TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 12. l»20. people of Dalles to do the same as the people of 1'illamook did, adopt the county name for th., county seat. Then it would be a hard matter for "Polk" to conflict with The Dalles. Anyway, what's in a name. Tillamook is named after many mouths, but the people don't get mixed up and find thenisevles at The Dalles when they should be in Tilla­ mook. There are good and sufficient reasons why the name of the county seat of Polk county should be chang­ ed. and we hope the people of that etty will take the common sense view of the situation and name it Polk. ©tllamouk Îiraôlihgî, Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Editorial Snap Shots One person looked at the gasoline shortage philanthiopically by re marking : "If there was more gas there would be more people killed. are fighting in various parts of that ,’ar-flung area. Syria—-45.000 French are battling with Syrians. China—The country is torn by re­ bellion marked by heavy fighting. r The Nation Fays Its Big Bill For N i Taxes The nation’s greatest tax bill 35.- 410.284,8^4? was collected during the tikicai year ending June 30.• OJldal g tin res this week showed that tne ax paid in the last twelve months bad exceeded all esimates, congressional and official, by approx­ imately 1300,000,000 and was near­ ly 75 per cent larger than the total of taxes paid in either of the WL r tax levy yielded 33.694,619.638 and the taxes in 1919 aggregated 3-.- 839.950, 612. Collection of this record breaking assessments cost the government 329,750.000, or about 55 cents for each 3100. Revenues derived from income and excess profits taxes alone were 43,- 544,555,737 for the twelve months, which is nearly 31.250,000,000 larg­ er than collections from the same sources in either of the last two years. An increase for this year also was shown in the receipts from ffiis- cellaneous taxes which brought in 31,465,729,136. These taxes totaled 31,243.941,909 and385a,591,700 for 1919 and 1918 respectively. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Who said the city marshal yelled ‘‘Cheese it" when the cheese secret­ ary ran the city cop down with his The county has about completed auto? painting the wooden road bridges. Properly taken care of. such bridges The republican party will bring are much cheaper in money and fast­ about one thing that will be a great er in construction than steel or con­ benefit to the Pacific Coast. There crete bridges, they will last from 15 will be free toil through the canal to 20 years and when plalnted look as for American coast wise vessels, well or better than the higher priced which should help stimulate ship­ structures. Timber men pay a large ping business on the coast. portion of our taxes, and their pro­ duct should be used locally.—Wheel­ The boosting up of passenger and er Reporter. freight rates on the railroads will That puts us in mind of the argu­ give the automobile and auto truck ment that was made in Portland business another boost as soon as the some years ago when that city had gasoline situation becomes normal, wood side walks, but it did not stop for a blind man can see that there the wheels of progress when it was will be less passenger travel and found more economical to replace • freight to be hauled on the rail- them with cement. Bro. Nunn stret­ roads. ches a point when he says that bridges constructed of wood last All kinds of reasons arc given for from 15 to 20 years, and for fear that the scarcity of gasoline. The most this erroneous impression should be­ prevailent being that the shortage come general, we want to say that By S. W. Straus, was brought about to fool the people, that class of bridge in Tillamook President of the American Society thus giving the oil companies an op­ county lasts from 4 to 6 years. If for Thrift portunity to raise the price. Well Tillamook county expects to have a Persons » who have never praticed the American people like to be hum­ permanent highway through th rough the thrift will find that the first 3100 bugged, anyway, was Barnum's way county it must have permanent »hey save is the most difficult part of of putting it. bridge structures, built of either tlie undertaking. ------- o------- steel or concrete. We would like to After they have reached this a- No one is using the argument ask Bro. Nunn if an incorporated mount, they begin to reap the nien- these days that the league of Nations city ever amounted to anything that tai and tinancial benefits of their ec- will put a stop to war, which the had only frame buildings, wood side onony. They find themselves strong- democrats used in favor of the league walks and planked streets? er, and more easily able to resist the covenant. Oil, no. there’s too many temptation to fritter away odd suras wars going on over in Europe and The chickens are coming home to of money. Where the pratice previ­ there’s no telling how soon the num­ roost. When the people passed the ously seemed a hard task, it now erous wars will become general and Jackson measures to fix a legal rate brings a glow of enthusiasm and again involve the United States, for advertising, we made the remark , success. should the country be so unfortun­ at the time that if this could be Persons who are leading thriftless ate as to get tied up in European done under our^boosted Oregon Sys­ lives today should bear ’h?se entanglements. tem. why not initiate measures to fix thoughts in mind. To deny on’e self the price of butter, cheese, meat, tertaio pleasures and indulgences is This