* T1LLÁMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 4, |920. Political Band Wagon running away, and you shall go with me. Little Chit" o------ • Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election of County purveyor, on the Republican ticket, at the primary election, May 21st, 1920. If successful will conduct the office in an efficient, economical and courteous matter. W. S. Coates. IOME ------ o------ Upon the advice of a large number of leading citizens of Tillamook County, I have decided to announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Clerk, subject to the ap­ proval of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held in May. It nominated and elected I will perform the duties of said office to the best of my ability, and will de­ vote my exclusive time in looking after the interests of said office and the 11”'pa yers of Tillamook County affected thereby. Dated this 14th day of January, 1920. J. C. McClure. A1NS IRY.- CAN THE .LED FIED ÌED /AD AJE. Get Goodyear Tire Economy for That Small Car Announcement. ALL 7UE. ST . /il »AY Just as owners of the highest-priced auto­ mobiles get greater mileage and economy out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear advantages. The 30x3-, 30x3^-, and 31x4-inch sizes of Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money’s worth in performance and satisfaction which only the utmost in experience, resources and care can produce. This extraordinary money’s worth begins not only with the merit of these tires, but also with the first cost, which in most cases is no greater, and sometimes actually is less, than that of other makes of the same types of tires. Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other cars taking these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good­ year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time. To The Republican Voters of Tilla­ mook County. I am a candidate for sheriff in Republican Primaries. 1 am a deputy in this office present, have had several years perience there, and I submit record as an officer for your consid­ eration. Should I be nominated and elected, I will endeavor to serve you effi­ ciently, honestly and impartially. John Aschlnt. - !SaSZ52SBSa E i pTo the Voters of Tillamook County. I want the Republican nomination kor -heriff at the primary election piext May. To get it I have to have Lnougli Republican votes. All who ■lave faith in me, and vote for me,, 1 thank in advance. Frank Hannenkrat. fc. <*- * Announcement. Owing to the fact that a large Lumber of tax payers in different parts of the county have asked me to make the race for County Judge, and believing tha* with my previous ex­ p. rience in County business, I am qualified for the office, I hereby an- pounce myself as a candidate for the Office of County Judge, subject to the Approval of the Republican voters ai fhe coming Primary Election. Homer Mason, 30 X 314 Goodyear Double-Cure eiCOB>9OQ of Tillamook County, for re­ A. Robbins, the holder of Certificate terest 12 per cent. costs against the land and premises day of March, 1920, at the court of Delinquency numbered 1168 is­ gion, on the Republican ticket. 1916 tax, second, Nov 18, 1918 tax above named. house in Tillamook City, Oregon, aS sued on the 19th day of September, Kathleen Mills. 1917 by the tax collector of the receipt No. 6982, >2.57, rate of in­ This summons is published by or­ the time and place for hearing ob­ der of the Honorable George R. Bag- jections to said final account and the he Voters of Tillamook County. County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ terest 12 per cent. 1917 tax, first, April 13, 1313, gon for the amount of Eight and Ijy, Judge ct the Circuit Court of settlement thereof. G. H. McLeuC aduiinlstmtor her hy aunoune* layaelf • taa <(»100 ($8.45) Dollar», the »me be­ receipt No. 427«, 32.04. late of In ihc State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, and said order was made and Dated this February 5th, 19>0. It« foi thti otTia t I County ing the amount than 4ua and delln- te -eat 12 per cent. X>i 'upcrintendent it T laraook nty. subject to the approval of voters at the coming primary lion. I G. B. Lamb. Announcement. ------ o------ im a candidate for re-election on Republican ticket, at the primary li”n. May 21, for the office of Ity Assessor. kr.omy, effeciency , and a busl- b-ystem in handling the work of ptfice, combined with careful teous treatment to all, has been flicy in the pas», and will by my :■ in the future. C. A. Johnson. NCER p’lFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD I ’Strrj and Pains for Hours Or Days. pS PILES. FISTULA. GOITRE I DISEASES OF WOMEN F'ur Years Study In'Europe. F'-r thirty years experience I 1 Physical Therapy Labora- h 412 to 417 Journal Building kriand Oregon V • • • e e e Broken Rules ► LI n » • • •»il j.s .U 9 What Would I Your wife do if fire broke out ? Are you leaving her with­ out the panic-proof protec­ tion of FYR-FYTER Don’t delay getting this ex­ tinguisher in your home. Call or phone right now. FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE THIS AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH 9-' If I had all I've SA VED. believe me, I'd he some rich kidf «F9 FYRFYTF.R ROLLIE W. WATSON, “THE INSURANCE MAN." TILLAMOOK CITY, - - OREGON NATIONAL BUILDING. one-quart hand chemical ex- tinguisher; instant and panic­ proof in operation; child can work it perfectly; for fac­ tories, offices, homes, garages, autos. Install at once; call or phone now, “Lock that door, don’t let another soul in here.” "But sir, he says they from the Philadelphia detective agency and they have just come over on a special I train.” By DWIGHT TINGLE SCOTT “I don’t give a whoop who they are; i there is not room to breathe in here now and my private office wasn’t built (Oopyrigbt, 191», by the McClure News­ with the Idee of accommodating all paper Syndicate.) the iKdleemen thia side of New York.” In the year of our Lord nineteen The manager of the great hotel swung eight, one who could wear a white about in his chair and addressed im­ vest and mix cold or hot exhilarating patiently a round-faced, matronly wom­ things and keep the customers smiling an whose arm was about a fair-haired Into the big mirror earned forty or little girl clinging to her as though for fifty dollars a week; for some fifteen protection from the excited group minutes of strenuous exercise within a which ranged Itself behind Dr. Louise roped arena, twenty by twenty, a cer­ Craig-Lackland. “Go ahead, Mrs. Chit­ tain husky athlete is reputed to have wood.” “That is about all. sir. I am received fifty thousand dollars; men sure no harm is done, that I can see. who could handle Iron while it was When Little Chit brought her home I hot were earning twenty dollars a day. should have come right over, especial­ During this prosperous era the efforts ly when she admitted that she was out of Rev. Horace Chitwood, whose “let without her—her—” Mrs. Chitwood not your heart be troubled” struck cast about dubiously for a word. She soothingly the deepest notes of mortal dare not refer to the indignant group woe, and whose "what God has joined” as servants, and parents and relatives set vibrating the most sublime chords they were not, “without her keepers’ of human joy, were appraised by so­ permission," cheerfully resumed the ciety at six hundred dollars a year, widow, noting with placid satisfaction and he got that much—some years. the gasp of Doctor Craig-Lackland. So when Reverend Chitwood died he “They were out all the afternoon left a mortgage on the little home in a playing on the beach, and her shoes Jersey town, twenty-eight dollars in and stockings were all wet. So I made back salary, a determined widow and her take these off while I dried them Little Chit. - • - ’•»■ and then the poor dear child was so • ••»«*• hungry.” "It is the only thing I can do well— "Yes," spoke tip the Money Princess, and I had rather it would be here than quite suddenly losing her shyness, “you elsewhere.” shall not blame Little Chit’s mother, “Indeed Mrs. Chitwood, I have never nor J-lt^le Ch[t either. I Ijacl a perjyct- forgotten those pies an