TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH to Smile. Political Band Wagon Coaxing ■ You o------- o------ Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election of County Surveyor, on the Republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st, 1920. If successful will conduct the office in an efficient, economical and courteous matter. W. S. Coates. It is pure, wholesome and sweet, Maile by a new process which does not mill out th«» delicious, nut-like flavor.of the wheat. You will like FLaVo FLoVr Announcement. -o------- Upon the advice of a large number of leading citizens of Tillamook County. I have decided to announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Clerk, subject to the ap­ proval of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held in May. If nominated and elected I will perform the duties of said office to the best of my ability, and will de­ vote my exclusive time in looking after the interests of said office and the taxpayers of Tillamook County affected thereby, Dated this 14th day of January, 1920. J. C. McClure. Nature-Flavored Order a Sack Today Patronize home industry and en­ joy thia different, better flour. E. S. BETTCHER MILLING CO TILLAMOOK,ORE. Phone 1371 Bight of Inheritance. A man was traveling in Texas when he met a certain Colonel Gore. He tried to find out how the Colonel had come by his military title. It seemed that the man had not parti­ cipated in the Civil War, nor had he fought the Indians or the Spaniards. “Yet you seem/’ said the stranger, “too oid a mau to have served across the water. Perhaps you once com­ manded the Texas Rangers. They were brave men, and it was an honor to lead them.” “No.” said Colonel Gore gruffly, "I never had nothin’ to do with the Rangers.” “Then,” said the stranger, "is the title merely assumed? Have you real­ ly no right to it?” "Of course I’ve got a right to it,” said Colonel Gore, "the best right in the world—the right of inheritance. "You Inherited it?” said the stranger with a dazed look. "Inherit­ ed it from your father I suppose.” "No, sir." said the Colonel; "1 in­ herited it from Col. Schuyler Mont­ gomery. I married his widder sir." ------o - 18, 1920. Topics of Interest St. Cloud (Minn.) Journal-Press: "When Europe Is able to raise a large share of its food stuff, and when the demand for American pro­ ducts falls off, the only way to keep up the prices where they will bring a reasonable profit to the farmers, is to have the American workmen ful­ ly employed at good wages, so they can buy—and the more money they have the more they are going to con­ sume. In the long run the best mark­ et for the American farmers is in the United States. Whenever there has been a panic, with millions of wage earners out of work, farm prices have been low. Remember the Cleve­ land hard times? Eggs were selling at 10 cents a dozen, butter at fifteen cents a pound, cattle 2 cents a pound on hoof, potatoes 20 cents a bushel, and v heat at 50 cents. Hard times is a general infliction, and good times a wide spread blessing. A square deal for everybody, is the policy of the the wise statesman.” Kill the Dreaded DISEASE GERM By Disinfecting Your Homes, Basements and Desease Brood ing Places with B.K. g has been tested in every class of desease germ and results show that B.K. has the power to kill germs of desease promptly. g contains no poison or acid and is safe for destroying germs any where, anyone can W. W. Atterbury, speaking at the handle it without danger. banquet of the General Alumni So- ciety of the University of Pennsyl­ is a very much more powerful germi­ Little Difference Now. vania, declared that societies com­ I “Write to your friends," said the posed entirely of college professors cide than the usual coal tar preparations. Mexican bandit; "tell them we have are spreading socialism and 1. W.W.