is not very comforting news vegetables, milk and other products, not ¡in inviting prospect to them. to the democrats who claim that for if it is right and proper to pass They feel that they should get the Governor Cox will carry Ohio, not­ a law fixing the price that should be maxium amount of pleasure out of withstanding he has been elected paid newspapers for their product life from day to day, and the thought three times governor of that state, it would not be long before persons of knuckling down to a more prosaic in 1914 when Governor Cox was up with a grouch would be initiating mode of existence does not appeal to for re-election and Senator Harding laws to fixing the price of these art­ I them. was a candidate also for re-election, icles. This has come true, for a To save the first dollar, therefore, Harding polled 32,501) votes more measure has been initiated and I is a task requiring every bit of mor than Cox, and that was a year when which is to be voted upon in Nov­ al courage they possess. But the the democrats made a great howl a- ember to fix legal rate ot interest at second dollar is laid away with a bout “he kept us out of war.” four to five per cent. It was noth- | slightly less sacrificial feeling By ing but spite against the country the time the first hundred has made ------ 0------- Bro. Nunn throws a sop to the newspapers that caused Jackson, of its appearance in the columns of timber owners when be advocates the Oregon Journal, to initiate his their savings bank passbook, tlie wood bridges. But say, Bro., the measure, but having caused a pre­ pratice of thrift has become a real democratic free trad»1 party, placed cedent, it is not surprising that other pleasure, and as one goes uu accum- lumber on the free list and It can be persons of the same grouchy disposi­ lating more and more, the joy of brought into the country from Can- i tion as Jackson are endeavoring to do .possessing incrAises constantly. adu free of duty, and a large amount the banking business a serious in­ It is the normal exhilaration that J ot Hindo labor being used in its jury. Not only so, but it will drive comes with the realization of a duty ; manufacture, to compete with the capital out of Oregon and be a great bonds. well futllled. saw mills in the United States which injury to the state, should the mea­ And if Congress with its approprl- All of us have our duties to socie­ have to employ citizens of the United sure pass. So much for our Oregon ty. to the members of our family and ating power could get rid of tens of States and pay them big wuges, System, for, if worked to the limit, to our friends, but our duty to our­ thousands of useless jobholders and ------- o------- is just as bad as the non-Partisan selves is equally important and the save tens of millions of dollars a year Notwithstanding that Canada is League methods of running North fulfillment of it Is just as commend­ of useless salaries in spite of the nd- manufacturing nearly two-thirds of Dakota. ministration, w hat can’t a new ad- able. the newsprint used in the United Do not refrain from the ? " •( Ice ministration and Congress, after States, 30 per cent of Canadian Senator Party Issue of thrift because you feel t. . will March 4, get rid of when they are newspapers have been compelled to mean hardship and privation. The working together in the interest of shut down, The newsprint paper is Robert N. Stanfield's conception of first few steps may be difficult. But government efficiency tied the pub­ now a most serious problem for all the U. S. Senator situation confront­ after that it becomse the greatest lic's pocket? newspaper publishers in the United ing the voters of Oregon thlH full is dividend payer in happiness and States and, iio doubt, quit« a large set forth as follows by LaGrande Ob­ Col. Bryan on his camel retreating peace of mind that can be found. number of newspapers will have to server: Make up your mind tosave a hun­ from San Francisco should be a fig­ suspend or cut down in size owing "1 am making no campaign, per­ dred dollars. ure as appealing to the historical to the high cost of newsprint paper. sonally. This is a matter for Repub­ After that has been accomplished painter as was Napolean on his gray licans. The whole tiling resolves it­ you will find yourself forever charger retreating from Moscow. Tillamook County appears to be in self itself Into whether the voters of through with the old slipshod ways the same predicament as a good Oregon want a Republican or a Lawrence Hills, Cabling the New and spendthrift habits. many other places over the govern­ Democrat in tile upper house of con­ York Sun-Herald from Paris, says: ment census. When on« looks back gress. It Republican policies are de­ As an outcome of the Polish crisis, ten years and see the large amount sired for this nation, 1 will be elect­ The Last Congress Fired 10.000 the league of nations again has be­ of developments that have taken 'd. If Democratic policies are to be come the subject of a violent contro­ place and the large number of per­ continued, then Mr. Chamberlain From the New York Sun-Herald versy in the French newspapers, the sons who have located here, it is a will be elected. Tills is a year when The administration spenders in socialists attacking it because of the little surprising to be informed that 111 personality of Mr. Chamberlain or Washington got so in the habit of excuse it affords the •capitalists and Tillamook county hus Increased in myself has no bearing whatsoever. burning up the public's money during imerialists’ of involvings France in population in thut time only 2510. It is purely a party campaign and a ' the war that when peace came they another war, while the conservative Those wlio estimated the population party election. Every person who I could not or would not stop their organs ridicule its impotence, point­ of 7 illuinook county round about feels dissatisfied with the Wilson ad­ squander. Names had been added to ing out that the Wilson idealism of 12,000 will be a little suprised. ministration and wants a change: the payrolls to till war jobs by the which it is the embodiment is resp­ every man and every woman who tens of thousands. A year and a half onsible for the present dangerous cit- The snap shot man is not one of shrinks from this government being after the armistice those names were uation." those who are blaming the census in the hands of the Democratic party still sticking to the payrolls by the gatherers because the census of the another four years will naturally tens of thousands. The story is set Cox is the Wilson me-too and no a- state is far below that what was ex­ vote for me, for In that vote he or forth in the Republican platform as mount of squirming will relieve the pected. It was poor generalship. she will express the desire for Re- follows: Democratic nominee for President of Take for illustration Tillamook cOun- • publican policies and Republican ad- "As an example of the failure to the burden which he was voluntarily ty. instead of taking the present pre- 1 ministration. My election will poslt- retrench which has charaterlzed the assumedfor the campaign. The Pres­ cinct boundaries, those of ten years i. 'ly mean u Republican In the Un­ post-war policy of the administrat­ ident lias taken over the party’s stan­ ago were used, thus causing confus­ it'd States senate a Republican ion, we cite the fact that, not includ­ dard bearer quite as completely as ion and the census gatherers over v ho will always be found advocating ing the War and Navy departmnets, would have been the case had his lapping in some places and missing Hi publican issues and Republican the executive departments and other son-in-law been successful In landing parts of other preclnlcts. Nothing form of government. This is the rea­ establishments at Washington actu­ the nomination. But there are in­ can be gained by complaining and son why the coming campaign is not ally record an increase subsequent to creasing evidences 01 the dissatisfac­ the figures will have to stand, yet personal, and as the people desire re­ the armistice of 2,184 employed. The tion among Democrats of independ­ one can have this satisfaction I m ' • lative to Republican or Democratic net decrease in payroll costs contain­ ent attitude who will not swallow it to the democrats to muss up things. rule, so will my political fortunes be ed in 1921 demands submitted by the the league of nations and surrender administration is only 1 per cent un­ without protest American soveregni- handled.” a pulp There Is some prospect of der that of 1920. The annual ex­ ty. and paper plant being established a. penses of federal poeration can be re­ Wars Now Raging in the Old World Bay City and if the prayers of the duced hundreds of millions of doll­ Washington Post: "On account of snap shot man can be of any assis­ ars without impairing the efficiency the unprecented conditions through As the danger of a new European tance, we will pray long and earnest­ of the public service.” which Americans hope to work their ly for the success of the enterprise. .»ar becomes more imminent, says a But if the Wilson administration way to tranquility and prosperity, With so much timber available in Pails cable. It is interesting to note axe would not chop payrolls to save th« speech of Senator Harding, ac­ this vicinity suitable for the manu­ I thut In tills, the second year of the the public's money, the legislative cepting the Republican nomination Versailles "peace" not less than facture of paper. It is a surprise that appropriating power could sponge the Presidency, has been awaited someone lias not come here before to seven wars are raging In various out names on those payrolls, and it with eagerness and natural concern. start that industry, considering that parts of Europe and the Near and did. The Republican Congress refus- What manner of man is he who may Far East. there Is such a great demand for cd to appropriate the cold cash to be the next President of the United Altogether, 4,000.000 soldiers are new s print paper all over the United all those useless Jobholders. pay States? How does be think? What States. In fact, it lookH to us that engaged in these wars, This is as When there wasn't any money com­ there will be more money in a pulp many ns were at one time engaged ing to them tor sitting on their use­ are his strong points, and what are his weak ones? Is he possessed of the n the great European conflict, and paper mill after conditions be less jobs they began to drop out*fast. moral courage to say Yes or No when There Is a summary of the situat- come normal than in a saw mill. In the last several months some occasion demands finality? Does he However, a united effort should be ion as it stands nearly two years af- 10.000 government employes have have the faculty of cooperating with ■de to get that Industry started In ter the signing of th« armistlce: quit because the Republican Con­ Ireland 80.000 British troops and gress. not the Wilson administration, others, without which the most brill­ kzouuly and «very encouragement given to Bay City ta help 50.00 Irishmen arc engaged in al- got nd of them. , If those useless em­ iant leadership ends In melancholy wreckage? Is he a man who assimi­ ,nns continuous warfare, ployes average only «1,500 a year, Jugoslavia 100,000 Italians and 10.000 of them would total some lates his patience with time, «nd bls 0------- i here UM OO.OoO Jugoslavia are locked In in­ 315.000.000 a year. Some 115.000,- sympathy with a continent of states, ritary between so that he moves forward not errati­ the Polk Ct termittent hostilities. 700 a year will pay the Interest ai cally. but surely, as a nation ought Iti mixer whethi^M ¿»server and the Albania—50.000 Italian invaders per cent on some three hundred th»> name of Dallas, on accol are meeting armed resistance from 414 fifty millions of dollars of Lib- to move? Is his heart warmed with I and /The Dalles Vrri’.lcan blood? Is his method of conflicting with it. an Albanian citizens' army. erty bonds. If those dropped em- many 1 mistake« to be made In Poland 300,000 Poles are at the ployes averaged «1,800 a year the action prudent, moderate, unwaver­ Ing and also In the malls.'NN •avel- death grips with 600,00 Russian bol- ing and baaed upon careful thougt? hfib- money thus saved would pay the in­ server has by far advanced th, shevlst troops in • war which may terest on some four hundred millions These and many other unspoken Argument in favor of a change, alk| involve the whole of Europe. questions ar* answered by Senator the people of that city can decide the phLHUcasua—250,000 Russians. 150.- of dollars of Liberty bonds. If they Harding in his addrras of acceptance. averaged «2.000 • year tbe money mattar by "self determination.“ w.y. zTSturka. 120.000 Greeks. 80.00» It is not only vkat he saya, but the «0.000 French trnoM th«« »aved would »ay tHe interest on uumner in -which he mjw it that be. it wouldn’t be a bad IdM for the 1 nearly half a billion of Liberty I E J. C. PENNEY CO. wants your busi ness and quotes plain, everyday prices to get it Our enormous buying power enables us to always undersell You can’t afford to overlook us, for in tbe name of substantial thrift and economy, you owe it to yourself not to let this season pass by without proving to yourself that we save you money You take absolutely no risk in buying from us, for if the goods are not as represented, we will gladly refund your money. Visit Our Store—Inspect Our Goods Test Our Service 297 STORES makes up the revealtion of himself I which the people have awaited. The Republican leader has a great ad­ : vantage because of the issue that is presented. He is compelled to defend i Americanism. Who would not be de­ : lighted to do that? He is required i to declare himself against the wiles I of foreign influences and the dangers of foreign entanglements. Who is the cleared-headed American who does not respond to such a declarat­ ion? He must oppose the Wilson league of nations on account of its pttempt to contradict and nullify the Consitiution. Does he not strike a responsive chord in American hearts? He Is forced to advocate a return to tlie practice of cooperation between the legislative and the excutive. Is ■ not such a practice desirable? Mr. Harding’s address is so frankly and unhesitating on matters heretofore treated with reserve that the effect of his entire utterance is invigorating and inspiring.” a OUR HERD AVERAGE has been raised 138 lbs. B.F. per cow in less than five years by the use of a pore bred sire. 1 his additional B.F. alone is worth over $1000-00 1 hat is the “reason” we selected BURTON His dam Burton Highlawn 2’d Hartog has never failed to transmit milking qualities to her offspring. LODGE MEETINGS. ------- o Tillamook Lodge No. 57 A. F. and A. M. Wednesday of each month. Rehersals each Wednesday following. Visiting broth­ ers welcome. By order of W. M. Leslie Harrison, Sec. She has a 1200 lbs. daughter who has in turn pro­ duced 1200 lbs. daughter. She has three daughters that average over 1000 lbs. She has three sons that have sired daughters that have made records in excess of those made by their dams. MORE NEXT W Stated convocation Friday Johnson Chapter No. 24 R. A. M. I. E. Keldson, Sec. April 30. Visitors welcome ----- --------------- N0YF0LK FARM W. E. NOYES G. A. R. BERT FOLKS. 81 Cornlth Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ gon, meets on second and fourth Sat­ urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel­ come. H. W. Spear. Commander Samuel Downs, Adjt. 3 W. B. C. )UCATION PAYS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguish Service to the Public With Common School Education 4 Chances With High School Education ... 87 Chances With College Education.............. 800 Chances Corinith Relief Corps. No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors welcome . Minnie Johnson, President Elizabeth Conover, Secy. Are Ton Giving Tour Child Bis Chance ? i Tuesday eve. 8 p. m. Rebekak, Wednesday evening Camp 2-4, Thursday r p i THOSE STATES ARB WEALTH I BAT THAT MOST IN EDUCATION HAVR INVESTED Oregon Agricultural College Though a “Liberal ami Practical Education pre­ pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers in AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING MINING HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY VACATIONAL EDUCATION The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION. MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical College Course. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER », »20. TUITION IS FREE. FOW IXFOWMATfOX WWITF TO i: