Tl LL A MOO K HE ADLIGHT. MAPÇH 4, A Column of Comment. What the Editors Say By Disinfecting Your Homes, Basements and Desease Brood ing Places with The Literary Digest recently sent a questionnaire lo justice* ot the stale supreme courts, to district and coun­ ty and circuit judges and to heads ot legal departments in our universities asking what penalties they thought should be imposed upon the kaiser if he should be found guilty, und the replies were; Exile, 13 7; capital punishment, 106; imprisonment, 51. other penalties, 7; against trial 2>. —Telephone Register. B.K. lias been tested in every class of desease g germ and results show that B.K. lias the power to kill germs of desease, promptly. B K Samuel Gompers deplores the ef­ forts to form a new labor party. Sum is too good a democi at to approve of anything like that. Sam hopes to deliver the labor vote body and breeches lo the Democratic party a. he has always tried lo do in the past. This year the effort will follow along the lines so successfully adapted by the Nonpartisan party ot North Da- ota, which amounts to nothing more nor less than larceny and the larceny of another’s franchise al that.—Ga­ zette Times, contains no poison or acid anti is safe for destroying germs any where, anyone can handle it without danger. is a very much more powerful germi­ B.K cide than the usual coal tar preparations, g is clean and colorless as water; leaves In explaining America's attitude to the friends of the league in Eng­ land and Europe generally Lord Grey has performed a great service. Evansville (Ind.) Journal-News. When Lord Grey took his pen in hand to say that he would pass res­ ervations and hoped Uncle bam would do the same, he started some­ thing.—Baltimore (Md.) American. ; no stain or scum, and is not a poison. B K Labor unionists who insist upon the inherent and inalienable right to strike, as they call it, will do well lo ponder the utterance of the Nat­ ional Grange and several other of the most important farmers' organ­ izations in this country. Suppose, say these agriculturists, the farmers of the country should retuse to till their soil and to grow the needed food for the residents of the cities. They would justly meet with the condemnation of a united nation. A., owners of the land they would have neither the legal or the moral right to do -o. Very well, then. What bet­ ter right would the railroad men have to go on strike, prevent trans­ portation, and thus starve the people of the cities on the one hand and destroy the property of the farmers on the other? The answer is tersely given: “No such right has ever ex­ isted, und no such right now exists.” That is the logic which Mr. Gompers cannot refute, it is an illuminative and inspiring disclosure of the san­ ity of mind of that element of our industrial population which far out­ numbers all others, and far exceeds all others in the importance of its products.—Harvey’s Weekly. guaranted to you— Get a Gal. Jug today. « Kuppenbender’s Grocery NOTICE ; For «Wood, Coal or Drayage : CALL J Z Z TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO..’ High Cost of McAdooling. You can not run a combined Presi­ dential and potential-Presidential nomination campaign without liter­ ni in. in in in in in ii in «• « « 'n 'n m in m in ir hi nw IF ature, and literature costs money, even in the minor items of printing and distribution. So it is not surpris­ ing to tear from Seator Smoot that between July 1, 1916, and September “We Deliver the Goods.” 15, 1919, the Executive Department of the Government caused tile print­ ing and distribution of 1,163,662 speeches. The dead weight of these documents was 79,457 pounds, just a SH525Z5H5H5?5Z5^5?jr¿572Si,5?íí,'i¿52.ciZSZ5BS'd5?5HSZSH5Z5HS?5?Sil5Ma52S?5a5?,T? shade over 40 tons. Yet, after all, the Executive’s little t plunge into campaign literature dis­ tribution at the expense of the tax­ JACK HARPER, payers was a mere flea-bite compar­ BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK, | ed witli what it cost us to keep the Take your Horses there and get [ McAdoodle light so shining before that if they were really groping First Class Shoes for them. C men for a 1920 Presidential candidate, he, I guarantee all work to be Mr. McAdoodle, would not be over­ satisfactory, if not, bring it back c looked. The Treasury Department and I will make good without C and the Railroad Administration extra charge. C combined, and both under McAdoodle control and domination, while the We pay top prices for Hides. President's little side-show was dis­ tributing its 40 tons of advertising