¿illiinumlí HeaìUiflbt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Tillamook Jottings. G. L. Trombley and family, of Kal- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers, of amozoo, Mich., who visited at the Portland, were Tillamook visitors I ------- - ------- home of C. E. Trombley, left on Sat­ last week. Mr. Rogers said that his Marriage license was issued to urday, going to California, where he Mark Sweeney and Mrs. Ida Townes. will visit another brother before re­ brother had taken the Headlight for about thirty years, and that he, him­ Mrs. Dan Billings was in Tilla­ turning to Michigan. self had always remembered the mook from Rockaway Wednesday. W. D. Shafer, of Rockaway, asks motto that was on the first few issu­ W. W. Conder is in for a visit us to express his thanks to the people es. This is their first trip over here, from Benton county where hei is of Rockaway who so kindly assisted and they laughed and said, "We’ve | him when he met with an accident been thirty five years getting here.” now located. H. S. Smith and wife, of Seattle, ; by having the tops of the fingers of They were surprised to find so much level land around Tillamook , and who are stopping at Garibaldi, were his right hand crushed off. Tillpmook visitors Monday. Jack McNesby, of Sun Francisco, think it a beautiful site lor a city. Rev. H. A. Van Winkle and fam­ Mrs. Arthur Holden left Tuesday who is superintendent of a ship yard for Rockaway, where she will camp there, was in Tillamook a few days ily. ot Oukiond, Cal., are at Netarts ago, visiting with friends. He re­ camping this week. Rev. Van Win­ a week or so. Cyrus Buell, father of F. L. Buell turned to Portland Sunday, where he kle was the pastor of the Christian will spend a few weeks. church in this city for several years, had a serious stroke of paralysis Sun­ Mis. Harry Veirick returned to having left here about three years day morning. Portland Friday alter spending a ago and gone to Oakland, wheie he Clark Hadley, of Portland, is here week or so here. Her young son, is having splendid success with his visitng with friends and relatives for Eric Davis, had a bunch of guns with church work. All their old friends a week or two. him, but could not shoot big game, are mighty glad to see them back, E. M. Condi t is spending a few owing tothe shortage of ammunition. and a bunch of them are going over days in Seattle, on business, having to Netarts this evening for a party J. F. Auer, of Salem, purchased the left Monday. on the beach. The Van Winkles will Antone Shulson piace on the other Mrs. C. W. Jones and Mrs. B. A. side ot Hemlock, the first of this leave tomorrow. Bruner, of Jetty, were shopping fh week. He had been here about three The girls of the Loyal Maids class ‘own Wednesday. weeks, camping and liked it so well of the Christian ¡Sunday school held a picnic on the Tillamook river just Albert M. Steinback left for Saiem that he decided to stay. Monday, where he will spend about Mrs. J. W. Wilson, of Hemlock, 1 south of town last Thursday. It was a surprise for their teacher, Mrs. E. a month. died Saturday evening after an ill­ Mr. A. S. Campbell and family of ness ol several days. Ou Sunday last F. Rogers, and she was called over Dallas, Ore., are visiting with his she had given birth to a healthy to the church on business. On her arrival she found seventeen girls a- sister Mrs. F. L. Buell. baoy, Dr. Boals attending. The re­ waiting her, each with a lunch bask­ mains were snipped to Minnville a Mrs. M. E. Kraumlauf and daugh­ et crammed full of all kinds of good­ day or so later, for burial. ter, of Garibaldi, were Tillamook ies. They spent the day on the river visiting Wednesday. • Mrs. Bernice Dromness and Miss bank. Plans were made to hike to Jessie Warren, of Bay City, visited in W. E. Anderson, of Grand Ronde, Netarts this Wednesday and stay drove to 1 illamook Monday, on bus­ Tillamook Wednesday, They were ac­ until Thursday evening. companied by Mrs. L. J. Williams, of iness returning the same day. On Thursday afternoon of last Mrs. Chas. Desmond, of Pleasant Latayette, Or., wife of Dr. L. J. Will­ week, when City Marshal and a num­ iams, the foot specialist, who is visit ­ Valley, was in town Tuesday, on bus­ ber of men were standing on the ing with them. iness. street discussing the matter of dam­ Dr. J. E. Shearer was called to Co­ aging the hard surfaced street, Carl Mrs. R. Jacques, and Mrs, Lillian quille Saturday to attend Mrs. Harry Haberlack drove up, and expecting Close, of Garibaldi, spent Wednesday l'honias, who is very ill. He return­ that the men would move out of the in Tillamook. ed Tuesday, bringing her buck, and way after he had tooted his horn, Mrs. Calabas, of Wisconsin, who is \t;ill probably operate in a few days. spending the summer at Rockaway, .Mrs. i humas is a former resident of all the men did so with the excep­ tion of the city' marshal, when the was in Tillamook Wednesday. 1 illamook, having moved to Coquille auto bumped into him and threw him Mrs. Eastman left Monday for Id­ a short time ago. on the pavement. He was not badly aho, where she will spend some time The preliminary hearing of Fred hurt, however, for he escaped by visiting and looking after business DeLillies was held Friday, He was having the bark on his legs broken matters. placed under $5,000 bond and bound up some and limped arouml town for The editor left this morning for over to the grand jury, awaiting trial several days. Astoria where he will attend the an­ in the October term of court. A plea Rev. H. E. Tucker was in the oth- nual meeting of the Oregon Editorial ot insanity was entered by the de­ er day and told us that the Gaines- Association. fendant over which a jurisdiction McCelland couple whom he married F. M. Crumm agd W. S. 'Catton was placed by Justice Stanley. last week were to call on him, asked helped to solve the question of high Dr. Turner, the well known Eye him if he were the same Rev. Tuck­ taxation by each paying $10.00 and Spciulist, ib now permanently located er that had been in Medford a few costs for speeding. in Tillamook, with private offices in years ago. While there during the Rev. and Mrs. Ford, of Banks, re­ Jenkins Jewelry store. Dr. Turner, war, Mr. Tucker said that a young turned home Friday, after having has all the latest instruments and man had come to him and asked him spent a few days here with Mr. and equipment, with a complete Lens to perform a marriage ceremony for Grinding plant, and is prepared to him before he was called to the Mrs. C. E. Trombley. training station. His wishes were Mrs. F. Ernst and daughter, of do lens grinding of any description. Frank Readen has applied to the complied with and the minister Seattle, were here visiting with re­ latives for a couple of weeks, return­ state engineering department for wa­ thought no more about until this ter rights on Wilson river, Tilamook couple told him that the others were ing Monday. county, to develop power for a pros­ the groom's brother and the bride’s Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gist and pective pulp and paper mill at Bay sister, and that they had heard that family moved to Manhattan Friday, City. The filing was a preliminary he was the same minister, so came whete they will live, having rented one und did not state the amount of to him to be married. their house here in town. power which might be developed. The new auto camp established a- Bernice Clark is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Helbursen, of bout ten days ago is proving a big weeks at the home of Ruth Heits- Portland, who are spending a few attraction to the many tourists visit­ mann, of Portland, She will return weeks at Rockaway, were in town ing our city. From the day of its about the last of this month. Friday to look around. They said opening there has not been a time this was their first trip to Tillamook, when the grounds have not been oc- Carrol, mother of John Carrol, Mrs. left Monday for her home in Idaho. though they had lived in Oregon cupid. Monday morning fourteen since 1888. They think Tillamook tentB were counted, and there was She had accompanied her son here, is a pretty place and are coming a- an average of five persons to each of spending a few days with his family. them, about seventy people who gain soon. The official count of the population their Sunday in town, They A wedding took place in this city spent for 1920 of Tillamook county is 1930 would otherwise have had to camp on Saturday morning, at the M. E. which is a considerable increase as some parsonage. Rev. G. 0. Oliver perform­ along some dusty road or in it was only 860 in 1910. town. Judging by the way other ing the ceremony, when Glenn H. C. B. Wiley left on Sunday for Nicholas, of Wheeler and Miss Gretta the grounds are being patronized Yamhill county, where he will visit Taylor were the contracting parties. this season It will be but a short with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Buel. Miss Mr. Nichols is the Southern Pacific time until more room will be needed. The camp ground has been named Maxine Baker accompanied him. Agent at Wheeler, where the happy "Tourist Park”, and each one it re­ couple will make their home. Mrs. W. W. Pollock, of Oregon quired to reglstei at the "kitchen.” City, is visiting with her parents Mr. Tillamook city bonds for fire eq­ A. W.Severance and family came and Mrs. DeLillies, of this city. She uipment have been sold to the Lum- is accompanied by her little son Ver- ermen’t Trust Co. of Portland, and In last week from Wapato, Wash, and are camped al Netarts. It is nqn. will be delivered to the United States about ten years since Mr. Severance National Bank this week. The bonds Mrs. Lee Lyster and son left for moved from this city to the Yakima are in live hundred dollar denomina ­ Portland to spend a week with her Valley, and lie was exceedingly sur­ mother, E. T. Coulson, who had been tions amounting to fifteen thousand prised to find so maqy improvements, here a month and was returning dollars in all, and ■4 are to draw six although he has read the Headlight per cent interest. with them. religiously since he left here. It Congressman W. C. Hawley in­ was the same old Abe who strolled Mrs. A. Cleveland, who is spend­ ing the Bummer at Twin Rocks, spent forms us that the post office at Meda into our office on Monday, and with Friday here on business. She was •will be discontinued, as the post of­ the exception of looking a little more accompanied by John Graham and fice Inspectors could find no one who aged, there is not much difference in wanted to be the postmaster of that him. He was quite a politician when David Hugh Graham, of Portland. place. If the people in the vicinity he lived in this neck of the wood, Mr. and Mrs. Nixon BlAr, of Hub­ of Meda want the post office continu­ and had the honor of being Uncle bard, Or., and Mr. and Mrs. Milo ed they should recommend someone Sain's stamp licker when he was the Blair, of 8t. Johns, Or., are here and write to Congressman Hawley chief moqul'in the city post office. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. immediately. However, his many friends were glad J. S. Blair. A number of friends were enter­ to see him and shake hands with him. M tb . S. M. Henry returned to her tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Southern Pacific Co. is mak­ home in Hillsboro, on the early train O. G. Wilkes, last Wednesday even­ ing eveiy effort possible to increase Monday, after having spent about I ing at a charming dinner party. The the car suply in order to handle lum­ four days here visiting at the home of evening was spent with music and ber and other commodities on the her daughter, Mrs. A. A. McRae. singing, all present having had a lines in Oregon. During the past 10 Mr. and Mrs L. A. StroeWe and very nice time. They were Mr. and days there has been received at the daughter, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are Mrs. Ed Heisel, Victor White. Dick Portland division an average of over visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan, W. C. Cheney and Thomas one hundred empty cars a day. This Emil Heusser. Mrs. Stroeble is a Keyes, the men all being employed equipment ,is being hauled a long at the Tillamook Garage. distance to meet the requirements of sister to Mr. Heusser. the Oregon shippers. The manage­ County Judge A. M. Hare and Dr. Boals reports the birth of a ment of the Southern Pacific hopes Commissioners Alley and Farmer are son to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hasselberg that it will receive the long haul on in Portland this week meeting with on August 10th, and a girl to Mr. this equipment when loaded, that is, the State Highway Commission. The and Mrs. Ray Jackson on the 5th of contract has not been signed for the via Odgen when rates apply, and that Augtprt. contract let the county for graveling It will be routed via connecting lines The W. R. C. .will hold their an­ as the commission was wanting the at Portland, which gives the company nual picnic at Rockaway Sunday, county to put up a bond, which the a very small percentage of freight Aug. 15th. All G. A. R. and Corps court thought was not necessary, rate. members and families invited. Come which would save over a thousand The tourists registered at the i ¡¿nd bring basket lunch. dollars to the county. car p ground last week were: Mr. ptiate Industrial Accident Commls- Married, Aug. 6 at Hermiston, and Mrs. C. A. Kern and family, of flon vs. J. A. Jensen is. a suit filed Or., Llyle D. Tilden, son of Mr. and Portland; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bailey In the circuit court to recover $114.- Mrs. Clarence Tilden and Mil Mild- and daughter Marie, of Forest Grove; for industrial Insurance that red M. Percy, daughter of Mrs. C. B. Aubrey and Fred David, of Silverton; Should have been paid by the defen- Percy. Both are well known young Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bitner and D. A. ■ant. people of Hermiston. They started Bitner, of Wilder, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Scheerer and daughters, of and George Badger. immediately for Portland, Tillamook Portland; W D. Graves, of Monroe; I., are here Waiting and coast points on a two weeks hon­ Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pope, of Goldson; ey-moon. They will camp at Rocka ­ \and uncle. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Davisson, of Wei­ way for short time, after which they \ and his brother A \ d remain several will return to Hermiston to make ser. Idaho; R. Walpool, of Los An­ geles; C. B. Quimby, ot Angiola, ■ heir borne. I ■ i "A ■ AVGUST Cal.; and A. J. Heatley, of Chelle- wache, B. C., a town about 85 miles from Vancouver, who has located here. He brought the Bill Harris place In the northwest end of town, about thirty acres in all and is going to run a dairy ranch. 12, 1920. Portland Degree Team Here ------ o------ LOST IN THE MOUNTAINS ■ o------ The Degree team of the Portland Police, consisting of about forty men, Fishermen Without Food and Water including Chief Jenkins, Captains For 48 Hours. ------- o------- Harms, Gordon and Moore, Lieuten­ Saturday noon two men, L. J. Mill­ ants Thatcher and Epps, Sergeant Crane and others, drove in to confer er and E. W. Sippell, both of Port­ a degree on a number of the mem­ land, started up the North Fork of bers of the Masonic Lodge here. the Wilson river fishing. After they A splendid meeting was held that evening at the hall, ubout two huuu- had gone quite a distance they de­ leu nod nity person.- uelng present, cided to cut acros and follow the buuuuy morning u buuch ot them, l "hog’s buck.” coming out about eight o..c uudreo uU m.y in all, went to ' miles farther up, w here the fishing Netarts, wfiere they nad a uig picnic was supposed to be bitter. While ti.uner with clams, crabs, and uli a.uas of good thing*, Sports of all crossing the mountain they coulu ob­ a.^us were enjoyed aown on the hard tain no water, and as the weather s-..., until 2 o clock, when the men was extremely warm and sultry they ..u... romand left tor home, as a were pretty well used up. By the number ot them had to go on duty time they reached the farther side at miunight Sunduy night. of the mountain they found that in­ »■ mie the men weie here our stead of that side being sloping it night watchman, Al Biggs, locked up was a cliff of several hundred feet, one ot the policemen’s cars, and kept so all they could do was return the ii over night because it on had one way they had gone. It was by that number on it, which was the special time 8 o'clock Sunday morning. Mill­ number of the police force in Port- er was so thirsty and weak that he ,u..u. rue man liau io wait until could go no farther, so Sippell left tiie next morning to get his car, but him there to return for help. On the joke was on the night watchman. the way back he became so weak from thirst that he would stop and GEM THEATRE PROGRAM rest every tew yards. He said that the muscles in his arms and legs Friday-Saturday, «ug. 13-14. "'Burn­ cramped so that they felt as it they ing Daylight” Metro Screen Classic were drawn up in knots. By the bpeetai riouucuon featuring Mil- time he reached a farm house he w’as cueil Lewis. utterly exhausted, and was suffering "You’re Pinched" comedy. severely through nervousness, as he Sunday, Aug. 15, "The Desperate He- was worrying about Miller. io teatuimg Owen Moore, It was noon Monday, when he ar- f ox Sunshine comedy. rived home, making a stretch of 48 Monday, Aug. 16, "Tritlers” featur- hours without food or water, as they ing Edith Roberts. had had none since Saturday noon. Lyon-Moran comedy. A searching party, made up jf 'tuesuuy, aug. li, Raffles" featur- John Patterson, Harvey Ebinger, ing John Barrymore. Leonard Russ, the fire warden on Fame Review. Wil on liver, and a Mi. White who a Man Weuuesuay, Aug. 18 "When lives near there, started out to hunt Loves," featuring Earl Williams. Miller immediately after Sippell's re­ "Hips auu Husiies, comeuy. turn. The whole town was worried Thursday, Aug. 19 "A Dark Lant­ about the men, and their friends ern ' featuring Alice Brady. were nearly frantic until about four "Wrong Again" Hall Room Boys o’clock, when word was received comedy. that Miller had come out. He had Friday-oaturday, Aug. 21-21 "Noth- waited until noon that day; then ing but Lies' featuring Taylor thinking that Sippell had probably Hulmes. lost his way, he would get help and return to find liim. Sippell said that Oregon Jersey Makes World's Record. ordinarily he could have made the On June 18, Poppy s Dorothy, bred trip in a couple of hours, but as it and OMneu by oy air. 11. a,. Dy nil, oi wus, he was so weak and exhausted rerrydale, Or., completed a year's ot- that it took him about twenty-eight uciai test, begun as a junior three hours. Miller tried to drink the condensed year old with 17804.1 lbs. milk and 994.25 lbs. butter fat. Tillamook milk tuat they had taken with them, county is lortuuutu tn Having some ot but he said that it caked in his mouth, and he could obtuin absolute­ this same breeumg. ly no moisture from It, but that V ive la - ......completes Record, is now me iC greatest living cow, night there was a heavy dew and the misses tile cuampiousuip by one point next morning he took a pan and held it under the bushes, shook the dew faL 1 he great Jersey cow Vive Lu into it, then strained It through a France completed her new record on cloth into a cup. A 1 tu 'ether he said July ltiln with 1069.28, pounus fat. lie caught ubout a cup full of It, She tailed to life the world’s cham­ which helped a great deal, causing pionship by less than one pound fat. him to gain his strength enough to i ne present cliainpionsmp being held start back. The two men, who had been so by Main Mary of the state of Maine 1040 lbs. fat to her credit. But Vive near death together broke down un­ La France has demonstrated her sup-, der the nervous strain and cried erlority over any other living cow by when they saw each other. They say the consistency wrth which she es­ that the next time they go fishing they will stay along the river ’ so tablished new records each year. they will be sure to have plenty of 1 he American Jersey Cattle Club hat pasted upon the record of Vive water. Rev. W. S. Holt, of Philadelphia, who is the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Ministerial Relief and Re­ lief and Resuscitation, ot the Presby­ terian church, was in Tillamook for a few days last week, leading for Portland Monday, where he will visit before returning home. While here he gave a splendid address at the services held at the .Presbyterian church, also at Clovrdale. Dr. Holt has been a frequent visitor to Tilla­ mook for the past thirty years, al­ though this is the first time he has been here for seven years, He says that this county is the best that he has ever seen, and if it weren’t for his frequent visits here would be- come old, but they keep him young, green and growing, like the grass. A few evenings ago four boys, one of them a son of one of our leading ministers, decided that they would go to the beach the next day. As it was hard to get gas they made a few social calls, stopping at the concrete roller, in the west end of town and "borrowing" five gallons of gas. and started to get some from a mixer, but ,ound it locked, just as they were passing George Burchard's house he saw them and called to them to stop or he would drop them in their tracks. All of them fan except one boy, who "squealed” on the oth­ ers, who were also taken. 'Die gas was returned to the owners and the ooys missed their trip. As far as is Known nothing has been done to the ooys, but the marshal says that the swiping of gas simply must be stopp­ ed, so measures will be taken to pre-, vent repention of the occurence. John Carroll returned the other day and he told us quite a few inter­ esting things about his trip. He said that he drove out as far as Bur­ ley, Idaho, in his car, and he said, "Believe me, I'm proud of Tillamook county. The roads in some other places are abominable, and in most places there are no directions at ail, one has to take chances." He said that he reached the Hood River stre­ tch of the Columbia Highway just a Couple of days after it had been completed. They also had a little excitment in the way of catching outlaws, as they were stopped by wo posses near Pendleton, who were searching for the murderers of their lieritf Taylor. Mr. Carroll smacked .lis lips and said "I hall all the beer I wanted in Idaho." He said that ev­ eryone made their own beer there, and that in Chicago and St. Louis the owners ot soft drink stands sold it over the bar just as in the old days. There Is plenty of whiskey and wine there too. According to his statement if you ask anyone east of Pendleton about the gas shortage they look at you as If they thought you weren’t all there, tor they have­ n’t had any such thing hardly any place except on the coast. Population of Tillamook County According to the United States census department the population of fillatnook county is 8776, being an Increase of 2510 in ten years, or an increase of 40.1 per cent. oat Far lice, as official, and made the announcement in a telegram to Pick­ ard Bros, received on July 28th and reading as follows: "New York, July 27, 1920—Pick­ ard Bios. Marion, Or. Final record of Vive La France, completed July 16th Is 15271.7 lbs. milk, 1039.28 ibs. fat. Missing championship by less than one pound fat per cent of tat 6.80. Our congratulations, a* Vive La France is now the greatest cow for productions and progeny ov­ er all birds, exceeds Tilly Alcartra's first full record by 577 lbs. fat-—Am­ erican Jersey Cattle Club.” New Manager Northwestern Division Red Cross. ------- o------- Dr. J. E. Crichton, of Seattle. Wash., has been appointed manager of the Northwestern Division of the Red Cross, succeeding Earl Kilpat­ rick who resigned to accept the Dir­ ectorship of the reorganized and en­ larged Extension Division of the Un­ iversity of Oregpn. Dr. Chrichton has been continu­ ously engaged in Red erons work for the past three years, He comes to the Division from the Seattle Chapter of which he has been vice-chairman all through the war. In addition to handling the duties of manager he will personally direct the health de- pa.tment of the Red Cru»-. for the Division territory Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. He was formerly comniisioncr of the health department of the city of Seattle and has gained a national reputation for his work in the field of public health. In connection with his appoint­ ment as manager Dr. Crichton an­ nounces that the Division offices have been moved from the White Building to 315 University Street, Seattle, and that the 4th Red (Toss Roll Cull, for a renewal of memberships will be held all over the country between Armistice Day, November 11, and Thanksgiving Day, November 25. Hard to Resist. ----- o- ■ ■ The charm of brass buttons and a uniform—-few girls can resist them, Especially when the wearer is young and handsome and has very polished manners. The uniform that attracted Katherine, heroine of "A Dark Lantern," was worn by a prince, and a very charming Prince at that. But all that he had to offer the proud English girl wax a morgantc mar­ riage. and her love bad a hard strug­ I gle with her pride before she made her decision How she decide It would not be fair to tell, but you will learn when you see “A Dark Lantern,” a Realart picture starring versatile Alice Brady, which comes to the Gem Theatre next Thursday. I J Meeting of Tillamook Jeney Club. --------- O' The Jersey Club met at the farm of Paul Fitzpatrick, August 10th. There were not as many members present as was expected, but thirty of us did justice to the chicken din­ ner furnished by Mr. Fitzpatrick and his amiable wife. The Jeisey booth for the County Fair was discussed and left in the hands ot the committee. A judge for the Jeisey cattle to be shown at the county fair was talked over, and Dr. Glalsyer instructed to write to Prof. Woodard, of Washington College, to be our judge, and the secretary of the Picnic at Pacific City. club was instructed to write Profes- There was u splendid crowd at HOI Fitts that a car load of Jersey Pacific City Sunday, and every one cattle can be bought in Tillamook had a wonderful time. Several hun­ and shipped to points desired. This dred people were present, including is not the only inquiry that has come those from McMinnville, Tillamook tor Jersey cattle and it is only the and many other places, besides the beginning. In a short time we will campers. be able to ship many cattle