TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 11. School Teachers’ Salaries. who is giving satisfaction and you can retain her for next year, 1 rec­ ommend you to do so by all means. Because of the unrest that exists this year. I think employment should occur in March or early April. One of the piincipal duties of a County Superintendent is to assist in selecting and placing teachers. If this office can be of assistance to you in this matter kindly let me know. _______ -------o------ The question of school teacher­ salaries is something that is causing school boards to look up and take notice, as teacher.- are scarce and they are deserving of mure pay. County School Supt. G. B. Lamb has sent the following interesting letter to the school directors and clerks of the county. DEAR FRIENDS;—You have prob­ ably read and thought considerably about the present school situation and what is expected of us; and I am —-o------- wondering if we are united in a real­ Announcement. ization of what the new demands in education really are. As I look at the I hereby announce myself as a situation, it seems to me that we do not always look at the fact that good candidate for re-election of County teaching is aa absolute necessity in Surveyor, on the Republican ticket, the preservation of the institutions of at the primary election, May 21st, our county. We must have more in­ 1920. If successful will conduct the lias been tested in every class of desease tense administration of the best type, office in an efficient, economical and backed by the moral and financial courteous matter. germ and results show that B.K. lias the power support of ¡hose who pay the bills. W. S. Coates. to kill germs of desease promptly. Do we have these? Is public senti­ ment in favor of paying to the teach­ Announcement. contains no poison or acid and is safe er a salary equal to the importance of the service she performs in the ed­ Upon the advice of a large number for destroying germs any where, anyone can ucation of our children? I think so, ot leading citizens of Tillamook at least when we really understand County, I have decided to announce handle it without danger. the situation. myself as a candidate for the office So many board members have made ot County Clerk, subject to the ap­ i- a very much more powerful germi- inquiries of this office concerning proval of the Republican voters at cide than the usual coal tar preparations. salaries for the coming year, that I the primaries to be held in May. have thought best to pr