Nazimova in The BRAT. In the charity homes, in the chorus, and in the dark haunts of the city’s slums—people called her ‘ The Brat.” She never knew anv other name. One night an author found her among the drab derelicts of a police court. He took her home and she met his finance. -Mgr - «7'1 Av. ■ „ ■ * ' XJLVdbffiwi < y *jv*~ W GEM THEATRE, Thursday Night, March 25th. . C_M?cfu/fs 25c. NAZIMOVA Children 15c. Note: Watch for Tom Mix in “The Speed Maniac.” in a striking pose. Drawn From a recent portrait of the brilliant Russian Star. Call For Warrants. Nazarene Church Sei-vices. All outstanding County general fund warrants will be paid upon pre­ sentation. On all such warrants not heretofore called, interest ceases this 19tli day of March, 1920. Kathleen Mills, County Treasurer. Celebrated Novel Adapted to Screen ------ o------ Mrs. Elinor Glyn, one of the most celebrated novelists of the world, is the author of “The Career of Kath­ erine Bush,” a thrilling story of En­ glish life and manners, the sale of which in this country and abroad ex­ ceeded eleven hundred thousand cop­ ies. The book was picturized by the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation and it will be shown as a Paramount Artcraft Special at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, March 23, with beau­ tiful Catherine Calvert in the stellar role. In the story of “The Career of Katherine Bush,” Mrs. Glyn paints the portrait of a young woman who carves out her own career success­ fully, but before she reaches her goal that of marriage with a celebrated nobleman, she suffers many a bitter pang occasioned by her recollection of imprudences of her early life. She is a woman of high ideals and she risks the loss of the love of the man she yearns for by telling him of her career, but instead of sacrificing her future, he takes her to him foigiv- ingly, and both arc rendered happy. ‘j'Ae utmostpower-value Pure throughout, dependable always, Red Crown gasoline gives the utmost power-val­ ue. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. “Red Crown” is all-refinery gasoline with the full and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the “Red Crown” sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cablerai.) Resolutions of Condolence. H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Ore. • VULCANIZING TURNS THE TRICK New tires costs more now than ever before in the history of the automobile industry. It behooves you to save your old tires and make them go as far as possible. Our valcanizing will do It for you. Gives old tires new lease of life. CITY TIRE SHOP. J. C. Holden. Prop. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 73. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See. Phone 32. cautionary measures are taken. This The Fla Epidemic. is what happened to the doctor who stuck to the no small pox theory: He Once mere the flu epidemic has was discredited by most persons in blown over and it is hard to tell the county, lost his practice and was when another wave will make Its ap­ eventually starved out, leaving the pearance apd in what form the dis­ county for other parts of the state. ease will take. Tillamook county was not the onlV place where a great mis­ Secretary Lane, in his farewell ad­ take was inAde in calling mild forms dress as a member of the Wilson cab­ the disease simply colds and la- , inet, said that departmental heads grippe. That did more to cause care- • could make better use of appropria­ lessness and the spread of the dis-1 tions if they were given more discre­ ease than anything else. In fact, it tion in using them. Perhaps the helped to cause the deaths of several reason Secretary Baker didn't use persons who exposed themselves more discretion in his expenditures when they should have been in bed. on air planes, artillery and canton­ Some few years ago several cases of ments is that he was’t given more. small pox developed in the county, and one local doctor was loud in his protests that it was not small pox and pronounced it chicken pox. with General Merchandise, other doctors just as pronounced Bay City, Oregon. that the disease was small pox. Sev­ eral bad cases developed in different ■ parts of the county and the situation became alarming, with a general sentiment in favor of strict quaran­ tine,but while the doctors were dis­ agreeing, the disease rapidly spread. [ and we know several persons who j are badly pi.ted now with small pox i Phone 72. mark,, yet one doctors had fhe audac- ‘ ity to stick to what he said and ! claimed there was no small pox in i ------o------ the county. To the average layman I when some contagious disease like Agent For small pox, dlptherla. the flu, etc., PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES become prevalent, it is time to get Write For Demonstration busy and quarantine and not allow it And Prices. to become general before some pre­ NELSON & CO., Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Wheeler Garage -------o------- Whereas our comrade, Joe J. Rut­ gers, has been called from this earth­ ly existence, leaving a vacancy in our ranks that can never be filled; and Whereas, we sincerely mourn bis loss and sympathize with his rela­ tives in their bereavement; Now, therefore,, be it resolved: That Tillamook Post, No. 47, express by these resolutions, to the surviving relatives of our departed comrade, our sympathy In this, the hour of sorrow; Be it further resolved: That copies of this resolution be sent to the par­ ents of Comrade Rutgers and that a copy thereof be published. Everett T. Wells, Floyd Eberman and H. L. Lamar, Committee. ------- o------ Whereas, ■ The Supreme Ruler of the universe in his definite wisdom and mercy has seen fit to receive from this world to that happy home beyond our Brother and Friend, Joseph J. Rutgers, and that In his departure we are again reminded that our lives are fleeting and trans­ itory, and nre called to pause a mo­ ment in the busy whirl of life and bow our heads in humble submissioin to the will of Him who rules the des­ tinies of ail, and Whereas, his loyalty to his family and friends, and Ills fedility to the responsibilities of life have gained for him the sincere admiration of those who were privileged to make his acquaintance, and in his depart­ ure we have lost one of our most faithful brethern. Therefore be it resolved, That we, as members of Tillamook Lodge No. 94, I. O. O. F., extend to the bereaved family and friends of our beloved brother our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of sorrow, and that our charter be draped for a period of thirty days in remembrance of our beloved brother. Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be­ reaved family, and one to the news­ papers of Tillamook City, and a copy spread upon the minutes of this lodge. Geo. P. Winslow, F. F. Conover and J. M. Wilson, Committee. I | ' j 10 a.m. Sunday School, Supt. Mrs. B. E. King. 11 a.m. morning message by the pastor, Rev. A. F. Ingler; subject "A Good Minister,”. Special singing. 7 p.m. Peoples service. Bring you.’ Bibles. 8 p.m., Evening sermon. All wel­ come. Service of song, prayer and testi­ mony on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. led by Mrs. Clink, evangelist from Cal­ gary, Canada. If you are a stranger in town and have no church home, we bid you welcome to our house of worship, (near the Tillamook Hotel.) Bring your friends with you and make yourself at home. You will find out- services inviting and helpful. Rev. A. E. Ingler, Pastor. NEHALEM NOTES. -------o------ Mrs Graham of this city has been reported on ths sick list. Misses Anali Steele and Edith Thompson visited the Walker family of Southfork last Saturday. Mr. Graham returned last week from Portland with a team of horses. We are all sorry to learn that Herman Tohl is on the sick list again after recovering from one a few weeks ago. Three candidates went through the burning sand of the K. P. lodge of this city last Monday night. Quito a number of our people at­ tended the dedication services in the new Methodist church at Wheeler last Sunday. Monday morning all the mountains about Nehalem were conspicuous for their snow-capped peaks. The rain during the night had turned to snow on the mountains. Rev. Hickerson entertained Dr. W. W. Youngson and Rev. M. B. Parou- nagin, of Portland, at his home here the fore part of the week. We understand that C. J. Hanks, proprietor of the city dairy has pur­ chased a new piano from Mr. Erwin, of Tillamook. People all over the country are more musically inclined than ever before. Holly McKiddy accidently shot himself through the foot with a cheap pistol one day last week. Dr. McGee was called to dress the woun 1 which was not very serious. B. Batzner had a tussle with the “flu” last week. It has visited about every family in Nehalem. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson left Sunday for a week’s vacation with friends and relatives in Portland. Mrs. llattie Smith will assist Mrs, Klugg in the store during their wh­ ence. CALL FOR BIDS FOR FIRE ENGINE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED BIDS WILL BE received at the office of the City Recorder in Till­ amook City, Ore., up to the 29th ay of March, 1920, at 8 o’clock P. M., for furnishing Tillamook City, Oregon one Triple Combination Motor Pumping Chemical, and one Hose Car having a pumping capactiy of from 600 to 1000 gallons per minute, at 120 pounds net pump pressure with one chemical tank of 40 gallons capacity, and a hose carrying carrying capa­ city of not less than 1200 feet, re­ gulation 2H inch fire hose together with Standard equipment. Bidders are to furnish complete specifications on their apparatus. The Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, March 16, 1920. Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder Rev. Richard Schuette. CANCER. WOOD HAS MANY ADVANTAGES over coal as a fuel. It Is cheaper, easier to kindle, and far more satis­ factory in keeping an even fire. Our wood is good solid wood that will throw out lots of heat. Just phone us today and test the matter for your­ self. One cent a word per Issue. ___ ______________________________________ Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * | Lost—Gold pin mounted with pearls, with initials C. B. C.. Suitable re­ ward. Finder please leave same at this office. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO Phone 37-W. Eggs and Baby Chicks for sale. John Meh. 25 Hoffman, Tillamook, Ore. For Sale, good all around horse, rides, works and drives single or double. Box 236, Tillamook. For Sale—2 Jersey bull calves, Sub­ “You Can’t Get Away from It” ject to register. H. C. White, Bea­ ver, Ore., Mutual Phone. M-25 Wanted—Second hand piano. if cheap. Box 164, Tillamook. Reformed Congregational Church. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. preaching. The glorious gospel for Palm Sun­ day, which will be delivered on com­ ing Sunday, is the message of Christ’s Kingship. Wherever Chris­ tians are living they will not fail to show their loyalty to Christ not only in going to church, also crowning Him King of their hearts and lives. Christ is King for all power is given to Him in heaven and in earth. The history of the church is the march of the grolified Lord Jesus across con­ tinents and centuries. Saluted b’ the songs of all the churches in all the countries, where his name is known, and advancing from nation to nation. He inarches toward the final domina­ tion of the whole world. A cordial welcome Is extended to all by Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. Cash A New Brunswick Phonograph at a bargain. A $180 machine for $140. ■ wish to sell on account of leaving j city. P. O. Box 201. For Sale—Heavy laying White Leg- ' horns, eggs and baby chicks. W. S. ! Coates, Tillamook, Oregon. Cows for sale, Ayrshires, Eugene Atkinson, Sandlake, Oregon. Team of horses for sale, one 1400 and one 1300 lbs. Both good work horses. Will be sold cheap as own­ er has no further use for them. Apply Boss and Walker on the Aiderman place. For Sale—Fresh cows, John Hen­ dricks, Carlton Oregon, Route 2 5 For Sale—Guernsey bull calf subject to register. Call Bell phone 27-M or E. M. Bales, Tillamook, Oregon. “Hoskins farm *4 mile north of Tillamook.” My middle name is George. says the Good Judge A little of the Real Tobacco Chew gives more genuine satisfaction than the big chew of the old kind. Saves money, too—because this class of tobacco lasts much longer. The rich to­ bacco taste stays right with it. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put' Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Wey man-Bruton Company. IIO7 Broadway, New York City Let me bring you "Vaughn" Best drag saw on the market today. Call E. G. Krebs. Wanted—Horse weighing between 1200 and 1400 lbs. Apply at Head­ light office. House for sale on 5th street. Apply to Mrs. Anna Billings, Tillamook. Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of­ fice across the street south of the court house every Friday and Sat­ urday, other times by appoint­ ment. M-25. Ttie^ Flavor Masts For Sale—Hatching eggs and day old chicks for sale, from White and Brown Leghorns. Good laying strain. Day old chicks $20.00 per 100 post paid. $18.00 per 100 if you come to my place, and furnish your own box to put them in. Eggs for setting, $1.75 per setting of 15 post paid, or $1.50 if you come and get them. No business done on Sat­ urday. Wm. Stulvenga. Miscellaneous Advertisements WRIGLEYS Dr. Wise—Dentist. Brunswick and Cheney Phonographs. Plays all records at their best. Finest tone quality. Hand carved tone chamber, all wood, thereby doing away with harsh metalbc sounds. Hear them at the ’ Song Shop.” The Wiley B. Allen Co.’s Piano i and Players at the Song Shop. Monthly payments to suit you. Established over 47 years, with this motto "Your moneys worth or your mon­ ey back.” Wanted—to trade improved Willam­ ette Valley farm, located 10 miles west of Eugene. Value $12,000 for improved Tillamook dairy farm of about equal value.—F. D. Petzold, Eugene, Oregon. Dr. W. E. Lebow will be at Dr. Wise’H Tillamook office Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thurs­ days at Nehalem; Fridays and Sat­ urdays at Wheeler. April 29 ■Svcz. J?3*- ' flavors like the pyramids of Egypt? I . ... - -XT S’ # Because they are long-lasting. Sod WRIGLEY’S 1« a beneficial as well as long-lasting treat. It helps appetite and digestion, keeps teeth clean and breath sweet, allays thirst. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ No Plasters and Pains for Hours fice on Wednesdays F-26. Or Days. TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA. GOITRE A better piano for the same money. Cook s Music House, Tillamook. DISEASES OF WOMEN Four Years Study in Europe. Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. Over thirty years experience National Building. Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ Dr. J B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. tories 412 to 417 Journal Building Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Portland Oregon Counter Sales Books--Order your BOTT8 & WINsMiW, Attorneys-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON TILLAMOOK BLOCK. Both phones. Sales Books from W. F. Baker, j agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call j 68 Headlight. Dr.’Ramsey moved to the I. 0. 0. F. i Bldg, rooms 110-111—Phone 169R Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wise Subscribe for the Headlight, the Leading County Newspaper.