Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 19, 1920, Image 7

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What the Editors Say
Building 30x3,30x3¿ and 31x44nch Tires
Owners of small cars can enjoy the sami
high relative value in Goodyear Tiro; ikac
gives utmost t*. Taction to owners of bi
y motor carriages.
They can take advantage of that tremend
amount of equipment,skill andcareemplo; ed
by Goodyear to build tires of extraord iv.
worth in the 30x3-, 30x3!^-, and 3
inch sizes.
hey can secure these tires without wai
despite the enormous demand, because,
in addition to its larger sizes , Goodyear b lu >
an average cf 20,000 a day in rhe world’s
largest tire factory devoted to the three
sizes mentioned.
If you own a Ford,Chevrolet, Dori, Maxwell
or any other car using one of these cizer, go
to the nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tubes.
------- o - - -
Now it is the grain administration
which is under fire in congress. Sen-
' nor Groan:*., chaliluun of the Senate
j Agriculture committee says: "The
wheat farmers of the United States
have lost more than $2,000,000,uu0
because of governmental interference
with wheat.”—News Reporter.
------- o ■ ■
Petitions are being sent to presi­
dent Wilson asking a pardon for Dr.
Marie Lqui. We presume the name
of her distinguished champion and
friend Dr. Chapman is on the peti­
tion r.s well us that of Oz West who
wont on the witness stand in her be­
half. Albers next!—Gazette Times.
------- o-------
David Lawrence, recognized news­
paper correspondent for the pres­
ident was furious over the publica­
tion of the Gray letter. We can well
imagine that he would be. No doubt
ltd brought out the pet phrase he has
been using on the senate and called
Grey a "contemptible quitter”, an
"insect” who should be made to "put
up or shut up”,a man with a “pigmy
mind”, whose “head was only useful
as a knot to keep his body from un­
raveling”, and who “should be hung
on a gibbet higher than Haman’s”.
—Gazette Times
------- ,i-------
The United States circuit court of
appeals has affirmed the decision of
the Henry Albers case, which car­
ries with it a fine of $10,000 and
three years imprisonment. It will be
remembered that Albers, who is a
wealthy miller of Portland,was arr­
ested in the spring of 1917 while on
a tram coming from San Francisco,
and charged with declaring he was a
German sympathizer and attacked
the government in no unstinted
terms. At his trial in Portland he
claimed he was drunk at the time of
making the statements and had no |
recollection of them. When his
appeal was taken he was released on
a $10,000 bond. It is expected he
will now appeal to the United States
supreme court.— Sheridan Sun.
Federal Reserve
Back of YOU there is always
ACK of every member batik in the Federal Re­
serve System is the strength of the organized
banking resources of the country.
By dealing with this bank which is a member of the
Federal Reserve System, the system’s facilities and re­
sources are available to you—virtually just across the
street—What is this worth to you in giving confidence
as to the stability of your banking arrangements.
R. E. Williams
H. T. Botts
David Kuratli
C. M. Dyrlund
B. L. Beals, Jr.
Ass’t Cashier.
H. T. Botts, Chairman.
James Williams
R. E. Williams
John Erickson
David Kuratli
T. W. Lyster
Wm. Maxwell
D. Fitzpatrick.
Albert Marolf
Let Them Answer.
For disenfecting where Contagious or
Mainly to emphasise the fact that
the farinera have ideas of their own
infectious diseases are prevailing, i
and are not to be made the tail to
the political kite of the labor party,
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that
30 x 3'/2 Goodyear Double-Cure
reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a
Fabric, All-Weather Tread.......
or any other party and are not to be
cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little r tore
ful Germicidal mixture and by its~*use
used as catspaws in any disastrous
than tubes of less merit. 30x3Vz size in water­
30x3*/^ Goodyear Single-Cure
scheme of the brotherhoods to tie
improve general stable conditions.
Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread
up the railroads of the country, we
reproduce two paragraphs from a
memorial to congress submitted the
other day by representatives of the
National Grange, the American Farm
Bureau Federation, the Cotton State
Board and the Association of State
Farmers Union Presidents:
“What would be the verdict of the a5Z5HS2S25BSaSES2SSSH5E5E5Z5Z!ÍH£
people if the farmers of the United
States should suddenly decide to go
on a strike and refuse to supply the
wants and needs of those who are
not in a position to produce food and
clothing for themselves? They would
be condemned from one end of the
country to the other, and the fact
would be pointed out that they, as
owners and tillers of the land had
no right, either moral or legal, to
bring about such a calamity.
If the farmers who own and occupy
the land have not such moral or legal .
right, then why should it be conceded I
by anyone that those who handle the
farmers’ products have a right to j
block the transportation or indus­
trial facilities of the country and
thus jeopardize the food and clothing
supply of the nation? If the farmers i
have no such rights those who
Will the gentlemen who purpose
1917 tax, second, Dec. 22, 1919, dated this 2nd day of Feb., 1920, and to paralyze the transportation system
Summons for Publication in Fore­ I quent for taxes for the year 1914 to­
gether with penalty, interest and tax receipt No. 7223, $2.20, rate of the date of the first publication of of the country please answer?—
closure of Tax Lien.
this summons is the 5th day of Feb. Oregonian.
costs thereon upon the real property interest 12 per cent.
------ o------
Said T. B. Potter Realty Co., as 1920.
In the circuit court of the State of assessed to you, of which you are the
All process and papers in this pro­
Oregon for Tillamook County.
owner as appears of record, situated the owner of the legal title of the
Powdered Milk and Eggs.