literature, went at the job in a whole-hearted, generous way which puts the Executive's puny efforts quite out of the running. No less than 329 tons and over— to be exact 28,121.500 pounds— McAdoodle literature was printed, addressed, mailed, and delivered, and was thus devoted to filling a long- felt want of the American people for the real McAdoodle facts. And this !) while Mr. Wilson's Department was scattering abroad only 79,497 pounds or less than 40 tons! This lavish literature distribuiion. be it remembered, did not cost Mr. WILLARD . SER/ÍCE j McAdoodle one red cent. The taxpay­ ers footed the entire bill. Mr. Mc­ Adoodle himself at Altoona is abso­ lutely impeccable so far as distribu­ tion of his own personal funds is concerned. He is in a position to de­ KSJJgSESaSZSHSHSSSESaSíSíSaSESZSSSíSSSHSHSaSESESHSBSéSHSaSZSHSíSHSas?1;^ fy anybody living to show that he spent a penny of his own money in this campaign of publicity which he so ably conducted from tile Treasury and tile Railroad Administration de pa11ments.--Harvey's Weekly. LIBERTY TEMPLE HORSE SHOEING. BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL .WORKS, TILLAMOOK, ORE. FIRST CLASS PLUMBING Todd Bldg. Dr. E. L. G la is y er, VETERINARIAN, Co-operation. County Dairy Herd Inspector "We seek to engage in a co-opera­ tive enterprise embracing every step from the production of raw materials through collection, manufacture, BELL PHONE. MAIN J. MUTUAL PHONE storage and distribution to the ulti­ mate consumer." Glenn E Plumb. S'd5H5t!SB5?S252SH525BSESH5¿S¿,7ES?5¿S2S2SH525252S2S25252SBSZ5HSHS2SBSH5HS? Mr. Plumb's idea of co-operation is based on heads I win. tails you lose.” He wants to co-operate *o long as he is getting the best of the bar­ gain and there are no losses; but when it comes to losses he wants the people taxed and government compelled to pay the defklta. This is not co-operation. C.H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 71 BAY CITY DRUG co. Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See. Phone 32. i Summons. F F In the Circuit Court of the State of England is willing to accept the Oregon for the County of Tillamook. reservations. That makes it unaul- P. £. Rogers, plaintiff. rnous except for President Wllson— vs. Wichita (an.) Beacon. D. W. Snyder, defendant. To D. W. Snyder,the above named New Jersey is grooming Governor defendant: rds as a wet candidate for the Edwa In the name of the State of Oregon, bas had presidency. The country you are hereby required to appear enough of the New Jersey variety— and answer the complaint, filed Baltimore (.Md.) American. against you In the above entitled o------- Clothing dealers say rneu’s clothes will still go higher, which reminds us that matters are getting decidedly serious, for barrels have kept pace with the cost of clothes and it a man can't get clothes he can’t get a bar­ rel either.—Independent. Kill the Dreaded DESEASE GERM 1920 \ i Maybe if the democratic platform of 1916 liad promised that Mr. Wil­ son would keep us out of sugar the supply might be both cheap and plentiful.—Coconino (Ariz.) Sun. ------- o------- Now Hoover says he won’t be a candidate. He let the New York World and the Saturday Evening Post get clear out to the end of the limb and then neatly sawed it off.— Wichita (Kan.) Beacon. o------- The increased price of bread, un­ der the evidence in the case is direct­ ly chargeable to the administration at Washington which is inept at best and without a head at present.— South Bend (Ind.) Tunes. From whatever angle the subject may be approached, the facts and the logic are against the uncompro- ■ urising stubborness of the advocates of the league covenant without res­ ervations.— Warsan (Ind.) Times. ------ o------- "He kept us out of war” before the 1916 election and "We would as soou fight the British as the Germans” ill lour mouths after the election are two interesting gems ot' administra­ tion consistency.—Wilmington (Del) Journal. The American people are glad to have had the common sense expres­ sion from Lord Grey. They know- now beyond peradventure that the treaty with reservations is entirely agreeable to England.—Baltimore (Md.) American. At this moment just one force is opposing ratification of the treaty on these terms—the President of the United States. He and his advisers are silent regarding the Grey letter and the Lloyd George cablegram.— Detroit (Mich.) Free Press. -------o------- The platform of the communists announces that their party is one of action. Their growlh has been due largely to the fact that President Wilson's party is one of inaction.