Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 18, 1920, Image 6

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(Tillumnnk SraMight,
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
Absolutely Free !
We will give a new tube with each
new tire at the advanced price
until further notice.
Tillamook Tire Co
For Sale.
20 Acre River Bottom
Dairy Ranch
Including' 10 grade Jersey cows, 1 yearling, 1
calf, new modern barn, hog pen, silo, liquid
tank and 5 roomed house.
This herd of 10 cows holds the highest produc­
tion record per cow of any herd in the Tilla­
mook Cow Testing Association for 1919, making
448.49 lbs. butter fat per cow.
The income of this farm for 1919 amounted to
one fourth of what the place is held for.
Also Ford Truck for sale.
Apply to Paul Fitzpatrick
Í e
. ■* I
Cull Potatos or Roots
Walter Nelson, Mutual Phone
Gem Theatre,
Tuesday, March 23rd
per year $2.00
Editorial Snap Shots.
There musts have been an awful
lot of "kick” in that hard cider they
manufacture on the Miami.
It looks as though Oregon needs a
law to compel voters to go to the
polls when there are elections. Last
week, when there was an election to
vote several thousand dollars worth
of bonds, but 61 votes were cast out
of a population of about 1200 per­
sons. What's wrong, anyway, with
our bloated Oregon system? A little
more taxation voted here, and a little
more taxation voted there, with tax-
es jumping higher every year und
taxpayers staying at home.
------- o-------
The verdict in the Centralia I. W.
W. cast was disappointing and dis­
couraging, and it goes to prove what
is often said of trial by jury—one
never knows what a jury will do.
The trial of the men on the other
charge for murder must be prosecut­
ed with renewed vigor, for it is plain
to most people who followed the evi­
dence carefully that appeared in the
newspapers that it was a case of pre­
meditated murder and that is the
only verdict that should have been
brought in.
as much as some persons have predlc-
ted. The bond houses of Portland are
only doing what a large number of
other business concers ot Portland
are doing. They pester city and coun­
ty officials whenever there is busi­
ness In sight, and often public offi­
cials are innocently imposed upon
by the false representations, for most
of them employ slick smooth talker.-,
and it is not surprising thai some
honest public official finds that he
has been imposed upon. That, to our
way of thiuking,
is what have
brought the state treasurer into bad
Attention ! Truck Owners !
And Everyone Interested in the Progress oi Tillamook.
Steinback Bros, have manufactured what no other steel
works between San Ftancisco and Chicago have a hydraulic
tire press, 400-ton capacity, the largest of its kind in the west.
This press was made for Aiderman A 1 oorman s Garage, dis
tributors of Goodyear Truck Tires.
The Interchurch movement is en­
deavoring to do what quite a few
other persons are trying to do
work the country newspapers for tree
space. Those who prepare the matter,
the printers and stenographers, the
railroads, the express companies, and
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. are now making the Best Truck
the post office all receive pay for
their services but the country news­
Tires they have ever made
We invite everyone to inspect
paper is not even offered a crumb
this wonderful made in Tillamook Press.
that falls from the rich man’s table.
We want to say that we are not go­ I
ing to be the "scape goat
for the
Interchurch movement propaganda,
for the numerous letters all go into
the waste paper basket and the plate
matter is dumped into the scrap heap.
We hope our friends will not con­
sider this unchristian on our part,
but, really, we consider that a work­
man is worthy of hi- hire, and as
most country newspapers have been
overworked and imposed upon in the
past, it is time for them to balk, es­
pecially as newsprint paper is now
over 10c. per pound and it may go to
There are three so-called demo­ 20c.
