Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 08, 1920, Image 8

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TiHamook Headlight’s
Trade Mart.
Butterick SpringJ920 Quarterly, Price 25c. With Certificate Good For
Alteration» Free Of Charge On Men’», Women’» and Children’» Apparel
One eent a word per issue.
10c. In The Purchase Of Any Butterick Pattern.
Button» Made To Order
On Your Purchase Here. Liberty Bonds Taken In Payment For Merchandise.
Of Your Own Material. Mail Order» Promptly And Carefully Filled, Please
Binger Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop.
At Face Value In Liew of Cash. We Suggest That You. Arrange To Do Your
Enclose Sufficient Postage For Mailing^ Exclntive Tillaniook Agent» For
Pete Bosnia will buy your calf. Call
Shopping Before 8:30 P.M. (Saturday) If You With To Have Saleswomen
M u"«i«g Wear Union Sait», Recognized Underwear For The Entire Family.
To Serve You.
For Sale—A well bred registered
Guernsey bull, 13 months old. See
Homer Mason.
Wasted—A roll top desk,
hand. Phone 127-K.
Spring Fashions At Their Best
yAVEXY WOMAN knows that Haltom’s has at all times the
largest assortments of up-to-date apparel and accessories
J—* in these parts. We are proud of the reputation we have
earned in this respect. But the maintenance of our leadership in
this particular, although a matter of the utmost concern, if of no
greater importance than the upbuilding of the quality—standard
and style—standards which have always been the bulwarks of this
business. The Spring Displays will illustrate our supremacy in
all of these. As ever our prices will be found consistent with
quality merchandise.
For Sale—seven room house, mod
ern conveniences. See E. T. Wat­
kins at the express office.
For Sale—Heavy laying White Leg­
horns, eggs and baby chicks. W. S.
Coates, TiHamook, Oregon.
Man with experience would like
work on dairy ranch. Address Box
k 692, Tillamook, Oregon.
Men Wanted—Tillamook Lumber Co.
be at Star Garage at 7:30 a.m.
For Sale—Guernsey bull calf subject
to register. Call Bell phone 27-M
or E. M. Bales, Tillamook, Oregon.
"Hoskins farm >4 mile north of
Women’s Coats, Suits, Dresses, Millinery^Etc.,
Portray The Very Latest Style Ideas
To Be Found Anywhere
For Sale—The Parmele farm and
ch .ese factory located two miles
from Taft postofflce and school. A
money-maker. A bat gain and terms
easy. Address Mrs. Myrtle Lock­
wood, Taft, Oregon.
Women, The
Most Remarkable Waist Values
Announced In A Long Time
Mv middle name is George. Let me
bring you "Vaughn" Best drag saw
on the market today. Call E. G.
Wanted—Span of light horses and
harness, would also like light wa­
gon. H. G. Burns. Hebo. Ore. ___
Married man want» position on farm.
5 years experience, address Box
692, Tillamook, Oregon.
Tor Sale—7 room modem house in
Sunnymead. Apply to F. R. Cardiff.
For dressmaking and alterations,
see W. F. Rusk, Van Patten, Apart­
'or Sale—2 dandy good Jersey cows
at a bargain, one will be fresh the
1st of July, the other the 1st of
October, now giving milk, if you
want some good cows see me at
once. Going to leave this part of
the state.—R. V. Barger, Bay City.
T is seldom that such a remarkably low price is announced on
Waists of this character. They are developed of splendid
quality voiles and organdies, in a number of wanted styles,
and the two illustrations above will give an idea what these wash­
able waists are like.
For Sale—Full blood registered Jer­
sey bull—4 years old, Sir Mawes
Silver Lad, sired by Poppy’s St.
Mawes—Dam: Arcada’s Lassie.—
John Baumgardner, Tillamook.
For Sale—6 room house and 1 acre,
>4 mile east of depot. 1-3 cash.
Balance terms. H. H. Rosenberg.
Included are slightly soiled
styles are very good.
For Sale—A snap in a Ford one ton
worm drive truck. Address Box 194
Tillamook, Oregon.
Cedar Posts for sale—will average 5
inches. Apply to F. J. Klinehan,
Tillamook. Mutual Phone.
Representatives wanted in this dis­
trict to sell Oil shares for an Ore­
gon corporation with oil land in
Wyoming, a proven proposition.
Only your own ability will limit
I your earning power, send full par­
ticulars with first letter, and refer-
, ences to Oregon & Wyoming OU &
Gas Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce
Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
New Models
In Fine Array.
Here again Is apparel value worthy of investi­
gation as an extra dress skirt is a welcome addition
to milady's wardrobe. Colors, Navy, Copen and
Black. Then, too, there are distinctive, models at
$8.65 to $27.50.
At the beach, hiking or outing you will see
them, this year more than ever before on account
of their comfort etc. Palm beach, middy cloth and
galatea embodied In them. Colors Rose, Copen and
all white. $1.69, $2.33. $2.49, $2.79, $2.98, $3.49.
I ■
They’re 36 Inches Wide,
Priced At, Yard, $3.69 and $3.75.
Special Purchase Of
Woman's Fashionable (Fancy)
Two-Tone Silk
Hose at Wonder-
ously Low Price
Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of­
fice across the street south of the
court house every Friday and Sat­
urday, other times by appoint­
Another Instance where Haltom's
merchandising mastery forcibly dem­
onstrates what is being done to ben­
efit this store's many satisfied pat­
rons in this particular instance will
be of Interest to women. Doubly im­
portant as we’ve procured these at a
special price concession, thereby af­
fording us an opportunity to puss tlie
savings along.
This being a wonderful pump and
oxford season, naturally women will
want one or more pair of these much
In demand fine silk hose. Early selec­
tion Is advised.
These two-tone silk hose come in
rich blue and green, blue and purple,
black and white, gold and black, as
well as green and brown. Come with
reinforced heel, sole and toe.
For Sale—Hatching eggs and day old
chicks for sale, from White und
Brown Leghorns.
Good laying
strain. Day old chicks $20.00 per
100 post paid. $18.00 per 100 if
you come to my place, and furnish
your own box to put them in. Eggs
for setting, $1.75 per setting of 15
post paid, or $1.60 If you come and
get them. No business done oil Sat­
urday. Win. Stulvenga.
I Dr.'s Allen
and Sharp.
National Building.
Dr. Wise—Dentist.
Dr. J. B. Grider, dentiit, I. 0. 0. F.
Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon.
Brunswick and Cheney Phonographs,
Plays all records at their best. Counter Sale» Book»—Order .your
Finest tone quality. Hand carved
Sales Book« from W. F. Baker,
tone chamber, all wood, thereby
agent Pacific Sale« Book Co. Call
doing away with harsh metallic
68 Headlight.
sounds. Hear them at the ' Sung
Dr. Ramsey moved to the I. 0. 0. F.
Bldg, rooms 110-111—Phone 169R
The Wiley B. Allen Co.'» Pianos and
Player« at the Hong Shop. Monthly Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr.
paymvnt« to ault you. Established
over 47 year«, with this motto
"Tour money« worth or your mon- I Dr. Wite will be at hit Bay City nt
ey back."
flee on Wednesdays
Lebow will be at Dr. A better piano for the same money.
WtM's Tillamook office Mondays,
Cook'« Mucic H oum , Tillamook.
Taeadaye and Wednesdays. Thurs­
days at Nehalem ; Fridays aad Bat-
Speaking of th« wilful twelve.
i wrdaye at Wheeler.
April 2» «hat about th« bullbeaded om ’
Dr. W. K.
Jottings Of The
New Things
Here and There
Probably the season’s most delightful silken fabric
for women’s wearing apparel—you’ll want a satin frock
this season for street or evening wear, therefore we sug­
gest that you see the lovely shades in Duchess Satin.
You'll find it as smooth as the petal of a rose,
. glistening and glowing in high lights and you'll be
agreeably surprised that it wears as well as it looks. It
wear rough.
Then too, you’ll
Be Agreeably
Surprised with
our showing of
exquisite! y
printed and col­
orful voiles,that
which would be
a creditable
showing to a
city department
store — To Be
fashioned into
lovely Froks
Begin at 63c.,
89c., 98c., $1.29,
A basket ball game was played be­
tween Tillamook High School and
Bay City. When the last signa) was
given the »core was twenty seven to
twenty one in favor of the High
Cora Oliver resigned as assistant
editor for the high school because of
her many class duties. Bryan Tuck­
er will take her place.
Mr. Johnston, formerly an educa­
tor for the U. 8. government and now-
engaged in Armenian work, delivered
an unusually Interesting address to
the student body Thursday.
Students making ninety per cent
or more in all subjects this month
are: Bertha Blanchard, Ver» Mogara,
Harley Davidson, Ether Anderson,
Georgia Mae Carlin. Mary Nelson,
Ida Bhuelke, Leia Smith, Mary La-
This is the time of the season,
when milady is alert in looking for
the arrival of new and dainty things
and our efforts are largely being ap­
preciated by the many favorable
comments we hear every day.
Narrow Belts—are in the height of
fashion, one would surely think so
judging by the several shipments
that have been received. They may
be had at Haltom's in patent and
fine kid leathers. At 25c., 44c., 50c.
^Neck’Ruffling»— undoubtedly the
hit of the season. Shown in a num­
ber of effective designs, in sheer
plaited organdies or rich filet lace,
in white, cream and two tone effects.
At a very small outlay of money the
woman or Miss may transform the
dress she were about to discard, thus
giving it a pleasing appearance. An
incomplete range of prices 88c., 98c.,
$1.19. $1.39. $1.59. $£g.
Women will pleased to le
arrival of these Imported French Kid
Gloves (seemingly impossible to pro­
cure at the present time,) however,
due to the efforts on Haltom’s, for­
tunately we received a limited ship­
ment, which are winning the admira­
tion of the discriminating fair sex.
These ("Chateau”) super-quality
kid gloves are shown in two-clasp
style, either ivory or rich dark brown
with embroidered backs—entirely
different than has been offered here­
Ne’w Neckwear, Buttons.
Ribbons, Real Human Hair
Nets Etc. Etc.
Ccpyrifht lflüO, Hart Schaffner k. Marx
Women's Red
Cross Shoes Have
The Sparkle of
Make Your Clothes Last
Longer by Wearing Reputable
V ■
$38.50, $47.50, $50, $53.50, $55 to $75
Good all wool fabrics do the lastig for you; you get more wear;
less» cost per year; you don’t buy so often. All the newest and best
styles are shown.
Found—Bicycle—owner .may .have
same by identifying, and paying
for this adv.—W. L. Campbell.
Miscellaneous Advertisements
Sizes 36 to 46 Not every size in every style
Silk Poplin Dress
Skirts Only $7.95
Dairy and Stock Farm, 465 acre«
about 400 acres of thia is river bot­
tom and tide meadow lund. 160
acres well dyked, remainder not
wet, plenty of timber, modern dairy
barn for 64 cows. This barn holds
200 tons of hay. Farm would sup­
port three to four hundred cattle.
Good location, including teams,
hogs, 94 head cattle and farm nia-
Prlce 139,000—terms.
Chas. D. Edwards Co. Centralia,
Wanted, men or women to take or­
ders among friends and neighbors
for the genuine guaranteed hos­
iery, full lines for men. women and
children. Eliminates darning. We
poy 60c. an hour for spare time or
|24 a week for full time. Exper­
ience unnecessary. Write. Internat­
ional Stocking Mill. Norroutown,
models, though
Plus the proper degree of dignity
and good taste, and in quality, they
are as good as they look. They give
the service that results from a com­
bination of the best materials and
finest workmanship. Our reasonable
prices too, will interest women.
Particularly delightful are the one
eyiet (ties) pumps, one of the sea­
son’s newest novelties, in brown or
black, short vamp and high French
heel. Also a smart madel in black
kid, with Colonial tongue, turn sole
and Louis heel.
When you buy Hert Schaffner and Marx clothes, you are entitled
to complete satisfaction. You will get all wool, or wool and silk
fabrics, thoroughly shrunk, tailored in clean sanitory shops by ex­
perts. We are authorized to say that if the clothes are not right,
or not wholly satisfactory, your money will be refunded. A b an
evidence of good faith you will find label on every Hart Schaffner
and Marx garment made.
We’ve Other Good Suits
A splendid collection of women’s
low footwear in the season’s chosen
styles, which includes black kid
pumps in Cuban or Louis heel and
narrow stylish toe;black kid Oxfords
in Cuban and military heel as well as
brown kid pumps in Louis heel.
Women familiar with shoe value
will be quick to recognize these,
nevertheless we hear favorable ex­
clamations each day. You may select
from black and brown kid oxfords in
Louis and Military heel and flexible
welt soles, or black kid pumps with
the Colonial tongue, Louis heel and
narrow stwlish toe.
In another few days white foot­
wear will be much in evidence( in
great demand) and to avoid dlss-
pointment we suggest that you make
selections now from our new stock
before being depleted. White pumps
and oxfords in military, Cuban and
Louis heel Priced at $289 to $5.85.
mar and Lucia Wiley.
Mr. Turnbull addressed the student
body Monday on his trip to Spokane
lest week. He "broke” the welcome
news that the contract had been let
for the gymnasium and work would
start immediately.
Wednesday evening our girls will
battle Bay City girls And our boys
Wilson River. These are expected to
be the most thrilling and exciting
games of the season.
Minot, the role played by the star,
while on his way down to Florida to
promote a wedding between an Eng­
lish nobleman and an American
heiress, which his employers have
insured, meets by chance a beautiful
girl and has a flirtation with her
; The plot thickens when Dick finds
that the very girl with whom he has
' fallen in love is the heiress in ques­
Between love and duty, he appeals
to his employers, but he is forced to
Bryant Washburn in New Light sacrifice love on the altar of duty.
Just as the girl is about to be mar­
ried to the nobleman, she hear« of his
If one like romance in the form of bet with Lloyds on their marriage,
a motion picture film. It Is certainly which results in her denouncement
to be had at the Gem next Monday. of both the suiter and Dick besides.
April 12, when Bryant Waahbura’« Dick leave« for home and discovers
new Paramount picture. "Live In­ the girl al«o on the train. Passing
surance.’’ la to be predated
through the tow« of their Drat ac­
Th« romaue« etart« whe« Dick i qualata«»«. toad aieasorta« «gala sow
At Prom $25.00 Upwards to $45.00.
Largest Stock of
Exclusive Tillamook
Ever received is here awaiting
your inspection., Fact is plenty
of good makes in the newest
spring styles range from .. $3,7$
to $8.50.
Many men have been educated to
wear these famed shoes on ac­
count of their wonderful qualities
Ask to see Haltom 's
(English Last) Shoe special.
An authorized representative of New York of
the Butterick Pattern Co. will be with us forx
a limited time only, taking subscriptions for
the Delineator. Every woman who is inter­
ested in latest styles as well as reading very
interesting stories should without fail have
the Delineator in her home. She will be pleas­
ed to have you call at pattern section.
the seed of romance and they are re- merlin winning a decision on a dost
margin. The main event of the eves-
Ing was between Carl Martin and
Good Boxing Program.
Neil Zimmerman which proved to N
highly interesting from the tap of
The boxing card given by the Til- the gong to the last of the tent»
lamook Boxing Commission at the round. Martin winning the deci«i<*<
Armory last Friday night proved to with but little best of The setto.
be an exciting affair, as all tbrs«
The Tillamook Boxing Comnnwio*
bouts were evenly matched. Although anticipate staging another boxind
the attendance was not what it contest in the near future, which
should have been those who attended no doubt will be a bigger drawl«»
were highly pleased with the show. card that the past two..
The preliminaries opened with a
four round setto between Joe Krieg­
Card of Thanks.
er and George Hardy, both of Port­
------ o-------
land, Kreigsr winning a decision by
We wish to extend thanks to th*
a knockout In the beginning of the
friends and neighbors for their kin*’
scheduled four round go.
The second card on the program neea and gratitude during the **"
was six rounds between Earl Zim­ reavement of our beloved brot
and uncle William Illingworth.
merman aad Frankie Webb in which
Viola Johaaoa, Calvin J«*»-
they •topped oil lively ra«a4a, Zia- «•«. Mrs.
J oaj.