Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 11, 1920, Image 8

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    We have made such preparations
hmt success. The whole store enter» into
..... ..
p—"a"u"8' °“r
the »pirn.of
ttne inerchandise the? conta
tonlorrow and succeeding day»,
furnish set mg-
, . this Tillamook
’s premier
b jabrjc and
of dreBs
premier ex
exhibit • tomorrow
VOV are cordially invited 1juries of dress as well as the la
\ The new apparel, nnlh“e?Haltoin'a Quality Store.
” will excite the lively interest of all.
1 so splendidly portry at H vhen wollien
think of their fineries for Easter as it is scarcely
In fact it is not too ear >
K tinie <o make selections when they are at their best. Again,
three weeks off. Now is tl e ><*
Haltom’sis the place-naturally.
Just Arrived /
Announcing an Unusually
Smart and Particularly Attractive
And How Women Will Buy Them-
New Dresses
Collection of Smart and
Distinctive Millinery
Charmingly Combined of Georgette, Tricolette, Taffetas,
Satin. Serge and Combinations of materials.
A wonderful group of these Springlike models await the
"Alterations Done Free of Charge.
At Hal tom's.
Charming ami authentic Modes for
She'll Admire The
New Short Coats.
Cut and fashioned with youthful swing combln-
g the eclat of the utmost exclusiveness in mode
ith the clean-lined simplicity ot smart outerwear
so much desired by the ever young American wom­
an. Many new materials in surprisingly pleasing
style features.
Tan seemingly is the best color and the’re
here, though of course there are dashing colors too,
The weaves embodied in them are Velour. Silver-
tone. Tenseltone, Camel’s Hair Cloth and Polo
fl< ’h. $18.95, $22.85. $26.75, $36.65, $49.85 and
Bring the Pr.ce o
alth and style within the reach
of all. Before you buy a corset you should he certain It is
correctly made to fit the body and its needs. Not only
does your comfort depend on the corset's right anatomical
construction, but your health too.
Combine all the scientific hygienic principles for
which they are famous, with new and attractive lines.
They are splendidly made of excellent materials.
American Lady Corset, front lace, medium bust,
specially priced at ...................... .................................... $5 00
American Lady Corset, back lace, in lieacy coutil,
double spoon steel, medium bust and long hip. Extra­
ordinary at ...........................
Brassiers, Sizes 23 to 54 ........................ 69c. Upwards.
Eminently Suitable For Street and Business
Wear And Very Moderately Priced.
They Begin at $35.50, $45.65, $49.85,
$54.%, $59.85.
Spring Blouses.
Bringing forth sheer joy in blouses, Georgettes have
never been employed to better advantage than in the
latest blouse creations. Here again simplicity and ele­
gance are the keynote. Filmy lace, touches of embroidery
and brightly colored beads bring out the transparent
beauty of the delicately tinted Georgette and Crepe de
$9.68, $10.65, $12.50. $19.98
to $22.50.
“Wirthmor" Quality Waists $1.50.
Superior "Welworth" Blouses $2.50
Decidedly unordinary
values are
available in these
assuredly washable creations.
You Want One Of Our
Hart Schaffner and Marx Spring Suits.
You may not know It; we're sure of it. We know something about
clothes, and we can tell you that any man who wants the best and liveliest
style, the best and most serviceable quality in all-wool fabrics and tailoring,
will find it hero In these clothes more certainly than anywhere, or than in
other clothes made,
That's why we sell them; they meet the Requirements. Other well
Known makes as well—$25.00, $32.65. $39.50. $44.65, $50.00 and up.
Head This Way For
The most becoming hat you ever wore. Whether Its a soft hat or a
derby we can cover youi head with style, quality and satisfaction.
They are the choice of men who appreciate the Importance of a good
appearance. They know by experience that these hats come up to every
sinndatd demanded by well dressed men. They know that "Mallory" label in
a hat tnenns full value. The new spring styles ate here that will go hand
In hand with the new Hart Schaffner and Marx Suit. Including other lines
'C t
’ Ä
x 1
j ÌW
sizes T to 18 year $11.95. $12 95. $13 95. $14.95. 17 50. $17 65, $18 90 and
Boy's Hat». Caps. Stockings. Shirts. Etc.
Women's Super quality Rubbers, for Military. Cuban
and Louis Heel; in Storm and Croquet fronts, pr.
Mimes Finest Quality Rubbers. Suitable for English.
Regular and Scuffer Last Shoes. Size« 11 to 3. pr .. . 7g(
Children's Finest Quality Rubber For Regular and
Skuffer last Rhoes. «lies 4 to In
Their newness is a thing of hip puffing, extended pockets,
droping snug fitting waists and sleeves, and with
the newest
trimming ideas employed, The bouffant shirt is a an admirable
for some time
$36.40, $42.50 Upwards.
Come expecting to find at this price garments that
conform in every way to your idea of what desirable
semi-tailored suits should be.
They are developed from good quality Jersey, Gaber­
dine, Tricotine and Serge, with such individuality as
to lend the most delightful variety.
There is ample diversity in the styles,the pleated and
flaring peplums are clearly descerned. Elaborate braid­
ing, embroidery and rows of buttons make them dis­
tinctly smart. Navy blue is the foremost color.
Spring Display
of Dress Fabrics
Spring Footwear,
The richest, most elaborate, most
collection of distinctive
and fashionable apparel materials we
have ever made is attracting in the
dress goods section. The unusual var­
iety of superior fabrics, the artistic
and effective combinations and con­
trasts of coloring, the unique method
of display, join in making the show­
ing a fertile field of inspiration for
the woman in search of spring cos­
tume suggestions. We name only a
few of favorite weaves that Damt
Fashion has placed her stamp of ap
The Newest Models For Woman
or Miss in Pumps and Oxfords.
You may look and travel far before you will
such an extensive collection of handsome shoe styles as is
now being displayed. Never before have the fashionable
shoe designers turned out so many charming and dainty
patterns as have been produced for the new spring season
And these favored models are here for your Inspection.
Fact is, all we need to disclose that this is the shop where
Red Cross Shoes are being carried, carried by the best
places throughout the country. In brief we shall endeav­
or to list a few different numbers.
At $6.90 Stylish Black and Brown Kid Pumps, in
Louis Heel. Medium weight sole, width A to E.
At $8.45 Pair__ Smart Patent Pumps. In medium
sole, slender vamp and baby Louis heel, widths B to E.
At $6.90 Pair— 5 eylet black kid oxford, stylish
vamp, medium sole, in widths A to E.
At $9.35 Pair— Brown kid oxfords, a. favorite with
the discriminating fair sex; welt sole and Louis heel.
Widths A to E.
At $8.95 Pair— In black kid oxford, similarity styled
as those at $9.35 excepting that it has imitation tip.
At $9.80 Pair— The pride of the 1920 season are
these winsome brown kid pumps; medium soles, stylish
■lender vamp and Louis heel. In all widths.
In Woolens :
French Serge
Poirett Twills
Fancy Suitings
Wool Jersey
Velour Coating
Poplins, Ep ingles.
In Silks :
Dewkist, Pebelette,
Georgette, Taffeta,
Crepe de chine,
Duchess Satin,
Silk Mixed Marquisette.
Cotton Goods:
Flaxons. Dimity.
Organdies, Percales,
Galateas. Percales,
Mother’s Pride,.
Voiles, Marquisettes.
Snow White materials in grand
array for those who are planning
confermation and graduating dress­
es. Our Butterick Pattern Dept, will
solve your spring ward
robe problem.
Trimmings, too, to en­
hance one's apparel.
Women's Vests in Wing Sieves, Sleevless and Strap
Shouldeis. Sizes 34 to 50—29c., 29c.. 44c., 49c.. 59c.. 79c.
and 89c.
Graduation Ribbons.
Women's Cotton Union Suits. Sizes 34 to 50. at 63c..
69c., 79c.. 89c., $1 25.
Misses' and Children's Vests, all sizes. 24c., 25c..
29c.. and 35c.
36 Inch
Bleached Muslin.
Prevailing Prices on Staples
\ie best for the healthy romping boy. The Easter stock Is complete,
says the clothing chief Drop in and see about something for your boy. The
best spiing fashions, are on display in the clothing cabinet patterns,
Becxuse protected st the weakest points seat, knees and between the
knees with an extra thicknss of fabric, reinforced by patented interleaving
■inching which does not show on the outside. Built to last and they do It.
"Steel Fiber Nik" Sults will protect your pocket and please your boy. In
and expenditure.
How splendidly they fit. how successfully they
stand the test of the laundry, how much real solid com­
fort and satisfaction they give, you will never know un­
til you commence to undercloth yourself the Munsing-
wear way. Other lines as follows:
Boy's “Steel Fiber" Nik Suits.
Wear Like Iron.
we believe will perfectly meet the requirements of every taste
For Men, Women and Children.
Men's Renowned Flonheim Shoes in the most approved styles. Wlicthe;-
Black or Rich Shades of Brown, they're here at $8 00. $9.65. $10.00
$12.50 and up.