------- o-------
cratic editors in Tillamook county—
There appears to be a disposition
one lu this city, one at Wheeler and
one at Cloverdale. We would like to on the part of some persons to mal­
know, however, whether they belong ign the characters and reputations
to the democratic party or are Wil­ | of some of the Republican candidates
son rubber stamps,
similar to the | who are running for county offices,
democratic rubber stamp
United ind we want to say that they should
Slates senators who did the presi- be better engaged than in peddling
deuent bidding and "kept us out of scandal. We are here to defend the
peace.” Talk about stand palters tile characters of the republican candi­
Wilson party is the real stand pat­ dates, especially those who have pre­
ters by the way the democratic sen­ viously faithfully served the people
ators do exactly what Wilson wants of the county aim who have lived in
i lie county for many years. With
■ one exception, (that of Frank lteed)
The department of justice has a we have knov.n all the republican
plan to reduce the high cost of liv­ candidates tor many years and have
ing by persuading people to buy implicit confidence in their ability
cheap cuts of meat on a certain day. and honesty, and now that we hear
I he department of justice is barking some persons scandalizing them we
up the wrong tree, and has started feel it is our duty to defend
on a foolish idea. If the department their characters and their goou
of Justice would get busy and prose­ names. We are well aware that there
cute the profiteers there wouud be is a tendency among persons, espec­
some hope of reducing the high cost ially at election times,
to accuse
of living. There must be a lot of county officials falsely, of this or
cracked brained individuals in the i that or the other thing, when in
department of justice when it starts fact, it is nothing but malicious
a propaganda advising people to buy scandal, which is one reason that
20 Horsepower at the pulley —12 at the drawbar
less expensive joints one day in the some of our best citizens refrain from
running tor public office. The people
of the county have a splendid bunch
Dependable power always ready for use. Endurance almost
Gigli finance in politics is what oc­ of candidates to choose from for
curred when the government took county officials and the scandal mon­
limitless. Clears road of stumps and stones. I Iauls the plows,
possession of the railroads. This is gers who are endeavoring to be­
the story told in a few words: Two smirch their characters are, in our
scarifiers, scrapers, graders, heavy rollers and wagon trains.
billion dollars extra was paid by the judgment, deserving a severe criti­
The Cletrac can do this because it is small and hence easy
traveling public as a result of the in­ cism.
crease in railroad fares, two billion
to handle, yet has power you wouldn’t expect in a tractor of
We don't want to accuse
dollars increase in freight rates,
and the government in the hole an­
its size. Its record for road work is one to be proud of.
other billion dollars, making live bil­ of being hoggish, neither do we think
lion dollars in all. McAdoo, heir ap­ they want to if they properly under­
Large roller bearings in all track-wheels. Dust-proof
parent to the Wilson throne, was the stood the situation. The Banks Her­
man who played high finance with ald said: "A. E. Westcott for state
motor. New tank-type, 8 inch wide, single-grout er track.
the railroad for the purpose of get­ senator, Yes, as the joint senator for
ting Gompers and the railroad men the four dairy counties it stands to
A practical demonstration shows more than we can tell,
lined up for him.
reason that a dairyman would be a
good man for the place. Especially
Why not let us arrange one? No obligation attached.
Some of the foreign language news when this man has every qualifica­
papers are protesting against the tion for the position and a broad
state law which provides when these acquaintance with all the territory
newspapers use foreign language under his jurisdiction. Mr. Westcott
they must print the same matter in is a farmer, a dairyman , a worker.
English, and no doubt an effort will The joint senatorship question might
he made to repeal the law. The law as well be called settled.”
Yes and deprive Tillamook county
should remain and tlie foreign lan­
guage publishers should not be al­ I of representation in the ¡State Senate.
lowed to monkey with it. If they Washington county has one State
want to publish German language Senator, and it looks as though the
newspaper they can easily get back Banks Herald is not satisfied but i
to Germany and do so. The United endeavoring to deprive the two coast
States Is no place for them to carry "ounties, Tillamook and Lincoln, of
on their German language propa­ what really belongs to them. To be
¡air the state senator should go to
Lincoln County the coming te.m.
There Is another revolution in but that county having no candidat«
Germany, and no doubt, previously State Senator T. B. Hadley decided
arranged to fool the allies, which to make the race again. We think
brings back into power the junkers that Tillamook County is big enough
and military class, and is a pretty and Important enough to have one
good Indication that Germany is representative in the state senate,
preparing to resist the peace terms and one In the house, and as there
and pl. lining for another war. We will be redistribution of seats at the
are on. of those who believe that the next session of the state legislature,
allies and the United States will be Tillamook and Lincoln counties will
at war with Germany before many not get a look in if Washington
A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearer» and wood-cutting
contractors. une
One man can move it irom
from cut to cut Simple and reliable.
yearn, for the arrogant spirit of the county gets away with the joint sen-
A -521“ n.ot ta
,or wood CBttlng. the 4 H. P. motor will
German rulers and people go to prove ator.
ran mills, feed mills, feed cutters, pumps, etc.
Ourit dtlieariaa Awn .ver
------- o-------
that It was a very, very serious mis­
’ Sfr W-adr lorn h mH** wm Z Ar fra than S
100point* throughout
It is the privilege of everyone to
r 1. IF'Ulnu. Pun,. On.
take when the armistice was signed
th* Unitoti Sint**.
and Germany given a good licking, choose the political party they wish
if -nr ft* • mima*
which would not have been done bad to belong to, and to this end the pri­
America must burn more
the generals had their way. Another mary election law was enacted. But
wood for fuel. One Wada
will do 10 men's work at
war with eGrmany Is on the tupts as there should be honest In politics as
one-tenth the cost Writ«
sure as little potatoes make big ones. in everything else, yet there is a cer­
for free Book, "How Dan
R om cots <0 cords
tain amount of dishonesty when a
s day,” full de­
The democratic party promised to person registers as a republican and
tails and spec­
reduce the high cost of living, and
Bro. Trombley tooted his little horn a democrat for president and United
for that party as well as "he kept State Senator. In courts of law that
us out of war. ' Now that cane sugar would be called perjury, and we are
has gone to 20c. per pound because inclined to think that if this is the
President Wilson took the advice of logical way to look at It, persons
another college professor who knew who have registered as republicans
nothing of business when they de­ and then voted for a demtxTat for
cided not to purchase the Cuban su­ president and U. S, Senator does not
gar the people of the United States belong to the republican party and
are paying twice as much for sugar. have committed perjury. Persons
Grace Bester, committee.
Resolutions of Condolence.
to the local papers and a copy to the
And one phase of the high cost of su­ who do not wish to affiliate with any
------- o-------
Grange Bulletin.
gar was the government advancing one party can and should register as
Whereas, Donald, the beloved son
Whereas death has entered the
John Schild. Dan Billings and
the prtc«1 of Lousiana sugar to 17c. Independents, when they can vote for
per pound wholesale. It Is up to Bro any candidate. 1 his is how we have of our esteemed brother and sister home of our esteemed brother Peter Grace Bester, committee,
Trombley to explain, with these facts It sized up. The person who registers Mr. and Mrs. W’m. Hare, has been Schranz and taken his beloved wife
called to his eternal rest
to her home above, leaving her hus­
confronting him and well known as a republican and then votes for a
Presbyterian Church.
And whereas, he was called at such band and little children to mourn
to moat persons who keep posted, democratic for either president or
------- o
how it is that the democratic party I nited States Senator is a mug­ an early age. and will be so sorely their loss
10 a.m. A patriotic
“kept us out of war" and "kept us wump. During the war there was a
out of sugar.”
line drawn between 100 per cent entire community where there is sadly missed we must try to remem­ Program will be given at the Sunday
School hour and a beautiful picture
Americans and the pro-Germans. naught but praise for his splendid ber that there is a higher power
which controls all things here on will be presented to each one in at­
1 here was no middle ground or character
Maybe that State Treasurer Hoff
Therefore, be it resolved that Fair­ earth, none of us are sure of the tendance.
fence. Ones sympathies were on one
committed a serious mistake when he
Morning worship 11 a.m. Subject:
view Grange No. 273 extend to the number of our days on earth, : mi 1
bought municipal securities from
sorrowing family our heartfelt sym­ can only obey our call when it com­ "God’s ?.Ieasure of a Man. The year­
Portland bond houses and not bld-
pathy and commend them to the mer­ es, even though we leave our loved ly missionary offering will be re­
ding for them when they were ad- yet. after al), persona who register as cy of the loving savior who will unite ones broken hearted.
vertl-ed and offered for sale. By do-
them all at last.
Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Sub­
Resolved that Fairview Grange No.
Ing so he would have saved the state
of Christian
Be it further resolved, that a copy 273 extend to the bereaved family ject “The Appeal
or pto this or pro that.
onsiderable money which went Into
of these resolutions be sent to the our sincere sympathy and commend Science.” All
the po< ket ts of the bond house«. Had
bereaved family, a copy to the local them to the father above who can friends are especially invited. There
he done >o we are inclined to think
Vice President Marshall said the papers and a copy to the Grange Bui. comfort them.
are many good and beautiful things
that municipalise« would
__ ____
have ob- was nothing, and the next day some­ letin.
Resolved that a copy of these reso­ in the teaching of Christian Science,
talned bettor rates. We do not thlnk body started a vice presidential
John Schild, Dan Billings and lutions be sent to the family a copy shall we reject everything about itT
that Stat.. Treasurer Hoff has erred boom for J. Ham Lewis.
Allan A. McRea, Minister.
Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent
Cdtt-cnneCalvert /THE CAREER of KATHERINE BUSH4-
{Do you think that a woman with beauty’, brains an
ability to attract men can live her own life,
regardless, and win ?
See beautiful Catherine Calvert in Elinor Gly’nn's
Amazing History of such a woman's soul
then answer.
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