TILLAMOOK not have an organization that is ily comes down with it. There is an­ r DESIRE FOR 'SOFT alive to the city’s needs. This is go­ other symptom that most everybody how .SNA1"‘MAY INJURE who has had the flu have experienc­ ing to be uii important year and the Fied C. Baker, Editor. ; .MAN IN BEGINNING LIFE. City Council and the County Court ed, and that is the extreme weakness it leaves a victim. Who :ows, when f —In “As You Like ' It," " Sliak«*- need the support und co-operation of per year $2.00 SUBSCRIPTION througb Jue- the business interest of the entire another Span! h influenza wave (> speare, speaking t... “ “ aeven ages -trikes the county, but what it '.ill J? |U« ‘ S, tells of the county. But don’t start another local Advertising Rates. >t man." Ot course says the organization and then get cold feet effect people in a different manner.' Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. in a few days or weeks. We are well Doctors may disagree, but it is hard I Ohio State Journal, the category Locals ............................ per line 7c. aware of our peculiar characteristics to make any intelligeut person be­ > is complete ami truth.ul. '. but more modern Beaders, with reading matter in this county—to get all enthused lieve that the present Spanish lallu- t we tldnk that reste«! an eighth i times have sugg« * . - per line................................... 7c. and energetic over some proposition enza wave is not the flu. I; age. that might be inserted be- Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. and then, after a while, to become ------- o----- It did not tuke anyone long to de­ ! tween the whining siheolboy careless and indifferent. So our ad­ f ind tin- soldier, b< arded like a vice is that if another organization cide that there was sonu'hlng de­ tai rd. and Unit Is th«' “Age of cidedly wrong with the spruce pro ­ is formed is to stay with it, which t< the Soft Snap.” when the whole duction in the northwest when Kin ­ | must have tlie financial backing oi - o If | nu ll IIS sell Hawkins was booted out, and » Ot tin- life Is to _ It's no use complaining about the every business man —and there must R possible for Pott A bOj -'eh- Disq i< plac« d in charge, ■ nd dry weather. We voted ’er dry didn’t not be any “slackers.” ’ erally reaches that stage when the report ot the investigation g ea w-^<»x^s- - ------- o------- y he is Just out of si bool, with n What’s the matter with the Port­ to prove this. It would have been an ------- o------- smattering of Latin and algebra easy matter for Mr. Hawkins to The democrats who shouted their land newspapers that they are not und Imagines that the world service have organized the big logging and heads off and lauded Woodrow Wil­ advocating distinguished owes him a living, and all he has milling corporations of the north ­ son to the skies are kicking them­ 1 medals for the army of the Yeon? to do Is to pick It off when the west in a business way, for they were selves. It is very plain to every They published such an enormous world swings around bls way. all anxious to assist the government. Nothing will do him but a soft democrat that the president is simply amount of "punk" stuff about the But, Bisque, who knew nothing the war to a self-willed, stubborn autocrat and swivel chair army during snap, nn easy Job, with big pay whatever about logging and lumber ­ dictator, and every move he makes now justify them in advocating a ’ and Infinite leisure for society. medals. It ing, was placed in charge, and he distinguished service with motor rides and dressing brings him into ridicule . looked awfully silly to us to see so surrounded himself with a lot of po­ i for dinner. There are many such litical petB who knew less than he ? young men, or rather boys. Just Binny Shea will certainly agree much "punk” given publicity by the did. The Yeon building in Portland > stepping on the stage of life, to with us that the Portland in wspa- ! Portland dailies, "punk” that was had an army of officers doing office I whom the soft snap seems to be per» are entitled to distinguished prepared at tlie Yeon headquarters. boy's work, for that was all they { the blossom of their years. They service medals. They were for veral It i. a tact that the Yeon building on for the was so crowded with officers that were fit for. That there was a num­ > i -nd tlie beauty und strength long months ¡e want to rooms in other buildings had to be ber ot "go-betweens” in letting con­ I of their Ilves trying to get bold army of the e whether obtained, and in one instance men tracts is very evident, and that the y* ? of It. How many a noble youth ask Binny Id not be were engaged ill them to draw pic- people have been robbed of millions i is utterly spoiled by waiting for large water suitable medals to give tlie Portland tun - ot tlie commander of the Yeon. ot dollars because the whole affair t a soft snap; and the longer they newspapers, for they had water on And even Bro. Chapman, of tlie Ore­ were placed in the hands of inexperi­ s wait, the less fitted they are for the brain and brain storms when gon Voter, seems to have lost his enced persons is self evident. But J any kind