- To The Republican Voters of Tilla­ kidnapped you and they must send a ism of the rankest type in American is clean and colorless as water; leaves mook County. ransom.” "But I haven’t any friends educational institutions. He bitterly ■ o------- who would pay enough to make it attacked the Intercollegiate Socialist no stain or scum, and is not a poison. I am a candidate for sheriff in the worth while,” protested the prisoner. Society, the American Economic As­ Republican Primaries. "All right. Then you write to your sociation and the American Sociol­ guaranted to you— Get a Gal. Jug today. I am a deputy in this office nt friends and tell 'em you have kidnap­ ogical Society for directing the prop­ present, have had several years ex- ped us. We’ve got to get funds into aganda and branded the type of rad­ perience there, and I submit my this camp somehow." icalism being fostered in colleges and record as an officer for your consid­ universities "as an insiduous and eration. constantly growing menace to our Shifting the Scenery. Should I be nominated and elected, Harry Lauder golfs with more en­ government,” and said: “Under the I will endeavor to serve you effi­ thusiasm than skill, and one day on guise of what might be called con­ ciently, honestly and impartially. the links he was in unusually bad stitutional socialism, there is being John Aschim. Launch. advocated openly today in our col­ 3 Ton Express Wagon form. At the fourth hole Sir Harry dis- leges, in our forums and in our Row Boat. Cream Separator ■X. To the Voters of Tillamook County. lodged an unusually large sod. The churches, doctrines wholly inconsis­ Gas Engine. 30 lb Computing Scale sod rose up into the air and sailed tent with our constitution.’ The Wood Saw. Account Register I want the Republican nomination like a great bird down the wind, and Union Theological Seminary in New for sheriff at the primary election Str Harry’s caddy, watching it, said York, he declared, has one of the Road Cutter. Buggy next May. To get it I have to have to his companion: "most active and largest chapters.” Champion Mower. enough Republican voles. All who "Did you tell me that guy was an ------- o------- Meat Beam Scale. have faith in me, and vote for me,, I actor Pete?” Senator Borah, of Idaho: "Lloyd thank in advance. Gas Lighting Ontlit. "Sure, Bill,” said the other caddy, George practically, is so many Frank Hannenkrat. a note of apology in his voice. "An word.- said, ‘If you do not exclude the actor—that’s what they call him.” question of the freedom of the seas Announcement. The first caddy took a thoughtful there will be no league of nations.’ chew of tobacco. I Clemenceau said: ’If you do not give Owing to the fact that a large ■Td call him a scene shifter,” he me my reparations scheme there will number of tax payers In different said. be no league of nations.’ Baron parts of the county have asked me to Makino said: "If you do not give me make the race for County Judge, and Not From Her. Shantung, there will be no league of believing that with my previous ex­ “I can’t think, John, where that nations’. The President now says: ‘If perience in County business, I am child got his temper from!” exclaim­ you do not conform to the Adriatic qualified for the office, I hereby an- ed that child's mother, when he had plan I propose there will be no league nounce myself as a candidate for the beem removed screaming from the of nations.’ In other words, the office of Countj' Judge, subject to the room. “No one can say its from me!” league of nations binds no one ex­ approval of the Republican voters at "No one.” agreed the farmer's meek cept those who are strong enough the coming Primary Election. voice behind the weekly paper. “For when they make a bluff to make it Homer Mason, you’ve certainly got yours.” good. It is like all other leagues, it is binding upon the small nations Announcement. The Poets Difficulty. and utterly without force or effect as ------ o— Prof. Brander Matthews said at a to the large nations." To the Republican voters of Tilla- I Columbia tea: ------o—— mook county. " 1 he mathematical mind can’t ap- Danton (Md.) Union: "Our Presi­ , I hereby offer my services to th? predate poetry. You remember the dent apparently cherishes the strange people of Tillamook Co. as County mathematician who began Tenny- notion that he is a sort of super-man, Commissioner and respectfully ask ; son’s stirring ‘Half a league, half a your support at the coming primaries league, half a league-------’ and then divinely chosen to regulate the con­ duct of the world, and to just the ex­ ! I stand for permanent roads properly put down the volume contemptuous­ tent this hallucination is encouraged located and fair treatment to all sec­ ly muttering. and humored, to just that extent will tions of our county. “If the fellow means a league and there be 'Hell on earth and bad will Write for our latest Call at our Store and see them run. H. V. Alley. a half why can’t he say so?’ amongst men.’ America's duty to the Both Stationary and Swinging Wringers, price list on hides "Another mathematician listened world is to stay at home and mind Announcement. to a minor poet reciting one of his her own business. The Lord knows and skins. own songs—a song that said the this business needs minding, ■J I hereby announce myself as a can­ poet's body was in the office, but his didate for the Republican nomina­ soul was in the country, communing NEXT TO POST OFFICE. tion for representative In the legis­ with nature. Fourteen Million a Month. lature from the 14th Legislative Dis- “Asked afterwards what he trict embracing Yamhill and Tillj- thought of the song the mathemati­ England sent in 14,000,000 yds of mook Counties. cian said: cotton goods during January on prac­ Frank A. Rowe. I- “Well, that poet isn't the first one tically a free trade tariff. Tills is “1 who couldn't keep body and soul to­ good for England but what about do­ gether.” Announcement. mestic manufacturers? ------O' ------- o------- In ail probability the February re- __ pt I hereby announce myself ! as a ceipts will come close to 2O,t»OU,UOO lebe? I What He Got. !föI3f2J3/5IEßI3O3EJiii randidate for County Judge at t the ' At the conclusion of the school ¿aids and the likelihood for increase next primary election. My . motto, term prizes were distributed. When is much better than lor decrease as ‘loo per cent efficiency for every 3 one ot the pupils returned home his long as the tariff is on a free trade taxpayer’s dollar.” 3 ¡F LKloiS. Gul mother chanced to be entertaining 3 W. L. Campbell. The textile labor of this country la callers. l) 3 receiving the highest wages iu the Well. Charley,” asked one of these, 3 history of me industry, and they are To The Voters of Tillamook County "did you get a prize?” 3 No: exactly,” said Charley, "but I Kir from satisfied. A reduction iu 3 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ got a horrible mention." wage.- would cause a general suspen­ 3 didate for County Clerk, on the Re sion ol production for a considerable 3 publican ticket, subject to Hie ap lime, and tins is known and admitted 3 provalof the voters at the primarle- One On the C. 0. by ail concerned. Yet our Congress is 3 next .May. With the demobolization ot the delaying the needed tariff legislation 3 H. S. Brimhall. army onie new stories are being do- and our foreign competitors are 3 I mobilized too. One is the story of the pouring in the goods as fast as ships 3 btight thought of an adjutant. The are available to bring them across. Announcement. 3 : The time-worn argument that Eng­ commanding officer had acquired or z I hereby announce myself a can­ won” (as they say in the army) a land must have our markets to be ■ pi didate for the office of County Treas­ cow, and he was much envied in all able to pay her debts no longer holds. urer of Tillamook County, on the the messes. The adjutant had a cot­ Her people are plunging in reckless j J Republican ticket. tage with a garden in which he had speculation and millions of pounds some good strawberries. One day the in money are available for the con­ Alexandria Rock. C. O. without a word went into his tinual purchase and mergers of her SOLD BY garden and helped himself to the ad­ textile mills. There seems to be no Announcement. jutant’s strawberries. The adjutant lack of floating capital, only to pay I hereby announce myself as a can­ could not, of course, rebuke his clBef. war loans and It Is time that we TILLAMOOK, ORE. didate for the office of County Treas­ but he put up this notice: ‘Trespas­ transferred our efforts and commenc­ urer of Tillamook County, for re­ sers in this strawberry garden will ed to safeguard American industry have their cow shot." and labor against the world. It is election, on the Republican ticket. time also to summarily put an end to -------o------ Kathleen Mills. the treaty farce and show the world “H5252S2SZ5“2SH5H5H525a52SaS2S2S2Sasa5asaS2S2S252525Z5a5E5d5H52S2S» Brutal Customs. that