Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 22, 1920, Image 2

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T illamook
headlight , afril 22, 1920
What the Editors Say
Kill the Dreaded
Oregon has been singularly fortu-
nate in that the cost of it's state
highways has been held down by au
except tonally able and honest State
Road Commission, Paving of state
roads in Oregon has cost from 20 to
5u per cent less than in other states,
says an old authority.—Willamina
By Disinfecting Your Homes,
Basements and Desease Brood
ing Places with
------ o
The net and only result of Mr.
Hoover’s announcement seems likely
to be the putting of a crimp into
Senator Johnson’s prospects by divid­
ing California’s vote in the conven­
tion—a consumation well adapted to
satisfy the very considerable number
of citizens who have not forgotten the
betrayal of Charles E. Hughes.—
Harvey’s Weekly.
— ,o-----
A solemn agreement on their honor
as gentlemen and as students to pur­
chase no more hats, shoes or outer
clothing before September 1, 1920,
unless these articles decline in price
at least 25 per cent is being circulat­
ed and signed at the university of
Georgia. The agreement is not bind­
ing unless signed by at least 500
students. Patching
materials for
clothing and shoes are not included
in the agreement.—Telephone Regis­
lias been tested in every class of desease
germ and results show that B.K. has the power
to kill germs of desease promptly.
B.K. contains no
poison or acid and is safe
for destroying germs any where, anyone can
handle it without danger.
is a very much more powerful germi­
cide than the usual coal tar preparations.
is clean and colorless as water; leaves
------- o-------
no stain or scum, and is not a poison.
is guaranted to you— Get a Gal. Jug today.
Kuppenbender’s Grocery
The Bank behind the community
rpHE First National I been actively identified
I with the development of Tillamook lands
1 industries for a good many years. As a
banking needs of the people have increased,
capaciy for service has kept pace.
A 'Nationalized' bank account—means
11 rider Government Supervision.
\ W Hl \\
The First National Bank
C. A.
The action of Medford in prohibit­
ing drives for various purposes un­
less the movement has first received
the sanction of the city council will
be viewed with interest by other cit­
ies and it is not improbable that a
greater or less number will follow
the example set. These drives have
proved a perplexing problem since
the end of the war and there has
been a feeling more or less openly
expressed that perhaps they have
been over-done. All have been for
worthy objects, although the degree
of worthiness has varied and has de­
pended to an extent upon the views
of the adherents of each. But they
have followed each other in rapid
succession until a feeling has been
created that there should be regu-
lation.—Hillsboro Independent.
Wildcat rumors are being spread
throughout the east in reference to
desirable Oregon land offered sol­
diers by the government. Glowing
accounts are being published about
the ’’something for nothing” buga­
boo—that each and every soldier can
get a homestead or timber claim
the asking and the way is paved
great fortunes. The real truth of
matter is there is nothing left in
way of desirable land to accommo­
date any great number of soldier
boys, and this stroke of "generosity”
set by the government in behalf of
those who staked their lives and won
against Prussion dominion is mighty
poor compensation for the service
performed.—Roseburg News Review.
------ o-------
People who decry the “good old
days” as a period when living was
not worth while may jeer to their
lieart’s content but the fact remains
that tile people at that time were not
living in mortal dread of holdups,
assassination, rapin and all forms of
criiuinalty that so mark the present
era of fast living. People attended
divine services then and held moral­
ity as a virtue. They recognized all
moral and legal obligations and lived
up to their contracts, whether oral
or written, so far as it was in their
power to do so, and did not scheme
to avoid these obligations nor beat
their neighbors as a mark of busi­
ness acumen. Children held respect
for their parents then and paid def­
erence to their elders, and the "old
man” was not classed as a diddering
idiot and the “old woman” as a b'diig
who had outgrown her wisdom. goods to the United States and Eng­ ing steam
heat and breakfast
to so appear, for want thereof,
Notice of Contest.
Womankind was held in respect and land, as he finds it more profitable brought to your room for about sev­ fall
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
yulgar remarks were not bandied I under the circumstances and he does en cents. If you give a chambermaid for the relief demanded In the com­
-------- 0--------
Department of the Interior. United
about her as she passed a group of not believe that America or England five marks, equal to about five cents, plaint in said cause, to-wit: for an
Portland, Oregon.
youths and men on the street corners. can compete with Germany under she would keep cleaning the room all order forever canceling and annul­
April 5. 1920.
