1 F* T1LLAMCOK HEADLIGHT. What the Editors Say It would be no more than right for the Allies to inform Trotsky and Lenine that Russia o»m the combine over $12,000.000,000 which must be secured before their country can en­ ' joy trade relations with the world.—■ Willimiua Tinies. •when sturdy pioneers were hewing out a home PAINT was begun. Today the name FULLER stands as the sturdy pioneer in paint manufacturing on the Pacific Coast—a name that has kept faith with quality for 71 years. Made for the Pacific Northwest, FULLER Paint is the best for your house or building. W. P. Fuller & Co paints 1849-1920 Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle. Tacoma, Spokane, Boise, s' 71 YEAR LEADERS Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town ROBERTS GENERAL TRANSFER Just Starting in Business Proni pt Attention to all Orders. Tenipory Phone Wagoner’s Cigar Stpre. Both I’hones. GENERAL HARDU1ARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating .Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere 4 LAMB-SCHRADER CO OREGON’S FINEST,JBEACH RESORT BAYOCEAN BUNGALOWS, TENTS, Retisonnble Rates; Hotel under iiuiiiiigetnent of Mr. ,,t Mrs. C. (. . Ncpple who ;ire experienced hotel people; bow inti allies and pool tables; unexcelled sports in Xatatoriu mid.oil bench. Conte to the best beach it; Oregon tor yot vacation. Receiver* of T. B. 1’otter Realty Co.. A TOUCH of our facial powder will make your blossom like a summer rose. It give to your complexion the •oft glow of youth and health, Our cold cream Is another Infallible aid to beauty. Try them both if you would better your appearance. E. E. KOCH Tillamook. ------ o------ The proposal made to the Inter­ state Commerce commission that a considerable part of the higher rates necessary to meet the railroad wage increase be placed on passenger traf­ fic, is sure to meet with strong op­ position. It amounts to a direct tax on the public to help pay that $600,- 000,000 increase, and the American people have never liked direct taxes. The freight increase, because it is indirect, will be endured more pa­ No matter how easy it may seem tiently, though it will be greater, to make a little extra money or how- and will be added to as it is passed pressing one’s financial needs may pn to the public. The passenger in­ be, it never pays to break the law. crease, if granted, will seem espec­ This is again illustrated in the ar­ ially hard to bear because Americans rest of the man at Black Rock Sun­ had long bee.i accustomed to cheap day for making "moonshine” whis- transportation. Even present rates ey. Lewis has a large family de­ are comparatively low, for though pendent upon him, who could have they were raised during the war, been supported by tlie wages he cofild they were affected less than freight have earned at honest labor. Now rates. The increase now proposed, he must either serve time in a jail is only 20 per cent for passenger as or pay a heavy fine, for federal against 36 per cent for freight and courts seldom show- leniency to law­ tlie total increase in passenger rev­ breakers of this kind. In either enue is estimated at only $234,000,- event his little children wil be de­ 000 a year as gaainst $1,355,000,000 prived of the necessities and comforts I increase in th ■ nation’s freight bill. his honestly-earned wages could have There will be strenuous kicking, gainst a 50 per cent surtax on supplied them.—Itemizer. Pullman fares and a 20 per cent I dition to excess baggage rates, The interstate commerce commis­ sion recently handed down a momen­ though they are probably as defensi­ tous decision, in which all railroad ble as any ot^ier form of taxation. rates are greatly increased. Passeng­ These rates, if granted, may have a er tickets will advance 20 per cent, prohounced effort on railroad travel. Pullman fares 50 per cent and Americans have always been great freight rates will go up an an aver- travellers, especially in their own age of from 30 to 40 per cent, Sur- country. Will they continue to be so, prise at this increase is being ex­ when they feel the price of a pass­ pressed. but after all it is only the enger ticket so keenly, and when logical outcome of recent demands. they cannot travel in comfort with­ Raise the wages of the employee— out paying a price far in advance of and there must be added returns from what they are used to? And yet operation to meet the additional ex­ transportation at its costliest, will be pense. It lias long been apparent no higher, compared with its pre­ that no system of continuous, even war standard than any other com­ though alternating raises, either in modity is nowadays—News-Report­ wages or rates, will ever appease a er. public demanding a lower cost of living.—Sun. Asylum Notes. Wallace McCamant has again (Enterprise Record-Chieftain) brought honor to the state of Oregon. That plaything of the asylum A mcney-trmker end hard work saver for land clearers and wood-cutting A big dinner is to be given in the Known as the Oregon system is a contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable. governor’s honor in Boston on the very popular toy these merry days. Hundreds io use all over the U. S, When not is use for wood cutting, the 4 H. P. motor will 11th of this month, and the Massa- A year and a half ago the people ap­ rur mills, feed mills, feed cutters, pawn, etc. Quick dativeriaa from over "hiy tr'acr Sew It .'Jtdar urJft'Ita lh.B 3 tent» 100 point» throughout chusettes peopl,. insited that Judge proved a whim of the inmates by ih» Uniteci Statua. rtr"rf. ”— I J. Riddami. timo, Or». McCamant attend and be the guest passing a law attempting to reduce **J tawed threat hftcfm aildui lati at the rou of honor and make the principal ad­ I the prices which publishers of coun­ ef ttu fitta latrarle. ,fc—". C. A dress. While very loath to go clear try newspapers Am 'ric.' must burn mora could charge for across the continent at this time of i their advertising. Seeing that they wood for tur 1. One V/ado »zìa do to 1'iea’s work al year, the invitation has been so in­ I can go as far as they like, and the c i tenth tlie cost. V'rite , for h-t ì Look, ‘‘Bow Dan f sistent that Mr. McCamant has con­ i silly public will applaud, the "nuts” Po»» C”ta* -ords sented to attend. It pays to send a now have prepared a measure to fix a day,” tuli do­ tali» and speo- man witlt brains and back-bone to the legal rate of interest at 4 to 5 lol price. act as your representative, whether per cent. It is as logical and just as it be in national conventions or con­ the newspaper rate law passed in gress,’ Mr. McCamant will be a cre­ 1917. And other laws equally logic­ dit to Oregon at the Coolidge dinnyr al and just should establish the max- or anywhere else he may be sent.— imun price of wheat at 50 cents a Gazette-Times. bushel; eggs at 20 cents a dozen; butter ; at 20 cents a pound, overalls effect Senator Chamberlain iat 75 cents a pair; wagons at ICO I will make his campaign tour of the 'each; automobiles at $250 apiece,, state in a Ford car. . He owns and ' and so on. drives a Husdon super-six, but fear­ But why make so many bites of a ing that the appearance of their Sen­ cherry? Let's clean up the whole job ator in such a line car would be bad at one gulp. We hereby propose one on the voters he has decided to leave great, grand consitutional amend­ the big machine at home and make ment. making it a crime to dwell in the campaign in a new "flivver. ’ Oregon and trf to make a living, and This is but carrying out our charge providing imprisonment for life as that Chamberlain is all subterfuge the penalty for such violation. Let no man ever smoked a better and pretense all politics and cam­ the measure appropriate all the re­ ouflage. He does and says what he sources of the state to construct a cigarette at any price! believes will make votes and not penitentiary for incarcerating the wliat he knows is for the best inter­ the guilty, with C. S. Jackson, in AMELS quality, and their expert blend est of the state and nation. It the court jester's cos'ume, as commnder of choice Turkish and choice Domestic republican administration that will of guards. certainly take control of tlie govern­ tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat­ ment next March is to be given an Germany is Responsible isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. opportunity to place business no a for Bolshevism You will prefer this Camel blend to either real basis Chamberlain must be de­ feated. A republican s< nator must kind smoked straight! It would be ludicrous, if the mat­ be sent from Oregon. Oberserver. ter were not too serious and pitable Camels mellow-mildness will certainly | for amusement, to read the peremiad ♦ ------ 0------ Webster once insisted of Heir Ludendorff of Germany on appeal to you. The “body” is all there, and Whig party must remain the menance that Russian anarchlsri that smoothness! It's a delight! cnee, because, if it did not, presents to the world. The Teutonic Io become of him? Where was lie to gentleman will be remembered as Go the limif with Camels! They will not p>? Something of tlie same spit it having been the brains of the German inpears to animate Mr. Bi yan,. who armies during most if not all of the tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas­ l.‘ ts in clinging to the Demcorati war. but it will not so readily be re­ ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga- i ■ ■■ . despite his disapproval of called that he shares with the rulers TURKISH &DOM15TICÌ& it under its late and present leader­ and militarists of Germany the ter­ retty odor! SLEHD ships, because there is no other to rible responsibility of having let which he can go. No other is quite loose tlie ruinous forces of bolshev­ Just compare Camels with any ciga­ big enough, quite compr'hensive ett- ism. rette in the world at any price! ouglit in its grasp of issues. The Pro­ The seeds of the Russian form Of hibition party is all right, so far as communist anarchy had been sown Camels are sold every where in scienf fically sealed it goes, but man does not live by some two generation« ago by the so- packages cf20 cigarettes for 20 cents: or ten pack­ ages (.200 cigarettes') in a glassine pn f. er coi ei cd grape juice alone. A Single Stan­ i cialism of Karl Marx, himself a Ger­ catton. We strongly rec mmemi this cation for dard parly (of morals, not money) man. They fell in soil already per- the home or office supply or when you travel. would be all right, no fur as it went; paled and fertile. Russian life anti R. I. REYNOLDS TO 1ACCO CO.. Win«ton-S«lrm. N. C. but it would not go far enough, to society were hotbeds of political u:J it seems better to cling to a real, .social unhealthiness. Til ■ Roman­ big, honest-lo-goodnens party that offs, tlie Russian imperial family had covets all the issues, even though ■' for al hast two centuries been Gei- Is wrong on most of them, than t manized in blood and idea. The alt * turn to some little seyen-by-nine af­ solutism of the Prussian Hohensoll- fair that has only a single issue, no etn.s and the.Austrian Hapsburg had matter how righ he may consider L i as a rule set the pace for the poi a.J to be thereon. Of course, he may Icies ami methods of rule that 'lie remain a member of the Demociati Russian czars pursued. An empcri •• purty even if he doesn't, on this one of Russia was supported in his occassion. vote its ticket; which he ptttism by a king of Prussia and evidently has grave doubts about emperor of Austria-Hungary. the possibility of hia doing. Har- Tlie half-hearted and feeble vey’s Weekly. fort of Nicholas II to make his peopl" pie partial masters of the Russian The increase in railroad rates to at'vet ninent met with no sympathy be effective about September 1 are from William 11. of Germany and the somewhat astonishing 20 per cent iit’inian militarists and plutocrats. In passenger fares. 50 per cent In Th« Teutonic ruling classes encour­ sleeping and parlor cars, and 3 5 per aged the reactionary forces tn Rus­ cent in freight, in this western coun­ sia and also the factors of disorgan­ try. Now If the oil companies keep ization. The socialists of Germany When, under the lead of Kerensky, j t always I-deal and never you-deaJ. Wilsonian ‘T'Dealism the gn.< shortage going, so people were not behind hand in helping to the people tried to pull themselves What we need now. and what we ar* can't travel in autos or haul freight spread the gospel of anarchy among together, intrigue against hint and J May I not be permitted to suggest going to get, is an entirely new l**i. n trucks, we will surely reach a the Russian masses «nd the Russian then was fomented by the Germans. that Woodrow Wilson is the man standstill after while, and with lack intellectuals. Nothing was left un­ They contributed materially toward '■ who put the "I” into ideal? In fact done by the Germans to reduce Rus ­ of transportation will come further bringing Lenin and Trotzky into I he seems to have overdone the job. Self-determination of Democratic rats«« In living. All of which makes sia to political chaos. power. They have assisted, however) for in the Wilsonian Ideal the ‘T” is national comitteea was not one of The war brought them their su­ people the more ready to organize indirectly, in mainlining the bolshe- the principal ingredient, and the I the Fourteen points. Hence Chair a Russian soviet. This rate Increase preme opportunity. At Brest-Litovi- vtst absolutism. ThP monster has in deal does not much matter—any old i man Cummings has been "fired" •' sk. when Russia had been beaten to is estimated to raise a billion and part, at least, been fashioned by the deal is good enough for the other one of Governor Cox’s pre-con vent) n half dollar« for the railroad«, after its knees, their bayonets wrote a German Frankenstein.—-Spokesman fellow. And yet, strangely, the deni campaign manager« installed ¡» he government hire spent millions peace that shattered what remained is permanent—it never passes; it is stead. of the national integrity of Russia. Review. • It’s dollars to doughnuts— ALEX. MeNAlR & CO BAYOCEAN, NATAT0RIUM, during the war for new equipment, either delivered or about to be. What's the matter? Where is relief to come from? The republicans think they can bring it. The demo­ crats think they can do it. The farmer-labor party thinks it can do it. The prohibition party thinks by preserving the Volstead law the country is safe. Sometimes things get so rotten they correct themsel­ ves by the disgust they engender. We would as soon believe conditions will right themselves in this manner as in any other.—Telephone Register bold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent H. C. BOONE, Special Agent,Standard Oil Co HOTEL Mr. Cox was in consulatiun Mon­ day with a college political econo­ mist. That will settle Mr. Cox for an awful lot of people. This ocuiitry has had enough professional political economy to last it the rest .f its national life.—Gazette Times. ------- o "Billy” Sunday was offered a mil­ lion or so to enter the motion picture field. He declined. It is well. Billy Sunday would break up any motion picture outfit in an hour and a half, , and besides he's a whole motion pic- ture show in himself, scenario and all.—Gresham Outlook. AUGUST 12. 1920. Oregon C *