TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, APRIL 22. 5Z5Z5Z5Z5ZS2SZ5ZSZ5a5Z5zsa5asg5^HSHsa52fl^sasas25as2SB5HS25asgasasy2s? | WASHING IS A PLEASURE j When you use a “Thor I Electric Washer jf:: SI a «:« * J J :::: • • • ■ i 1 > F i’’:; Brief Items of Interest to The Dairy­ on the Register of Merit; among them Spermfield Owl’s Eva. with 993 man and Stock Breeder. ------- o------- By Rollie W. Watson.) -------o------- It is none to early for the stock breeders of this County to plan for their exhibits al the county fair, State Fair and International this fall.. The County Fair will be held at the "old” grounds this year. This is good common sense as there is no funds or appropriation for the development of the "new" fair ground as yet: then again, the high prices of all ma­ terials and labor conditions are such at this time that it would be exceed­ ingly costly to attempt any extensive improvements such as will become necessary at the new fair grounds. Plans should be made to develop the new Tillamook Fair Grounds cover­ ing several years along ’a complete plan as to buildings and landscape arrangement with the end in view that all buildings, drives, walks and parkings will be attractive and use­ ful. lbs. of fat, Spermfield Owl’s Temisa, 875 tbs. fat, Owl’s Interested Tones and Owl’s Sayda’s Queen 779 tbs. fat each, and Spermfield Owl’s Victor Lass, 716 lbs. fat. Eva has made in six tests 76,549 lbs. milk and 4383 lbs. fat. Scraps of Paper. -------o------- "Potatoes soar in Chicago” the headlines say. Not so sore as the po­ tato buyers. ------- o------- Hoover and Edwards led the poll in the Michigan Democratic primary, which proves that the Democrats are still strong for food and drink. -------o------- The support of President Wilson for a third term nomination seems to be almost unanimous—among Republicans. Mr. Wilson will not get any nearer Europe than Woods’ Hole this sum­ ** * * •' mer owing to the postponement o£ We hear and read much about the the Geneva Conditions. need for better dairy cattle, all of When one recalls that President which is perhaps true. But the real need of the world is for better men Wilson sent Herron to Russia it is and women. The cattle now are bet­ gratifying to note that Crane, whom Call at our Store and see them run. ter than the dairymen. There isn’t he has sent to China, is not that Both Stationary and Swinging Wringers, a cow on earth so scrubby that she kind of a bird. would feed oleomargarine to her ------o------ An echo of the campaign of 1896 calf.—Missouri Farmer. is found in the report of a man in ■ o— - a P NEXT TO POST OFFICE. A Hereford bull, Domino Jr-. has Pennsylvania who is William Jen­ been sold for $15,000 to C. B. Scott, nings Bryan’s double. Is this a boost £525HS25a5a5a5aSS5E5B525aSH5ZSH5H5B5HSHSB5?525Z52S?5ï5ÏL525E5E525a525aSH5 of Colorado, and a cow of the same or an accusation? breed, for $2000 to B. H. Connor of Having elected Mr. Wilson presi­ Texas. A Hampshire hog changed hands lately for $2800 and the boar dent in 1916 because he keeps us out Longfellow 2nd sold for $5000. These of war it might only be fair for the transactions were in South Dakota Democrats to choose Colonel Bryan and Georgia. Purebred livestock cer­ in 1920 on the ground that he keeps tainly “runs into money” these days! us out of “suds”. ------ o------ o — The administrations latest method We would like to ask some expert i I in mathematics to figure out how of solving the high cost of living is many purebred cows you would have to hang up signs advising people to i in ten years, starting with one fresh “buy cheaper cuts”. Why not carry purebred with a heifer calf and as- the psychology further by printing I suming that all their decendants are some pretty mottoes saying: “You’ve females an'*, that all live. No doubt, just eaten.” -------o------- the answer will surprise you. This is (From the National Republican) a fascinating field for conjecture as Scratch the fellow that will not well as calculation and would pay some of our dairymen well to figure give his politics to the poll taker it out and then—“tell the world” and who says there Isn’t any differ­ yourself and your neighbor that you ence between the political parties proposed to have quite a considerable and underneath you will usually find purebred herd in less than ten years. a Democrat. ih » 1920 COAST POWER CO THREE TIMES GUARANTEED EE TIRES