TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH Summons. 20iiTïèar 1IE owner of an Oldsmobile Eight lias always a Consciousness ot pos­ sessing a Quality Car—with a Twenty- one years’ Reputation of Highest Qual­ ity standing to back his judgment. Whether your choice is an Eight or a Six—Touting Car—Roadster or Pacemaker, you will find in the Olds- moble line the model you are looking for. If in the market for a Truck, < Defendants. T. B. Potter Realty Co., Frances L. ■ Potter-Thomas, T. Irving Potter, ST w,-rs ™r rnf rvoua M U —I Frank Boocher; L. E. Latourette, R. ■ «KMÄmwi’niuiwaB 1 R. Steel, Eliz K. Potter and D. T. Phone 137 J. Van Tyne, joint receivers of the T. ÎLaVo FLoiJr ¿fl B. Potter Realty Co. In the name of the State of Ore­ gon, you are hereby notified that W. A. Robbins, the holder of Certificate Executors Notice to Creditors. of Delinquency numbered 1168 Is­ Notice is hereby given that by an sued on the 19th day of September, order of the County Court of the 1 1917 by the tax collector of the State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ County of Tillamook, State of Ore- ty, the undersigned, John Paquet, g«>u for tlie amount of Eight and has been duly appointed adminis«ra- 41-100 ($8.45) Dollare, the same be­ tor of the estate of Fred Paquet, de­ ing the amount then due and delin­ ceased. Notice is further given to all quent for taxes for the year 1914 to­ persons having claims against the gether with penalty, interest and said estate to present the same to the costs thereon upon the real property undersigned or to his Attorneys, assessed to you, of which you are the Johnson & Handley, at Tillamook owner as appears of record, situated Oregon, together with the proper in said County and State, and par­ vouchers, duly verified within six ticularly bounded and described as follows to-wit: Lots 40 and 41, in months from this date. Block numbered 61, Bayocean Park, Dated February 12, 1920. County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ John Paquet, gon. Administrator of the You are further notified that said estate of Fred Paquet, W. A. Robbins, has paid taxes on deceased. said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on Notice of Proposed Vacation of Street said amounts as follows: 1914 tax, paid Sept. 19, 1917, tax Notice is hereby given tliat Claud? receipt No. 7891, $6.60 rate of in­ Thayer and Estelle Thayer have fil­ terest 12 per cent. 1915 tax, paid Oct. 5, 1917, tax re­ ed with the City Recorder of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, their petition ceipt No. 6829, $4.89, rate of inter­ praying for the vacation ot the fol- | est 12 per cent. lowing described tract of land in­ I . 1916 tax first, April, 22, 1918, tax cluded within the present dedicated receipt No. 4318, $2.46, rate of in­ terest 12 per cent. street, to-wit: 1916 ta<, second, Nov 18, 1918 tax Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3 in block 33, of Thayer’s receipt No 6982, $2.57, rate of in­ Fifth addition to Tillamook City, terest 12 per cent. Call at our Store and see them run. 1917 tax, first, April 19, 1912, tar. Oregon, and running thence west 50 I Both Stationary and Swinging Wringers, feet to the southeast corner of lot 2 recc’.p' No. 4273, $2.04. rate of ln-| in said block 33; thence north along t< 'os 22 per cent 1917 tax, second, Dec. 22, 1919, I the east line of said lot 2, 35.75 feet; ■I thence in a southeasterly direction, tax receipt No. 7223, $2.20, rate of in a direct line, 61.47 feet to the interest 12 per cent. Said T. B. Potter Realty Co., as 25H52SHSZ52SZ5H5H5B525E5ESH5eSE5H5a5Z5H5Z5H5BS25H5H5H5H5E5HSBSES25H5HSHS place of beginning; being that por­ tion of Third Street and Seventh the owner of the legal title of the Avenue East In said city lying south above described property as the same and west of a line running from the appear of record, and each of the H5Z5H5HScl5HSHS2S2SHSZSBSZ5HSH5?5ï5ï5H5HSB5î5E5ZSî5H5H5H5Z5ZSH5E52S25HSZS Northwest corner of Block 33 to the other persons above named are here­ Northeast corner of lot 3 of said by further notified that W. A. Rob­ bins, will apply to the Circuit Court Block 33. And the said petition is now pend­ of the County and State aforesaid 1 ing, and will, at a meeting of the for a decree foreclosing the lien Common Council of Tillamook City, against the property above described, Oregon, to be held on Monday, the and mentioned in said certificate. 5th day of April, 1920. be taken up And you are hereby summoned to ap­ for hearing and disposition. All per­ pear within sixty days after the first sons concerned are notified to govern publication of this summons, exclu­ sive ot the day of said first publica­ themselves accordingly. tion, and defend this action or pay Claude Thayer, the amount due as above shown, to- Estelle Thayer, I«'ether with costs and accrued in- Talmage Claussen & Mannix Attorneys for Petitioners. J iTest, and in case of your failure to » ES2SHSH525E5H5Z5252h posal deemed best for the county. or architect. Plans and sp< « ifieation First publication Feb, 26, 1920. may be seen at County .School Super­ Last publication March 12. 1920. intendent's office. Tillamook, School SH525BS2S?S2S2S2SB5HS25ESZ5Z5c!525HS?5?5Z5ï52S252SH5H5BS'H5HSZS2Sî5Z52SHS2 Homer Ma. son, County Clerk Clerk’s office, Cloverdale or at Arch- | ¡feet's office. The successful bidder Notice. quired to give reference bond equal to 5 , In the CouniT Court of the Sfate or proved the am ount of the contl (or 'I ■llL^'.ok < "ou ti I y. The board reserve« th In hi iiiattjK of the < i.it« of All Work Guaranteed. y or all bid«. Chari« AllenUm g«*r. deceased. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich ot School B< «1 No. 2 By ord J 'n u J. I.. Burke, Chait man. Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. I fa ■ « 1.1 f « - J. T. Moor«, Clerk. à Your Patronage Solicited. , eeased: g You are hereby notified that on J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. Anyway Secretary Lansing ulam- the 6th day <»t March, 1920, Joseph I Altenburger Jr. administrator of the med the door ar he went out. FLaVo FLoiJr ■ " I E. S. BETTCHER MILLING CO TILLAMOOK, OREGON. I WASHING IS A PLEASURE When you use a “Thor” Electric Washer COAST POWER CO NEXT TO POST OFFICE. Stradivara Phonograph VAUGHN’S, the Original and Best. Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent To be had now at the Tillamook Clay: works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. Sei that clutch and sawholder ? Put your saw on or take it off in a jiffy. Phone or call. The Sweatest Tone Phono­ graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic sound found in so many. KOCH & BENNETT, I § A MAN S REASON Hen, too, like the Columbia Six ASK any man who drives a Columbia and he will tell you that from a sound, practical, business-like standpoint the Columbia Six appeals to him because it is thoroughly reliable —built by a substantial organization, and is wonder fully economical both in up keep and depreciation. CHAS. A. BROWN, Tillamook, Or PHONE