W. A. Robbins, plaintiff.
in said County and State, and par­ above described property as the same ceeding may be served upon the un­
ticularly bounded and described as appear of record, and each of the dersigned residing within the State
l’owdered milk and eggs can now
follows to-wit: Lots 40 and 41, in other persons above named are here­ of Oregon at the address hereafter
T. B. Potter Realty Co., Fran-
| be had which are wonderfully pure,
Block numbered 61, Bayocean Park, by further notified that W. A. Rob­ mentioned.
< i L. Potter Thomas, T. Irv­
. clean and good. The way the milk is
John F. Reilly.
ing Potter, Frank Boocher; L.
County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ bing will apply to the Circuit Court
of the County and State aforesaid
Attorney for Plaintiff. made is by forcing liquid milk
E. Latourette, Eliz K. Potter,
: through extremely small holes into a
R. R. Steel and D. T. Van
You are further notified that said for a decree foreclosing the lien Address 510 Wells Fargo Bldg.,
, muslin-lined chamber through which
Portland, Oregon.
Tyne, joint receivers of the T.
W. A. Robbins, has paid taxes on against the property above described,
, currents of hot diy air are constant­
11. Potter Realty Co, et al.
said premises for prior or subsequent and mentioned in said certificate.
ly passing. The dry air coming in
years, with the rate of interest on And you are hereby summoned to ap­
Notice of Final Account.
contact with the milky mist straight
pear within sixty days after the first
T. B. Potter Realty Co., Frances L. said amounts as follows:
way absorbs the moisture it contains
1914 tax, paid Sept. 19, 1917, tax publication of this summons, exclu­
Potter-Thomas, T. Irving Potter,
Notice is hereby given that the and the milk settles in powdery
Frank Boocher; L. E. Latourette, R. receipt No. 7891, $6.60 rate of in­ sive of the day of said first publica­
tion, and defend this action or pay undersigned has filed his final ac- white drifts. Nothing has touched it 1
K. Steel, Eliz K. Potter and D. T. terest 12 per cent.
1915 tax, paid Oct. 5, 1917, tax re­ the amount due as above shown, to­ count as administrator of the Estate but air. Nothing is changed. The [
Van Tyne, joint receivers of the T.
ceipt No. 6829, $4.89, rate of inter­ gether with costs and accrued in­ of Anna M. McLeod, deceased, in the powdered milk cannot sour on ac- I
B. Potter Realty Co.
terest, and in case of your failure to County Court of the State of Oregon, count of the almost totul absent of
In the name of the State of Ore- est 12 per cent.
1916 tax first, April, 22, 1918, tax to do so, a decree will be rendered for 'Pillamook County, and that said moisture, and for the same reason no
son, you are hereby notified that W.
A Rcbbins, the holder of Certificate receipt No. 4318, $2.46, rate of in­ foreclosing the lien of said taxes and court has appointed Monday, the 8th growth of bacteria can take place.
costs against the land and premises day of March, 1920, at the court The powder can be instantly trans- I
of Delinquency numbered 1168 is­ terest 12 per cent.
house in Tillamook City, Oregon, as formed into fresh, sweet milk, tl i
sued on the 19th day of September,
This summons is published by or­ the time and place for hearing ob­ comes in cans; it can be kept any­
1917 by the tax collector of the receipt No. 6982, $2.57, rate of in­
der of the Honorable George R. Bag- jections to said final account and the where, and in many climates is the 1
County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ terest 12 per cent.
only good milk obtainable.
gon for the amount of Eight and
1917 tax, first, April 19, 1919, tax ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of settlement thereof.
The rising cost of liquid milk is
G. H. McLeod, administrator.
45-100 (|8.45) Dollars, the same be­ receipt No. 4273, $2.04, rate of in­ the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
now making it profitable to use this
County, and said order was made and Dated this February 5th, 1920.
ing the amount then due and delin- terest 12 per cent.
dried milk. It retails at a price equiv
«lent to 4 4 cents per quart for sweet
milk or 8 cents per quart for skim­
med milk. It Is much appreciated it£
the tropics and also on oceen liners.
The dried eggs are obtained presum­
ably by the same method. Anyway, it
is a fact that the best of ontlets can
from combined powdered
be made
ntilk and powdered eggs; for we
have eaten them many times and
never knew.until our attention was
called to ihe matter, that the • kk ~
did not come freshly from the shell
and the inllk from the dairy. W* be­
lieve that these dried foods have a
great future before them, and an- a
« M m g
What Would Your wife do
valuable part of the preparation of
mankind for the enjoyment of all
if fire broke out ?
of food products of the New
Age. Golden Age.
Kuppenbender’s Grocery
Goodyear Service Station for Tillamook City is at the
WeSGive Goodyear Service
We recommend PRFERRED
STOCKS BRAND goods because these
home wives who have used them tell
us that they never fail.
We are here to give you this line
at the lowest possible price. Come
and investigate for your self.
We have specials ¡every week,
that are real articles of value.
We make special prices on large
orders in case lots. Come in and
see us. Write or phone We have
both phones.
Free Delivery in the City
C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor.
Are you leaving her with­
out the panic-proof protec­
tion of
Don't delay getting this ex­
tinguisher in your home«
Call or phone right now«
R««rg label
of the
°° der writer
i he 1 illaniook Transfer Co. is now
under the sole management of J. P,
Maginnis. We are equipped to handle
Brayage oi any Kind, anywhere.
If I had all I've SA VED
believe me, I'd be
some rich kid!
" For «Wood, Coal or Drayage "
one-quart hand chemical ex­
tinguisher; instant and panic­
proof in operation; child can
work it perffxHj, tyr fw-
tones, offices, homes, garages,
autos. Install at once; call
or phone now,
: tillamook transfer co •
In tírenla ion as nain
i er
i pring, if« that th^y are :«<> much Ilk
the promises in a demotin'lc rVtotial
» * » t «
iVe Deliver the Goods."