Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 15, 1920, Image 9

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    T illamook headlight ,
april 15, 1920
Tillamook Lodge No. 57
A. F. and A. M.
meeting second
Wednesday of each month.
Rehersals each Wednesday
following. Visiting broth­
ers welcome.
By order of W. M.
Leslie Harrison, Sec.
prove it.!
We can prove that this
Western Electric
Washer and Wringer
Will wash your clothes easier, quicker and
cheaper than they are washed now. Fur­
ther—that it will wash your clothes
cleaner—without broken buttons—with­
out the wear occasioned by the wash­
board and hard muscle. Will you give
us a chance to prove it? In your home
t our store—anywhere!
Sunset Electric Co.,
Remember that when you bring your Ford car
tous for mechanical attention that you get the
genuine Ford service—materials, experienced
workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford
is too useful, too valuable to take chances with
poor mechanics, with equally poor quality
materials. Bringit to us and save both time
and money. We are authorized Ford dealers,
trusted by the Ford Motor Company to look
after the wants of Ford owners—that’s the as­
surance we offer. We are getting a few Ford
Cars and first come first to receive delivedy.
Peculiar Happening Hailed as Some­
thing Particularly Naw in His­
tory of Railroading.
Female “Heckler" Who Tackled Lady
Astor Get a Good Deal of
a Surprise.
The Erie railroad has demonstrated
the practicability of a theory that a
freight train may lose a car from Its
midst and keep to Its schedule with
Its crew In Ignorance of their loss, and
Ed Mott, of Goshen, the local histo­
rian. Is happy.
For a generation Mott has heen tell­
ing folks of an Erie train that left Sus­
quehanna In the winter of 1855 with IS
cars of cattle. At Port Jervis one car
was missing. It had disappeared from
the middle of the train without leav­
ing broken couplings or other traces
of the manner of Its ejectment. Two
days later the missing car was found
In a field near the track nt Shohola.
It was empty. The cattle It had held
were recovered In Sullivan county.
New York. They had freed themselves
from the car and crossed the Delaware
river on the Ice.
Engineer Albert O. Roberts was
driving a train to New York last Sun­
day morning. At West Tuxedo air
brake trouble led to the discovery that
the fourteenth enr wns missing. The
thirteenth and fifteenth cars had re­
coupled themselves. Search led to the
discovery of the missing car alongside
the track a mile to the north.
The accident of Sunday was exactly
the same us the one which Mott de­
scribes as of sixty-odd years ago, ex­
cept that the modern form of brake
caused the loss of n car to be discov­
ered more quickly than was the case
In the old days, when the couplings
were of simple design and the brakes
were operated by hand.—New Haven
"Lady Astor." said a New York
clubman, “brought more popularity to
the Astor name during her election
fight In England than either the old
viscount, William Waldorf, or the new
viscount. Major Waldorf, ever suc-
ceeded tn doing.
“8he’s a clever woman, a witty wom­
an. and we American* may be proud
of her though she has deserted us.
“On the election platform she gave
many a striking proof of her ready
Thus one evening a sour-vls-
aged female rose In the audience and
asked with a kind of prim Irony:
“ ‘If Viscountess Astor Is elected to
parliament, will she work to make di­
vorce ns easy for us In England as it
is In America?’
"This was a mean blow, a foul blow,
a blow below the belt, so to speak,
for Lady Astor, through no fault of
her own, Is a divorced woman. She
countered brilliantly, however, and the
blow didn’t land. Looking at her ques­
tioner in a commiserating way, she
" ‘I’m sorry, madam, you are In trou­
"And the house roared with laugh-
Physician Seems to Have Made Out a
Good Case for His Side of
Dr. Henry Williams, In an article
in Motors, combats the theory that
motoring is reducing our opportunities
for exercise. He says Its benefits are
threefold—pbyslcnl, mental and vo­
litional. The buffeting of winds and
the Inhalation of large quantities of
oxygen stimulate digestion, assimila­
tion and excretion. This Is true of
the person who merely sits, as well
as of him who drives. The latter, how­
ever, benefits directly.
Doctor Wil­
liams says: “When you drive a car
40 or 50 miles over average American
roads, or a fraction of that distance
In any city, you give your arms and
torso a course of purposeful calisthen­
ics that redounds directly to the bene­
fit of your muscles and arteries and
heart, and indirectly, but no less sig­
nificantly. to the benefit of your diges­
tive organs of elimination as well as
the nervous system.”
Another 8tatue.
With the unveiling of the figure of
Gen. William Shepherd in the commu­
nity of Westfield. Mass., a worthy fig­
ure Is added to the American popula­
tion of revolutionary heroes whose
memory is perpetuated by a public
statue. General Shepherd, before tpe
Revolution, had taken part In the “Old
French war,” which justified Mgcau-
lay In saying that because Frederick
the Great had decided to rob a neigh­
bor, "red men scalped each other by
the great lakes of North America.” He
began as a private soldier and rose
to the rank of lieutenant colonel under
Washington, and later commanded a
brigade under Lafayette. Individuals
have sometimes questioned the utility
of public statues; yet in this cnse, as
In many another, the statue defeats
the common forgetfulness of past
deeds that has found expression in the
old saying, “Out of sight out of mind.”
Mole trappers are making big money. Prices are
higher than ever before. Right now is your oppor­
tunity to collect and ship us all the kins you can
while the returns are so large.
A Profitable Business for
Old and Young
Children from six years up can be good mole trappers,
as well as grown-ups.
ssxï 50c to 10c
Be cartful in skinning moles and
stretch as round as possible to dry.
149-151 B roadway
Notice to Water Consumers.
P ortland , O regon
Water users are hereby notified
that water rent must be paid on or tell Phone—2F2
Mutual Phon«
before the 10th of each month in ad-
ance, those not complying with this,
‘ ,’\ter will be turned off.
so all new extensions, installa-
V bath tubs, toilets etc. must
a permit from the waiter
E. D. Hoag. Siipt.
(Over Haltom’al.
Tillamook- Oregon.
A little friend of mine who Ilves
next door has been teasing his mother
for a puppy. Knowing the destructive
habits of such animals, she has firmly
refused to let him have one. At last
he persuaded her to let him borrow
one for half a day to show her that
a puppy knew enough to properly be­
have himself. Being warned that he
must watch the puppy every minute
it was in the house, the little chap
for a time was careful to keep his eye
on It; but, finally tiring of such vigl-
lance, he relaxed bis attention only to
give the puppy the chance It had been
waiting for. It improved It to the full
by chewing to pieces one of his most
cherished Christmas toys. This was
too much for the young host. “Good
night," he exclaimed, "no more pups
for me; Til get me a 10 year old dog.”
The Artistic Temperament
Are NOT Junk
Hides and Calf Skins
to the H. F. NOR TON CO.
And get FULL value
for them.
Write for Price List
and Shipping Tage.
Call at our Store and see them run
Both Stationary and Swinging Wringers,
Sumatra Natives for Centuries Car­
ried on Warfare With Their
No Plasters and
Conquerors, the Dutch.
Pains for Hours
Or Days.
Sumatra’s war-decimated population TUMORS, PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE
amounts to less than 3,200,000 most
of which is not available for labor,
Four Years Study In Europe.
the Island, therefore, barely beginning
Over thirty years experience
to attract attention, despite Its riches
Physical Therapy Labora-
In natural resources. Sumatra Is Im­
I tones. 412 to 417 Journal Building
mense In area and between Its differ­
ent sections there Is little Inland com­
munication, that which exists being of
a treacherous and warlike character.
Much of the Island remains unex­
plored. Other parts such as the
whole of Achln, are still in a state
of warfare, which seems destined to
end only with the eventua’ extermina­ Mississippi Woman Had No
tion of the resisting tribes.
' Eggs for Four Months.
The first hostilities of the Achlnese
- Hens Now Laying
date back to 1599, but for the last
forty years fighting has been continu­
ous, costing more than 200,«00 Ilves In
✓“I wish to praise Dr. LeGear’s
the Achlnese war alone. A guerrilla Poultry Prescription to Poultry
warfare of surprises and ambushes Raisers, I have 28 hens _ and
__ ____
has been going on in the jungles, the no eggs from them for over 4
determined resistance of the Achinese months, After I fed them one and
continuing undiscouraged, although one-half packages
’ _ > of your pre­
gathered over 2 dozen
their government has been deposed, scription I gather«
and all their towns and strategic po­ eggs from them. Thia is a positive
fact, and I advise all poultry raisers
sitions occupied by Dutch troops.
to use Dr. LeGear’s Poultry Pre­
scription, if they wish their hens to
Inside Information.
lay. —Miss Carlina Freeman, Har­
"Every little day,” said the Slang- riston, Miss.
Dr. LeGear’s advice and a few
ster, "a wise guy gets hep to some new
pennies wisely spent have made lay­
“Just—ah—what do you wish to ers out of loafers. You can obtain
the same results. Get a package of
convey?” the Social Scamp inquired.
