TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 2a. 1920 What the Editors Say NEW YORK BARS BILLBOARDS Edict Banishes Blemishes on Land­ scape—To Be Allowed Only Be­ side Business Buildings. Rough Roads for Wheels Ar? Smooth Roads for Passengers ’nslghtly signs and billboards must not defuce Father Knickerbocker’s fair real estate landscape. I This is tlie latest edict of the zoning committee. Secretary Swan announced that the law would be enforced forth­ with, whoever might be the offenders. “The city's determination to enforce this provision of the zoning resolution lias been demonstrated in several In­ stances by the revocation of permits mistakenly issued for the erection of billboards In residence districts and by the institution ot suits to bring about tlie removal of billboards where the owners have not complied with remov­ al orders,” said he. “To bring about effective enforcement property owners who have suffered from an invasion should immediately place the matter before the superintendent of buildings on tlielr borough. ‘‘Instead of merely regulating the height, size and construction of signs, it frankly recognizes the fact that there is no such thing as a billboard respectable enough to rub elbows with churches, schools and private homes. When hereafter erected the billboard must go where it will cause a minimum harm—alongside business buildings and industrial establishments. Those existing before the law was passed, are allowed to continue. Commercial ad­ vertising can In no sense be deemed accessory to any of the uses specifical­ ly permitted in residential districts.” ATCH Overland 4 on buoyant road action of a lar~“ rough cobbles or un­ heavy car with the con;. • j paved roads. The wheels in fol upkeep, ­ fuel and tires, a :d low surface inequalities, but convenience of handling of a the new Triplex Springs give scientifically desi gned ligh t l ar. car and passengers remarkable Ailto-Lite startingandlight- riding steadiness. ing, door-opening curtains They give 130-inch Spring­ and dash light give but a hint base to a car of 100-inch of the completeness and qual­ wheelbase. ity which characterize every­ This makes for the gently thing about Overland 4 W Carrying a Ton a Afilé for less than a Cent Freight rates have played a very small part in the rising cost of living. Other causes—the waste of war, under-pro­ duction, credit inflation — have added dollars to the cost of the necessities of life, while freight charges have added only cents. The average charge for hauling a ton of freight a mile is less than a cent. ♦ A suit of clothing that sold for $30 before the war was carried 2,265 miles by rail from Chicago to Eos Angeles for 16& cents. Now the freight charge is 22 cents and the suit sells for $50. The cost of the suit has increased 30 dollar». The freight on it has increased only 5j confs. Other transportation charges enter into the cost of the finished article—carrying the wool to the mills and the cloth to the tailors—but these other charges amount to but a few cents more. WOULD SET OUT NUT TREES Idea of New York Man for Practical and Beautiful Adornment of the Highways. eC. F. PANKOW, Star Garage, Tillamook, Oregon A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearers and wood-cutting contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut Simple and reliable. Hundreds in use all over the U. S. When not in UM tor wood cutting, the 4 H. P. motor will run mills, teed mills, feed cutters, pumps, etc. Quick dMvcritt from over ■‘U'ade Saw I. nrrr.’cr wnd fee leu Ihun 3 emu IOO pointe throughout a eerf. "—V I. IFlCUw. Bum., Ore. the United ¿jlatea. ' * i have I ewe J threuih/.M-fiul nlld ul Ur, airheme afenafeatamlneoe. ”—N. f. Mjan. Lana. Cattf America must burn more wood for fuel. One Wade wiU do 10 men’s work at one-tenth lha co*L Write tor free Book, “How Dan Roes cuts 40 cords s day,” full de­ tails and spec­ ial price. Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent. don't ship your furs SANITARY MARKET Yours for Quality and Quantity. We give 5 per cent Dis­ count for Cash. ECONOMY CLEANERS AND DYERS 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. MODERN EQUIPMENT. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. The Highest Prices Ever Known WE WANT ’EM NOW—AND WILL PAY THE PUCE TO GET ’EM N°l LARGE TO AVERAGE N?l MEDIUM N9I SMALL EXTRA TO AVERAGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE » MINK Fine, Dark Usual Color Coast 30.00 to 25.80 20.00lol6.C3 15 00 to 12.00 10.00 to 850 10.00 to 6.00 20.00 to 16.00 15.00 to 12.00 10.00 to 850 8.00 to 650 8.00 to 5.00 15.00 to 12.00 11.00 to 9.G9 8 00 to 7.00 6 00 to 5.00 6.00 Io 100 For 1920 Only the Best MUSKRAT Spring Winter 8.00 Io 7.00 650 to 5J5O 5 00 to 175 359 to 2.75 6.50 to 5.50 5.00 to 4.09 3.50 to 2.75 25011» 1.75 s K.U S’lEXTHAUWCf EXTHA TO AVESAj€ Itti LAUGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE NF N’lMEOILM E xtra to av C« a G( 3.00 to 2.00 250 to 150 c GOOD UMPRIMT NMSiTALL sorso to average AS ’O SUE « QUALITY 15.00 to 1?