— Washua (N. H.) Telegraph. If the reservations are perfectly acceptable to our friends in England, why should an American object to a step which is intended to strengthen our attachment to the League by safeguarding American interests.— Dubuque (Iowa) Times-Journal. ------- o------- The president is determined to find out whether this is a one man coun­ try. He has put up his judgment against that of a majority of the senate on the league question and we are about to learn whether the president is boss.—Koseberg (Ore.) News. ------- o------- It is utterly impossible to consider him as a candidate for a third term, The probabilities are that he will be more or less confined to his house and his bed for the balance of his term, with the danger of a relapse if he engages in any considerable work, either physical or mental.— Nashua (N. H.) Telegraph. Henry Ford's paper says the Re­ publican party has no outstanding leader." And —. ’s s all the Democrat- ----- that ic party has and he will be standing outside after the next presidential inauguration. ------- o-— ■ The New York World Hays _________ Presi- dent Wilson's attitude toward Secre­ tary Lan.-itig is bewildering. It must be bewildering to an organ that has been following Mr. Wilson blindfold­ < abinet members come and cabi­ ed for months and portraying him as net member, go, but Baker and Bm- au infalliable and vummciept leader, leson run on forever, . i < Try FLaVo FLoiJr FVERYONE IS DEMANDING BETTER MORE WHOLESOME BREAD HERE IS THE FLOUR THAT GIVES YOU ALU n s AND REAL FLAVOR.IT MAKES YOU WANT MORE. BREAD MADE WITH FLOYO FLOlJr IS MOIST . FLSVORY. so good . Fl flVO IS A NATURE-FLAVORED FLOUR.IT CONTAINS THE ENTIRE FOOD VALUES OF THE WHEAT BERRY.- IT IS CREAMY WHITE. THE PUREST FLOUR THAT CAN BF MVDE THE ESSENTIAL AROMATIC OILS OF THE WHEAT WHEREIN LIE THE FLAVOR.ARE NOT MILLED OUT OF IT. EVERY SACK OfFLdVO Fî.OÜf IS CERTIFIED ASK FOR THIS NATURE-FLAVORED FLOUR AND YOU WILL EAT BREAD WITH THE HIGHEST FOOD VALUE V- ORDER A FLatfoFLoiJr TO-DAY E. S. BETTCHER MILLING CO. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Phone 137 J. Executors Notice to Creditors. WASHING IS A PLEASURE When you use a “Thor” Electric Washer Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ ty, the undersigned, John Paquet, has been duly appointed adminisira- tor of the estate of Fred Paquet, de­ ceased. Notice is further given to all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned or to his Attorneys, Johnson & Handley, at Tillamook Oregon, together with the proper vouchers, duly verified within months from this date. Dated February 12. 1920. John Paquet, Administrator of estate of Fred Paquet, deceased. Notice of Proposed Vacation of Stree* Notice is hereby given that Claude Thayer and Estelle Thayer have fil­ ed with the City Recorder of Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, their petition praying for the vacation of the fol­ lowing described tract of land in­ cluded within the present dedicated street, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3 in block 33, of Thayer’s Fifth addition to Tillamook City, Oregon, and running thence west 50 Both Stationary and Swinging \\ ringers, feet to the southeast corner of lot 2 in said block 33; thence north along the east line of said lot 2, 35.75 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction, NEXT TO POST OFFICE. in a direct line, 61.47 feet to the place of beginning; being that por­ tion of Third Street and Seventh Avenue East in said city lying south and west of a line running from the 25Z5HS25aS?5H5HSZ5E52S2SH5BS25a5252SZ5H5ZSH5B5MHSa5HSB5B5a5E5H525T5H52S Northwest corner of Block 33 to the ru Northeast corner of lot 3 of said Block 33. And the said petition is now pend­ ing, and will, at a meeting of the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, to be held on Monday, the 5th day of April, 1920, be taken up for hearing and disposition. All per­ sons concerned are notified to govern themselves accordingly. Claude Thayer, Estelle Thayer, Talmage Claussen & Mannlx Attorneys for Petitioners. COAST POWER CO., Stradivara Phonograph The Sweatest Tone Phono- graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic sound found i ? i i Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, until 10 o’clock a.m. March 12th, 1920, for the construction of a reinforced concrete viaduct one quar­ ter mile beyond Wilson River on the 1 illatnook to Bay City road, accord­ ing to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk. No bid will be considered un­ less accompanied by cash. bidder’s bond, or certified cheek for an amount at least equal to 5 per cent of the total amount of the bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals, or to accept the pro­ posal deenud best for the county. First publication Feb. 26, 1920. Last publication March 12. 1920. Homer Mason, County Clerk « I ? ♦ ? r t z SOLD BY I KOCH & BENNETT. S TILLAMOOK. ORE. Í S CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND ------ o------ The enactment of Senator Gronna's till.for the abolition of the wartime government control oi wheat prices should be a matter of the shortest possible time. The system of wheat control served some good purposes, and while it probably increased the cost of bread to the country it did not add thereto, as the Railroad Ad­ ministration did. a big deficit to be covered by the taxpayers, but on the contrary came out with a surplus estimated at »50.000.000, which will, of course, be paid to the treas­ ury. But it has served its purpose, and could not be continued without harm to the very Interests it would ■ joy of Me fitc/wi cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for this summons, as hereinafter shown, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the r'alntiff will take judg­ ment against the defendant for the sum of »193.20 with interest there­ on at the rate of 6 per cent per an­ num from the date of tiling the com­ plaint herein, and for an order di­ recting the sale of certain personal property of the defendant attached herein as security for the satisfaction of any judgment obtained by the plaintiff against the defendant here­ in and for the costs and disburse­ ments of this action. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Geo. It. Bagley, said or­ der being dated Feb. 5. 1920, which order directs this summons to be published for six successive weeks, the date of the first publication be­ ing Feb. 12, 1920, and of the last publication March 18, 1920, and the date for answering herein expires March 25, 1920. Johnson & Handley, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. Lord Grey whose mission to the United States seemed a failure, may really be the means of breaking the treaty deadlock. He ought to be. He has at least put it up to the presi­ dent. Hi- letter to tile London Times has done much to clarity public opinion in both countries i and to speed up official I action.—Moline (111.) Dispatch. ——o------- If the peace treaty and the docu­ ment of tlie I« ague, tail now, there will be no difficulty in placing the responsibility for tlie tuture. It will be upon that body of strong-headed, stubborn followers of Mr. Wilson, who join in placing personal pique and prejudice above patriotism and above the welfare of humanity.— Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Wheling (W. V.) Intelligencer. Do you remember that President Wilson wanted to refer woman suf­ frage “to the states," not being dis­ posed to regard it as a national ques­ tion? Well his own state of New Jet -ey has ratified national woman suffrage—the twenty-eighth state to do it. It's just a Valentine for Mr. W iison, added to the comic one that democratic congressmen gave hlin last evening.—Moline (Ill.) Dis­ patch. í» Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned Joseph Durrer, by an order of the County Court for Tilla­ mook County, duly made and entered has been appointed Executor of the estate and of the last will and testa­ ment of aBrbara Babl, deceased, and has qualified for such. Notice is fur­ ther given, that all persons having claims against said estate must pre­ sent the same to the undersigned, or to his attorneys, Johnson & Handley, at Tillamook, Oregon, together with proper vouchers duly verified, on or before six months after this date. Dated February 26, 1920. Joseph Durrer.* Execu­ tor of the estate and of the last will and testa­ ment of Barbara Babl, deceased. For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its^use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. ?îSB5a55SH5H5H5ZSZ52SZSBS2SZS2SaS2SaS2Sa Good-bye and God bless you," Is what President Wilson said to Col. Bryan when he accepted the resigna­ tion the Colonel never offered, but that Is not Just exactly, but almost, what he said to Mr. Lansing. — o------- Sir Oliver Lodge probably came over on the theory that there would be a popular demand for this kind of I spirits now that the other kind is off the market. I Xi í g I H ft n City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. All Work Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. _ H0LDnL 2n