TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 18. resume activity. I believe the Ameri­ can people will have the good sense, o before it is too late, to place in power Attorney General Palmer says pric­ those who believe in America first. es are falling. But the only thing that can be called cheap as yet is Notice to Contractors; Oregon State talk. Scraps of Paper. ----- o--- 20öVYea.r PAL CO. KM), ility T1 HE owner of an Oldsmobile Eight has always a Consciousness of pos­ sessing a Quality Car—with a Twenty- one years’ Reputation of Highest Qual­ ity standing to back his judgment. Whether your choice is an Eight Six—Touting Car—Roadster or Pacemaker, you will find in the Olds- moble line the model you are looking for. If in the market for a Truck, do not overlook the Oldsmobile Truck. Oldsmobile Eight $2450 Oldsmobile Six $1650. Economy Truck $1650. W. J. STEPHENS, County Agent VAUGHN’S, the Original Put your saw on or take it off in a jiffy. Phone or call aoooecccooocooQiGGCtiooeoeococoQcoceoQooccooeoeQooeoeoE Just as soon as the Democratic party was wrecked by the subordina­ tion of principles and persons, some "independent” journals made the dis­ covery that political parties are no good anyway and what we want is the Mexican system of cockade-chas­ ing in politics. Mr. Lane, who as Secretary of the Interior had charge of the adminis­ tration of the federal laws affecting oil rights; has resigned to take a position with one of the big oil com­ panies. Doubtless it’s all right, but imagine the howl that would have gone up if a Republican cabinet of­ ficer had made that kind of a move. A MAN S REASON Men, too, like the Columbia Six. ASK any man who drives a Columbia and he will tell you that from a sound, practical, business-like standpoint the Columbia Six appeals to him because it is thoroughly’ reliable—built by a substantial organization, and is wonder­ fully economical both in up keep and depreciation. CHAS. A. BROWN, Tillamook, Or PHONE 67 \V. Col-u.-m'bia Sisi alex . M c N air & co GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere I I 1 ; If the Republican party were to abandon its adheience to the pro- tective policy and the Americaniza­ tion of the league of nations cove­ nant it would have cut loose from all it moorings as a party and would have no excuse for living. The coun- try is in no special need of another party to represent free trade and in­ ternationalism, either commercial or bolshevik. ■ ■ O' — The New York Democratic platform says: "The Democratic party propos­ es to cure social unrest by removing the evils which give it birth.” The Democratic party had six years of complete control of both the legisla­ tive and executive branches of gov­ ernment and confessedly failed to perform the operation It now prom­ leu as a remedy for what ails the country. Surely it's time to call a new doctor. ------ o------ The New York Democrats declared in their platform: "The Democratic party of the nation has enacted more constructive and progressive laws in half a dozen years than the Repub­ \]\J C. DIETER. lican party in half a century.” Why didn't they state something they DENTIST. could prove by Just claiming that TILLAMOOK BUILDING the Democratic pat ty of the nation spent more money in half a dozen (Over Haltom’s). years than all the other parties did Tillamook- Oregon. since the establishment of the feder­ al government? QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. JUST THE TIME TO FORM YOUR BANKING CONNECTION. SPRING ¡8 here and the farmer particularly’ should be sure that he is sufficiently “heeled” financially to carry out his plans. A ‘^Nationalized” account here gains you both cash and credit. We Issue Food Drafts on Foreign Countries Without Service Charge. DIRECTORS : JOHN. MORGAN. A.W. BUNN. HENRY ROGERS. C. A. prove it ! We can prove that this Western Electric Washer and Wringer Will wash your clothes easier, quicker and cheaper than they are washed now. Fur­ ther that it will wash yjiir clothes cleaner without broken buttons—with­ out the wear occasioned by the wash­ board and hard muscle. Will you give us a chance to prove it? In your home —at our store—anywhere! TODAY! Sunset Electric Co 1 DOOR S.-C0N0VER & CONDIT WÄTAl IF NOT THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. THE Giant of the West AUTO PAINTING Have your car painted before the Summer touring commences. Satis faction guaranteed. We also put on new dressing on auto tops. With a Reserve Fund oi $8,356,000 offers secure Benefits as fol lows: Ages Amounts. Inclusive $500 $1000 $2000 $3000 70 18 to 22 35 1.35 2.05 23 to 25 40 2.20 75 1.45 2.30 26 to 29 40 1.60 80 2.55 30 to 31 45 85 1.70 2.70 32 to 33 45 *>0 1.80 34 to 35 50 95 1.90 2.85 36 50 1.00 2.05 3.05 105 3.20 37 55 2.15 38 to 40 60 1.15 2.25 3.40 41 60 1.20 2.35 3.55 42 65 1.25 2.50 3.70 3.90 43 65 1.30 2.60 44 70 1.35 2.70 4.05 45 to 46 70 1.40 2.80 4.20 47 75 1.45 4.40 2.95 48 75 1.50 3.05 4.55 49 80 1.60 3.15 4.75 50 85 1.66 4.90 3.25 Muftlpiy ab< j»e rate s oy 12 anu you have the cost for one year. To the foregoing add 50 cents per month for camp dues which gives you all the privileges and benefits of a fraternal organization. These rates nre far lower than for "Old Ane" Insurance. This order has been in existence nearly 30 years and every claim Is promptly paid. Join now and help booHf the Dis­ trict Convention which will be held in Tillamook the third week of May. Admission Fee, $5.00 C. L. LEWIS. PHONE 67-R. Next to Standard Oil Station 1 ! 1 SHOEING JACK HARPER, BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. Take your Horses there and get First Class Shoes for them. I guarantee all work to be satisfactory, if not, bring it back and I,will make good without extra charge. We pay top prices for Hides. 25ZSZ5SSaSH5HSa525E5H5Z5H5M25R5Z5aSB5a5a5aSBSaS2SESSS2SESZ5?S 5d5d5dSZS252SH52S25a5252SZSa525HS2Sa5ZS2SH525?5a52S2525a5?5252S25Ma5252 ft CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Former Representative Murphy of Minnesota. says: "There is not an ex­ teil Phone—2F2 Mutual Phon* ception in oui history to the propo­ sition that when we encourage the bringing In front other counirl's of Tillamook Oregon. things that we should be making ourselves we are head« d toward DR J. E. SHEARER trouble. We tried it in 1017, In 1837, .r For a Short Time Only. DR A. C CRANK. in 1857, and other time«, always with disa.-terous résulta . Before the Drs. Shearer & Crank For further Information and appli­ great war we had begun to feel the Medical & Surgery. bud effects of the » -:i-tintr lai iff law. cation card apply to either F. H National Building. The f ur suspended these Mntthcws, r. C. or Thoma* Coates. bad rffc f loiV" begun to "I'-::; Al le-.- Camp Ni Tilhr.-.ook - - - Ore; on. VETERINARIAN', C. J. EDWARDS, B. C. LAMB.? W. J. RIECHERS, McGHEE The first NationalBank Are You Insured? Will set it up and put it to work for youlo your satisfaction or you don't pay a cent. To be had now at the Tillamook Clay; works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. See that clutch and sawholder ? Highway Construction. 1 o Can it be possible that John BRIDGES. Tumulty has been running this coun­ Sealed blds will be received by the try for months, and nobody in par­ State Highway Commission of the ticular was much the wiser? State of Oregon at Room 520 Mult­ ------ o------- The suggestion is made that may­ nomah County Court House, Port­ be Postrraster General Burleson land, Oregon, at 10 o’clock a.m., on wrote his resignation several months the 23rd day of March, 1920, for the following: ago, but sent it in by mail. Tillamook County. ------ o------ The construction of a steel bridge We are reminded that the war is over, But the results are not over, with concrete approaches over tha tor the job holders are still with us Nestucca river near Hebo, in Tilla- mook County, Oregon. and the bills continue to come in. Bids will be received on three ------ o President Wilson will not need a propositions: Proposition No. 1, for the construc­ monument for some time. The peo­ ple will have a lot of things to re­ tion of the entire work in one con­ member him by, exery tax paying tract. The approximate quantities are 265 cu. yds. Class "A” concrete, 245 time at least. cu. yards. Class “B” concrete, 46,000 ■■ —o A statesman who has a quick cure tbs. metal reinforcement, 150,000 for all that the Democratic party pounds structural steel, 750 lin. ft. has done to us in the last few years piling, 290 lin. ft. concrete handrail, must believe that the day of miracles 250 cu. yds. excavation. Proposition No. 2, for the furnish­ is not over. ing and erection of the structural The New York World, administra­ steel portion of the structure on con­ tion organ, says: "President Wilson crete piers, which will be built under made the treaty and is responsible another contract. The approximates for it.” Well, if it’s his own little are: 150,000 lbs. structural steel. Proposition No. 3, for the construc­ private treaty why does he want to tion of concrete piers and approach drag the United States in on it? spans ready for the erection of the -------o------- The democratic organs are demand­ steel portion of the structure. The ing that the Republican party do approximate quantities are: 200 cu. something constructive. The first big yards class “A” concrete, 245 cu. constructive job is to get rid of the yds. class "B” concrete, 34,000 lbs. administration that put us where we metal reinforcement, 750 lin. ft, pil­ ing, 290 lin. ft. concrete handrail. are today. ------ O------- No bid will be considered unless The Montgomery Advertiser, Dem­ accompanied by cash, bidder’s bond, ocratic organ, says President Wilsons or certified check for an amount critics forget “the terrible zeal that equal to five (5) per cent of the drove him to break the power of Wall total amount bid. Street.” Surely nobody has forgotten A satisfactory bond will be requir­ that. When did it happen? ed for the faithful performance of -------o------ the contract in a sum equal to one- Vice President Marshal says that a half of the total amount bid. President’s cabinet is for him to do Proposal blanks and full informa­ with as he pleases. Evidently Tom tion for bidders may be obtained at believes: "Things have come to a the office of the State Highway' En­ pretty pass when a yuan can’t larrup gineer, Capital building, Salem, Ore. his own jackasses." Plans, specifications and form of -------o------ contract may be inspected at the Samuel Gompers has never failed same place or may be obtained upon to find plenty of good non-partisan deposit of $5.00 for each set of plans reasons for supporting the straight and specifications. Plans and specifi­ Democratic ticket in some twenty- cations are also on file at room 1301 five years activity in American poli- Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. Plans and specifications may also ------ o------- be seen at the office of A. M. Hare, Naturally, as a good, staunch, loy­ County Judge, Tillamook, Oregon. al, undeviating Democrat, Mr. Gom- The right is reserved to reject any pers objects to a labor party that and all proposals or to accept the couldn't be delivered to the demo­ proposal deemed best for the State of cratic organization every two years, Oregon. especially as more democrats than S. Benson, Chairman. Republicans seem to be joining it. R. A. Booth, Commissioner. -------o------ Ed. E. Kiddle, Commissioner The friends of President Wilson Attest: Herbert Nunn, are busy explaining that President State Highway Engineer. Wilson did not give his real reasons Salem, Oregon, February 28. 1920. for dismissing Secretary Lansing. The theory that Mr. Wilson is trying to deceive the people in the matter doesn’t seem to help so very much. -------o------ Davy Lawrence says one reason President Wilson did not receive Lord Reading was that his military attache had made remarks about a member of the President’s household. Probably he reflected on the sea-go­ ing qualities of A. M. D. iral Gray- n For discnfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its’*,use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RF.I.IAIH.E DRUGGISTS.