T illamook headlight , april L 0. 0. SHOULD A WOMAN » TELL? You .will liko r7 FL a Vo FLoUr <*•. 7 T. New». Were you in lodge last Tuesday evening? If not why not? Were you really too tired, too late home from work, sick, or have you acquired that stay away habit? Must have been one of these, for you never get too old to attend, after you once get that fraternal spirit, which conies CONFESSION would mean to lose hia love! through association with Bros, in YET ahe felt he muat know How this tragic lodge meetings and in practicing the dilenine of girl-hood was met is shown in principle of the brotherly love. Is your lodge all you would have it. “SHOULD A WOMAN TELL?” A tense Then don't knock, be a booster, come photodrama of New England and fisher-folk, to lodge and bring another, visit the featuring sick, extend the glad hand of fellow­ ship. If you are in arrears, see your secretary, do not wait for him to notify you. then put your shoulder The QUESTION IS|“SHOULD A WOMAN to the wheel, and help make your lodge the ideal lodge. TELL?” her husband or her sweetheart every­ Do you know that 30 members have thing, or should she have secrets from him? been initiated in your lodge since The question will be answered “SHOULD A December 30. A little boosting, a contest did the work, and it has not WOMAN TELL?” at stopped there, the encampment inia- tiated about 25 candidates in the mysteries of the Patriachel and Gold­ en Rule degrees at their last meeting and the Rebekahs have over thirty applications for membership, all done Snub Pollard Comedy. by live wires. The Wheeler encampment have ex­ iñ Adults 25c. Children 15c. tended an invitation to our camp to Box Office Open at 7:15, Program at 7:30 sharp." bring all eligibles for the Royal Purple Degree to their lodge on April 17, when that degree will be 5Z5a5HS?5B5eSHSH5252Se5ï5E5E52Sa525HSESïSBSH5H5E525252S25E5ïï5H5HSH5HSH525a5ESH5252Sa5E525HSÏ52SHSH5H5H5H5ïSHS2Sa5ES2?5H5a52S2SESHSHSESêS252SESHSî conferred on a large class* by their degree staff. A big time is expected. Bros. R. W. Watson, F. F. Conover, S. C. Woods and Claude Myers at­ tended Bay City Lodge last Friday night, us usual they report a fine time, and a great feed. April 26 being the lol anniversary of our order. All Bro. , of Tillamook Lodge, No. 94, with their wives or sweethearts and Bios, from other lodges living nv our midst are invit- ed to be present, A big program is “The Glass of Fashion and Mould Jof iForm” I promised, and a bigger feed, which will be greatly enjoyed by the Young —Lovely Irene Castle .will dance into your a Buck Why? Ask tin Old liuel;. . ard a hearts in this big, brilliant, colorful drama of if you are past 35. you are an- old Buek; please see Charley Bennett. life at Palm Beach. Charming gowns, stirring I Have you received your golden adventure, laughter and love ami tears amid souvenir? Rollie Watson has otie for you. Ask. hint for it. the flowers and fountains of Florida, Robert 8 The members who have not been W. Chambers ’ famous novel comes to life! in the lodge room for months were present last meeting. They are com- Keen with satire, rich with romance, warm ing again, or 1 miss my guess. with the Red Blood of love andjyouth. A We meet again Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. picture that will please. F. F. Conover, Sec. It is pure, wholesome and sweet. Made by a new process which does not 'mill out the delicious, nut-like flavonol the wheat. y, 8, 1920 I ALICE LAKE ^Nat ure - F lavVred Order a Sack Today Patronize home industry and en- Zf joy this different, better flour. Z|j$ E. S. BETTCHER MILLING CO. AW TILLAMOOK,ORE. Phone 137 J /M Gem Theatre, Friday and Saturday, April 9-10, “Slippery Slickers” Alice.Lake. m Sbpul^aZWornanneU'k? IRENE CASTLE cooo-scocoeocoesos. ! The Firing Line Absolutely Free ! We will give a new tube with each new tire at the advanced price until further notice. I Tillamook Tire Co, Obituary. ------ o------ William Robert Illingworth born in Marion county, Kansas, on December 3, 1873. In his infancy he joureyed with his parents to Califor­ 3COCCCO©«OOC«COeO©O©0©©e©e<0G0©&O0O©C©OG&&OO nia and resided in San Louis Obisco County for about seven years. From California they moved to a place on 'jsfafaiajaraEiaraJSjajsraEiaíaiaEiEjasjaBJSJSJSíajaieiEia/sraíafBEEJsraiaEJSiaiaiajsffirajajSEfdj Wagner Creek, Jackson county, Ore­ E gon, and wintered there. In the fol­ ■ lowing summer, they journeyed again and stopped for several months near Dallas, in Tolk couty, from which locality they came to Tilla­ mook county and settled. In 1902, William took for his life companion, ^Margaret Smith, to which union seven children were born, all of whom survive him. The deceased has left a father, K. D. 111- igworth, of Jewell, Oregon; two BLOOD PURIFIER, brothers, Frank and Albert Illing­ worth; four sisters, Mrs. May Jack- STOMACH SWEETENER, son, Mrs. Helen Page, Mrs. Viola Johnson, and Mrs. Augusta Lleben- trltt, all of whom reside in Oregon. BOWEL REGULATOR, William Illingworth was kind hearted, quiet and reserved in his CONDITIONER, manner, held no grudges against those who had wronged him, and was WORM EXPELLER, generous to a fault. He was a man who prayed in secret and received DISEASE PREVENTATIVE. answers to his prayers. Last Decem­ ber he visited his sister, Viola, in Portland, and while there was stricken with influenza, but, in ans­ wer to prayer and faith, was raised again to health and strength. Since Recognized and endorsed as the leading and most effective that time he has been a changed man conditioner because it has proven its worth. in his religious life, giving evidence of saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and was noticed particularly by those who knew him best. On March 30, 1920, he passedi to his heavenly home, suddenly, without an ache or pain. May God bless and comfort his scattered family, and sanctify his decease to them and to all the relatives and friends. . Til lam ort Representative : Funeral services for the deceased were held in R. N. Henkle’s Under­ taking Parlors in Tillamook City Saturday afternoon, and the intern­ Mutual Phone. R.FJ). No. 1, Box 77. ment was made at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Rev. A. F. Ingler, pastor ECONOMY HOG AND CATTLE POWDER CO of the Nazarene church, having Hearst Bld., San Francisco, Calif. charge of the services. Stock Powders. Economy A Common Sense Stock Powder, For Hogs, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Economy Germicide Dip, Disinfectant, Germicide, Antiseptic. F. K. BLACKADAR, A Big Picture Coming to the Gem In the Near Future. GRAND OPENING DANCE Masquerade and Carnival AT Music by Cumming’s Orchestra featuring Juene Wilder Dinkle Jazz Pianist. Prize Waltz $2.50. Good Music, Good Floor, Good Management Tickets, $1.50, § Including Checking and War Tax. ® I t Gem Theatre, Tuesday Night, April 13th. “IMPR0PAGANDA” TWO KEEL COMEDY. Adults 20c. Children 10c. Box Office Open at 7:15, Program at 7:30. IRENE CASTLE „'The Firing L.ne (fom/noaM - Grtav^t ^peaaL a5252525E5aSH52525aS25a5aS2525B525ESamSZS2S2SZ52S25BS2S2S2S25252SBS2SBSa5BSZ5a5aSZS25E5252S2SB525e5B5a5252Sa52Saraî2525a5a5B525B5E525252525a5H5 theme the situation of a girl con­ fronted with the problem of reveal­ ing, for the sake of her ease of con­ science, a matter of her past, to the man she is to marry; or to keep the secret to herself, in order not to try hiB love to too great a degree of for­ giveness. The setting of the action Is mainly in a little New England sea­ coast village. Presbyterian Church. ------ o------ Sunday School 10 a.m.. If you are not a member of some other Sunday School, we would be glad to have your attendance every Sunday. Eighteen new members were re­ ceived into the church last Sunday, and three children were baptised. The Tillamook County Convention of the Inter Church World Movement meets at the Christian Church next Sunday. We will all attend there. Our church is God's House, it is a place for worship and prayer. Allan A. McRea, Minister. Nazarene Church Services. 10 a.m. Sunday School,. Mrs. King Supt. 11 a.m. preaching by the pas­ tor, Rev. A. F Ingler, subject “The Church Bowed Down, and Her Re­ ward.” 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Interchurch World Movement convention at the Christian Church. Mid-week services for song, prayer and testimony, on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., to which the public is cordially Invited. A splendid place to relax and recuperate between Sun- days. MargueriteClark Hai Charming Role Who will make the greater sacri­ In "Mill George Washington." fice, a white woman or an Oriental? Because she was reputed never to You will learn of the sacrifice of a little Japanese maid for the man she have told a lie in all her life, Bre- loved when you see Viola Nana in nice Somers was presented wlth the "The Willow Tree,” at the Gem truth medal. As a matter of fact, she Theatre, Friday and Saturday, April was one of the worst fibbers that 16 and 17. It is one of the most ex­ ever Joined the Ananias Club. The funny part of it was that she quisite productions screen classics, had such a pious and innocent ex- Ince has ever made. One moment she was a wooden pression on her pretty face that she image and the next she was alive. completely fooled everybody except Remember the dates on this prodc- her immediate friends, who ironical­ ly called her "Miss George Washing­ tion. ton”—because she was so different. Dainty little Marguerite Clark is "Should A Woman Tell?" Here Soon, "Miss George Washington" in the o------ "Should a Women Tell?” a screen photoplay of that name, which will classics. Ince all-star special photo­ be the Paramount attraction at the play with Alice Lake—who will be I Gem Theatre next Wednesday. remembered as Norah Blake in "Lombardi Limited." with Bert Ly- Beautiful Fox Star Will be Here tell—Jack Mulhall, a young leading Soon. man whose screen name is descrip­ ----- c----- tion enough, and Frank Currier, the Money, luxury and jewels don’t veteran actor viewers of Metro pic­ matter when a woman finds "the tures have known so pleasantly i heritage of Eden,” even in the desert through the medium of the screen for ! as It is found in "Lost Money.” n new so many years, will come to the Gem Fox photoplay that promises xonie- theatre next Friday and Saturday, ' ’hing unusual in the dramatic line at April 9 and 10. the Gem Theatre next Thursday, Reports about the picture point to April 15. Madlaine Treverse, the its being one of the most powerful stately beauty who has won great and humanly appealiug melodramas admiration here, from time to time, picturized in years. The story and stars in the picture, which, from all scenario by Finnls Fox have for their Indications, is eminently fitted to her great dramatic talents. The scenery In “Lost Money” Is said to be one of Its moat striking features. It reflects South Africa. Attention Tusatilas. ------ o — All members are urged to be pres­ ent at an important business meet­ ing to be held at the home of Romo- na Haltom next Thursday evening, April 8. Don t Be Disappointed Suppose you should purchase a Phonograph or Talking Machine, without first hearing the Cheney. Then suppose you should hear tho Cheney after you had made your pur­ chase and found that it was far sup­ erior in every respect to the phono­ graph you had bought—You would feel terribly disappointed, wouldn’t you? If you will come to the “Song Shop” before you decide; you will have no regrets. The secret of Cheney tone suprem- acy, is the new system of acoustic inventions, protected fully by basic patents. Notable among the many exclusive features is the perfect spruce wood resonator, built like a violin, and entirely free from the walls of the cabinet. A wonderful treat is in store for you. “By all means hear the Cheney.” Reformed Congregational Church There are no services for this Sun­ day on account of the Tillamook County Conference of the Inter­ church World Movement. Rev. Richard Schuetz. Call For Warrants. All outstanding county road war- rants will be paid upon presentation. On all warrants not heretofore called interest ceased on the 9th day of April. 1920. Kathleen Mills, Co. Treasurer Christian Church. ------ o------ The Bible School last Sunday was well attended in a fine spirit. This was a forerunner for the church services which was also large in at- tendance. The special numbers were o.f high order, becoming the occasion. In the evening the Bible School put on its Easter program, which was highly praised by the large audience that packed the auditorium. Each class taking part and all leading up to the climax—“The Token of Love”, which was rendered by the Loyal Maids class. All in all it was great! Come next Sunday morning at 10 a.m. to the big school. Then remain for the 11 o'clock service by the Inter-Church team. Harry E. Tucker, Pastor. C001 County, Oregon, Farm. ------ o — 180 acres, mostly all cleared and in crop. 100 acres best bottom land, remaining 80 acres first class bench land. 36 fresh grade and full blooded Jersey milch cows. One 11,000 thor­ ough bred Jersey bull. All necessary farming implements. Creamery check last year over 17,000.00. Three good dwelling houses on place and one large barn with double silo. Would cut up Into three good ranches. School house on farm. 2 >4 miles from Myrtle Point, a town of 1200 Inhab­ itants with good grade schools. $20,- 000.00 cash will handle. 6 per cent on balance. Coos and Curry Land Co. Inc. Myrtle Point, Oregon. 100 Laying Pullets For Sale. All full blood White Leghorns from good laying strain. Your choice out of 200 at $4.00 each, or as they come $3.00 each. Wra Rtuivenga. The Song Shop Main Street, □ Tillamook 5* DAINTY CLEANLINESS 1« assured by the use of our tooth powder, tooth paste, tooth brushes, etc. We carry all the famous makes, the kind that spells cleanliness, pur­ ity and refinement. Visit our toilet goods counter and you'll be charmed with its array of dainty aids for the toilets of dainty people. Tillamook Drug Company. Tillamook - - - Oregon. BOTTS & WINSLOW, 0K. O. L. HOHLFELD. Attorneys-at-Law, VETERINARIAN. TILLAMOOK, OREGON Eell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone TILLAMOOK BUICK, Tillamook Oregon. Both phones. C. DIETER. DENTIST. TILLAMOOK BUILDING (Over Haltom*a). Tillamook- Oreuon. DR. J. E. SHEARER DR A. C. CRANK. Dr» Shearer & Crank Medical & Surgery. National Building. Tillamook * - ■ Oregon. 1