AUGUST 42. 1920. ROLL OF HONOR REPORT OF TILLAMOOK O)W TESTING ASSO. Report for month of June Cow Testing Association. Sent August 4, John Schilds 25 1374 44.39 Three high grade herds are: 1920 by D. .A. Wilbur, Tester. F. K. Blackaiiar, Secretary. Paul Fitzpatrick 11 1202 63.12 Average pounds of milk per cow Yaughn&Darby 17 1033 58.18 972. Average pounds of butter fat J°e Durrcr 30 1243 53.60 per cow 39.97. Number of cows test­ High pure bred cow, Bessie. Breed, ed during month 948. Number of cows Jersey. Owned by L. A. McCormack. producing over 40 lbs. fat. 434. ■Three high pure bred herds are: No.. av. p. av p Owner 4 We'rs mighty glad cows milk fat Jersey. Owned by L. A. McCormack., to hear these two L. A. McCormack 10 1058 58.66 Mnnfk.. ____ J __ Months record: Milk 1896 lbs. Fat words anytime. A. Hoffman 20 1376 46.93 115.66 lbs. Tbs oftener we hear Roll of Honor. Class A. 5 Years and Above them the surer we are Owner name of cow lbs. milk that our service ia lbs. fat L A. McCormack Pennic getting better and bet­ ’ 1896 115.66 A. Hoffman Molly ter all the time. 1704 98.83 w Paul Fitzpatrick Sussie 1080 If you need a new 91.80 Erwin Harrison No. 23 battery remember 1710 90.63 Joe Williams Snowball about the Still Better 1560 87.36 Jso Dürrer Dot Willard with Threaded 1788 80.46 E. Geinger Rubber Insulation — Bessie 2127 78.70 Josi Bros.& Perrin i the kind selected by Jersey 1650 75.90 j Vaughn & Darby / 136 manufacturers of Peggy 1230 75.03 | Joe Bumpartner passenger cars and Nellie 1170 73.71 j trucks. "* Joe Dürrer Beauty 1711 71.86 Josi Bros. & Perrin Brindle TILLAMOOK 1560 71.76 John Schilds No. 21 2217 70.94 | BATTERY STATION, Paul Fitzpatrick Midget 1467 70.42 V aughn & Darby May WILLARD SERVICE. 1050 70.35 Vaughn & Darby Marion 1212 70.30 Peter Betschart No. 21 1461 68.67 Peter Betschart No. 17 1800 68.40 Joe Dürrer Polly 1485 « 68.31 Joe Dürrer Bess 1548 68.11 Joe Donaldson No. 60 1467 67.48 Joe Dürrer Blackie 1116 66.96 Erwin Harrison No. 20 1281 66.61 Josi Bros. & Perrin i Maddie 1404 Having your house wired by 65.99 Joe Williams Blackie folks who know their business is 1635 65.40 ' Joe Dürrer not a thing to be dreaded. It cau Jumbo 1674 65.29 Louis Weber be done with far less muss and Niger 2040 65.28 .ALL STAR CAST ///"BURNING DAYLIGHT- fuss than you put up with In aughn & Darby Beauty 939 64.79 having the house papered or Joe Dürrer Lady 1386 f I 63.76 painted. Josi Bros. & Perrin Mouse I 1590 63.60 We can wire vour house in two E. Geinger Stivers 1500 63.00 or three days and leave not a scar John Schilds No. 16 2093 62.79 on your wood-work or plaster. I Josi & Perrin Bally 1230 There’s no dirt, nor any incon­ 62.73 Paul Fitzpatrick Grace venience to you and the cost is 1254 62.70 John Schilds No. 1 We will come and tell you ex­ 1721 61.96 actly what it will cost if you wish. Vaughn & Darby Edith 1044 61.60 SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY Vaughn & Darby Pidy 1074 61.22 I Tillamook - • -Oregon. Erwin Harrison No. 10 984 61.01 Erwin Harrison No. 19 999 60.94 Vaughn & Darby Juno 1261 60.50 Vaughn & Darby Bess 945 60.48 Josi Bros. & Perry Daisy 1830 60.39 Ed. Hannenkrat No. 8, 1134 60.11 Joe Dürrer Jersey 1155 60.06 Vaughn & Darby Gypsie 999 59.94 Ben Vantress 1326 Bonnie 59.67 T. M. Ross Grace 1266 59.50 Joe Donaldson 1380 No.8 59.34 Frank Hunter Vick 1836 58.75 A. W. Mills 1364 Reddy 58.65 Joe Donaldson No. 51 1542 58.60 1026 Vaughn & Darby Ina 58.48 58.32 1215 Paul Fitzpatrick Wooley 1296 Kelly 58.32 E. Gienger Notice to the Public 58.14 1140 Joe Dürrer Mabie ------ o------ 1320 58.08 Nig Frank Hunter Having bought out Mr. Sutton's 58.07 1659 Holly Joe Dürrer interest in the Sutton & Loll Meat 57.89 1206 Heart T. M. Ross Murket, I wish to Inform our patrons 57.60 1152 Wanona Frank Hunter they will receive the same courteous Adults 25c. Children 15c. 57.60 ’ 1200 Jersey treatment In the future as they have E. Gienger o o <>• o >o 57.58 I 17,000. Terms >6.