of real business. They tooting their lion in frot of th«- ■pep" and Is not advocating distin­ with all the incompetency and wilful f are today tint chief apostles of guished service medals tor the army waste that was going on right under the high cost of living and are army of the Yeon? looked upon as such by tlie peo­ I of the Yeon. But what about asking tlie nose ot the Portland newspapers soft The unusual w<.. b.r conditions | tlie government to award the dis­ tlie columns of these newspapers •s ple. No person can lie a long articles snapper if lie possesses any rea I 2Z • 1 that have prevailed the past two tinguished service medals to the most every day had pride. He will take the first work mouths in Oregon i .surprising to : editors of the Portland newspapers lauding Bisque and everything that that comes to hand ami depend most everybody. With the winter that published the "punk" ¡stull the spruce division did. Now some of i lie Poitltnd newspapers are begin- upon Ids merit and worth for 8 drawing to a clo.se, then have been i about the army of the Yeon? DR. J. E. SHEARER tils promotion and success. Anil nir , to admit that the people got a ------- o------ lio southwest rain and wind storms now to the sweet damsels, let DR A. C. CRANK. Western loggers and lumbermen rotten deal as well as the boys in in TiilaUKHik county, with the excep- us say a word—steer clear of tlon ot one modern storm about two I were not wanted when a demand was France who needed better planes. Drs. Shearer & Crank the snappers, until they show months since which could hardly be mad«- for spruce, for they were side­ It will be remembered that the air­ some disposition to work out Medical & Surgery. termed a storm. ¡Since then the tracked by political pets and men plane board made a great display of their own salvation. weather lias been exceedingly dry, so who knew nothing about logging and promises after tlie government ap- | National Building. much so that roads in tlie county arc milling. It is no wonder that the preprinted fabulous sums of money. J. They were going to have 20,000 , spruce division was a miserable dis ­ Tillamook - - - Oregon. in better shape than they were lust summer. This county is going to tall appointment and failure, and a cost­ fighting planes in France in a few How China Is Advancing. Assessories of all kinds kept in Stock; also Gas anti ly failure as well. This l.s the kind ot months, but when tlie armistice was ” HENRY C. VIERECX, M. D. considerable short of rain full. The new woman lias appeared In men Colonel Bisque stirrounder him­ signed the United States army was Autos for Hire—Night and day service. Chinn. She believes she hits an indi­ SPECIALIST. self with, according to tlie report of “There is no Democratic viduality. a personality, a soul. Just as “What we havent got we can get.” tlie investigating committee. Colonel President lias abandoned Indubitably ns has man. contrary to Disease of The .Stearns, formerly witli Colonel Dis- ' Call and see us and give us a trial. cratlc party. There is in the teachings of Buddhism and other EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT YVilson party.” This comment by no 1 que in Texas, without business judg- native rellg'ons. Polygamy she Ims MITCHELL GOULDING. less a personage than “Mars«' Henry" - inent or experience, was made chief not .vet conquered—perhaps many of Only of statf. Mr. Hitchcock, a lawyer of I Waterson, in tin Louisville Courier- them have no Interest in the perishing Journal, is accompanied by tlie fur­ Cleveland, Ohio., an old acquaintance | of that old custom—but those who 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. ther declaration that "nothing seein.'- of Colonel lli.-qiie, was brought to have embraced Christianity are fight­ I BOTTS & WINSLOW, Oll’i LELANDI HENDERSON surer than that the Republicans will Portland and made major anil receiv- i ing against that evil among the many cd unprecedented powerH for build- ‘ sweep the country in 1920.” "Mars others which have fettered and hound Attorneys-at-Law, ATTORNEY Henry" regards the breaking up of ing railways and handling contracts i tlie women of Chinn for untold gener­ The Message from Tillamook. tlie Wilson cabinet as tlie last straw. in Oregon. Mr. Marley another Cleve- | AND ations. ------- o------ TILLAMOOK, OREGON Agent For He holds that the president has land lawyer, was made ainjor over Wotnnn has been the slave or the COUNSELLOR AT-LAW In the Sunday Oregonian there was PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES night, with a swivel chair Job at made Democratic victory impossible toy of man, her life one ceaseless TILLAMOOK BLOCK, T II art took • - - and that a man who isn't diplomat Colonel Bisque's Portland headquart­ an article from Tillamook county round of obedience, first to her father, Write For Demonstration enough to hold his own cabinet to­ ers. Mr. Eanian, a Michigan lawyer, that should be read and re-read by then to her husband and finally, if Both phones. And Prices. gether isn’t likely to make much of a who selected Bisque for warden every adult citizen of Oregon, for widowed, to her son. The first leaven R. O. L. HOHLFELD. success of launching a party of his when a member of the state board that worked among the old slaveries ERSTER II OLMES. the year before, was also installed in it teaches a lesson that cannot be of women In China was put there by own. C. DU ETER. ------- X- x----- x ------ I I a major’s easy chair at Portland learned from any other county in the the early Christian missionaries. That VETERINARIAN. The ordained editor of the Clover- 1 1 headquarters. Twelve hundred other west. To get the full benefit of it one leaven has worked until now the dough, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW DENTIST. of various ranks and de­ should know something about Tilla­ so to speak, of the new womanhood Is dale Enterprise seems to be amusing officers < COMMERCIAL BUILDING. Mutual Phone TILLAMOOK BUILDING Eell Phone—2F2 overflowing the bowl« of tradition and himself somewhat with sundry cracks ; grees were under Colonel Bisque’s mook county, should consider its size i nt the snap shot man. Will the rever- i command, some of whom did not oppression. (Over Haltern ’ »). FIRST STREET, end, terdained editor please Inform 1 know the difference between spruce and population, and above all its Tillamook Tillamook- Oregon. urea of cleared land. us whether a preacher can serve God i and hemlock trees. How Hun U-Boats Were Dlscouraijed. TILLAMOOK, OREGON --------------- 'tewe Garanss whiasstsi« rut the and Mammon at the same time? The In 1890 Tillamook was the seventh What a splendid thing it would be county from the bottom in popula- tabls ten —i mj this entnttry nnd Eng- good old book says its can’t be done, but the ordained editor of the Enter- I if church organizations were doing tin«, only Curry, Harney, Klamath, inad tant m MI«' N’wgi ®ork harbor prise takes the position that it can be more Good Samaritan work, for after Lake. Malheur and Sherman having In ths aptlng of 1018, tent the break done. As an ordained minister of the all, to care for tlie sick and help the a fewer «umber of citizens. Tilla- . was aplleed by a ■snail corps of ex- gospel it is his duty to be attending poor is practical Christianity. The»« monk’s co«nt was then 2932. In 1910 —t wixhh' 12 hours. TWs fa ar was known tor the to the Master's business, not running | few remarks are made not to unjust- Tillamook bad 6 266 people, having an apology for a newspaper and pub­ ly criticise, but to point out where jumped from the seventh to the tenth first tires hy Ool. J. X Cftrty, 'dee pres­ ident nf the American Telephone and lishing a lot of foolish. Illiterate mat­ our church organizations can, and from the bottom of the list. ter. No wonder people stay away and should be organized for Good Samar­ in 1890 Tillamook had a popula­ Telegraph company, in an address at churches get into bad repute when itan work. The flu epidemics have tion of 2.6 to the square mile; in a luncheon of the New York Electrical an ordained minister attempts to shown that there should be more 1910 the number was 5.5, which was league. A cable extending from New York to serve two masters. trained nurses in the community, for but 1.5 per cent below the average families have suffered and been left for the state as a whole. So, without South America was cut at the same State Senator T. B. Handley has to their ow n resources when stricken the figures for the 1920 census, it time nnd was repaired as quickly. Ac­ decided to make the lace for re­ with the disease, and with the great will be seen that Tillamook is a cording to Colonel Carty, Germany election. He would not have been a I deniaid for nurses In all parts of the county that is growing in more than evidently was discouraged by her fail­ candidate had Lincoln county bad a country it lias been difficult to ob­ a normal way, but in a mighty ure to lutermpt communications and the exploit never was repented. favored son for the position, for he is tain nurses from other places to care henlthy way. of the opinion that the Joint senator for the sick in this county. The pres­ For a moment let us look at the How Arctic Reqion Is Patrolled. should be elected from one of the ent flu epidemic, is to be hoped, will output of the Tillamook dairy pro­ Royal northwest mounted police, the coast counties, a. Washington and soon pass away, but there is no tell­ ducts for last year, as published in Yamhill counties are represented by ing when another wav«' will sweep th«1 article mentioned. In round num­ noted Canadian force that patrols ■ sn Canada. last summer estnti- senators. It is highly important that over the country and in what form it bers tlie output was $2.000,000 from tile coast counties be represented in will attack the human family. This the twenty-five creameries in the IN’ <■neh city of Nantes for the cheese industry and the Hick, but to do so persons must be nobody ever disputes his orders. If a man was suddenly enveloped In dairymen ofTillaniook county, which, trained to look after and care for per­ he were to tell the dairymen tomor­ lightning yet remained uninjured. On we know, is greatly appreciated. sons who suffer with contagious dis­ row to close up shop until July 1, arriving home, however. h« was amazt'd Tuesday’s