T1LLA.MOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 18. 1920, nished upon application by the clerk ?r architect. Plans and specificatlone may be seen at school clerk’s office Tillamook, or at Aichitect’s office. The successful b'dder will be re­ quired to give references and an ap­ proved bond equal to 50 per cent of the amount of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of School Board No. 9. Notice of Proposed Vacation of Stree* ------ o- Netice is hereby given that Claud"* Thayer and Estelle Thayer have fil­ ed with the City Recorder of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, their petition praying for the vacation he fol­ lowing described tract of land in­ cluded within the present dedicated street, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3 in block 33, of Thayer's Fifth addition to Tillamook City, Oregon, and running thence west 50 feet to the southeast corner of lot 2 in said block 33; thence north along the east line of said lot 2, 35.75 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction, in a direct line, 61.47 feet to the place of beginning; being that por­ tion of Third Street and Seventh Avenue East in said city lying south and west of a line running from the Northwest corner of Block 33 to the Northeast corner of lot 3 of said Block 33. And the said petition is now pend­ ing, and will, at a meeting of the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, to be held on Monday, the 5th day of April, 1920, be taken up for bearing and disposition. All per­ sons concerned are notified to govern themselves accordingly. Claude Thayer, Estelle Thayer, Talmage Claussen & Mannix Attorneys for Petitioners. eous method of accomplishing the re­ clamation and protection of the lands proposed to be included in said district. Ninth—That the proposed plan for reclamation and protection of the property of such district is. that a dike shall be constructed along such portion of the outer boundary of said district as shell be found necessary to protect the lands in said district from overflow from the tide waters of the Pacific Ocean, together with such tide-gates and other works as may be necessary to give the protec­ tion required from effects of such overflow. The details of such con­ struction to be worked out' by the Chief Engineer and Supervisor of such district after the same is or­ ganized. and your petitioners would show that at the present time the tide overflows the land in said district to a great extent, and renders the same unprofitable, but by the construction of a dike, with suitable tide-gates therein along the western boundary ot said district,the tides can be shut off from said lands, and they can thereby be effectually drained and rendered productive. Tenth—The signers of this petition hereby agree that they will pay any and all expenses incurred, and any tax or taxes that may be levied against their lands for the purpose of paying the expenses of organizing, or attempting to organize the pro­ posed district. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that the lands described herein, or such of them as may be found by the Court to be properly included in the proposed district either permanently or until further investigation or sur­ veys may permit elimination, shall be declared organized into a drainage district under the name of Sunset Drainage District, under the provis­ ions of the laws hereinbefore men­ tioned. Dated thiB 10th day of March, 1920 Chas Kunze. George Loerpabel Rud. Zweifel. J. J. Rupp. State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ mook ss: I, Charles Kunze, being first duly sworn, say that I am one of the peti- tioners named in the foregoing peti- tion; that I have read the said peti- tion, and that I believe the allega- tions thereof to be true; that the signatures appearing on said petition are the true signatures of the per­ sons whose names appear as signers thereof, and that each and all of said signers are owners of land with­ in the proposed drainage district as set forth in said petition. Charles Kunze. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of March, 1920. H. T. Botts. (Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires Jan. 19, 1924 FAMOUS MANUFACTURER MAKES CONNECTION HERE. ------- o------- Winchester Co. Appoints Local Store Its Representative to Sell New Products. The appointment of King-Crenshaw Co., to sell in this community th* new hardware and sporting goods manufactured by the Winchester Re­ peating Arms Co is announced. And in the opinion of leading merchante I it is one of the most interesting and important developments the local re­ tail trade has known. First his family, next his dog, then comes the "Winchester" in the love of the besttypes of American. Almost every family Beems to have possessed a Winchester at one time or another, and the love and respect for the good old gun is just about universal. And now that recently there have been made new additions to the Win­ chester "family,” there is wide popu­ lar interest in the new cousins and other relatives of the famous repeat­ ing rifle. Fifty-three years ago the Winshes- ter repeating rifle was placed on the market by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, of New Haven, Con. It was a good rifle, in fact the first truly successful repeater, and almost immediately achieved great papular- ity. This first success was made se­ cure by the strength and vision of its makers, one of the tirst American concerns to build with the purpose of gaining and holding a dominant place in the world’s industrial arena. So large was the part played by the Winchester rifle in the settling of the great West and establishing law and order, that the name Win­ chester came into common use in place of word rifle. And so high was the standard of manufacture main­ tained for it, that it was soon the favorite hunting rifle all over the world. Improved models followed in the course of time, including the first completely successful shotgun. And with the coming of smokeless powder the Winchester Company commenced the manufacture of ammunition, to insure Winchester users the best pos­ sible cartridge and shot shells for their rifles and shotguns. This prov­ ed to be a specially good move; for the continued superior shooting qual­ ities of Winchester arms have for many years been partly attributed to ammunition being made for them in the same plant, by the game organ­ ization. Now this great manufacturing es­ tablishment, tremendously expanded in the gigantic part it played in the winning of the world war, is appar­ ently branching out to make all pos­ sible use of the additional knowledge, experience, and equipment thus ac­ quired. New articles being made al­ ready include tools, cutlery, fishing tackle, flashlights, skates, etc. With half a century of experience and un­ excelled equipment entering into their production, it is to be expected that these new products, made in the same skilled and workmanlike man­ ner as the famous Winchester guns have been made for so long, will have merit above the ordinary. To the good fortune to the many old friends of the Winchester in the community who will be the first to wish to examine these new articles, we have here in town a retail hard­ ware concern of such high standing as to be one of the first exclusively selected to present these new Win­ chester products to the buying pub­ lic. The agreement thus carries with it the privilege and responsibility of representing the manufacturer more directly, than any retail merchant has heretofore done in the case of the Winchester Company. A special invitation is being ex­ tended by the Winchester Co., to all its friends in this district to visit “The Winchester Store” and see the latest additions to the Winchester "family." And as King-Crenshaw Co. are likewise Inviting everybody to do so, the store is enjoying a regular “old home week” of Winchester visit­ ers. New friends will of course be equally welcome with old Winchester acquaintances. Notice of Hearing of Petition to Form Drainage District. ------ o------ In the County Court of the State of Orego, , for the County of Tillamooa. Notice is hereby given, that hear­ ing on the following petition will be held at the Court House in the City of Tillamook. County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the 5th day of May,1920, for the purpose of deter­ mining whether the prayer of said petition should be granted. All persons owning or claiming an interest in lands described in said petition are hereby notified to ap­ pear at said place on said date, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer in said petition should not be granted. Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. Homer Mason, Clerk of Tillamook County. Notice is hereby given that the ------ o------ To the Honorable County Court of County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County, has appointed Tillamook County, Oregon: The undersigned, being the owners the undersigned as administrator of of more than fifty per cent of the the Estate of Alphonse J. Provoont, land in Tillamook County, Oregon, deceased, and any and all persons and within the boundaries of the having claims against said estate are drainage district proposed to be or­ hereby required to present the same, ganized as hereinafter described, do together with the proper vouchers, hereby petition your honorable bodj, to the undersigned, at his residence and pray that you cause to be or­ in Bay City, Oregon, or, to T. H. ganized and formed a drainage dis­ Goyne, attorney-at-law, at his office trict, for the purpose of having the in Tillamook City, Oregon, within six lands herein described re-cluimed months from the date of this notice. Dated March 18, 1920. I and protected in the manner herein Sidney Provoost, I set forth from the effects of water, Administrator of the Es­ for sanitary and agriculture purpos­ tate of Alphonse J. Pro- es, and for the benefit and welfare of voost, deceased. the public, and for public utility. For the purposes of this petition the undersigned petitioners state th * ‘MADE IN GERMANY’ SIGN following facts, which are required RETURNS. under the provisions of Chapter 340 of the General Laws of Oregon for the year 1915, and as amended by Cheap Earthenware, Cutlery, Toys Chapter 414 of the General Laws of And Musical Instruments Make Oregon for the year 1917; First—The name proposed for Their Appearance Once More. I such district herein prayed for is In British Markets. Sunset Drainage District. gaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OOOCCOOGO OCW OOOOOOOOOO OO OOOPOOOOOPPPPOO000000080800080 — o------ Second—The boundary lines of the "Made in Germany,” the old fa­ proposed district are as follows: Beginning at the point where the miliar trade mark inscribed on most Summons for Publication in Fore­ the owner of the legal title of the herein as security for the satisfaction appear at the time and place above West bank of the South fork of the of the cutlery, crockery, earthenware of any judgment obtained by the designated and show cause, if any above described property as the same closure of Tax Lien. Nehalem river intersects the Section toys and musical instruments in appear of record, and each of the plaintiff against the defendant here­ exist, why said account should not line, running East and West, be­ common use three or four years ago, o----- in and for the costs and disburse ­ In the circuit court of the State of other persons above named are here­ tween Sections 23 and 26. in Town­ again has made its appearance in be allowed. by further notified that W. A. Rob­ ments of this action. Oregon for Tillamook County. Dated this 6th day of March, 1920. ship 3 North of Range 10 West W. Britiau, causing surprise and alarm bins. will apply to the Circuit Court This summons is published by order M., and running thence West along among the inhabitatnts of W. A. Robbins, plaintiff. A. M. Hare. that of the County and State aforesaid of the Hon, Geo. R. Bagley, said or­ vs. County Judge. said section line to the point where I I tight little island, who fear a rever- the same intersects the East bank of for a decree foreclosing the lien der being dated Feb. 5, 1920, which First publication March 11, 1920. T. B. Potter Realty Co., Fran­ the main channel of the Nehalem i ' sion to conditions existing before against the property above described, order directs this summons to be Lasct publication April 8, 1920. ces L. Potter Thomas, T. Irv­ river,and running thence in a south­ the war. and mentioned in said certificate. published for six successive weeks, ing Potter, Frank Boocher; L. erly direction along the East bank of I Articles bearing this well known And you are hereby summoned to ap ­ the date of the first publication be ­ E. Latourette, Eliz K. Potter, Notice to Contractors. said river to the 16th section line 1 sign are beginning to work their way pear within sixty days after the first ing Feb. 12, 1920, and of the last R. R. Steel and D. T. Van ------ o------ running East and West through the to the front in stores in England and publication of this summons, exclu­ publication March 18, 1920, and the Tyne, joint receivers of the T. Sealed bids will be received by the South half of Section 35 in said Scotland simply because they are sive of the day of said first publica­ date for answering herein expires Board of Directors of School District Township and Range; thence East B. Potter Realty Co, et al. much cheaper than Britian made tion, and defend this action or pay March 25, 1920. Defendants. No. 22, Cloverdale, Oregon, 2:00 p.m. along said 16th section line to the , goods. West line of the right of way of the Johnson & Handley, April 1st, 1920, for the erection and T. B. Potter Realty Co., Frances L. the amount due as above shown, to­ German firms have resumed busi­ If it is MEAT you want Attorneys for Plaintiff. completion of a Public School build­ Southern Pacific Company’s rail­ Potter-Thomas, T. living Potter, gether with costs and accrued in­ ness relations with British merchants road; thence Northerly and Easterly Address: Tillamook, Oregon. terest, and in case of your failure to ing, according to plans and specifica­ along said line of said railroad right > and are affording them unusual op Frank Boocher; L. E. Latourette, R. try the tions prepared by Charles H. Burg- of way to a point where the same in- | portunities for profit .nrklng. British R. Steel, Eliz K. Potter and D. T. to do so, a decree will be rendered Van Tyne, joint receivers of the T. foreclosing the lien of said taxes and Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. graf, architect, Albany, Oregon. All tersects the Northerly line of the manufacturers are unable to compete ------ o------ costs against the land and premises blds must be accompanied by a ser- county road near Mohler; thence B. Potter Realty Co. Notice is hereby given, that the tified check payable to "School Dist. Easterly along the North side of with their German rivals, who com­ In the name of the State of Ore­ above named. This summons is published by or­ undersigned Joseph Durrer, by an No. 22, Cloverdale, Oregon,” for the said county road to the West bank I pletely undersell every production. gon, you are hereby notified that W. German scissors which have reached A. Robbins, the holder of Certificate der of the Honorable George R. Bag- order of the County Court for Tilla­ sum of $200.00, as a guarantee that of the South fork of the Nehalem the British market are sold at about river; thence following the South mook County, duly made and entered ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of the contractor will furnish an ap ­ of Delinquency numbered 1168 is­ Yours for fork of the Nehalem river, down half ot the price of Sheffield makes. sued on the I9th day of September, the State of Oregon, for Tillamook has been appointed Executor of the proved bond equal to 50 per cent of stream, to the place of beginning. Knives and razors which form a estate and of the last will and testa ­ the contract within ten days after 1917 by the tax collector of the County, and said order was made and Quality and Quantity. And petitioners state and allege, large proportion of the Imported ar­ I County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ dated this 2nd day of Feb., 1920, and ment of Barbara Babi, deceased, and the awarding of the contract. I that such lands constitute a contig ­ ticles, also are sold at enticing pric ­ All bids must be made out on blank uous body of swamp, wet and over­ es. A German made knife can be We give 5 per cent Dis­ s''» for the amount of Eight and the date of the first publication of has qualified for such. Notice is fur­ 45-100 ($8.45) Dollars, the same be­ this summons is the Sth day of Feb. ther given, that all persons having proposals for the same. Blanks fur- I flow lands. count for Cash. claims against said estate must pre-' nished upon application by the clerk I Third—The total acreage Included purchased for one shilling and six- ing the amount then due and delin­ 1920. pense (36 cents normally), while its sent the same to the undersigned, or All process and papers in this pro ­ In said proposed district is 851 acres. or architect. Plans and specifications ' quent for taxes for the year 1914 to­ Fourth—That names of the owners equlvilant in English makes costs gether with penalty. Interest and ceeding may be served upon the un­ to his attorneys, Johnson & Handley, may be seen at County School Super­ of land In said district as shown by seven shillings and sixpence ($1.80). I at Tillamook, Oregon, together with dersigned residing within the State intendent's office, Tillamook, School costs thereon upon the real property Manufacturers in Germany who i the records of Tillamook County, assessed to you, of which you are the of Oregon at the address hereafter proper vouchers duly verified, on or Clerk’s office, Cloverdale or at Arch­ Oregon, and the acreage owned by specialize in toys mid musical instru- I VALUABLE NORSE before six months after this date. mentioned. itect's office. owner as appears of record, situated each of said owners, is as follows: ments are offering to upply British I John F. Reilly. Dated February 26, 1920. The successful bidder will be re­ in said County and State, and par­ Charles Kunze, one-third interest i warehouses with thee at prices far' Joseph Durrer, Execu ­ Attorney for Plaintiff. quired to give references and an ap­ in 621 acres. ticularly bounded and described as below the cost ot the domestic make. I tor of the estate and of proved bond equal to 50 percent of J. J. Rupp, one-third interest in The presence of cheap German en- j follows to-wit: Lots 40 and 41, in Address 510 Wells Fargo Bldg., the last will and testa ­ 621 acres. Portland, Oregon. the amount of the contract. Block numbered 61, Bayocean Park, In the : > 'Now Sleek and Healthy ment of Barbara Babi, O. A. Schults, one-third interest in amel mare is also felt The board reserves the right to re­ County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ --------- British market. For Instance, a 12 I 621 acres. deceased. ject any or al! bids. gon. Summons. inch German made basin costs one ' In reporting his experience, Mr. > Rudolph Zweifel, 155 acres. By order of School Board No. 22. i ■ o You are further notified that said shilling and sixpense. whereas four 1 J. C. Busts, of Rock Bridge Ba that George Loerpabel, 75 acres. In the Circuit Court of the State of J. L. Burke, Chairman. Notice. W. A. Robbins, has paid taxes on Fifth The proposed reclamation Is shilling & sixpense ($1.08) is asked j ,V»., stated: “My horse is the best J. T. Moore, Clerk. said premises for prior or subsequent Oregon for the County of Tillamook. for sanitary and agricultural pur ­ for an English made basin. In every advertisement you would want for In the County Court of the State of years, with the rate of interest on P. E. Rogers, plaintiff. poses, and such proposed reclamation Instance, however, the British made i Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders. He Oregon for Tillamook County. vs. Notice to Contractor!. said amounts as follows: and protection will be conductive to goods are much superior to the Ger­ was in a run down fix and poor and 1 thought he would die soon. I got In the matter of the estate of the public health and welfare and of man samples.—New York Sun. 1914 tax, paid Sept. 19, 1917, tax D. W. Snyder, defendant. some of Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powder« Sealed bids will be received by the public utility and benefit. receipt No. 7891, $6.60 rate of in- i To D. W. Snyder,the above named Charles Altenburger, deceased. —and today he is as fine a looking* Sixth All of the lands Included in To all persons Interested in the Board of Directors of School District defendant: terest 12 per cent. horse as you can see tn this section. said proposed district are properly In ­ N g . 9, Tillamook, Oregon, 7:30 p.m. Estate of Charles Altenburger, de ­ . In the name of the State of Oregon, 1915 tax, paid Oct. 5, 1917, tax re­ I only used a few boxes of Dr. March 27, 1920, for the erection and cluded therein, and will be benefic­ ceipt No. 6829, >4.89, rate of inter- j you are hereby required to appear ceased : LeGear’s Stock Powders." 4 ially affected by the operations of completion of a Gymnasium building You are hereby notified that on and answer the complaint, filed Mr. Huste benefit ted by the advied est 12 per cent. Subscribe for the Tillamook the proposed district. of Dr. LeGear, Graduate Veteri-' 1916 tax first, April, 22. 1916, tax against you in the above entitled the 6th day of March, 1920, Joseph according to plans and specifications Seventh The benefits of such pro­ receipt No. 4318, $2.46, rate of in­ cause on or before the last day of Altenburger Jr. administrator of the prepared by Charles H. Burggraf, posed reclamation and protection Headlight, the leading County nary Surgeon of 27 years’ experi­ ence. By following the Doctor’« the time prescribed in the order for estate of Charles Altenburger, de­ architect, Albany, Oregon. All blds will exceed the damage to be done, terest 12 per cent. .treatment, you ean keep your stock 1916 tax, second, Nov 18, 1918 tax this summons, as hereinafter shown, ceased. tiled in said Court his final must be accompanied by a certified and the best interests of the land In­ Newspaper $2.00 per year, •leek and healthy. Here’s his offef receipt No. 6982, $2.57, rate of in­ and if you fail so to answer for want account as administrator, and that check payable to "School Diet. No. 9 cluded, and the owners of such Jo you- J5** a package of Dr. Tillamook, Oregon," for the sum ot lands as a whole, and of the public by virtue of an order of the above Tillamook Head-1 thereof, the plaintiff will take judg­ terest 12 per cent. LeGear’s Stock Powders from your 1917 tax, first, April 19, 1919, tax ment against the defendant for the entitled Court duly made and enter­ $200. as a guarantee that the con­ at large, will be promoted by the dealer; feed it to your horses, milk and proposed operations receipt No. 427$, $2.04, rate of in­ sum of $193.20 with interest there­ ed, the said final account will be tractor will furnish an approved formation of such district. on at the rate of 6 per cent per an­ heard on Saturday, the 17th day of bond equal tc 50 per cent of the con­ terest 12 per cent. Eighth—That the promotion of a Wjejly Orf- tract within ten days after the 1917 tax, second, Dec. 22, 1919, num from the date of filing the com­ April, 1920, at the hour of 10 drainage district under the provis­ yew tax receipt No. 7222, 92.20, rate of plaint herein, and for an order di­ o’clock a.m. at the county courtroom awarding of the contract. ions of the acts hereinbefore referred Oregon Fanner, money will refunded?—» All blds must be made out on blank In the city of Tillamook, in said recting the sale of certain persona) interest 12 per cent. to and under which this petition la Dr. L D. Said T. B. Potter Realty Co., as property of the defendant attached County, and you are hereby cited to proposals for the same. Blanks fur* presented. Is a proper and advantag- | Goodyear Seivice Station for Tillamook City is at the STAR GARAGE TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESORIES. We Give Goodyear Service. C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor. SANITARY MARKET. Ught’ tfo nr ^2./3