to differ­ The Graves Girls band was there ent points. and furnished the music, which was The matter of selecting a qualified greatly appreciated by the people. mail to test milk at the fair was dis­ The people think that F, R. Heals cussed, and it was decided to send certainly does know how to entertain to the Agricultural college for one. The fair program says the cows the public. to be milked and tested three times Owen Moore in “The Desperate Hero” a day during the milk contest, and we want to know who has the au­ Comedy, pure and undented, Is the thority to change the milking to keynote, theme and accompaniment four times a day. Dr. Glalsyer gave a of the "The Desperate Hero,’’ a new talk on testing and the accredited Selznick Picture starring Owen test which is now before the county Moore which will be shown al the court for consideration. Gem Theatre Wednesday, Auj^. 18. R. C, ones gave a talk on the The photoplay, which depicts the "The Better Sire Campaign,”- adventures of a young man very urged all to eliminate the scrub much in love and very much in debt, of all breeds and get the best. hasn’t one serious angle. Owen The Jersey breeders are not satisfied Moore’s frantic efforts to dodge tai­ with the manner in which the milk- lor bills and court his sweetheart lirg contest Is to be managed as given cause some vory odd situations. In the program, and will not enter ♦ Gloria Hope is Mr. Moore's leading the contest under the conditions lady In “The Desperate Hero.” statedr The meeting adjourned to meet at Guerniey Club Meeting Called Fairview Hall the first Thursday in ------- Q------- September. We wish to add that Mr. Fltzpnt The Tillamook County Club will have a business meeting at the rick is a young man JuM starting in life with every prospect of a pron- Creamery Association Rooms on lerous future before him. He is Tuesday, August 17th, at 1 p .m. I ¡'reeding the Golden Glow strain. Report of Sales committtee, as co­ I i nd has itom« very fin* cattle. Hi« operative Guernsey Exhibit at the I irin lx one of the best in the eownty, County Fair and other matter of Im­ (and the Jersey Club extends to him . their hearty cooperation In hie und- portance to come up. , ertnklng and wishes ft>r hlB* the Be sure and be present. | greatest success. H Mason, Secretary. Tillamook Frei Preparing to Have Aero­ plane Landing Field. Oliver K. Jeffery, of the 0. K. Jef­ fery Aeroplane Company, was in Til­ lamook Sunday looking up the mat­ ter for a suitable landing field for his company which soon expects to have an established mail and pas­ senger service on a loop from Port­ land through Tillamook, Seaside, Astoria and return to Portland. R. B. Miller took considerable time to go over the territory surrounding the city with Mr. Jeffrey, and they found one or two suitable locations. The matter of securing and prepar­ ing this field has been taken up by the Tillamook County Automotive Dealers' Association, • and a commit­ tee comprising R. B. Miller, Charles Pankow and Frank Fitzpatrick, has been appointed to take the matter up with the Tillamook County Merch­ ants’ Credit Association, as to ways and means to consummate this mat­ ter quickly. Tillamook must get immediate ac­ tion on this matter, as l».e Govern­ ment is now establishing many aerial mail routes and the cit; that has a suitable landing field is in a position to get consideration in this matter that cannot be secured other­ wise. Automotive Dealers of Tillamook County Form Local Association —-o------ Sixteen of the local Tillamook county Automotive Dealers met at &- banquet Monday, August 9th, at the Tillamook Hotel and formed a local organization with charter members representing the following twelve firms: Tillamook Auto Company, Wheeler Garage, Williams & Will­ iams, David Martiny, Star Garage, Standard Service Station, Belk& Ton­ ey, Hebo Garage, Three Rivers Gar­ age, Ackley & Miller, Square Deal Repair Shop and A. Husdon Garage. Robert E. Magner, Field Secretary of the United States Automotive Dea­ lers Association, and at the present time acting as temporary secretary of the Oregon Automotive Dealers Asso­ ciation, explained In full the benefits to be derived by both the public and acaler through proper organization, especially through this organization will R be possible to avoid adverse legislation such ' as the automobile owner and 'automobile dealers are continually threatened with. It is only through such organization that