V «< TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 12. 1920 ADVANCE IN PRICES ! To take Effect the 1st September ? < • * Í » The Overland 4 will advance $50.00 £ So You will have to Hurry to Get One at the Old Price Can Protect You on the Price if You will place a Deposit on it CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Gasoline! Lots Of It! The Shortage Is Over ! 1 * CHAS. F. PANKOW ? Waterloo ... Ashland .... Butte Falls . Central Point Eagie Point Gold Hill . . Jackson tile Medford . . . Phoenix .. . Rogue River Talcut .. I Madra.i . Metolius Fairview Gresham Troutdale Bay City Nehalem Tillamook Grass Valley Moro .......... Wasco .... Aumsville . . Aurora Donald . Gervais Hubbard Jefferson Mount Angel St. Paul .. . 17,679 14,1)94 Salem......... 208 Scotts Mills 2,251 1,588 Silverton . Stayton . Sublimity Turner . . 1.656 1,616 Woodburn Adams .. . Athena .. Echo .... Freewater Helix .... . Hermiston 1,747 1,289 Milton . . . 7,387 4.460 i Pendleton .361 197 Pilot Rock | Stanfield . • 278 318 390 198 [ Umatilla . 595 499 I Weston . . 77 i Bonanza . 4,801 2,758 j Klamath Fails . 237 Merrill............... 1,138 1,253 I Lakeview ......... 257 j Paisley ............. 126 I Silver Lake .. . , 1,143 Beaver Hill .... 1,140 Bandon ............. 1,642 I Coquille............. 453 East Side........... 182 Empire ............. 4,034 Marshfield......... 934 Mytrle Point . . . t • 3,268 North Bend .... 522 Amity ............... 522 Carlton ............. 448 Dayton ............... 193 Dundee ............... 410 Lafayette ......... 2,767 McMinnville .... 2,566 : Newberg ............. 979 Sheridan............. 247 Willamina......... 366 Yamhill............. . It will be noticed that the above list does not include Wheeler, the population at the time the census .... taicen was given at somewhere r.eai 4 50. THE VALUE A » ’ men who take pleasure in other men’s success. We are in business to help other businesses. Therein lies our success oud yours. BANK YOUR MILK CHECK WITH THE (Tillamnnk (Emnitij Hank Member Federal Reserve System. SENATOR UNDERWOOD ON WILSON'S REGIME The Government Has Come to Be Too Partisan and Too Much Like JL Football Party ------ c------ Sen. Oscar Underwood, Democrat­ ic leader of the United States Sen­ ate does not seem to be entirely sat­ isfied with tlie condition c-f the coun­ try under a Democratic administra­ tion. His speeches lo World war ve­ terans sound like a Republican at­ tack. The Senator says: "The gov­ ernment has become the football of the partisan and the desire of the plunderer.” And this sweeping de­ claration is made after seven years ol Woodrow Wilson in the White House and seven years of the Demo­ crats iu the saddle. Mr. Underwood, of Alabama, knows wliat he is talking about. Under the Wilson Democratic regime the South­ ern partisan and the Southern plun­ derer with others certainly have fat­ tened upon the government of the finds that other bad conditions have arisen in the country. He says: "The war profiteer glories in his new wealth, and the high cost of living threatens the humble home.” This all has occurred under the peerless idealist, Mr. Wilson and his Demo­ cratic leaders in Congress. In short, in his talk to the return­ ed soldiers Senator Underwood hit his party in a non-political speech good and hard. It was frank confes­ sion of Democratic failure in the ad­ ministration of public affairs. Sentat- or Underwood also was truly Demo­ cratic in that he proposed nothing remedical or compensatory to be done by the party so long in power for the lamentable condition in which the soldiers returning And the coun- try for which they fought. Make Sure of Enjoying Your Shooting OW that it’s time to be getting ready for the hunting season, make up your mind not to ex­ periment in getting equipment for shooting. N Buy Winchester World Standard Guns and Ammunition, the kind you can trust. Winchester testing and inspection insure your satisfaction, and the Winchester guarantee backs them up. Come in today and look over our stock of Shotguns, Rides, Shells, Car­ tridges and cleaning supplies. King-Crenshaw Hardware Co TH« TVINCHCSUK « tom a szsïszs^saszszsasasïSisasaszsaszsabuàèSdSzsesaszsasÂSHsasïSiisesîSàiiêse Dr. E. L. Glaisver, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector ■ELL PHONE, MAIN .3. MUTUAL PHONS CENSUS OF OREGON GIVEN AS United States in 1910 was slightly less than four times that in 1850. 783,285 Tillamook 8776, increase 40.1 per Gain Is 110,520. Or 16.4 Per Cent qent. Census For Decade. Pop. Increase Year. Pet. 1920 ... 783,285 110,520 16.4 Oregon has a population in 1920 1910 ... 672,765 159,259 62.7 of 783,285, which is a gain of 110,- 1900 ... 413,356 95,832 30.2 520 or 16.4 per cent over the 1910 1890 ... 317,704 142,936 81.8 figures of 672,765. It is impossible 1880 ... 174,768 83,845 92.2 to compare this gain with the in­ 1870 ... 90,823 38,458 73.3 crease, if any, made by other west­ 1860 . . . 52,465 39,171 294.7 ern states because Oregon is the first 1850 ... . 13,294 wstern state on which the total has Only Two Counties Lose. been announced. Of nine Ovgon counties on which It is not as high as the gain in the decade from 1900 to 1910 which was the total population figures were an- 259,229, or 62.7 per cent, but the anounced, all save two, Jackson and growth of the entire west for that Lake, show gains. The figures for period was unusual. Nowhere in lite the nine counties are: Benton, 13,744; increase of 3081 west will there be any repetition of the population gains shown in 1910. or 28.9 per cent. Deschutes, a new county which Oregon's rate of increase is larger than that of Geogria or Delaware, permits of no comparsion for 1910, the only two other states whose 1920 9622. Linn, 24.550; increase of 1888 or census has been announced. Georg­ ia’s increase was 10.9 per cent and 8.3 per cent. Jackson, 20,405, increase of 5351 Delaware's 10.2 per cent. or 20.8 per cent. , Oregon Ninth In Area. Multnomah, 275,898; increase of Oregon in 1910, ranked as 35th 49,637 or 21.9 per cent. most populous state in the union. It Umatilla, 25,898; Increase of 5637 show-ed an increase of 259,229 or or 27.8 per cent. ¡ 62.7 per cent in the 10 years ending Klamath, 11,413; increase of 2859 with 1910, having had the largest or 33.4 per cent. growth numerically in its history, Lake, 3991; decrease of 667 or the number being almost double that 14.3 per cent. of any previous decade. Union, 16.836; Increase of 445 or In area, Oregon ranked as ninth 2.7 per cent. laigest state in the union In 1910 Population By Wards Given. with a land area of 95,607 square Populations by wards in several Oregonians miles making Its population average Oregon cities were announced as 7 per square mile. the Attractions of Oregon— follows: Know- Oregon was organized as a terri­ Corvallis, ward 1,1780; ward 2,-1 Know the Industries of Oregon— tory in 1848 and appears in th« fed­ 1604; ward 3.2368. Know the Development of Oregon eral census reports ter the first time Pendleton, ward 1, 1288; ward 2, Know the Opportunities of Oregon— in 1850. Its population then was 1742; ward 3. 1290; ward 4. 3067. Know- the History of Oregon— 13,294 which includes 1201 returned Medford, ward 1, 2430; ward 2. Help to develop Oregon from that portion which was taken 1817; ward 3, 1509. Help to make Oregon known— in 1853 to form Washington territ­ La Grande, ward 1, 1278; ward 2, Begin in your own locality— ory. During each decade from 1850 1143; ward 3, 2222; ward 4. 2270. And keep it up. to 1910 Oregon showed a rapid grow­ Salem, ward 1. 1574; ward 2, 22- th, the lowest rate of Increase ter 36. ward 3. 1144; ward 4. 2980; I Notice of Final Hearing. any decennial period being 30.2 per ward 5, 2805; ward 8, 5167; ward 7, i In the County &ourt of the State cent for tlie decade 1890-1900. 1773. I The most rapid rate of growth was Figures for 19 20 on population of of Oregon, for the county of Tilla­ during the first few years in the minor civil divisions in Benton, Coos, mook. In the matter of the estate history of the state, the population I Deschutes, Jackson, Jefferson. Klam­ of Fritz Buhrow, late of the county Increasing three-fold from 1850 to ath. Marion, Multnomah, Linn Sher­ of Tillamook, deceased. 1860. During the following three de­ man. Tillamook. Umatilla and Union Notice is hereby given that the cades. 1860-90, the population of the and Yamhill counties, together with undersigned has, in the above cn- I state increased more than five-fold, the 1910 comparsions, shows incorp­ titled proceedings filed his Final ac­ the percentages of Increase ranging orated cities and town of those coun- count as Administrator of the estate from 73.3 to 92.2 per cent. Between ties as follows; which was of Fritz Buhrow, late of 1890 and 1910 the population more the coumy of Tillamook, deceased 1920 1910 than doubled. The numerical in­ Corvallis . .. and that the Court has appointed 5.752 4.552 crease in the decade 1900-10 was Monrce .... Friday, the Tenth day of September. 191 nearly one and a half times the en­ Philomath .. Nineteen hundred and twenty, at 951 505 tire population of the state In 1880. Bend ... Ten o’clock in the forenoon, as the 5,415 53« Companion of the rales of In­ Redmond 585 316 time, and hte County Court room in crease ter the state with those ter Albany 4,840 4.275 the County Court House at Tilla­ the United States shows that during Brownsville mook City. Tillamook County, Ore­ every decade the growth of the state Halsey ... gon. as the place, for the hearing of was more rapid than the growth of Harrisburg objections to such Final Account and the country as a whole. The populat­ Lebanon , the settlement thereof. ion of the state In 1910 was some­ Selo ......... Dated. August 7th. 1920. what more 50 times as large as in Sodaville . W. L. Campbell. Adminstrator 1150. while the population of the Sweet Home Robert H. McGrath. Attorney ter the Administrator. I Its better business to buy your i New Edison by our B dget Plan F~\ROP into our store and find out why. The Budget Plan goes away from the old slipshod methods of buying home entertain­ ment. It presents a regular, definite plan of buying which tells you at a glance how much of your income you can devote to your New Edison. It's better business for you—because you can have the New Edison now. Ask about the Budget Plan. We want you to take advantage of it. ’ 6000 RECORDS Di STOCK TO CHOOSE FROMr LAMAR'S DRUG STORE, Tillamook, Oregon > MILK COWS FOR $ [ SALE or EXCHANGE t for Dry Stock. i - YAGER A BRADY We Buy CASCARA BARK. Highest Cash Price. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse,