II ’s Stop A Moment And Consider The Money Saving Advantages Haltom > 18th Anniversary Celebration TS Offering, e>’ Involving The Entire Stock of Tillamook’s Recognized Quality Merchandise^ Which^ Is^Attracting Many Eager Shoppers From One EndjOf The County To The Other. Particularly Noticeable Is The 20 Per Cent Discount Which We’ve Applied To Many And A Glance At The Ad. Will Reveal The Fact That Reductions In Some Instances Range Upwards To Lines Throughout The Store 50 Per Cent. As A nnounced In The Opening Ad. Heretofore That To Show Our Appreciation To The Many Customers Of Our 18 Years Of Successful BusinessJGrowth In Turn Shall Oller Unparalled Bargains. Out Of Town Folks Make Use Of Our Mail Order Service Of Particular Interest To Women I —20 per cent Off On Entire Stock Of Infants Wear. •—Yarns At Anniversary Sale Prices —Assortment of Buttons 25 per cent Less. —20 per cent Off on Children's Waist Hose Supporters. —20 per cent Off on Women’s Dress Shields. —White Embroidered Handerchiefs 13c 2 for 25c. —Lace Remnants, 2 to 4 Yard Pieces, 9c, —-2.0 per cent Off on Organdie and Lace Dress Trimming. —20 per cent Off on all Middy and Windsor Silk Ties. -—Envelopes, 2 Dozen to Pack at 5c. —Assortment to 50c. Women’s Belts, Choice Approximately 300 New Fall Garments at Anniversary Sale Prices DRESSES at $30.75, $39.90, $43.90, $45.80, $47.65 SUITS at $47.85, $49.85, $57.85, $63.85, $67.70 COATS at $37.85, $39.85, $48.65, $57.85 DRESS SKIRTS at $10.85, $17.48, $19.98, $24.48, $22.85 CHILDREN’S COATS at $9.98, $8.98, $11.98, $12.95, $12.98 —Beads, and Purses at Annivesary Prices. —20 per cent Off on Women’s Dainty Neck­ wear. / —Crepe Paper, Standard Size Rolls At 5c. —Spool Silk, All Colors at Ißc. —Entire Stock of Cretonnes 20 per cent Off. —20 per cent Off on All Lace Curtaining. X .Children’s Coatp In Sizes 6 to 17. There Are Silk DRESSES AT % PRICE Sale $11.82, $18.37, $19.98, $23.87, $44.95 «*«•••• There Are SUITS AT 1/, PRICE Sale $19.92, $26.72, $28.32. $29.92, $39.95 ******* All Trimmed I For Men and Boys Timely Suggestions —Men’s Khaki Pants................. $2 35 -Boy’s Caps, Anniversary Sale. 25c —Men’s Wool Cloth Hats, Sale $j 5Q —Entire Stock Straw Hats, Hayfield and Dress Styles Half Regular Price. —Men’s Heavy Cottonade Pants ............................... $1.98 and $2.95 —Men’s Heavy Cotton Work Sox ................................. 15c. and 23c. HATS AT 1/a PRICE Sale $2.97, $3.67, $4.25, $5.37, $6.12. $6.62 SATURDAY ONLY I Clean-Up Women’s And Misses Sport Coats, Choice $9.98 And Such Lovely Silk —Men’s Heavy Canvas Gloves ................................. 19c. and 23c. —Men’s Heavy Canvas Gloves, Leather Paint..................................... 9 salts Ilf esoq no pjtm tmn ***