- 1374 Josi 56.33 ■ t|je Presbyterian church of this city j Frances B. Stranhan, City Recorder Josi Bros. & Perrin 000 cash. D. A. Bailey, Tillamook 1560 Jessie 56.16 j conducted the services. Interment of Tillamook City, Oregon. A. Hoffman Or., Route 1 Box 60. 8-19 1515 56.06 was made at the Bay City cemetery. [ Bessie Joe Williams 1302 Ivy D. Fitzpatrick Warning—All persons are hereby John R. Murphy Speaks At K. C. 1470 warned to note the machines and Mousie Jess Pangborn prices quoted by traveling sewing 1140 No.11 Smoker A. Vetsch machine agents and to compare 1596 Bob Jos Dürrer with what we have to offer at the 1239 Goldie About forty Knights, together with i One cent a word per issue. Paul Fitzpatrick same price before buying. More 1212 Flora several visitors and prospective can­ Josi Bros. & Perrin Singer machines made and sold 1212 Flora Paul Fitzpatrick didates, assembled at the former For­ Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * than all others put together. 1545 No. 35 P. Betschart There’s a good reason. Singer ^¿52525Z525H5a5H5Z5?5S5H5il525?5HS2SZSaSH5a5H5a5a5H5ZSaSasaSasaS2Sa5Z5a5 rester’s Hall for the purpose of at­ Just hear the new “ Cheney ” phono ­ 1029 Red Agency, opposite Post Office, Tilla­ T. M. Ross tending the «first "smoker” given by graph, then decide. Monthly pay­ 1323 mook. Brownie Ben Vantress the Tillamook council of Knights of ments. The Song Shop, Main St. 1230 No. 7 Columbus. The affair was carried on C. B. Stanley For Sale: 4t/2 acres river bottom land 1581 No. 2 with the zip and ginger characteris ­ For Sale by John Leland Henderson, John Schilds in city limits in meadow and cot­ 1254 206-3d St., Tillamook, the Makin- tic of all Knights of Columbus act­ Figget tage and 6 lots adjoining. Pave­ J. J. Bums ivities, and was pronounced a huge ster, 16b acre ranch, near Oretown. 1149 No. 11 ment all paid. >6500. Enquire Joe Donaldson success by all. David Fitzpatrick was Price >25000.00 Terms easy. (Continued Next Week) of John Leland Henderson, 206, the first speaker of the evening, con­ 3rd St. • PhyaiciHiiB nil over the whole country are recommend’ in need of something electric riculture. Inasmuch as Dr. Glaisyer trasting his views of the Knights of When ing MILK OF MAGNESIA most highly as an antacid and just call on the Sunset Electric. For sale : Columbia Hotel, at Wheeler. TILLAMOOK COUNTY AND Columbus before and after becoming Has 23 rooms, all with modern 1UBERCULAR FREE AREA has tested all the cattle in county at one of them. Like thunderbolts from laxative. Ati ttcid system footers heartburn, indigestion, least once. Dr. Foster has prom­ equipment, and 1» doing as good a a ^erene sky, J. Davis, Paul Fitzpat- Wanted : Woman to work by the rheumatism, pout and other harmful conditions. MILK ised to place one of the Government hour. Call 155-M. business as any hotel In the coun­ Government and State Veterinarian» Veterinarians in this county soon, trick, Herman Jacobs and Rev. Mari­ OF MAGNESIA is valuable in these conditions, as it cor­ ty. Price >5,500, furniture includ ­ Visit Tillamook and Meet Dairymen who will run a check test upon all tin Hoffman shot short snappy Let the Suniet Electric wire your ed. Ed Kelly. Wheeler, Or. 9-2 rects acidity in the stomach and intestinal tract and is also speeches on various subject at an home and save you money. Dr. W. H. Lytle, State Veterinar­ the herds tested by Dr. Glaisyer, and Wanted: Men or wo nen to take ord­ absorbed directly into ttie circulation. at the end of his testing will issue I appreciative audience. Mr. A. B. Cain - -- — -• » — ... ... .... , ian InsZlorinchaTge of Oregon and Dr. . Sam B. Fost- : ers among friends and neighbors TubercGllsls er, _ _ . .. . notice to the effect that Tillamook I of Portland, with Miss Alice Staseck Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ It increases the alkalinity of the blood and other body for the genuine guaranteed hos­ ra^a^ion in Oregon and Washing- county is designated by the United | « ‘Xuons ’ al Mazda lamps. They give better fluids and tissues. This increased alkalinity is an acid to Eradication In Oregon and n.nnrtmont Washing- iery, full line for men, women and Dpnartment of Agriculture a« i hoio selections. Mr. cam is tn e poss light. to for the United States Department . States Department of Agriculture as the treatment of acid auto-intoxication and its attendant ills, children. Eliminates darning. from Bovine Tuberculosis. This esor of a splendid voice which was at of Argriculture. were here for a few free ‘ ----- also gout, rheumatism and correlated ailments. Saves money. Everybody buys. its best that evening as he had spent My middle name ii George. Let me fact then will be advertised by the days last week in connection with A bonanza for agents. Experience th e afternoon regaling himself with bring you "Vaughn" Best drag saw MILK OF MAGNESIA by its laxative action relieves the placing of Tillamook County in Government in its announcements. In the saltsea air of our Tillamook unnecessary. Write International on the market today. Call E. G. congestion of the liver and gall bladder, constipation, what is known as a “Tubercular Free all the various farm ad dairy journ­ beaches. John R. Murphy, a promin­ Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Krebs. billiousness and intestinal indigestion. A.ea.” Accompanied by Dr. E. L. ; als and can be placed upon the face ent Portland attorney spent the bet­ Sep. 30 Gliiyser, Tillamook county Herd In­ of every Tillamook cheese. Hay for »ale : loose upland» and tide It is also helpful in quieting sea or car sickness, morn­ part of an hour in speaking of Chance of a lifetime—For »ale: 251 spector, Dre. Lytle and Foster visit- ' The test used will be similiar to ter land hay. Phone 6F2, Bell. ing sickness or pregnancy, diarrhea, etc. the Knight of Columbus, their found­ acre farm on good county road near cd and consulted with a number of the test now employed In this work ation. growth, and different activit­ town. 120 acres Chehalis river bot­ dairymen in the vicinity and also by Dr. Glaisyer, the "caudal Intrad­ ies both In times of peace and in time For sale: a lot of No. 1 lumber and REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA is the best to use. It tom, 90 acres under cultivation, brick, at new Gymnasium bldg. In­ conducted a check test upon the pure ermal" test, and has recently been of war. He finished his speech by is made full I’. S. Pharmacopoeia! strength and purity and balance good pasture. 3 good barns. quire of E. L. McNeil. 8-19 bred Holstein herd of F. R. Beale. A | placed by the Government as the giving the different reasons way ev- by a special pr« bound >1000 a month . Cattle all fresh (V NESI A at the Rexall Drug Store, as it is not obtainable at ---- - —- j explained at length the operation of tests. It is expected that a very few , Louis Weber rose to his feet, follow­ this fall. Cattle, crops and macb- Cjany other. tubercular cattle will be found in ! the plan under which it will be pos­ For Sale : 2 yr. old Registered Guer ­ ed In quick succession by Frank Von lnery alone will bring 115,000 in the erds of Tillamook county owing sible for Tillamook county to be plac­ nsey Bull. Will tak • good Covz In Euw. Peter Betchart, Martin Berns, fall. Price for the whole works now ed in the Tubercular Free Area. Or- to I their having had a number of tests A. Hurrliman,, Louis Reding and trade. Inquire of A ZwalJ, Tilla­ >45,000. Half cash. Act quick, this inally, the government offered its in the past. The great value of the Joe Von Roex. Including the Wheel­ mook. Or. 8-26 is the best buy that has been offer- cooperation to breeders of pure bred i1 cooperation of the Federal govern­ er and Cloverdale campaigns, this cattle Individually, and ran a series ' ment in this work and th ultimate makes some twenty candidates for Wanted to borrow: Money on river j ed in this county for years, Wrlte TILLAMOOK CITY, or rail on Gerald Cloud, Montesa­ bottom fauns. Guilt edge security. OREGON. of tests upon herds, which, after a value to the cheese indutry of our the next initiation. The "smoker" I county by reason of having Tilla- ! no, Wash. Enquire of John Leland Henderson, I certain number of tests showed no i was brought to a close with the serv­ 5¿525üS¿52S2S^525252SH52 208 3rd St . Tillamook, Or. reacting cattle within them, were mook county designated as Tubercul­ ing of refreshments by the ladies and I Miscellaneous Advertisemsnts amassed as a "Federal Accredited ar Free, can hardly be estimated, and j an unanimous appeal for another A bargain in a dairy farm in Coos f Hfrd". and was considered as free credit can be given to Dr. Glaisyer, For 8ale. county: 274 acres of the finest riv­ Dr.’» Allen and Sharp. Dentiita. "smoker” In the near future. who has been working toward this from tuberculosis. Tillamook county National Building. er bottom land. Located on Co­ end since taking up the testing of DR J. E. SHEARER being the only county in the United CALL OR BIDS quille river four miles below Co­ Dr. Wise—Dentiit. Hercules hot water and steam heat­ States to be working under a State the cattle of Tillamook county. Dr. quille city, the county seat of Coos ing plant and fittings. In good shape. DR A. C. CRANK. law compelling the testing once a Glaisyer states that he expects the county. Place has river frontage of Dr. J. B Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F Sealed blds to be received by district Notice is hereby riven that Tilla­ year of all cattle, was placed in a Government Veterinarian will be in Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. 1*4 miles. About 70 acres either I clerk within thirty days from date of Dr». Shearer £ Crank position, as a county, similar to the Tillamook county this coming week. mook City will receive, up to 8:00 o’ under cultivation or in pasture. Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ clock P. M. August 16th, 1920, sealed individual in other places and the fice on Wednesdays F-2>. notice. Reserve right te reject any Medical A larger?. Rest of land covered with willow bide for the purchase of the sum of only process necessary to obtain this or all blds. brush and easy to clear. Good Dr. Ramsey Osteopath National tubercular free rating will be the July I. 1920. Tillamook frame bouse and two barns. Price Room 110 1. O O. F Bldg . 'Tilla­ testing once only of the cattle by a Ruby fl. l/»mn>en, Diet, clerk. S7SJMA1 TUlunnc” 1110 per sere. Terms. E. C. Rob­ mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone regularly employed VeUrtaariaa of Bist. No. 14, SekMl. inn. mm erta, Mytrle Point, Ore. Aug. 12 rr-j. thj United State» Department of Ag- Gem Theatre Feature Attractions ! Service 5 lì lì lì II Burning Daylight,” featuring Mitchell I Lewis A Story of the Far North Gold Fields, and Life in the Wilds. “You’re Pinched,” Comedy. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, August 13-14 no muXT no “Raffles,” featuring John Barrymoore and Presenting an all star cast Taken from the Popular Book and Play. A 100 per cent Thriller TUESDAY, Aug. 17 Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. Patbe Review Transfer Wood, Gravel. Phone3? W Tillamook|*Transf er Co Liberty Temple. THE BEST GENERAL ANTACID and LAXATIVE C. I. CLOUGH CO-