There was some honor given to the such conditions.
day long. My office will cost me 33 a ling the lien of that certain mortgage
To John M. Adair of 548 North 2nd
law in those days and its mandates
"Back to the export business,” the month for rent and 33 for a typist.” which you hold on the property de­ West Street, Salt Lake City, Utah,
were followed, and people did not letter states, "only this time intend
It is well known that prices in scribed in the complaint, and for contestee:
bandthemselves together for the pur­ of exporting from the states I am go­ Germany are lower than in the Unit­ such other relief as appears in the
You are hereby notified that
pose of Its violation to the detriment ing to sell them goods, principally ed States. That is one reason why a prayer of said complaint.
George H. Staiger, who gives Nehal­
This summons Is served upon you em, Oregon, Route 1, Box 23 A, as
of others. If a person wanted to quit German goods. I have just come over protective tariff is needed. It is news
work he did so but did not prevent from Germany, where I bought a lot to us German "skilled mechanics” by publication by order of Hon. Geo. his postoffice address, did on March
by fotce the working of others; he of goods and sold them here. It is my “get on an average thirty cents per R. Bagley, Judge of the Circuit Court 6th. 1920, file in this office his duly
did not sacrifice the health, comfort intention to work up a business with day.” We thought that such wages of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook corroborated application to contest
County, made and entered during a and secure the cancellation of your
and lives of others for the gratifica­ America.
obtained only in the Orient. If it be regular term of said Court on the homestead entry, serial No. 04744,
tion of his ow n personal desires, nor
true that German wages are so low, 24th day of March, 1920.
made April 29, 1916, for S % S- W.
Labor Gets 30 Cents a Day.
did he take anything by force with­
’4. N. E. U S. W. % and S. E. % N-
“I am going back to Koln in a it is an added reason for speedy ac­ First publication March 25, 1920.
out just compensation. He enjoyed
Last publication April 29, 1920.
W.*4 Section 10. Township 3 north,
the pleasures of neighborly inter­ week, where I shall open up an office tion looking toward a greater revis­
Talmage, Claussen & Mannix. Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian,
course, and in all his strenuous ac­ and remain there most of the time ion of the tariff on adequate protec­
Attorneys for Plaintiff. aud as grounds for his contest he al­
§ tivities found time to give a cherry picking up one German article after tive lines.—Economist.
Address: Tillamook, Oregon. leges that said John M. Adair never
welcome to strangers or extend the another and shipping to England
established his residence on sail
Notice of Final Account.
assisting hand in adversity. He en­ and the states. Outside the difference
land, never cultivated any part 1,1
Joyed all tile pleasures of living with
said land, never made any improve­
as much vigor as the man of the
Notice is hereby given, that the
Notice is hereby given that the ments thereon, and he has wholly
present time, with the consciousness tain articles made of metal and undersigned has filed her final ac- County Court of the State of Oregon abandoned said land for more than
that it was secured by his own ef­ paper for the next five years. The count as executrix of the last wlll for Tillamook County, has appointed six months immediately precedM
forts and was not charged up to the German workmen gets on an average and testament of C. W. Hogen, de­ the undersigned as administrator of the beginning of this contest, that
credit of others. Ob yes, these are the 30 cents per day for his labor and ceased. in the office of the County the Estate of Alphonse J. Provoost, his absence from said land is not and
“good new days." but they are no they are skilled mechanics. It is easy Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon, deceased, and any and all persons was not due to his employment 1»
comparison to the "good old days” to figure that the states will have i and the county court of said county having claims against said estate are the military or naval service of the
when contentment was the rule and difficult time to compete with this has appointed Monday, Mny 10th, hereby required to present the same, United States during any war in
which the United States has been
brotherly love was the dominent fac­ low cost of manufacture. The duty 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.tn. together with the proper vouchers, engaged.
at the court house in Tillamook City, to the undersigned, at his residence
tor in society and social purity was amounts to very little.
You are, therefore, further notified
Oregon, as the time and place for in Bay City, Oregon, or, to T. H.
the guiding star of the people.—Sun.
"A good line is the Gillette safety hearing objections to said final ac­ Goyne, attorney-at-law, at his office I that the said allegations will w
razors and blades. The patent has count and the settlement thereof.
in Tillamook City, Oregon, within six i taken as confessed, and your
st run out and I can furnish you
months from the date of this notice. | entry will be cancelled without fur-
Dated this April 8th, 1920.
RAZOR BLADES ONE CENT EACH. blades at one cent
Dated March 18, 1920.
' ther right to be heard, either before
each packed in
Elizabeth Hogen, Execu­
— 6►—
' this office or on appeal, if you fail
special envelope
Sidney Provoost,
with American
Ye», But Who Wants Them?
