4 T LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 12. 1920. Foch's Mistake. ------- o------- The PhlladelphiA Public Ledger's ' exclusive publication of the corre­ spondence between Colonel E. M. I House and M. Paul Mantoux has de­ finitely set at rest all question as to Marshal Foch’s full approval of i granting an armistice to the Ger­ mans. instead of pressing hem to , the crushing military disast .• which i it was then within the power of the Allies to inflict. The Marshal believ­ ed that an armistice under terms j which would render Germany's re- suinpioii of hostilities impossible, would achieve all results attainable | by an overwhelming victory in the ‘ field. It would save thousands of I lives. To sacrifice those lives tinder such circumstances would have been all but criminal. He did not assent to the armistice under political pres­ sure. He assented to it from person­ al conviction. While this does great honor to the Mar tial s humanity, it is a muot 1 question, in view of the attiude of I the Germans of late, whether with­ holding the blow which alone would have convinced them that they were whipped io a stand-still was good judgment or a bad mistake. General Mangin, in ills book "How the War Ended”, now in course of prelimin­ ary publication in the Revue Des Mondes, is strongly of the opinion that the victory should have been pressed to its releritless conclusion, He does not believe, either, that the sacrifice of life before the German armies were overwhelmed would have been heavy. In the concluding paragraph of the June* 1st install­ ment of liis contribution ot the Re­ vue he says:' . “On the front the troops held here and there in places, but the armies were entirely disorganized. Prepared to pierce a solidly defended front, the attack of the Allies in Lorraine i would have encountered only feeble resistance at the first positions and would have progresssed almost with­ out losses. The entire German line from Switzerland to Holland would have fallen »1 one blow. "Entering Germany arms in hand the Allies would have brought order and liberty. The necessity of living conditions would have led the arm­ ies to treat with the local govern­ ments, to recognize them .to improv­ ise them where they were not yet established. Successively delivered from the Prussian yoke, the German | States would have recovered their own proper existence, and, in full in­ dependence, would have determined upon the character of the federal tie by which they wished to be united.” The Public Ledger’s Paris corre- i spondent quotes high Quaid* Orsay authority for views quite in unison with those of General Mangin. He ' says that these views are shared by all French officialdom. These repre­ sentatives of the best French judg­ ment, military and civil, Marshal 1 Fock made a mistake, a very grave mistake. Godyeai Service Station for Tillamook City is at the I Notice of Hearing of Objections to Apportionment for Street Improve­ ments. Dairy and Cheese Industry THE First National ¡Hank has been an important factor in the development of Tillamook County’s foremoat industry. \\ henever and wherever a project is practical, you will find us lending first aid in building it up. Thus we benefit not only the patron, but the com­ munity as well. JOHXJMORGAX. A.W. BUNN. HENRY ROGERS DIR ECTORS. C. J. EDWARDS . B. C.| I.AMB, W. !J. KIRCHERS, C. A. IMcC.HEE TILLAMOOK. OREGON CLOSING OUT SALE I am Closing Out my entire Stock of J 5 J j Household Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices Come and Investigate. A. L. PACE 9 II OUTING DAYS I Are Now Ideal At Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Com­ mon Council has apportioned the I cost of improving that portion of Six- th Avenue East, from the South (Orejfon’s Mountain Playground) line of Eigth Street, to the South line of Blocks 46 and 47 Thayer's Enjoy your vacation in the heart of the Addition to Tillamook, upon each Cascade Range and see one of the world’s tract, lot or parcel thereof liable therefor, which is contained within wonders. Local Improvement District No. 15; i A'I'L'O I Alfp. reached hv automobile that said apportionment is' now on from Medford. Excel- file, and may be seen by anyone In­ •QQQQGQQQOQtfQQQGOSCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOCCCieOOCCSOOOOOOOOeOCOCieQCQOOOOOOOGQQQQOOGiGCOGOOOCOOeOOOOOGOOC trailB are maintained by the Government. A sky terested, in the office of the City Re­ line boulevard of 35 miles encircles the rim of corder of Tillamook City, Oregon, the lake. 25B5B5ï525252SESî5a5E5H5H52Sa5Z525H525H5ESÎSüSZ5HS2SH5ESE5ES25Z5H5HSRS iraordinary that they so readily bow­ and that tile common council has ap­ Jumping on the Senate. pointed Monday, the 16th day of ed the knee to the Senatorial five per rj Al August, 1920, at the hour of 8 o'clock Ki Now is the open season for the cent. It couldn't have been worse p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamook under the old caucus system. But favorite indoor and outdoor sport of accommodation and service. .Tents are also avail­ City, Oregon, as the time and place a certain class of cheap criticasters; the thing is certain. There can be for hearing objections to said apport­ able. Camping at Anna Spring Camp no doubt .that the Senator« bossed it is known as "jumping on the Sen­ ionment. the job. For wasn ’t somebody nom ­ ate." The rules and practice of the That the property charged with Ö game are simple. They involve mere­ inated when these critics wanted the cost of said improvement Includ­ Contains general informasion of this wonder­ someone less? K ly blaming the Senate of the United ed within Local Improvement Dist- ! ful outing place. « Yet after all Senators are human rlct No. 15 is all the property in- , States for everything that goes wrong E and everything that goes wrong is beings. They ate Atneiican citizens. eluded within the following bound­ to be defined as everything contrary And their existence as Senators is aries: For further particulars inquire at Local ajjent. to the wishes' of the players of the provided for by the Constitution of Beginning at the Northwest cor­ the United States. The Constitution ­ game. Is there a difference bteween ner of Lot 2, in Block 42. Thayer’s g the two Houses of Congress over leg­ makers so highly regarded them that Addition to Tillamook City, and rutt- I JOHN M. SCOTT. islation? it is the Senate's rault. is they made it impossible for the Sen­ . ning thence South to the South line General I’lissenifer Attent. there disagreement between the Ex­ ate ever to be abolished save by the ¡ of Block 4 6 of Thayer’s Addition to ecutive and Legislative branches of unainious consent of all the States. said Tillamook City; thence West to Government? Blame the Senate. If we reinember aright, some of the the Southwest corner of Lot No. 6 ln K Does the Senate insist upon faithful­ must notable incidents in our govern­ j Block No. 47 of Thayer's Addition ly performing the duties which the mental history, and some which are to Tillamook City, Oregon; thence Constitution imposes unpon it? A- most gratefully and proudly record­ I North to the South line of Eighth way with it! I b a candidate nomin­ ed in our history occurred in the Street; thence East to the place of ated. other than one some wanted? Senate. It is alleged that the Sen­ beginning. ate is arrogant and given to bosslsm; ■ Damn the Senate! After hearing and determining ob- ' Time was when Senators were yet the fact seem« to be, according to jections to such apportionment the elected by the Legislatures of the these critics themselves, that the pre­ Common Council will proceed to as­ I States; and for that reason they were sent is the first time in the history sess the cost thereof to the property unsparingly condemned. They com- of the United States that a President henefitted thereby. Dated this 4th day c>f August, 1920. , posed a "House of Lords,” they were was selected from the Senate. If « Frances B. Stranahan, chosen from "Rotten Boroughs,” they Senators have hitherto been "dictat- | ing" the choice of Presidents, they 5, jTS2SSSS2S2S2SZ5aSaSaSB52Sa525H5aS252S2SÏ52S"S?5Z5E5E52SZS2SZSHS2S2 composed a "Rich Men's Club,” and have with fine altruism selected can­ City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. impassioned demands arose for their abolition altogether, as a menace to didate from outside their own ranks. Washington County Farm For Till- To our mind, and at the risk of republican institutions. But all that mook has been changed. They are now marring the joy of the sport of jump­ elected directly by the people, just ing on the Senate, we must say that 25 acres, 15 miles from Portland, The Best of Cigars, Lunch Goods and Fishing Tackle. the same as Representatives and Alá­ the present time seems conspicuously say« the Good Judge mile from Tuallton Valley High­ rmen »»d Pound Keepers. They are and unpiecedentedly appropriate for way, 8. P. Electric and fine school Light Lunch Served. Coffee like mother used to make. ln effect simply Representatives at the selection of a President from the 16 acres cleared, 3 acres bottom land, large from their respective States. I ranks of the Senate, for the reason 1 !4 acres orchard, some berries, 1 But the critics are not mollified. that the Senate has just been rend­ acre kale, running stream entire There seems to be something in the ering the nation one of the greatest year thru place, 4 room bungalow, It Is the services l n all its history. very name of Senator which excites large old barn, hen house 14x36, their implacable ire. For everybody Senate that has preserved the Inde­ brooder house 14x24. Some stock else some word of excuse may be pendence and integrity of tti« L'nlt- and poultry if desired. About 14 spoken, something redeemable. They ed States and has kept II worth tons good oat and vetch hay in barn. while for a ma n to be President of it. are born excommunicate. They are Fine well. Value 17000 not incliid If, after that some of its members the root of all evil. ing »lock and hay. Free of Incum- The head and front of the Sen­ warn one of their own to be Presid­ >< rance. ent. and if the majority of the peo ­ ate's recent offending appears to be Juggling Address A E. Newby, It. that it "bossed” the Republican con­ ple agree with them, by all means so Ill, Beaverton. Ore., or < prices I k not our forte, as It Is with vention and dictated the nomination let it be!—Harvey's Weekly. tug. 9th address me in care C. -tome. We don't try to take advant- of one of its own members, when Hatfield, Cloverdale. Ore. some other people wanted somebody If anyone can mention a Demo­ ige of Hlack production, rising mar­ else nominated. Scandalous, of cratic presidential candidate »hose V kets, abnormal demand, and tempor­ course; if true. Of course, if every election Sam Oompers hasn't deemed Reitaurant Open At Rockaway. ary conditions. You can always bo Republican Senator had been there, essential to the welfare of labor dur Put up in two itjltl they would have been an egregious Ing the past quarter of a century, The Elmore Annex Restaurant, iure of rlgh prices and fair treat­ case of the five per cent tail wagging we'll be ready to admit that wage next to the Elmore Hotel, is nfiw ment here. the ninety-five per cent dog. Seeing, arnera ought to pay any attention open for the season. Chicken dinner moreover, that the non-Senatorial to hie quadrennial proclamation* served Sundays from 1 to 5 p m. ninety-five per cent were elected by commanding the worker* to »ote the Bayocean Sheet Metal Woiki. Special attention given parties on the ballots of free and Independent Democratic national ticket. -eservation. "Quality our Mott*. First Street. Tillamook. Oreoon. voters, it must be regard'd as ex- STAR GARAGE CRATER LAKE TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESSORIES. We Give Goodyear Service C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor. CRATER THICK for SALE I 1 3-toiSelden, Continental Motor, new, ; cost $4,100, $2,750. I 1 li-tfl Selden, Continental Motor,[front LAKE LODGE “OREGON OUTDOORS” Booklet SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES tie pneumatic, never been^used, $2,150. Call WALTER NELSON, Ntual Phone, or one mlie north of town. STOP AT THE COVE CONFECTIONERY GARIBALDI COVE. ¿ sure will Tickle You” To find how long the full rich taste of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts. That’s why it really saves you money to use this class of tobacco instead of the ordinary kinds. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Hazelwood Ice Cream. Drinks on Ice at all Times. J. L. KIDDER, Prop BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, TILLAMOOK, ORE UGW. CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco IMF w