the same, duly ver with proper vouches, to the u signed or to his attorney, S. S. J son, at Tillamook. Oregon, on or fore six mnths from this date. D. A. Browie, Administrator of the Esate Thomas P. Browne,