Dr. LeGear’s Poultry Prescription
"Ever notice how some of these from your dealer. Use it as directed.
baby vamps mask their ears with scal­ It is a tonic which builds up the
lops of hair?”
strength and vitality of hens, with­
“I cawn't say aS I have, old dear.” out overstimulating or injuring the
“Well, the hair comes down over the egg producing organs. If results are
listeners like part of a waterfall, and not entirely satisfactory, return the
Is tucked up underneath or In the empty carton and receive a refund
“¿ne7 _.Dr„L- a
Med. Co., St Louis,
“My word!”
“fve jusFiound out how they do It”
“How do they do It, tell me.”
’ They make the bay windows stand
out by stuffing little gobs of false hair
“How did you learn that?”
“I know a lady who helps to sweep
out a department store mornings.”
"My word!”
"And she says the gobs fall out and
clog up the vacuum cleaners.
Youngstown Telegram.
While on a train a woman sat oppo­
site me accompanied by a chubby
youngster that was just learning to tod­
dle around. At one of the stations the
woman requested tne to watch the
child while she sent a telegram. The
conductor assured her there would be
plenty of time.
Imagine my consternation when the
train pulled out and the woman did
not return! With the now screaming
child In my arms and bead* of per­
spiration trickling down my desper­
ate countenance, I searched the entire
train in a vain endeavor to fin# “mam­
At the station just ninety miles fur­
ther the overjoyed conductor came
running into my coach with a telegram
from mamma addressed to baby's new
“papa.” And at the next stop, baby's
uncles, aunts, and cousins were there
to receive IL—Chicago Tribune.
It is pure, wholesome and sweet
by a new process which does not mill out
the delicious* nut-like.flavar^of the wheat*
You will like
Order a Sack'.Todav
Patronize home industry and en­
joy this different* better flour
TILLAM00K,0RE.Phone 137 J
Spreading Jay.
The joy you give others will return
The landlady announced that • well-
you with Interest. To be *ure you
known humorist and cartoonist was to
join us at our boarding house and we do not help others for returns. That
all had expectations of meeting a jolly would be mercenary and where It Is
good fellow who would drive dull care practiced men soon learn to rend the
away. When he arrived he Insisted motives that prompt It. The result I* i
on having a small table by himself, a lonesome man In a short time. You
»nd instead of drawing his chair up will give your joy for the joy It give*
to the table always drew the table to you to give It. You feel rewarded ■
him, eating facing the wall, with his hundredfold In knowing you have
back to the guests, and declined to helped somebody. Their grateful hearts
respond with overflowing gladness and
meet anyone. All In all he was a sad
character to gaxe upon and a great gratitude. It’s no wonder you’re glad. I
disappointment to the guests.—Ex­ Yet It’s merely the action of the old
law that rewards the altruistic spirit
with blessings.
"Mark Him Duty."
When you use a “Thor
Electric Washer
Stated convocation Friday
Johnson Chapter No. 24
R. A. M.
I. E. Keldson, Sec.
April 30. Visitors welcome
Baby's New Papa.
No More Pup*.
Get you there and bring you
back with a smile.
What Did H* Mean?
Wealthy Patient—Oh. doctor, I have
such • bad cold. I can’t go to the office
this morning. Can’t you do something
for It?
Ex-Army Medico (just/out)—Get out
of here I Don’t you see I'm busy? There
Isn't anything the matter with you,
you gold brick —The Home Sector.
She—Promise me that when we
marry we shall live somewhere near
mother, so that she can slip over.
He—Well, we might take that
house on the edge of the cliff, and
then I should love her to slip over.—
London Opinion.
Mr. Wilson is not this paper's can­
didate for election as president this
year, but it enthusiastically endorses
his nomination for a third term by
the San Francisco convention.
The Indianapolis News says that
with production at zero and price at
110 In the shade we’re due for a
turnover. Nov. 2nd is the date set
for the turnover.
An organized effort is now being
made by administration forces to dis­
credit Congress. The battles of des­
potism are always fought by auto
crats upon legislative bodies repre­
sentative of the people.
------ o
Well, they're ''saved" Russia and
Germany for ‘‘democracy*’ all right.
Probably Mr. Wilson thinks that
if he can’t get a first term as presi­
dent of the world he Is at least en­
titled to a third term as president of
the United States.
------- o
If anybody spent anything getting
the democratic nomination for Prmi-
idet he would be swindled.
Pacific Coast Distributors.
Largest Distributors of Automotive Equipment in the World