1 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Stllanunik ÌSeaùluiht. entire mill should be completed and sawing logs by the 15th of May. Fred C. Baker, Editor. “Our George.” SUBSCRIPTION per year . $2.00 Attention. o------- I have a most beautiful line of Spring and Summer Hats for all ages (A speciality on Paris Novel­ ties). My prices are as they always have been—very reasonable. Mrs. E. F. Rogers.. General Contract Bids Wanted Bids are wanted for the general construction for a press brick and tile building, two stories and base­ ment,to be build for Morris Schnai, at Tillamook, Oregon.. Plans and specifications may be had from Mor­ ris Schnai at Tillamook, or from the office of the architect. F. M. Stokes, 1003 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.. All bids must be submitted before April 1st. This is what the Oregonian hu id about "Our George" in the column ot those who come and go: "Oregon Is getting her full share of favorable publicity throughout the middle west and east, and there is no doubt but that 1920 will be the banner year so far as tourl.'t travel is concerned,” says George W Kiger, real estate man from Tillau'ui k. who and yesterday en arrived at Portland route hottie from • i business trip to the east. Mr. Kiger is also of the be­ lief that many of the tourists will be so impressed with this state they will return to live here permanently. Besides boosting Tillamook as a live bustling city, Mr. Kiger devotes con­ siderable time and oratorical ability in predicting the many good things which will come to the coast counties when the Roosevelt military highway is constructed. Vivian Martin in "Louisiana.” Those Who like delightful comedy, tense drama and gripping tragedy will have an opportunity to see ail these elements in "Louisiana, the new Paramount picture starring Viv­ ian Martin, which will come to the Gem Theatre next Wednesday. Much of the comedy is provided by an old negro mammy nurse, the tragedy by a jealous, hot-blooded mountaineer, and the drama and ro­ mance by a hero and a heroine, while Miss Martin, the star, with het usual versatility, adds to the production a goodly measure of each element. William Russe.1 Due here as a Pox Star. MARCH the great holiness convention in which he recently assisted as leader in song at the First Methodist Church of Everett, Washington, Dr. ” ‘ welcome ------ * Randall, pastor, A cordial ____ to all who have no is extended church home and to ail who have no service on Thursday nights. Notice to Tax Payers. • 1919 taxes are now due and pay­ able. and must be paid before April 5th to avoid additional interest. Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month will be added after that date. W. L. Campbell. Sheriff. Reformed Congregational Church. 11, B>20. See the Pacific International LIVE STOCK SHOW, at the ------- o------- 10 a.m. Sunday Sch,ol. 11 a.m. Preaching. Lack of vision.—A little East Lon­ don boy was having his first outing in the country. It was the occasion ot his Sunday School treat. He lay on the grass in the orchard making a chain of daisies. Across the blue sky a line of swallows dipped. “Look up. Jimmy! see the pretty birds flying Nunn Celebrates First Anniversary. Funeral Services next Sunday. through the air,” said the teacher, ------ o------ Jimmy looked up quickly. "Poor lit­ The funeral services of Mrs. M Bro. Nunn celebrated his first an­ tle fellows," he said pittyingly, they niversary as editor of the Wlieele.’ Bailey, who died last week, will be­ haven't got no cages, have they’.”’ Reporter last week, it being quite a held next Sunday, at two o'clock at Jimmy could not see thing- .light. long time, for his predecessors only tlie undertaker’s parlors, alter which East London had dwarfed his ideas. stayed on the job lol* short periods. tin remains will be shipped to Al­ What a picture of many a life. W> must say that H o. Nunn is turn­ bany, Ore., for burial. Th y are so occupied with the muck ------- o------- ing out a newsy s’... i t and he is to rake or pleasures of earth tiiat they Lillie M. Pewtherer was born near be congratulated <■ bis first anni­ can have nothing but pity and some­ versary. Yet we mt confess that we Columbus, Platt Co., Nebraska, Sept. times scorn for those who set tlieii think a flee trade o nocrat is out of 24, 1873. She came to Oregon with mind; on things above and soar m her lather and grandparents in June, place running a newspaper in a mill ing and lumbering center, lor it will 1871; her mot iter having died tlie Progress of Debating League Retard­ the pure air of a divine being. Come, listen to the gospel oi Jesus, ed by Sickness. not be long now before free lumber previous April. She grew to woman­ for it alone can give you a heavenly from Canada, where there ii cheap hood in the county of Polk this state, Prof. R. U. Moore, principal of the vision. Hindu labor, will be cutting a big and was married to M. Bailey, Aug­ Rev. Richard Schuetze. figure in the lumber industry of ust 30, 1893. To tills union was born ’ McMinnville High School, who i- di­ Wheeler and other parts of Tilla­ live children; four of whom survive rector ol the debating league for this | district, reports that sickness inter­ mook and other parts of Oregon, lhe their mother. Notice to Contractors. Mrs. Bailey professed faith in fered somewhat with the progress, democratic party placed lumber on Sealed bids w ill be received by the the free list, and now that many Christ in early youth, and was a February 18th was the date. Debates Board of Directors ol School District articles are coming into tin* country member of the Cloverdale Baptist were held as follows: Tillamook won over No. 9, Tillamook, Oregon, 7:30 p.m free, and a whole lot from Germuny, Church at the time of her death, Beaverton. March 27, 1920, for the erection and something is going to happen soon which occurred March, 3, 1920. Tillamook won two to one over completion of a Gymnasium building Sister Bailey was noted for her to the lumber anti other industries. generosity, and readiness to do for Banks at Tillamook. according to plans and specification^ Corvallis won over Forest Grove at prepared by Charles H. Burggrat, others, her hospitality was unsnr- The New Sawmill. passed,a nd truly, "the law of kind­ Corvallis, and at Forest Clove. architect, Albany, Oregon. All bids Tills left Corvallis with 8 points, must be accompanied by a certified was in lier tongue.” and none of manager of lite Tillamook n< cheek payable to "School Dist. No. 9 Lumber Company reports that the the hungry were refused food from Tillamook 7, and Batiks 1. There will be another round of de­ Tillamook, Oregon," for lhe sum of construction of tlie new mill, winch her hand. Site leaves to mourn her death, be­ bate at some future date. ■5200, as a guarantee that the con­ is being built on the Kilchis river is McMinnville, Hillsboro, \Villaniina tractor will furnish an approved ides lief husband and children, her progressing as rapidly as could be ekpectid undei present weather con­ fülle i and several brothers and sis­ and Monroe withdrew from the dul­ bond equal to 50 per cent of the con­ lest because of sickness, which also tract within ten days after the ditions. At tliis time they have prac- ters and many personal friends. interfered with the debate between awarding of the contract. ticaily 1000 feet oi railroad spttr Banks and Beaverton. Ail bids must be made out on blank iur th j tic- and h ive also put in 1800 Card of Thanks. The question discussed was "Re- proposals for the same. Blanks fur­ feet of wagon roail to the mill. This solved. That government by injunc- nished upon application by the clerk wagon road is lor the convenience of 1 w islt the many kind friends who the married employes who live in •showed their sympathy during the tion in labor disputes shotild be or architect. Plans and specifications abolished.” may be seen at school clerk’s office, Tillamook. illness and death of my hu band, and Within a week all the camp build­ I wish also to express my apprécia­ Tillamook, or at Architect’s office. Obituary. ings will be completed, as the mater­ tion of tif luirse which was so gen- The successful bidder will be re­ ------- u------- ial is now on the ground, and the in­ erously bestowed upon me. quired to give references and an ap­ Mrs. Peter Schranz died of pneu- stallation of two high pressure mill Mrs. Elvi Hellebuyck. monia Dedne.day morning, March 3, proved bond equal to 50 per cent of boilers will be commenced within the amount of the contract. ■ A case of influenza had developed another ten days. The board reserves the light to One cent a word per issue. first, this was followed by a severe A new 11 % compound Tacoma Bryant Washburn Indorses Picture. reject any and all bids. attack of pneumonia, which finally Yarding Donkey arrived yesterday By order of School Board No. 9. ------ o------ afterwards kills his assailant. A letter tells Squat« Deal Sanderson that (hi* thief is a brother to Mary* Bransford, owner of a ranch in New Mexico, who writes that she is beset by a man who is trying to steal her ptopeny. Square Deal Sanderson goes to her rescue ami poses as her brother, whom she had not seen since childhood. He saves her, gets into and out of many bad »crapes, but finally bests the villian and his band j and w ins the girl as his reward. Ann Little plays tlie girl anti of course Bill Hart Is lhe westener whose "handle” typifies his charact­ er. I’hls picture is said to be one of Bill Hurt’s best pictures, which In the parlance of the day may be said to be "going some.” Bl J PROFIT m KILK AND BUTTER >ught a adage of Dr. Le- G* . rs from my local *.’< ■ -o my itr- ow, she i.:—•- used from tl quarts to 12 quarts ____ „ of ____ „ per milk and fter continuing the Pew­ it 3 for ”0 days longer, she in- I’-.c. e.t in outter fat from 5 pounds to 10 roUnda per week, and at the end of 5 months, she was making 12 pound? of butter fat per week.” —L. B. V*> eaver, Grand Rapids Mich. Mr. Weaver followed the advice of Dr. LeGear, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon of 27 years experience, and is money ahead. Here is the Doc­ tor s offer to you: Get a package of Dr. LeGear’s Stock Powders from your dealer; feed it to your horses, milk cows, steers, hogs and sheep as per direction and after a thorough trial, if results are not satisfactory, just return the empty carton to your dealer and your money will be cheerfully refunded.—Dr. L D LeGear Med. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Christian Church. satisfies the desire for sweets, and is beneficial, too Kept Rieht 'or Sale—Heavy laying White Leg- bo. .is, eggs and baby chicks. W. S. Coates, Tillamook, Oregon. Wanted: a man wi ll a truck to take Small Investment Brings Big Return. Mr. Weever’s Plan is Simple. w. C. DI ETER. Its benefits are as GREAT as its cost is SMALLI Sealed Tight Has Strong a contra ; to cut and deliver to the lailroau aud mill from two to three thousand cords ot wood. Address, Box 53. Bay City. Ore. William S. Hart Square Deal Sanderson GEM THEATRE Tuesday Night, March 16th Foi b..le,2 lots on 5th street, near | ti.e laundry. Also house and lot on 8th Street.—Write H. V. Harris, It. 3, Box 63, Vancouver, Wash. My middle name is George. Let me bring you Vaughn” Best dragsaw on tin market today. Call E. G. K rebs. Wanted—Horse weighing A Two Reel Mack Sennett Comedy “THE DENTIST.” between 1200 and 1400 lbs. Apply at Head­ light office. For Sale—Ford touring car top, al­ most new. Will sell reasonable. Call at Sunset Electric Co. Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of­ fice across the street south of the court house every Friday and Sat­ urday, other times by appoint- ment- M-25. For Sale—Hatching eggs and day old chicks for sale, from White and Brown Leghorns. Good laying strain. Day old chicks $20.00 per 100 post paid. $18.00 per 100 if you come to my place, and furnish your own box to put them in. Eggs for setting. $1.75 per setting of 15 post paid, or $1.50 if you come ar.d get them. No business done on Sat­ urday. Wm. Stuivenga. Trade or for Sale--Want 3 Ton Express Wagon Cream Separator 30 lb Computing Scale Account Register Buggy Champion Mower. Meat Beam Scale. Gas Lighting Outfit. Launch. Row Boat. Gas Engine. Wood Saw. Road Cutter. Walter Nelson-Mutual Phone. o DENTIST. CT Last Lord's Day the bible school TILLAMOOK BUILDING gained 90 per cent over toe two pre­ vious Sundays. The reason perhaps (Over Haltoni’s). is due to th. abnti epidemic. Be 1 illaniook- Oregon. Wanted—to trade improved Willam­ Dr. Ramsey moved to the I. 0. 0. F. one of many next Sunday, 10 a.m. ette Valley farm, located 10 miles Bldg, rooms 110-111—Phone 169R The church services at 11 a m. and west of Eugene. Value $12.000 for . 7:30 p.m. We aim to bring not only Q r . O. L. HOHLEELD. Improved Tillamook dairy farm of Dr. W. E. Le bow—Dentist with Dr- timely messages but of such a spirit­ Wise. VETERINARIAN. about equal value.—F. D. Petzold, ual nature that they will be helpful Miscellaneous Advertisements Eugene. Oregon. and worth your while. Come! Eell Phone—2F2 Mi tual Phone Dr. Wise—Dentist. C. E. at 6:30. a lively society for a Dr. W. E. Lebow will be at Dr. Tilla mook lively crowd. ■_ (‘W«,jron. Wise’s Tillamook office Mondays. Miss M. Patterson is representing Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thurs­ the Nu Bone Corset Co., formally ■■ ■ Harry E. Tinker. Minister. DR. J. E. SHEARER days at Nehalem; Fridays and Sat- represented by Mrs. Edwall. Leave NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD tfrdays at Wheeler. April 29 your orders at her Millinery store.4 DR A. C. CRANK. CANCER. Nazarene Church Services. Tne Every Meaf "* GUM Flavor Lasts A12 Drs. Shearer & Crank Medical & Surgery. National Building. Tillamook - - - Oregon 10 a.m.. Sunday School. Mrs. B. E. King. Supt. 11 a.m . preaching by Rev. Mrs J. K Clink, Evangelist, from Calgary. Canada. henry c . viereck , m p ill.. Peoples . rvlce. R d by Rev Clink. SPECIALIST. 8 p.m.. Evening sermon by Mrs Disease jf The link All welcome. EV EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Midweek services on Thursday at Ohly ' 1» tv led by the pastor. Rev. A. ► . Ingler. who will give a report of 310 Selling Building. Portland and Pains for Hourt Or Days. fice on Wednesdays F-26. - all rteorda at their it st. TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA. GOlTBS Finest tone quality. Hand carved A better piano for the same money. DISEASES OF WOMEN Brunswick and Ch°ncy Plionofii?phs Di Wise will be at his Bay City of­ No Plasters tone chamber, all wood, thereby Four Years Study in Europe. 1 - MU»k Hou Tillamook. doing away with harsh metal!’.? Over thirty years experience sounds. Hear them at the Song Dr. s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. National Building. Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ Shop " The Wiley B. Allen Co.’s” Piar.>; nntl Dr. J. B. Grider. dentist. I. 0. 0. F. Bldj, Tillamook, Oregon. I layers nt rhe Song Shop. Monthly payments to suit you. Established ¡Counter Sales Books—Order your over 4 7 years, with this motto I Sales Books from W. F. Baker, "Your moneys worth or your mon- agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call ey back." 68 Headlight. tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon Marse Henry Watterson says Pres­ ident Wilson is "temperamenta"! pedagogic." Isn’t it about time to cease slamming the school teachers.