are guaranteed without limit by their makers. They are further guaranteed by the records of actual performance over the roads of this locality and in every other part of the country. And because all Lee Tires in this section are bought from me the responsibility for satisfaction rests on me. I take the risk confidently, because I know’ Lee Tires are all I claim for them. My success depends on your satisfaction. Whether your preference is for Cord Tires, or Fabric Tires, or the patented, exclusive Lee Puncture-Proof (either Cord or Fabric) I know that you will get more than your money’s worth in mileage out of every Lee Tire. Let me show you one. You’ll want it when you see it. y J j The Lee Tire Distributor. Lee Cord Tires Smile at Miles Absolutely Free ! We will give a new tube with each new tire at the advanced price until further notice. Tillamook Tire Co SQUARE DEAL HOUS The Coast Hide and Junk Co is now Open for Business and Pay the Highest Cash Prices for HIDES, SACKS, WOOL, RUBBER, RAGS and METALS Phone Orders. Special attention anywhere within city limits. 107 SECOND STREET, Opposite Post Office, near Woolfe’s Blacksmith Shop, Tillamook, Oregon. Bell Phone Main 5«. Bell Phone Main M2 Every drop power-full (JO OP Red Crown" is all-refinery gasoline—with full power in every drop. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. “Red Crown" has the full and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady dependable power and long mileage. Look for the “Red Crown" sign be­ fore you fill. standard oil compant (CaHferata) rhe Gasoline of Quality I. C. BOONE, Spedai’Aient, StanAard Oil Co., Tillamook, Oregon. X ------- o------- The school of home economics of the New York state college of argi- culture conducted a brief experiment last summer to demonstrate the value of milk in the diet of boys and girls. Ten under-nourished children who had contracted tubercular ten­ dencies were selected for the experi­ ment and during four weeks in which they were given a quart of milk a day as part of an adequate diet, they were weighed at regular intervals and record was kept of their weights. All but two of the children gained from 2 .8 to 13.6 per cent in weight. Other two who failed to gain, one had enlarged thyroid glans and the other suffered from homesickness. Experiment, though very interesting, did not, of course, show what the ad­ dition of milk to an adequate diet I would do for a child. It adds, how­ ever, to the already abundant proof as to the importance of milk as a food for children, which has been ob­ tained since Dr. McCollum announc­ ed the result of his experiments con­ cerning the growth-producing ele­ ments of foods. Homer Cummings declares that if a Democratic Congress had been elect­ ed the un-Americanized covenant would have been swallowed long ago. That is one of the reasons the people are glad they didn’t elect one. “Stir up my church to pray and vote, bring in the world state’s rad­ iant morn.” writes R. K. Bridgman, in the Springfield, Mass., Republi­ can. As an evidence of good faith why not bring in the world church firstT - "O------- Put no man on guard at Washing­ ton who does not stand unequivocally against any scheme to subordinate Interests, ideals, and independence of the United States, in any plan of the world government promoted by either the socialist or the financial internationalists, without certain sefeguards for American rights. o The republican party stands for a tariff system that makes the United States the most favored nation in the American home market, which is worth a hundredfold more to the ------- o------- While the “high cost of living” American producer than any mirage continues to trouble more of our I of world markets where this country people, the high cost of labor coupled must compete with the cheaper pro­ with the shortage of competent help duction of the lower wage scale na­ is having a serious effect upon the tions. o-^—— dairy and stock farmer the country Millions of Chinese, as yet not up­ over. Many stockmen are selling their holdings and retiring from the I lifted by the phrases of the new free­ business on account of their inability dom, are protesting against a parley | to get farm help necessary to the between Pekin anl Tokio on the production of forage crops. The Shantung question. These benighted dairyman, if he has “good producers” heathen evidently have the super­ is just holding down his job 365 days stitious idea that the thing to do j of the year—on a 12 to 14 hour with a burglar in the house is not to : work day—hoping that hay and feed sit down and talk over with him the distribution of one’s own valuables. J will not go any higher. ------ o------ I A large party of skilled workmen Canada’s highest record cow, “Zar- ilda Clothilde”—a purebred Holstein will soon be sent to Ypres by the Bel­ has JuBt completed a year’s official gian government to gain permanent milk record of 13,153.6 Ib, which the ruins of the ancient cloth hall contained 955.34 lbs fat. The last I and the famous church of St.Martin three year's production averages as a lasting monument to the martry- 31,149.2 lbs. annually, she averaged dom of the town of Ypres. The ruins 100 lbs. of milk per day for 260 will be left essentially as they are today, but will be skillfully reinforc­ days. i ed by artisans so as to preserve their ------- o------- present appearance. "Melia’s Rllma,” a purebred Jer- -------o------- sey, owned by I. J. Miller, Jr., of A lot of people seem to be more ex­ Ohio, holds the breed milk record orcised over the "canning” of half a for cows of her age. Beginning a* dozen socialists from the New York eleven years and eleven months she produced in 365 days 18,255 8 lbs. legislature than the fraudulent main­ tenance of some fifty members of the milk, 793.31 lbs. fat. Only three Jer­ national House of Representatives seys of any age have exceeded this and the electorial college, in viola­ milk flow. tion of the constitution, whose seats -------p------ are based upon disfranchised voters, According to the Guernsey Breed­ mostly Republicans, and many more ers’ Journal, twenty-nine Guernsey white men than black. sales were held during the calendar ------ o------- year 1919. A total of 1,309 Guernseys It is stated that President Wilson sold for $715,748 or an average of can’t find a man to fill some of the $546. Two hundred thirteen bulls av­ administration’s ten thousand dollar eraged $470 and 1,096 cows averaged jobs. TMs shows that the Jobs have $561. corresponding figures for 1918 become Mo numerous and the deserv­ show that in thirty-eight sales 1,318 ing democrats so scarce that there is Guernseys were sold for an average more than enough to go’round. As price of $330. Seven hundred thirty­ the boy in the gallery cried when the I seven females averaged $385, 167 fat Mephisto stuck In the trap door bulls averaged $284, and 414 unclas­ on the descent to the state inferno: sified Guernseys averaged $252. "Thank God, hell’s full!” Get you there and bring you back with a smile. A. HUDSON GARAGE CHANSL0R & LYON CO. Pacific Coast Distributors. Largest Distributors of Automoitve Equipment in the World. ’’Nothing wrong with our balance” Chesterfield T^HE right balance of costly Turkish A and Domestic tobaccos, propor­ tioned by experts — that’s why ^estejrfields ; r Every puff brings you the full, rich flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of choice Domes tic leaf. | And theblend—the manufacturer’s private formula — can- v not be copied. J? Every package enclosed in glassine, moisture- proof paper that seals in the flavor. (hesterfield CIGARETTES o------- -------o------- The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, paper which has been sympathetic with President Wilson in his fight for his league of nations covenant, says that "if President Wilson has any hope that the election will bring a mandate from the people in accord with his desire he may as well aban­ don it. There Is not the slightest dication that the people approved stand. On the contrary, there numerous and strong evidences dlseaproval, of which if he has his ear to the ground, he must o------- John R. Sibley says that 74 pet aware.” How can a man with his cent of the registered daughter* of head in the clouds have hii ear to his JiTsey bull. Spermfield Ov. 1. ar- the ground? The Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, has acquired, by will, through the death of the owner, O. C. Barber, the 1300-acre Anna Dean Farm, valued at four million dollars. There were at one time seven hundred head of live stock on the farm, among them the present record I Guernsey cow, Mtirne Cowan, and the exchampion, Spottswood Daisy Pearl. Since Dean Knickerbocker assumed charge, about five years ago Holsteins have been added to the other breeds. BOMOM