Your Spring wardrobe is incomplete unless one of these new Silk Ties,
adorn it. In every late conceivable pattern to choose from.
colors and cut are mannish.
moment the biggest selection of dresses ever exhibited, which
the prices are $3.75, $4.98. $5.00. $5.89. $6.00. $7.50. and $8 50.
Women will Delight in Choosing
From this Assortment of
An authoritative exhibition of new spring
skirts for street, sport and dress wear features our
our apparel displays. In wanted weaves, styles,
patterns and colors. $7.95, $10.85, $11.85, 15.65,
Gossard and American Lady
invite immediate inspection of these. We are showing at this
past, in sizes 16 to 44. Prices $18.50. $23.45, $26.75, $29.85
New Suits,
splendid new assemblage the most enthusiastic approval. We
feature too, besides are shorter in length than
Dress Skirts.
$18.65 to $37.50.
the new 1920 season—for dress, gen­
eral and sport wear. Hats of severely
tailored lines, models simply, yet
smartly trimmed, and a number of
charming and original designs to
suit her fancy.
selection of discriminating patrons who are sure to accord this
Jet Oil, large Size . ..
Shur-White. In liquid
Dainty White at ...................... 13c.
Shinola. White. Black. Brown,
or Ox-Blood at........................... 10c
Bixby Paste. Brown and Black
Shinola Polishing outfits
inch In avy quality Striped Percales, light grounds, yard............
inch Apron Check Ginghams, the yard...............................................
ne Dress Ginghams, yard.................................. 29c., 33c., 35c., 39c., and 42c,
36 inch Percales, at yard ............................................................... 33c., 39c.. and 45c
Toweling. Heavy weight. 18 Inches wide, the yard
Straw Ticking, our price. Only, yard............................
Feather Ticking, our price Only, yard........................
Sllkolines. plain colors. 36 inches wide, yard..........
silkolines. in fancy designs. 36 inches wide, yard. .
Calicoes, in dark, medium and light, the yard..........
81 inch Bleached, yard................. 89c. S' Inch Unbleached, yard.......... 93c.
•0 inch Bleached, yard................. 93c. 9» inch. Unbleached, yard .... 98c.
In Standard Brands Extra Heavy Quality.
FlnA Nainsook. yard.............................
29c.. 34c.. 38c.. 44c., and 53c.
Evedly Wcven Long: Cloth, the yard
........................... 39c.. 59c . 63c.
Soffly Finished Lingerie Cloth, yard
49c. and 57c.
t.Md Weight 81 by 90 inch Bleached Bed Steets at ..
...........$2 29
42 X>y 36 inch perfectfully Bleached Pillow Cates at .
............. 59c.
CurLiln Scrims. 36 Inch wide. In Ecru and White, yard
19c. and 25c.
ChuVes. 36 Inch wide. Suitable for Quilts, the yard. .
CretXtnes, 36 inch wide. Choice Patterns, yard..............
............. 35c.
............. 44c.
Fairyland, yard.........................
Arlington, yard...........................
Hope, yard.....................................
Lonsdale, yard .............................
Daisy, yard ...................................
36 Inch.
Unbleached Muslin.
Special, yard......................................
Pilot Sea Island, yard.................
Columbus, yard ..............................
Cabot W., yard................................
Hero Exclusively, 15c., 20c.. 25c., 3<k
Patrons desirous of ordering by) mail o1*
add lc. extra for 15c or 20c. patarns ; *
extra for 25c. and 30c. patteras.
Butterick Spring 1920 Quarterly at 25c
entitling the purchaser to a certificate go*
for 10c. in the purchase of any Button*
March Delineator Ready For Distribution. Liberty! Bonds Taken at Face Value In L'J
OfCash. Visit''Under The Balcony” Bargain Section. Mail Orders Filled.
and i
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which he
Carl H
week att
Mr. ani
Banks, re
having sp
Mrs. Al
with her
weeks reti
gon City V
Oscar an
returned h
tending th
Friday nigl
Mrs. Lesl
ton for a ft
parents, A.
Miss Gert
is teaching
during the
who is ill w
John Seam
were down
Mr. Seaman
Moose lodge
Frank Catr
cher mill, ws
Spokane Frid
wife, son and
the flu.
Ray Edwart
ed home Tues
several days :
Jess, and atte
Mrs. Sawyer.
Mrs. C. E.
Lake, visiting
Pierson, while
Salem on busin
gone about a w
Miss Bertie 1
and Thursday 1
halem, visiting
Robert Andrew
Married on tl
the home of th
and Mrs. O. M.
Mae Burbank
Earl Ray Woods
Misses Barbar:
«>n and Mabie
tend school at t.
the week end at
Air, Garibaldi an
Mr and Mrs. I
Independence, ha
few days visiting
row'« parents, Mi