Administrator of the Es­ 'to file in this office within twe»tf
H. T. Botts, Attorney.
printing and American trade mark.
j__ after
tate of Alphonse J. Pro­ days
the fourth publication «of
I believe that blades sell at about 75
voost, deceased.
as shown below. y°ur
Mr. John II . East wood, member of cents or 31 a dozen in the States.
answer, under oath, specifically re­
the Executive Committee of the Am­ Safety razors in duplicate of the
sponding to these allegations of con­
In the Circuit Court of the State of
erican Protective Tariff League, has Gillette I can sell at about 20 cents
Coo» County, Oregon, Farm.
test, together with due proof that
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
------- o-------
sent us a clipping from a free-trade each.
you have served a copy of your an*-
paper published in Miami. Florida,
and wer on the said contestant either m
Living Cheap in Germany.
in crop. 100 acres best bottom land, person or by registered mail.
where he is at present staying It
"I like living In Germany very F. R. Beals, and Bird Beals,
reads as follows.
remaining 80 acres first class bench
You should state in your answ«r
much. It is cleanand the clim<^> is husband and wife. Arthur M.
land. 36 fresh grade and full blooded the name of the poet office to wbick
That safety razor blades of the good. There la plenty to eat and Churchill, James Pallin and
Jersey milch cows. One fl.000 thor­ you desire future notices to be se»»
same type ns the Gillette, which re- drink and the cost of living is very Laura Pallin, husband and
ough bred Jersey bull. All necessary to you.
tail for 31 per dozen in the United
low I should say that for 31 per day
Alexander Sweek. Register,
farming implements. Creamery check
States, can be bought for one cent you can stop at the best hotel, have Minnie B Blum, husband
George I. Smith, Receiver.
last year over 67,000.00. Three good
each in Germany is the information three good meals, pay your laundry and wife, Shute Savings Bank
Date 1st publication April 15. 1923.
dwelling houses on place and one Date
contained in a letter from Edmond and tips, with a bottle of wine for a corporation, as Trustee, and
2nd publication April 22. 1923.
large barn with double silo. Would Date 3rd publication April 29, 1923.
F. Stratton, an American engaged in your dinner—and a one dollar bill the Federal Land Bank of
cut up into three good ranches. Date 4th publication May 6. 1923.
j the exporting business, written from will pay for it all! Amusements are Spokane, Washington, a cor­
School house on farm. 2 Vi miles from
London to his friend Dennis Connor, correspondently cheap. A good suit poration.
To the Federal Land Bank of Myrtle Point, a town of 1200 inhab­
116 Nassau Street. New York, who of clothes can be bought for 315,
Its a queer coincidence that th*
Washington, a corporation; itants with good grade sohools. 320,-
is stopping at the Biscayne Hotel In one can get a shave, haircut and Spokane,
"non-partisan” policy of the group
In the name of the Stata of Oregon,
this city on his way back to New champoo for five cents, a manicu. j you are hereby notified and required 000.00 cash will handle. 6 per cent in control of the national office* of
on balance.
York from Havana. Cuba.
for five cents, a good bottle of wine to appear in the above entitled Court
the American Federation of Labor
Coos and Curry Land Co. Inc.
Mr. Stratton writes that instead of for 20 cents, a fine hat for 31. a cup and cause and answer the complaint
always terminates in an effort to tK
filed herein, within six weeks from
of coffee for only one cent.
the labor movements on as a tail t*
Mates to Geimany or England l> i-
t'li hot. I price for a r<x m run- the date of the first publication of f
goiug t<, ixpoit .he G'lman-nuule from 10 to IS cents a night. Includ- this summons, which said date is the
. lias the
__ blues aud I f the democratic party's kite Tbit
liappenr regularly every two year».
2Sth day of Match, 1920, and if you threatened with the rada.
■ iid is getting r* dy to happen cgalk
Goodyear Service Station for Tillamook City is at the
To us by Parcel Post and Get the Top
Market Prices.
Write for our latent
price list on hides
and skins.
Seattle, U.S.A
ÍX X llM líltM K
Do you know that half of your
Motor trouble is Carbon, Get
rid of it cheap. We burn it out
clean with Oxygen. 75c, per
We Give Goodyear Service
C. F. PANKOW\ Proprietor,
We have been buying Hides and
Skins in the north west since 1885 and
have yet to find a dissatisfied shipper.
Hibbard Bldg
& CO.
Kitchen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere