I Jtaölitjljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MARCH 25, 1920. The Salvation Army has under­ Earl Snodgrass left Tuesday for wishing them good luck and happi- was smashed up a bit. Sunday after- certificate will be granted to stu­ rival. The other woman was now’ the taken to collect 4284,000 iu Oregon, Tillamook, where he will join his ness. promised wife and she was now the ’ noon Mr. Witcombe drove it back up dents who complete the course. for the Salvation Army Home Service brother C. C., in the operation of ■ ■ o------- For further information, call 65-W. “outside girl” the romantic sweet­ Rollie W. Watson has offered a ■ the bank and into the road by its heart. Her plans are brought to a W. Walling was in Wheeler on work, and the quota for Tillamook the shoe repairing shop the Snod­ prize of 425.00 for an essay to be i own pawer. county is 42,180.00. grass brothers have recently opened competed for by the pupils of the fruitful conclusion when she invite* The accident occurred Saturfday business this week. The Cheese Situation. up in that city. Snodgrass brothers public school. See next week’s issue afternoon at four o’clock, and traf- him to dinner and pretends to have a Ivan Hadley, of Turner, who has A. Hougan left for Portland Satur­ ------ o-— ■ nervous break down after the meal. have transfered the greater part of for full particulars and conditions. | tie was held up until Monday, the day to be gone sometime on business. been the census enumerator for the Carl Haberlach returned from a He takes her home and sends for the road in both directions being lined beaches, spent the week end in Tilla­ the equipment of their Carlton shop, Following are a few names that Bill Dougherty spent the week end mook and returned to Portland Mon­ including the power stitcher they j with cars for a considerable distance. trip to Portland, where he had gone doctor. While hubby is tenderly car­ at Rockaway with friends. recently installed, to the shop at Til­ were handed us of persons who had New flooring was put on the ap- to look after several matters. While ing for her, the feminine rival ap­ day. not been enuemerated in this city. proach Monday. Charles Smith spent a few days in Mr. Witcombe i gone he attended the sessions of the pears on the scene and, seeking to W. D. Burgoyne, of the Southern lamook.—Carlton Sentinel. I H. A. Smith, who barbered in Tilla- R. U. McChuahan, Everett Swift, ' thinks he is a lucky man not to have I Oregon Dairy Council, and conferred arouse the sympathy of the man, Portland this week. Pacific Co., and R. F. Hersch, the de­ Jery Blanchard, O. J. Nicolay, Earl Dotty Sanders visited with friends murrage inspector, were in from ; mook long ago, even before the days Garrish, Ben Egge, Frank De Vroy, been seriously hurt, but he says that with the cheese people. He was ap­ starts to weep. But little wifey is not pointed chairman for Tillamook iu Bay City Wednesday, Hillsboro, to inspect the depot, i uf the paved streets, has returned. B. R. Raney (nine in family), S. C. the next time he takes a notion to County of the Ways and Means Com­ to be outdone and also bursts into a flood of tears. The best weaper wins. do some fancy high diving stunts he [ But alas! He is a barber no longer, A marriage license was issued to Thursday evening. Chance, H. E. Lamar, Guy Allman wants to dive alone. mittee of the Republican party and Who was it? See "Happiness a la George G. Schwartz and Dottie Lucile Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gienger were : for now he invokes the blessings of and family, E. W. Stanley and T. E. I chairman of the Taxpayers’ League Mode.” Sanders. out to Portland this week to look at many widows and orphans on him­ Epplett. for Tillamook County. The latter is self, for having sold the husband a Attention. Mrs. Bert King is in Portland for houses. They intend to build in the I an organization of citizens to fight The Kill Rare Klub met Thursday GEM THEATRE PROGRAM near future, and are selecting plans policy in the American Central Life at the home of Mrs. J. S. Lamar. The a few days on business. A meeting of the ministers of Tilla­ the propaganda gotten out by the Insurance Co. Tillamook has changed for their new home . Mrs. Frank Hobson bought a Ford somewhat since the old days, hasn't afternoon was devoted to music and mook will take place on Monday. Land and Labor party recently or­ Friday, March 26—"The Clown." i games; the musical numbers being a S. Y. Evans, a representative of the it Mr. Smith. coupe from Ackley and Miller last March 29, at 10 a.m. in the interest ganized in Oregon. He reports alto- featuring Victor 7-oore—circus I solo by Mrs. Emmett Bales, Canadian government, was here from several of the Inter Church World move­ gether as having a busy trip. week. The County Court is in Portland comedy. Tacoma, for a few days on business All of the storage cheese has now saxaphone numbers by Mrs. Merril ment and for the purp se of organ- Mrs. George Phelps, of Garibaldi, "Ford Weekly” Educational real. been sold. Regarding the latter Mr. concerning the colonization work in this week, where the State Highway | Smith, and a beautiful piano solo by I izing a ministerial union. v.as In TiUamook on business on : Canada. Commission opened bids for the new | I Haberlach made the following state- Saturday, March 27- The Beast.", Miss Mary Lamar. The entertainment The meeting will be held at the Monday. steel bridge across the Nestucca , I featuring George Walsh. Thomas Large left for the northern river wnich is to take the place of the committee delighted and amused the Reformed Church. The presence of ment; Charles Holden, of McMinnville, “One reel comedy. “At one time we had 5,500 cases part of California Monday. He has Condor bridge when that part of the I guests with several uniquq stunts, all the pastors is very much desired. . ame In Tuesday to visit for a few triplets in storage in Los Angeles Sunday. March 28—"Happiness a La been attending high school here this road is changed to the other side of and a very interesting talk was giv­ uays with friends. Mode”, featuring Constance Tal­ ana San Francisco. These were all term, but now expects to live theie the river. The bid of the Pacific en by Miss Burroughs about the Red Holstein Breeders Attention. mage. P. A. and R. N. Batchell, of Hills­ with relatives for a time and work. sold and we later placed something Cross. Yellow daffodils were used to ------- o ------ Foundation Co., for 417-460 was re­ “Tight Squeeze”, Sunshine Comedy boro, were in Tillamook on business I have fqr sale some of the very over 4,500 cases in storage again. Gecrge Williams and D. L. Shrode ferred by the commission to the tastefully decorate the rooms and the two reels. table. Covers were laid for fifteen. best bred heifers and bull calves in Altogether we had ten thousand box­ last week. i ' 1 !: vs. Edward Davis and wife is a suit county court. The invited guests were Mrs. Holmes, Tillamook. These calves are from es in storage. All of these have now Monday, March 29—“Bill Henry,’’ Mrs. Mary Jolliffe spent Tuesday filed in the circuit court to recover Mr Keith, representing the Aetna featuring Charles Ray. visiting at Garibaldi with Mrs. 4155.24 for merchandise sold to the Life Insurance company, is associat­ Mrs. Carlin, Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs. world’s record breeding, climatized been sold. Placing the cheese in One reel comedy. storage saved our market several Tucker. Mrs. Gruber assisted Mrs. and health certified herds. The dairy Hiram Perry. defendants. ed with the office of Rollie W. Wat­ Lamar as hostess. man of Tillamook County who has a tin.es, in fact it meant thousands of Tuesday, March 30—‘The Dark Star’ Aiderman and Harris report the W. C. Robinson, of Marshall, Minn, son and during the month will oper­ featuring Marion Davies, story by Mrs. A. C. Everson returned last scrub bull In his herd can make no dollars for the farmers here. We have sale of a 1920 Maxwell to F. W. Cain, was here to look the country over a ate extensively in Tillamook county Robert W. Chambers. had no price changes since October better investment at this time than week from Eastern Oregon, and she of Nehalem, this week. few days ago. He made his first trip placing "Aetnizers” policies covering "Theating Them Rough” Mack seeing me at once and getting a reg- 13th, over five months. Cheese is Guy E. Plumley was in town this to this part of the country in 1891, in all branches of life, accident and informs us that everything is boom­ istered bull now, tor service in his closely sold up and the market is now Sennett comedy—two reels. ing in that section of the state, there week, on business connected with the and he says that the West has im­ health insurance. Their advertising bare of Tillamook cheese. However, I Wednesday, March 31—"The Heart herd next year. proved almost beyond belief, all but campaign is instructive and com­ being more mone.y in circulation Nehalem shingle mill. of Youth” featuring Lila Lee. it will not do to shij out the cheese Rollie W. Watson, Sec-Treas. there than ever before. Mrs. Everson, menced in the last issue of the Head­ "Bray Pictograph.” H. W. Crare, of Garibaldi, was in the weather. Tillamook Co Holstein Breeders Assn. too green, as it molds too easily. Our who is a keen observer, said that the C. L. Lewis has opened an auto light and appears on another page farmers in Eastern Oregon were fight this summer will be to get bet­ Thursday, April 1—"The Speed Tillamook on business Friday and painting shop in the building recent­ of this issue—read it. Maniac", William Fox special pro­ ter milk, as we may have to place Saturday. House Keepers Attention. spending large amounts of money, duction, featuring Tom Mix. H. B. Folks, who was called here not, however, on improvements, but cheese in storage earlier than usual James Roley, of Portland, was ly vacated by Edwalls. Mr. Lewis The Detroit Vapor Stove Co. has on and the cheese must be first class or "Pathe News.” visiting in Tillamook this week, with says you should bring your car in to about ten days ago by the illness of in buying expensive dress, diamonds, be painted at soon as possible in his brother Bert, returned to his musical instruments and automobiles sale and display, by Mrs. Webster we stand to loose a lot of money. If his brother Sam Roley. order to obtain same at ah early date. home in Corvallis Friday. Mr. Folks and not being satisfied with one Holmes, at Kuppenbender’s store, conditions shape themselves right it GOYNE TAKES DOG DERBY. Miss Viola Leigh, of Beaver, left Quite a bunch of Tillamook young and his parents are engaged in rais­ auto, most every member of the fam­ their famous Red Star Coal Oil Burn­ is possible that we may place one ------ o------ Wednesday morning for Silverton, month’s cheese in storage, say July people who are attending the O. A. C. ing chickens on a large scale, and he ily had one of their own. The farm ing Cooking Range. to visit some time with friends. Winner Mushes 100 Miles Over Froz­ says the business is thriving, as What it will do — Burn 19 hours on or August, withholding all payment are home for the spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Landolt are They are Hazel Lamar, who lives at they have about three thousand at homes and barns in Eastern Oregon one gallon of oil, cook and bake until January 1st for such month. en Trails in 13 Hours and were never very elaborate or expen ­ visiting with friends in and about Corvallis, but who is visiting here, present and the prospects are good 22 Minutes. That will do away with borrowing a sive, yet with so much money being perfectly. Mohler this week. What It will not do—Not smoke lot of money, Incidentally bringing Don Gilbert, Bernice Nelson, Janies for another year or so. He is a for­ squandered in other things, very lit­ Tuesday morning a girl was born May and others. mer resident of Tillanw k, and ex­ tle is going into new- homes and new nor will burners break or form car­ in the money in the winter when it I The Pas, March 17—'Walter Goyne, the Alaskan, won the Hudson Bay to Mrs. Roy Martin, at the Boats pects to return in the summer to vis­ barns. will be needed for feed and hay.” bon. Those going away on the train dog derby here yesterday. Pranteau hospital. What it has—8 pound cast iron Monday morning were Oren and Os­ it Beer is expensive nowadays, and it was second and Hayes third. The J. W. Day, agency director of the costs more to keep it than it does to burner without wicks of any kind. Jay Houser, Wheeler’s prize flght- car Parker, Alvin Peden and C. C. Circuit Court in Session. winner’s time was 13 hours and 22 er, came in Monday to spend a few Dougherty, to Coal Creek camp; Mrs. New York Life Insurance Co., made buy it. If you don’t believe this, just Heavy steel construction, air insulat­ minutes tor the 100 mile course. a business call on R. A. Leonard, who ed oven, perfect combustion. days. C. E. Brace and Bernice Nelson to Judge Bagley convener the circuit ask T. B. Turney and he will tel1 you. Goyne, the winner, is the famous Come in Saturday, March 27th and court on Monday and the following Mrs. C. A. Mullin, of WheelerT is Bay City; Mrs. L. N. Bennett, to is the local agent, last week and one You see he paid the judge 450 for i crippled Alaskan musher who lost here visiting with friends at the Miami; George Boothby, to Wheeler, of the important features of the com- having two bottles of it. so he ought see it bake as perfectly as any stove cases have been disposed of: b—-h feet as a result of freezing on made. pany during the absence of the pres- to know. H. Stienbock, an and Arnold Kerhli, to Portland. T. W. Purvis vs. Effie Purvis. Di­ Ramsey hotel. outsider, tU 1 Alaskan trails some years ago. ident and vice-president was to raise Will demonstrate Superba coffee, vorce suit and decree granted. i Miss Laura Dodge has been chosen their salaries from 42 5,000 to 450,- bought two mink hides from Mr. S. L. Godard, a general contractor Pranteau the second man finished and hot biscuits baked out of Flavo Geo. O. Vaughn, et al. vs. Tilla- of Cottage Grove, was In Tillamook to represent the Christian Sunday 000 annually, on their return they Turney on Monday, and gave him a Flour, made in Tillamook. one hour and a half after Goyne. mook County. Writ of 1 review sus- Tuesday doing business with Frank School of Tillamook at the Sunday declined the raise and asked that check for 47 for them, putting the Seuttle Wash., March 11— Walter All ladies are requested to attend. tained and county court directed to School Convention, which is to be the amount be divided among clerks hides in his pocket. He also bought Heyd & Company. Goyne, known in the north as “the dismiss the petition. going kid”, passed through here in Mr .and Mrs. Homer Baker, of held at Forest Grove the latter part of the company who were receiving some sacks, and as he was bundling Bradford-Hornschuch Wedding Jack Harper vs. H. Kesselman. them up he look off his coat. Then December en route to the pass with Rockaway, are in town for a few of this week. She leaves Thursday less than 42,000 per annum. ------ o------ Case dismissed. the hides disappeared. A search war- and will return Monday, Mrs. I. C. 22 veteran malamute racing dogs. days visiting with their folks. Last Monday evening, at the home E. M. Condit, Alva Williams, Lem rant was issued and Turney s place Edward Roberts vs. Hazel Roberts. Smith will accompany her as chap­ Goyne’s team has won a number of of the bride's parents, at Hebo, Divorce granted. Dr. W. C. Dueber will return to his I Partridge. Henry Plasker and George searched. The police were unable to erone. races at Seward, Anchorage and Harold Bradford and Miss Ethel Fey office in the Tillamook building over Hanselmeir were guests of the Port­ C. E. Hadley vs. D. C. Hadley. Dean Alden, of the Willamette land Gun Club Saturday and Sunday. find the mink hides, but they did Hornschuch were united in marriage. other points in southwestern Alaska. Haltom's store on March 29th. Settled. University, was in Tillamook Friday, They contested with some profession­ find the beer, and he was fined 450 The bride's uncle. Rev. E. D. Horn­ o— Mrs. Preston Williams left for- G. A. Edmunds vs. James Wilson. and costs. aB one of the judges of the high schuch, performed the ceremony, us ­ al trap shooters, and beat them. Walter Goyne is a son to Frank Portland Tuesday to visit for a week Settled. There was a fine turn out at the ing the beautiful ring ceremony. The school debate. This was Mr. Alden's The members of the gun club are Marie Buttner vs. Buttner Mill Co. Goyne, and a nephew of District At- or two with her sister, Mrs. E. F. opening of the flour mill Saturday first trip to this part of the country, coming over here some time next rooms were decorated In yellow and et al. Amended complaint tiled and torney T. H. Goyne, and was here Palhler. but he likes it so well that he intends month. The men said they had a afternoon. About two hundred and white spring flowers, which were been vlsit- C. L. Shulson, who has fifty were present, two hundred of very attractive. Little Melba Horn- defendants given to March 25 to about six yearB ago. He is not as to buy a cottage at one of the beach­ badly crippled as the above would in­ ing with his parents at Hemlock for es this summer and »pend his vaca­ splendid time, and they also said which were married ladies who reg­ schucb a sister of the bride, bore the plead. that Henry Plasker was still looking istered in the contest. Each lady Frank L. Martin vs. John WelsH dicate, being now able to walk so two weeks returned to his home at tion here. for the Spaulding. We wonder where chose a number, the numbers were ring on a large calla lily, and Lois and son. Mandate from supreme that no one would notice that he had Oregon City Monday morning. Hornschuch and Charles Bradford Sheriff Campbell lost the family he expects to tint it. had his feet frozen. then put on slips of paper, and were carried baskets of flowers. The best court filed. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Divine and Mrs. cow and was fortunate in having it Cecil Murphy, who have been living Insured for 4100, having received a I F. J. Goodnough, who Is represent­ drawn, the first five winning the man and maid of honor were Paul at Cloverdale for the last six months, check for that amount on Monday. I ing the Oregon Journal, was in Tilla­ prizes. The prizes awarded were; 1st, Bradford and Miss Bernice Welch­ ‘•Billy’’ Hamilton Dies Suddenly. Basket Ball Games. mook this week. He says it is his first Mrs. M. J. Edwards, one barrel of ------ o------ -------o------ have moved to Wallace, Idaho. man, of Portland. The bride was The sheriff said it would take three trip here since 1890. When he was Flavo Flour; 2nd, Mrs. D. A. Owens, beautiful in a white satin gown with The Garibaldi Athletic Club and The many friends of William Ham­ Mrs. Churchill, of Cloverdale, left times that amount of money to re­ here then he was offered a homestead % barrel of Flavo Flour; 3rd, Mrs. silver lace, and a veil of tulle. She ilton are very sorry to hear of his the Bay City club, met last week at for Portland this morning. She was place it. Even the family cow like near Tillamook for 4500, and the Olive Travis, ft barrel Flavo Flour; i carried a large shower bouquet of death, which occurred at his home Garibaldi gymnasium, and after the called there by the serious illness of everything else, is on the jump. 1 same place now is worth about 430,- 4th, Mrs. A. Wells, one Me>r Flavo white rosebuds and frleshas. After in Wheeler Monday evening. Death first flye minutes of play there was her father, F. C. Hawker. The Tillamook Cow Testing Ass’n., I 000. He said he was sorry he didn’t Flour; 5th, Mrs. W. Hill, i sack no doubt as to the outcome. The su­ The Idaho revivalist, F. T. Carlson, will hold its annual meeting, Wed-. take it then, but is coming back here Flavo Flour. Each person received a the ceremony a bounteous dinner was caused by heart failure, as it perior passing and shooting of the occurred while he was reading a pa ­ was served to about twenty-five of will hold services at the home of nesday, March 31st, at the court about the first of April to live, as he three or four pound sack as a sample fast Garibaldi quintet proved too Mr. Gulstrom at two o’clock next house. Mr. Westover, of O. A. C. will thinks this is the best county in the and everyone went away smiling. the relatives and friends of the bride per. Mr. Hamilton was born in Mar- much for Bay City. The first half and groom. Mrs. Bradford was for­ amora, Ontario, Canada, on March 7, be present and many important mat­ state. Sunday. Subject “Hell.” Those who have tried the Flavo flour merly a teacher in Newberg, and Mr. 1848, of Irish extraction. He lived ended with the score 13 to 5 in favor Fred Miller, of Portland, is here ters will come up for discussion. It is About sixty one persons gathered speak very highly of it, as it makes Bradford is an employe of the Stan­ at Maramora until he was a young of Garibaldi. In the second half Bay for a few days on business. Mr. Mil­ requested that all dairymen attend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis delicious bread, cakes aud pastry. dard Oil Company. They returned to man. Mr. Hamilton was never mar­ City tried to overcome the odds | I ler Is interested in the fish canner­ this meeting. Hushbeck Saturday evening, for a Dr. Ramsey, of this city returned Portland Saturday, where they will ried. About thirty years ago he came by putting in three substitutes which Wm. Hamilton was down from farewell dance. The Hushbecks are from Portland where she attended ies of Tillamook county. make their home, rice, old shoes and to Tillamook with James Irwin, who was of no avail The game was char­ Gilbert Funk came in Saturday Wheeler for a few days last week. leaving the boarding house Business the osteopathic association meeting, congratulations mingled together as died at Seaside about seven years acterized by roughness. R. Alexander from Enterprise to take up his new He has just returned from California, and are going to live on the old Hare says that Dr. C. J. Gaddis, of Oakland they left on the stage tor Tillamook. ago. Mr. Hamilton attended his fu­ (captain) starred for the winners position as bookkeeper for the Stand­ where he went about three months place north of town, and raise California, conducted a clinic during neral, and now George Irwin, the with 14 points. The final score be­ ago to be treated for rheumatism. He chickens. Everyone had a real old the convention and delivered a very ard Oil Co. other brother has come over from ing 22 to 12 in favor of Garibaldi. Red Cross Course. said he met several old timers from Seaside to uttend the funeral of Mr. Mrs. E. Mathilde Claridge, of Ta­ Tillamook while he was in San Diego fashioned good time, and danced Interestig lecture at the evening ses­ Plans are under way for a Red Hamilton. I Do You Want A Pure Bred Sire ? coma, left for Portland Monday. She Among them were George Cohn, quadrille and polkas and waltzes un­ sion of the Portland Osteopathic til—well, it was bed time when they Society. The speaker’s topic was Cross Chapter Course ! to be given at Mr. Hamilton had been an Odd has been here for several weeks visit­ Tracy Elliott and Otis Chase. -------o------- left. The musie was furnished by Mr. “Osteopthy in Bedside Practice,” and Tillamook, beginning April 14 under Fellow for years, being a member of ing friends. I have for sale a bull calf eligible E. J. Frazer, of Portland, was here Kennedy and Mr. Oliver, real old during the course of his lecture he the auspices of the local chapter. the subordinate lodge at Seaside, and for registry. Grand Sire Roraire’s C. T. Winslow, an ex-lumberman of this week negotiating the sale of time fiddlin’, And eats—Oh, Boy, stated that fifty years ago the first Miss Ewing, who will I have charge er the locul camp at Wheeler. He had Olga Lad bred by Geo. H. Sweet East Spokane, is here for a few days look­ timber lands to R. E. Hanson, of Eu­ you never saw such eats! They said Ostopath, Dr. A. T. Still, was called the course, has been i directing the just returned from California, where Aurora, N. Y., owner Ed. Cary. Sire ing over timber lands. He is accom- gene. The Hanson Co. has large it was the best time they had ever a “wonder worker” because his new­ field work of the i students at the he had gone several months ago for of 20 register of merit daughters one • panied by W. W. Sharp, of Portland. milling interests on the Willamette, had. and from the description they ly discovered methods were saving Portland School of Social Work since his health and had spent a few days of which is St. Mawes Beauty, 879 Rev. G. O. Oliver left for Portland and have bought 3,000,000 feet of gave us we would think so too. the lives of scores of children during last fall. She was withdrawn from in Tillamook last week. n>s. 4 oz. butter fat. His progeny al­ this morning to attend the Training timber in the Wheeler district. They The funeral was held this after­ so won 1st A. J. C. C. special prize Jr. R. H. Cady vs. Bay City Land Co., a a severe epidemic. Today, and a year Portland because of the great de­ 4 Conference of the Inter-CHurch are planning on building a large saw corporation, and Solon Schlft'mann ago, during the influenza epidemic, mand for Red Cross Chapter courses. noon at one oclock at the Under­ World Movement. He will return mill near Wheeler in the near future. is a suit filed in the circuit court to osteopathy has again demonstrated Before coming to the Northwest, taking Parlors, Rev. Harry Tucker "get of sire” at Oregon State Fair in 1913. Sire Lavina Lad. sire dam St Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Henderson was in Tilla­ recover money on two promissory its value in epidemic treatment. Miss Ewing was known as the best having charge of the service«. The Mawes Cavina bred by Ed. Cury won F. O. Sipprell, of Garibaldi, was in mook this week on business, from notes. On the 18th of October, 1916, From carefully complied statistics, Red Cross institute instructor in the Odd Fellows ac . : all bearers, A. J. C. C. gold medal also 1st prize the city Tuesday, where he has lo­ Portland. She has just returned from the Bay City Land Co., executed and out of more than 100,000 cases treat­ Central Division. At present she is and the Internment wi. ui the I. O. Jr. high production cows 3 to 4 yrs. cated. He will run the dance ttali at California, where she has been spend­ ! delivered two promissory notes for ed, less than one percent died. He conducting a chapter course at O. F. cemetery. old. 1914 she made 741 lbs. butter that place and Is making arrange­ ing the winter at Los Angeles, Cata- 41,000.00 and “Billy” Hamilton, as he was 41,800 to Solon concluded his remarks by saying that Bend. fat. Dam, Marie Golden Boy’s Dolly ments for a series of dances. As planned, the course provides for lliarly known, was thought a lena Islands, and the beaches. They Shiffmann who endorsed them, and in these modern times a physician made 472 tbs. butterfat under ordi­ Mrs. Arthur Kerns drove up from have sold their home here and Mrs. which are now in possession of the who adjusts the body mechanism is the enrollment of ten or fifteen stu­ deal of by his many friends nary conditions and care. Sandlake Tuesday morning, to bring Henderson is stopping in Portland, plaintiff. As the promissory notes are considered as essential to health as dents who can attend at least one who were shocked when they heard Also have pure bred calves for sale. lecture period daily for two weeks, of his death. He had been a sub­ For further particulars apply to F. M. R. Kerns, John Zenck and Virgil making frequent visits to Tillamook. long past due and nothing has been a mechanic to an automobile. paid on them except the interest up and in addition have considerable scriber of the Headlight since it was K Blackadar, Tillamook Oregon, R. Kellow, who were leaving for Port­ It seems as if Tillamook is “First to April 18, 1918 the plaintiff sues time available for field work, a started in 1888, and came into the F. D. Mutual Phone. land. Attention. In war, first In peace, and first in to recover the money, the plaintiff ———o------ study of community and county office on Saturday and renewed his F. S. York left for Salem Wednes­ the hearts of Oregonians,” for it is It Is unlawful to dump garbage or problems. subscription. day, where he will buy the apparatus the first to go over tbe top again. claiming that the collateral security Call for Tillamook City Bond*. refuse of any nature on county mentioned in each of the notes is any In general, the Chapter Courses at­ -------o------- for a sawmill which he intends to This time It was in the drive for the worthless and without value. roads. Any further violation of this tempt to give a notion to the stu ­ The Best Weeper Win*. Tillamook City General Bonds, build on Fawcett creek. He will be Pacific International Live Stock I dents of the scope of Red Cross ser­ ------ o------- A very pretty home wedding took law will be presecuted. numbered 1 to 5 inclusive, due April back the first of next week. Exposition. Tillamook county over­ John A. Carroll. vice; to provide a conception of the In "Happiness a la Mode,” Con­ 15, 1920, will be paid on presenta­ place at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. M. Critee, who works at the subscribed its quota of 425,000 by Road Master. principles of case-work; to deal with stance Talmage’s latest starring ve­ tion. Coats camp, left for Mount Angel 41,000^>eing the first county in tbe L. Glaisyer Sunday afternoon at two various health problems in the com­ hicle In which she is presented by o'clock, when their daughter. Miss B. C. Lamb, City Trees. Friday to attend his own wedding. state to do so. munity, to suggest practical methods Lewis J. Selznlck will be shown at Agnes, became the wife of Dewey Had a Close Call. Be s«re and bring her back to Tllla- ------ o------ The councilmen have returned Handley. Only the immediate rela­ for the extension of social service the Gem Theatre next Sunday. Entire Circus Rented. mooh with you Mr. Critee. from Portland, where they went last tive« of the bride and groom were Nothing short of a miracle saved 1 ' and a better utilization of existing Miss Talmage portrays a young ------ o------- Wm. Adams, of Tillamook, has week to see the demonstrations of I ' present. Rev. Harry Tucker officiat­ the life of Lee Witcombe, when the social agencies, national, state and wife with an unfaithful husband, For the presentation of "The near Eugene, bought a fruit farm the different fire engines. They say ed, using the ring ceremony, and im­ tractor with which he was towing local. who succumbs to the wiles of anoth­ Clown,” which is the bill at the Gent where he will make his home. Mr. the bids will be opened Monday, mediately after the ceremony the a grader to Bay City Saturday after­ It is possible that the University er woman and askes his little wifie Theatre, Friday, March 26, with Adame left Saturday, and his family March 29.. Thomas Coates, Sr., said young people drove out to their noon, broke through the approach of of Oregon will provide one or two for a divorce. She gives him his di­ Victor Moore, the celebrated comed­ is to follow later. he had a very nice trip to Portland ranch north of town, Both are very the Kilchis river bridge. He and the addresses by meiubers*of the faculty vorce and she is allowed three ian, in the title role, an entire circus with the councilmen, and that he popular young people __ of Tillamook. tractor fell to the ground about on topics of social Interest. These months in which to flic her final de­ was rented for three days. To secure D. N. Hudson who Ing for a few days at the home of went down to Eugene to see Tom and the groom is a graduate of the High twenty feet below, but haa only a meetings will be public; otherwise, cree. I the audience, the Lasky Company an­ Wifey was just cleaver enough to nounced In the dally papers that the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace, return­ Agnes, his son and daughter, who are School here, and the bride won an cut above his right eye as a result of the classes will be limited to those ed to his home in Portland Friday Sophomores at the University of Ore­ attendant until shortly before her his experience. The machine was un- who register for the course. No fee realize that the way to win back her citizens of Loa Angele were invited gon this year. marriage. Their many friends join in (injured, except for the top, which will be charged for enrollment, and a mau wag to Hade places with her . to be their guests at the performance. —. ..................... Tillamook Jottings.