Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 11, 1920, Image 5

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i Big Live Slock Show Coining to
Tillamook County.
of the Condition of the
First National Bank
------- o-------
The Pacific International Livestock
Exposition held in Portland last No­
At Tillamook, in the State ot Oregon, at the close vember
was without doubt the big­
of business on February) 28th, 1920.
gest and best stock show ever held
west of the Mississippi river. About
150 Tillamook people attended in
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts..................................... $758,595.57
4,662.29 person. The rest were prevented from
Overdrafts, unsecured.................................................................................
doing so for various reasons. Some 40
U. S. Government Securities Owned
head of Tillamook dairy cattle were
Hi posited to secure circulation (U. S. Bonds per value) $25,000
exhibited there winning one champ­
Pledged as collateral for States or other deposits or
ionship and nearly all getting in the
bills payable..................................................................... $104,850.00
Total U. S. Government securities........................................................
Those who did not see the show
Bonds (other than I . S. Bonds) pledged to
will be able to do so right here at
: ecure pc-sial savings deposits....................................... $2,000.00
home in moving pictures and lantern
Bonds and securities (other than U. S. securities) pledged as
slides. General Manager O. M. Plum­
collateral for state or other depotits (postal excluded) or
mer will explain the pictures and tell
bills payable......................................................................... $5,000.00
all about the show. The schedule ol
Securities other than U. S. Bonds (not including stocks)
dates for Tillamook county is as fol­
owned and unpledged...................................................... $99,147.97
Total bonds, securities, etc, other than U. S........................................
Gem Theatre, Tillamook, Monday,
Stock t Federal Reserve Bank (50 percent of subscription..........
March 15, 1920.
Furniture and fixtures..............................................................................
Ray Theatre, Cloverdale, Wednes­
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank.....................................
day, March 17. 1920.
Cash in vault and net amount due from national banks............
Joy Theatre, Nehalem, Thursday,
Net amount due from Banks, bankers, and trust companies in
March 18, 1920.
the United States......................................................................................
Theatre, Wheeler, Friday, March
Checks on other banks in same city as reporting bank............
19. 1920.
Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report­
This is an opportunity that no one
ing Lank and other cash items...........................................................
2,374.07 can afford to pass up to see some of
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from
the best cattle, horses, sheep and
1,250.00 swine in the country. We are a live
U. S. Treasurer...........................................................................................
Interest earned but not collected,—approximate—on Notes
county and all interested. Let ever
8,265.36 one be present.
and Bills Receivable not past due.......................................................
R. C. Jones, County Agent.
Amencan Legion Meeting.
Capital stock paid in .................................................................................
Surplus fund ..................................................................................................
Seventy-five members were in at­
Undivided profits . .
........................ $11,490.90
tendance at the monthly meeting of
Less cu. .i ..t expenses, Interest, and taxes paid ....
6,804.75 the local post of the American Legion
CirctiLi.i ij p"- js outstanding................................................................
25,000.00 held last Friday evening in this city.
Net a»..
to banks, bunkers, and trust companies in the
Both the Cloverdale and Wheeler dis
Unit ... ;u.«-
nd foreign countries.................................................
5,251.12 tricts were represented and cx-ser •
Certified < be
60.00 vice men from practically all parts of
Cashier's cl. eks on own bank outstanding.......................................
29,287.96 the County were present.
Individual deposits subject to check.................................................... 532,274.59
The attraction for the meeting was
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days..............................
10,783.64 the announcement that ike legisla­
Other demand deposits..............................................................................
820.35 tion proposed by the Legion in the
Certificates of deposit (other than money borrowed) ...............
77,347.51 federal Congress would come up for
Postal savings deposits..............................................................................
464.13 discussion. Under the plan ruilined
Other time deposits...................................................................................... 291,266.68 by the Legion, every man who was in
Bill payable with Federal Reserve Bank..........................................
70,000.00 the service at any time during the
Liabilities other than those stated above. Reserved for
war would be entitled to assistance
depreciation on Liberty Bonds...........................................................
3,936.03 from the federal government in one
of four different ways, namely: He
Total .....................................................................
$1,128,296.76 might receive preference in settling
upon vacant lands; or he might re­
State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, ss.
I, C. A. McGhee, cashier of the above named bank, do .solemnly swear lieve a direct lqan from the govern­
ment in building a home or in pur­
that ihe above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
chasing or improving farm lands, or
C. A. McGhee, Cashier.
he might receive aid in getting voca­
30x 3’/2 Goodyear Double-Cure
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes arc thick, strong tubes that
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of March, 1920.
Fabric, All-Weather Tread__ _
tional training; or he might receive
reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a
F. B. McKinley, Notary Public.
tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more
a readjustment of pay on the basi«
My Commission expires Feb. 2, 1924.
30x l'/i Goodyear Single-Cure
than tubes of less merit. 30x3'/2 size in water
of a $50 bond li>r every month that
Correct—Attest. W. J. Riechers, A. W. Bunn, B. C. Lamb, Directors.
Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread
proof bag
he w as in th< federal service,
It is proposed that each man
should have the option to choose
eport of the Condition of the
which form of assistance he might
desire. In any case, he would receive
only one of the four benefits.
opposition to the proposed
At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of
measure was apparent among the
business, Feb. 28th, 1920, as rendered to the State Banking
members present and upon motion,
J Jepartinent of Oregon.
the plan received unanimous support
of the post.
Loans and discounts................................. ..............
Medals awarded by the State in re­
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .................
cognition of service by men who en­
Bonds and warrants ............................................
listed or were inducted from this
Stock, securities, judgments,, etc.........................
State were presented to a number of
Furniture and fixtures ............................................ .
the men present. Many failed to re­
Other real estate owned ......................................
ceive their medals because of their
Due from banks (not reserve banks)..............
failure to furnish the information re­
Due from approved reserved banks.............. ..
quired before the medal can be
Checks and other cash items................................
awarded. I. E. Keldson. adjutant ot
Exchanges for clearing house ............................
of the post, is gathering addlt ->.ial
13,446 85
Cash on hand .......................................... .................
data covering men who 1 have not re­
Stock Federal Reserve Bank ..............................
celved their medals. All service men
Int. earned but not collected (approximate)
who believe themselves entitled to
Customer’s liability account ot acceptance .
one and who have not yet received
Other resources .........................................................
one should communicate ■ with Mr.
Keldson. The medals are being pre­
sented only through posts of the Le­
gion hut it Is not required that a
man be a member of the Legion to
Capital stock paid in ...................................................
$ 40,000,00
secure one.
Surplus fund .............................................. .....................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid
Dividends unpaid .........................................................
The Tusatila Club.
822 00
— ■ o
Postal savings bank deposits ...................................
The Tusatila club met at the home journed to r».}et with Mary Lamar has been busy here for two weeks situation Is clearing up and the tu­ country and a man who loved a
Individual deposits subject to check......................
loading a scow with sprue« houghs ture looks brighter than it has tor women with his heart, soul and body.
of Vai Jean Prahl Friday evening, Friday, Mar<r 19
Demand certificates of deposit ...............................
for use in constructing a bulkhead many weeks.
He g ive all and asked nothing in re­
March 5. The meeting was called to
Cashier checks outstanding......................................
where th« Brighton Mill- Co. are
The Onion Peak School start' d lip turn.
order by the president. Many things
Certified checks ........................................ .....................
filling at Brighton.
again Monday after a vacation occa­
of interest to the club members were
With a song in his heart and a
Time and savings deposits ..........................................
Robert Leonard, an
Insurance sioned by the “flu” epidemic.
The public school Is getting Its
laugh of tile lips, acquea Ln Rouge
discussed. After the business meeting
Notes and bills rediscounted.....................................
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gage made a ' iime and went to and from the trnd-
Lucia Wiley entertained the club regular attendance bark, after sev­ agen» of Tillamook, was in town this
Bills payable for money borrowed.........................
flying i rip to their home in Aberdeen ine post where Memory Bird lived
’Acceptances” of this bank........................................
Walter M«'ad. postmaster, city re­ Saturday, returning Su.iila evening with her father, an old pioneer.
tom gave a short talk on club spirit. flu.
Most everyone is warin’: a mil' M lien . h< was trapped into niarry-
Mrs. E. J Ha artrow is rapidly re- corder. school clerk, telephone man­
Refreshments were served
by the
hostesses Vai Jean Prahl ajid Cordel­ covering iron/a a two week« sick spell ager and all around general purpose th- <■ du. b< mi ■* of the rain. They iti- lliffery, a product ot the elite
State of Oregon, County of Tilla­
Subscribed and sworn to before me ia Oatfield, which were enjoyed by
Mr. and ,ll/.-. Emtl Ander-on and man of Nehalem hud business In are Oregonlam you can bet.
and n outlaw of the North, it was
mook, ss.
this 10th day of March. 1920.
J; qui., who auved her. When she
those present. After the refreshments daughtM, MUrlon, returned from a Portland th«« fore p ir' of il ,ve< k.
I. B.
L. Beals, cashier of the
J«>hn Diuham. a representative of
Mary Braun,
in t and loved Warren Sherman, a
a pleasand hour was spent in playing visit In Portland last week.
shore named bank, do solemnly
Mr. Wes/, wife and childreu have the Moose Lodge, was In town this
man from the states who hud gone
gurnet. All the members were present
Notary Public.
The Silvei North.”
swear that the above statement is true
My commission expires Feb. 10. 1924 Dr. Robison, who is honorary mem­ returned hpnie from Portland where week In the interest of the Io lg. at
’ Jacques of the Silver North," north to redeem himself it was Jac-
to the best of my knowledge and be­
Correct Attest: H. T. Botts. D. Fitz­ ber was able to be present. Owing to Mr- West had been reported -lek in Tillamook.
which comes to the (Jem Theatre ques who helped her. It was nlwuyn
The pupils are grarually getting next Sunday with Mitchel) Lewis as Jacques and he finally received his
illness, the leader Mrs. Dyrlund was the hospitAl.
B. L. Beala. Cashier patrick. John Erickson, Directors.
Robert (Watt, with a force of men, back into school again. The "flu” the star, is a story of the northwest reward in her happiness.
not able to be present. The club ad-
Get Goodyear Tire Economy for
That Smaller Car
Just as owners of the highest-priced auto­
mobiles get greater mileage and economy
out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners
of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear
The 30x3-, 30x3^2-, and 31x4-inch jsizes of
Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money’s
worth in performance and satisfaction which
only the utmost in experience, resources
and care can produce.
This extraordinary money’s worth begins
not only with the merit of these tires, but
also with the first cost, which in most cases
is no greater, and sometimes actually is less,
than that of other makes of the same types
of tires.
> V,v
Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford,
Chevrolet, Dort,Maxwell,or other cars taking
these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good­
year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time.
Goodyear Service Station for Tuiamook City is at the
We Give Goodyear Service
C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor.