» TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 5. 1920. LODGE MEETINGS. Coaxing You to Smile ------- o Tillamook Lodge No. 57 A. F. and A. M. Wednesday of each month. Rehersals each Wednesday following. Visiting broth­ ers welcome. By order oi W. M. Leslie Harrison, Sec. Nickel No Good. 50 J ! J a ) A little girl walked into a con- fecionery store at Pendleton, placed a nickel on the counter and called for an ice cream ccne. “Ice cream cones are seven cents, little girl,” the fiz clerk announced. "Well, then gimme a soda pop.” Stated convocation Friday "Six cents.” Johnson Chapter No. 24 "Got any root beer?” R. A. M. "Yep, six cents, too?" The little girl sighed disappoint­ I. E. Keldson. Sec. edly and started out, leaving her April 30. Visitors welcome nickel on the counter. "Here, little girl, you’re leaving G. A. R. your nickel,” the clerk called to her. Cornith Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ "Oh, that’s all right.” the child gon. meets on second and fourth Sat­ shouted back. "It’s no- good to me— urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m.. it won't buy anything!” In the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel­ come. Young America. H. W. Spear, Commander "1 never smoked when I was your Samuel Downs, Adjt. age,” said father. "Will you be able W. R. C. to tell that to your son when you Cortnlth Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept, grow up?” of Oregon, meets on first and third "Not with such a straight face as you do, father” replied Willie. "You Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors beat me there.” welcome . Minnie Johnson, President High Aspirations. Elizabeth Conover, Secy. "You are fond of school, aren't you, dear?” asked a teacher of a pu­ pil who had just finished her first week. Tuesday eve, 8 p. m. "W’y, Miss Andrews,”,” replied Rebekak, Wednesday evening the little tot, ”1 mean to go to all Camp 2-4, Thursday the schools they is until I get to the highest school, and I mean to study all the histories they is until I study the highest one. I mean to study the history of the angles, even.” ------- o------- F LONG any highway—in town or out — note the great number of Ajax Road Kings. You can tell them by their triangled tread and their sturdy Shoulders of Strength. We sell the complete Ajax line. Coine in. Let us show you why Ajax users are so enthusi­ astic. A : K ; c F. ROGERS, Tillamook Tire Co Tillamook, Oregon. K » SÌ : í h k Friendship of a Bank. *** Many foresighted merchants and manufacturers recognize that the friendship of an important bank is a priceless business. Anti especially a bank whose officers are “human” men who take pleasure in other men’s success. We are in business to help other businesses, Therein lies our success ond yours. BANK YCUR MILK CHECK W1TH|THE (TiUamnnk Œmtniij Ihnk Member Federal [Reserve System. The Voice of Experience "Charley, dear,” said young Mrs. Torkins, "do you want me to vote?” "I’m not going to tell you.” "Why not?” "Because if anything goes wrong with the election you'll say you did exactly as I told you, and it’s all my fault.” g Ï No Poetry There. "Stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage,” said the sym­ pathetic visitor to the convict. "That’s fine poetry, ma’am,” re- plied the prisoner, "but just let 'eui lock you up inside stone walls and behind bars and see if you can get out.” ? A money-maker and hard work saver for land dearers and wood-cutting contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut Simple and reliable, liundred. in use all over the U. 6. When not la Ute for wood cutting, the 4II. P. motor will run milts, feed mills, feed cutters, pumps, etc. Quick deliveries from over My IFede Uto is nsttlep weed fvrltu them 3 rmtfi f J. tVlUUms. Burnt. Ore. a terd.’ * ’ I haw sawed th ressgh five feet selid eat hgt at the rete N. F. Mien. Laton, cali/ of ent foot a minute. America must burn more wood for fuel. One Wade will do 10 men’s work at one-tenth the cost. Write for free Book, “How Dan ifess cuts 40 cords a day,” full de­ tails and spec­ ial price« I <7««d and . specified i ‘EaBU»u.s./| Guctnuntnl .• Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent Health Nurse in the School. GENERAL HARDU1ARE Ritchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Going All Around99 says the Good Judge I find men are taking to the Real Tobacco Chew. The good, rich taste lasts so much longer that you find it saves you money to use this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. BkdlfiilifaBll You can’t say that President Wil­ son did really keep us out of war, as per promise, but that he got us into debt no one w'ho is inclined to be reasonable can seriously question. Senator Harding will conduct a front porch campaign. President Wilson will run one from the back Give Service porch of the White House. Col. o------ Bryan will probably stay down cel- your If you stop to find out what lar. wages will be Enthusiasm for^Governor Cox as a And how they will clothe and feed you presidential candidate has risen con- Willie, my son, ___ don’t _ you _ go to Sea, | siderably among the members of the For the Sea will never'need you. grand army of federal job holders If you ask for the reason of every since it has been discovered that as governor of his state Mr. Cox has command And argue with people about you, made a record as a money spender Willie, my son, don’t you go to the and job creator little if any less for­ ward looking than that of the Wil­ Land, For the Land will do better with son administration. out you. It’s all right for Governor Cox to If you stop to consider the work you jump around all over the country have done i during the campaign, because he will And to boast what your labor is j be able to take a long rest after the worth, dear, ! election, it’s all right for Senator Angels may come for you, Willie, my j Harding to stay on his front porch son. because after the returns are in he But you’ll never be wanted on will be busy getting ready to be Earth, dear. present of the United States. (Kipling.) Raising the Lusitania. better business to buy your New Edison by our Budget Plan TAROP into our store and find out why. ■L-' The Budget Plan goes away from the old slipshod methods of buying home entertain­ ment. It presents a regular, definite plan of buying which tells you at a glance how much of your income you can devote to your New Edison. It’s better business for you because you can have the New Edison now. Ask about the Budget Plan. We want you to take advantage of it. '6000 RECORDS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROMr LAMAR’S DRUG STORE, Tillamook, Oregon. Governor.Cox says that his Sun­ day morning political caucus with President Wilson was enlivened by a humorous anecdote or two told by his host. Phrobably Mr. Wilson re­ minded Gov. Cox of h«w they put ia5a5Z5a52S25Z5Z5cL5HS2SZS2S2SHS2SH525H5c!SaS25B5H5S5a5a5B5aS2S25B52525ZÄ over that '“he keeps us out of war” slogan, which would certainly be en­ ough to make anybody laugh.» A. J. Morrissey, of Kansas City: "The unexpectedly large crop of wheat and corn that are promised— and with the former crop it is more than a promise for it is already be­ ing harvested—gives the West an­ other opportunity to prepare for peace time liquidation. One of these days the price of products is going BELL PHONE. MAIN¿3, MUTUAL , PHONE to come down, and when it does the man with land priced at $500 an acre is going to be hard put to meet 52SHSZSïSHS2S25êïïH5E52S25Z5Z52SHS25BS2525ES2SH5H5E5Z5Z5BSZSH5Z525H5H5252 the payments on it. Backward crop conditions in the early part of the season gave the land boomers a scare. As a consequence they are more apt to rein up a little in the matter of speculation. This year’s t prosperity will largely be banked a- gainst future rainy days, instead of risked in wild-cat deals and promot­ ions of uncertain return. The new wheat crop is not only larger than was anticipated, but it is of excep­ tionally good quality. The first car brought into Kansas City graded No. 1 and brought $2.90 a bushel, very little of it turning out to be lower grade than No. 2. It is now believed that the Kansas crop will turn out not less than 135,000.000 bushels.” To many the project of raising the The progress which a child makes Lusitania will be distasteful. The tra­ in school depends upon his physical gedy of her sinking was so poignant condition as well as his mental. Of­ I ten defects of eye. ear or throat may that to see her afloat again would re­ be so serious us to retard him in his call too many sad memories. Nor has studies and to class him as a back­ it been generally regarded as pratic- able to bring her to the surface from ward child. the depth of some 250 feet where she The solution of this problem of the lies. Some hundreds of other ships health of school children depends in sunk off the British coasts have been a large measure upon the work of salvaged, but most of these lay in jhe school nurse. shallow water and were of smaller She supplements the school physi- ■ tonnage. ' clan, assisting him in the physical Nevertheless, a distinguished Fren­ inspection of school children, carry­ ch engineer, M. Emile Bertin, be­ ing his advice into the homes and ex­ lieves an attempt to raise the Lusit­ plaining to the parents what the ania would have a good chance to trouble is and how it can be remed­ succeed. His scheme is to construct a ied. Under the supervision of the floating chamber 3000 yards long school doctor she carries out routine and 200 yards wide, to be attacked treatment of minor ailments and at low tide by means of some 800 looks utter those who huve been ex- steel cables, and so manipulated as to ! eluded from school for purposes of raise the hull from the sea bottom as tieatmeiits, and to insure an immed­ the tide rises. It is not quite plain iate return when well, so that no how all the details of this scheme lune may be lost In their studies. could be carried out, and M. Bertin b.'ic Inquires into absences in or- admits that success would depend uei u i aru the nature of the Illness, upon the condition of the bull, and Io give nursing cure and be able to that if the ship were brought to the report to the ptoper authorities if surface there would be great trouble absences are caused by a contagious in beaching her. The cost in any disease. case would be enormous. Perhaps all this will have to be She is invaluable in teaching chil- I dren to foiui healthful hab|ts- to dismissed as one of those ingenious take plenty of exercise in the open problems with which men of science ¡air, to eut slowly and chew thor- sometimes like to play. The work of I 1 ouglily, to brush the teeth regularly, /ors at 250 feet under the surface nigh impossible, and all to keep the body clean and to get is well sleep enough in well-ventilated kinds of unexpected obstacles would Having your house wired by probably be met if the work were un­ rooms. folks who know their business is She instructs in health laws; or­ dertakeu. it may be doubted if the not a thing to be dreaded. It can ganizes and develops health leagues. money for such a hazardous experi­ be done with far less muss and | and teaches girls in the higher ment could be raised. fuss than you put up with in 1 gttides the propel care and feeding having the house papered or Governor Cox announced ut Wash­ } of babies and the simple rules of hy­ painted. ington that he didn't play golf on giene. We can wire vour house in two She watches the heating, ventila­ Sunday but there may be people who or three days and leave not a scar Put up in two styles tion, lighting and other conditions consider that a more innocent occup­ on your wood-work or plaster. ation than holding a Sabbath morn ­ re ­ around the school buildings and There’s no dirt, nor any incon­ ports insanitary conditions to tile ing political conference with the tit­ venience to you and tne cost is ular head of hie party. | superintendent of schools. We will come and tell you ex­ When the schools are closed she actly what It will cost If you wish. At the close of the fiscal year on uses the summer vucation in doing SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY Infant welfare work or some other June 30 our gross national debt was , Tillamook - • -Oregon. kind ot community health supervi­ nearly $ That is a col-1 ossa I sum. Yet it is proportionately I M sion. There is a known shortage in the somewhat less than our debt was' A TOUCH United States today of several thou- fifty-five years ago, at the close of! of our facial powder will make your san public health nurses and one of the Civil War. At that time our' the important phases ot the health debt was nearly two and three-quart­ akin blossom like a summer rose. It promotion program of the American er billions, or $76.98 per capita; and will give to your complexion ths soft Red Cross is to arouse the interest our total national wealth was a little ot qualified young women in taking over twenty-throe billions, or $646 rosy glow of youth and health. Our the training necessary to fit them per captia. Now our debt is twenty- cold cream Is another lnfallibls aid for this vital and absording calling. five billions, or $238 per captia. and lour wealth is $ or to baauty. Try them both If you Mr. Villa le up to his old tricks of $2,543 per captia. Therefore in 1865 dyaiamiting train». Which indicate» our debt was 11.1 per cent of our would better your appearance. that Mr. Villa la of that »mall num­ wealth, and In 1920 It 1« only 9.3 R. K.KACM ber that believe« the democrats have , per cent. Contrast this with condi- a chaace to elect another disciple of ' tion of France, whose debt is about Ortfu •'watchful waiting.” i fifty per cent of her wealth! AüEX. JVteNAIR & CO cc I 100 pointe throughout the United Statue. Tillamook Lodge No. 1260 L. O. 0. M. Meets every Fri- day at K. of P. Hail. S. A. Brodhead, Sec. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector « , MILK COWS FOR I SALE or EXCHANGE f for Dry Stock $ YAGER & BRADY RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco no muxr QUALITY Red Crown gasoline has a continuous chain of boiling points. It is an all'rehnery gasoline. vtandakdcml