one disabled man is not running To the Voters of Tillamook County. Gov. Goodrich, of Indiana, said in this country. Then some real sympa­ a discussion of old Christinas customs thy might be expended in helping I hereby announce myself a can­ "The old customs that have fallen Germany get her feet and also get didate for the office of County I out of use were a little too coarse and School Superintendent of Tillamook brutal for these ultra-rifined times. some of her goods in here to help her I County, subject to the approval of Take, for instance, the old custom ot pay her bills. We surely are broad- the voters at the coming primary serving a boar’s head at the Christ­ , minded enough to lend a hand to a election. vanquished foe, particularly when mas dinner. we are going to extremes to aid an G B. Lamb. ”1 know a rich man who thought ally that Is well able to go it alone. he'd revive the old custom on Christ­ But it is no longer a question of Announcement. mas, and accordingly a boat’s head help to any country only on a basis formed the dinner’s seventh course. I am a candidate for re-election on When the head was brought in on a that first protects home interests, the Republican ticket, at the primary great silver platter, a lemon in the and they can only be safeguarded by election, May 21. for the office of a protective tariff that equalizes 5i5isa5aszS2S2s2S252S2SaS2SHSH52bIlS2S2SaS2S2Sa5aS25ZS2S2SaSB525H5a^, mouth and the fierce eyes staring County Assessor. glasslly straight ahead, the effect wages and living conditions. If peo­ it5cSeSüasaSï5H5H5iS7SïS2SïSas Economy, effccleney . and a busi­ was tremendous. ple are foolish enough to prefer for­ ness system in handling the work of “The rich man serving slices of the eign fabrics to home-made, they the office, combined with careful head, came to the turn of his little should be made to pay handsomely courteous treatment to all. has been son. for them, as it 1« purely fads that de­ m.v policy tn the pas», and will by mv mand them. For quality, design, col­ Well Willie, will you have some?” policy in the future. oring and wear there is nothing on lie said, A Johnson. ) es. papa. Willie answered in a.i earth any better than American- llow about your Drag Saw. Does it need awed whisper, bin please cut m,> off made cloth, and labor and capital should combine in a demand on Con- Announcement. repairing or new parts. If it does a piece where it isn’t looking.” s'> - for a protective tariff that will I hereby announce myself ns a can- bring it to us and let a factory man fitmly establish the American stan­ H Advocates of the overthrow of the the offl " R,p,,bllcon <‘fket for work on it. dard of wage and living We are on iu I f i "nl> ^’»""is-doner of protei . ive policy declare that Ameri­ none too solid a foundation as it is, BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE ca has aiquUed a new interest in the SERVICE, NOT STYLE. ....... Mibject to the «Hl and we are liable to tip the markets property of Europe. But Americans. ; 'h.- i ne, at ,ht. r.1: if we allow foreign goods In great •U ”, W IO h hoped have not In,.» their ALL WORK GUARANTEED. tn ■>L fl-st intere, i in p ,rt( , ,lf volume to g o In her” ti u rf. rscll Ejasas? r k C it j. home piodnrt-. D!a. i dagcrous. Muti tea. L’o. >n Fabre and I abric. g g B.K. B.K. - Kuppenbender’s Grocery Trade or for Sale—Want r. WASHING IS A PLEASURE When you use a “Thor Electric Washer s Walter Nelson-Mutual Phone. * 0 SHIP YOUR CALF SKINS I I To us by Parcel Post and Get the Top I Market Prices. We have been buying Hides and Skins in the north west since 1885 and have yet to find a dissatisfied shipper. COAST POWER CO I HIBBARD-STEWART CO Hibbard Bldg Seattle, U.S.A Stradivara Phonograph SICK ROOM SUPPLIES The Sweatest Tone Phono­ graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic sound found in so many. Prescriptions Fever Thermonters. Drinking Tubes. Hot Water Bags. Fountain Syringes Bed Pans. Fumigators a KOCH & BENNETT. | BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, | | TILLAMOOK, ORE. FIRST CLASS | PLUMBING | Todd Bldg. NEtT10 3^"® smKE | E. E. KOCH, Druggist Dr. E. L. Glaisver, Square Deal Repair Shop. VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector I -SBWQSäBSSäES; ( n )r ) 3 K K K 3 3 ä 3