Oregonian contained an­ eases. Untrained persons will not fill they would close without quibble, for to And that a gold D’ewe had vanished other editorial which we re piint In the bill. We are all probebly more or tlie simple reason that he haH never from his pur«e nnd tn >« place was another column. It was co-operation less to blame that this city has not a deceived or disapp«iinte4 them. Of 7Ub«rJ|ntew! a Jllver tyqffi Tjt. light- that brought about the fluttering re­ large properly equipped hospital, and course there is a great deal dus to ntng Wf„tn frfl» the ’»«th sults of recent y« ar«, and they have it seems to us instead of expending the loyal and intelligent dairymen of er "t the pnrta IMffwtwl the gold been fortunate In having the co oper more money for new <-hurrhas, tba Tillamook. Ur. Haberlach could nev­ plceo with a renting «4 sitever taken at ion of such a commendable nnd re­ erection of a large hospital is more er have made the reputation he ha« from two other mln«. liable newspaper as the Oregonian — urgent. otherwise. So it is, after all. a case of Why She Couldn’t Understand. as well as the Headlight, which bus I brains and teamwork, as well ns one --- -o — Lucy's next door neighbor, a Swedish boosted the cheese industry of Tilla­ When the Spanisi: Influenza first of favorable climate, soil and loca­ woman, gave her a pnppy. Puppy be­ mook county from its infancy. If made its appearance in the United tion; a ease of honest products, one gan to whine on account of his new Carl Haberlach has sold more cheese States ther«> V doctors who con- of confidence between man and man. home, nnd Lucy falling to pacify him. than any other person in the state, went to her mother, saving: “Mother, tended that it was simply la grippe I —Oregonian. the editor of the Headlight Is In­ please ««* If you can understand what clined to think he has written more and it took .1 long time to convince puppy Is whining about. I can't, for them that it was the real ' flu". Now Notice to Contractors. cheese articles than any other person he Is whining In Swedish." - ----- o------ in Oregon. However, eo-operntlon that the flu has taken a different "i Sealed bids will b«1 received by the with the leading newspapers on the form, and instead of the lungs being How to Promote Peace. part of the dairymen nil help to affected, it is the stomnch and bowels County Court of Tillamook County. Lots of marries! people might study that are affected by the disease. It is Oregon, until to o'clock am. March boost the home industry. harmony without taking music lessons. fortunate that the discus«' is not tak ­ 12th. 1920. for the construction of a ■ o ing th«' same form as last year, for If reinforced concrete viaduct one quar­ —Boston Transcript. There appears to be a general de- It had done ho with so many persons ter mile beyontf Wil ¡on River on th sire on the part of some of our pro- NEHALEM NOTES. stricken with the disease the toll ot g resal ve cltiMna that the city should «tenth would be exceedingly heavy. i'lllamook to Hay City road, aceord ----- o have some kind of organization to Not only were doctors at logger­ ing to file plans and specifications Herman Tohl la about the streets help boost the city. We think so. too. heads as to whether it was Spanish on file In the office of the County trouble with acme of our busl- influenza when it mad«' its first ap- Clerk. No bid vv ill be considered un­ again after a severe attack of pneu­ meu is that a few will get in pearance. but they were perplexed less accompanied by cash, bidder’s monia. Mr. Alie Effenberger. of Mohawk, led check for an do the booelltig while other- and for some time to know how to proper- bond, or cel qual to 5 per cent Oregon, is home with his mother on larger pail will stand back and ly treat it. No matter how doctors I amount at lea an extended visit. begrudge n t< w «follar:« to « airy on 1 may disagree, the average Intelligent I of tli«' total a: uount of the bld. Miss Myrtle Crawford. of this city, the work. What is wanted Is the co­ citizen know full well that tin di reserved to reject any operation of every business man and I ease is different to an ordinary cold, «,r all proposals, or to nccept the pro- is rapidly recovering, after a severe attack of pneumonia. We all hope a go«idly sum of money to meet ex­ * i and it is more infectious now than po-.ll d««ni«d best tor the county. penses. If thia cun b< accomplished ■ | it was last year, for once it i started First publication Feb. 26. 1920. she will get better. there is no reason why this city can in a home every im tuber of it... ...... Last publication March 12. 1920. The"flu" epidemic has been report­ Homer Mason. County Clerk ed to be getting milder In Nehalem. ŒiHamnnk Hu'umiuht. : One Inner Tube with each Pennsylvania V.C. Tire Sold during March. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, Tillamook, ANDERSON BROS., Nehalem. AL. BOON, Cloverdale Editorial Snap Shots. VAUGHN’S, the Original and Best Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent. To be had now at the Tillamook Clay works, E. G. KREBS, Prop HEBO GARAGE, HEBO, ORE. All Kinds of Auto Repairing Wheeler Garage I