u F PLTGHT. FE9P.UARY 19. 1020 CEM THEATRE Gem Theatre TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th Maurice Tourneur THURSDAY, FEB. 26th Their lips met—then parted—the hotel clerk Presents the Great Drury Lane Melodramatic Success was peeking, and the honeymoon he White Heather was spoiled ! Viola Dana rOU will gaspat the dare-deviltry of the man who fight to the has the most fascinating role death on the ocean floor, eight fathoms down. You will be'spell of her career in bound at the sheer beauty of the scene, The sublime lave that leads a woman and a man up to the smashing denouement will hold you so enthralled that— Come to see “The White Heater!’’ There never was another picture like it! Adjectives cannot describe it! You must see it to believe that such a picture is possible, PLEASE GET MARRIED” By special aarangement the undersea scenes in “The White Heather!" were produced by the use of Williamson Submarine Tube and patented inventions, the only means by which such undersea scenes are made possible. in seven side-splitting acts. Adults, 25c. Children, 15c. ’ V iola D aña .«‘P lease G et M arried 2 REEL Mack Sennett Comedy “AMONG THOSE PRESENT slavery charge. The deputy left on Iowa make it an ideal dairy country Sunday morning's train with his and already he has interested J. H. Haun and his son Roy, in cheese- prisoner. The City Hall is being prepared a3 An operetta, “Windmills of Hol­ making. an emergency hospital. Firemen's dance Saturday night. auspices of I land,’’ given under the Dr. Hoy is caring for twelve new the Wheeler schools on January 31, An opportunity to secure de- netted $188.00. It is trusted that the cases of the flu. sirable place in Bayocean at very Tillamook High School operetta, Mrs. W. L. Campbell has been low price; Owing to forced set­ “Love Pirates of Hiawa” will be visiting in Portland. tlement. Modern cottage, corner equally successful. Firemen's d^tnee ut K. P. Hall lot. One of nicest and most con­ Mrs. Nettie Tomsett-Fosnot was in Saturday night. venient locations in Bayocean. Paved street and cement walks, Don’t forget the Firemen’s dance Tillamook last week on business. She returned to her home at Ocean Lake There will be no more opportuni­ at the K. P. hall Saturday night. on Friday morning. The Twin Rocks ties like this in Bayocean. See or Buy a ticket to the Firemen ’ s dance Owing to a slight decline in the Grain and P.O. of which she is postmlstresss write H. L. King, Tillamook. I whether you go or not. she is postmistress, 1 P. O., of which ^yVIill Feed ¿^Market, we are offering the The new Bay City high school is will reopen on March 1st. nearing completion. Mr. Wann, superintendent of the J OH’i LELAND] HENDERSON following at CASH PRICES : Miss Doris Brace, of Tillamook, Wheeler Lumber Co. camp, was taken ATTORNEY visited friends in Bay City last week. ill with influenza last Friday morn- Geo, W. Kiger, of Tillamook, was ing. He was taken to Wheeler, con- Mill Run.......... $1.70 Per Sack. 147.00 Ton off of Car. AND registered at the Hotel Portland this tracted pneumonia, and died on Caration Feed 2.00 Per Sack. COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Tuesday. Today the body is being week. Scratch Feed . 4.50 Per Sack. T Ham ook 3.60 Per Cwt. 71.50 Toil. Work on the three mile road be- taken by Mr. Wann's brother to Whole Corn Hillsboro for interment. tween Dick’s Point and Bayocean has 74AM) Ton. Cracked Corn 3.70 The jury in the case of Walter begun. 71.00 Ton. Ground Barley 3.85 Per Sack. Born to the wife of Howard Med­ Oliver who was indicted and tried on Holstein.......... 1.90 Per Sack. caff a bouncing boy, who is ready to a charge of adultry, failed to agree Beet Pulp.......... ........... Ton Lots 59.50 and was discharged on Thursday, lick his dad. bbl. Good Hard Wheat Flour $3.00 per Sack. $11.60 and the case is set to be retried on Mrs. George Wilt returned on Mon­ Olympia Flour....................... 3.20 per Sack. 12.50 » I May 2rd. Ten of the jurymen want­ day from a ten uay visit with her Cupid Flour........................... 3.00 ., ed to return a verdict with assault daughter in Portland. Dalles Diamond .... .... 3.00 ,, with intent to rape and two for con­ Tile circuit court jury is dismissed viction on a charge of rape. Palm Olive Soap.......................... 10 per bar. until March 22nd, at which time the Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley f Wobblies will have their trial. received a telegram from Long Oiy Womer and wife left Wednes­ Beach, Calif., stating that his mother day morning for California where had passed away peacefully on Sun­ they will make their home in the fu- day. She had never been in Tillamook tu-e. and it was in 1909 that Mr. Stanley When you think of wood, coal oi last visited his mother. She was 84 drayage think of “Tillamook Trans- years of age and leaves a family of fer Co.", Liberty Temple, "We De- seven children four boys and three Our Seed liver the Goods.” girls. Catalog and Plant­ The Tillamook post American Le­ Ray Cooper, of Hebo, is suffering er's Guide from a severe attack of influenza. gion expects to distribute the Oregon Is the He is attended by Dr. LeFevre, of Medal at its next regular meeting, jt anda rd the first Friday in March to ail ex- Cloverdale. reference iwers of the Curtis Stowell, of Portland, has service men who have filled out their rthwest, listing been in Tillamook on business in questionnaires sent out by the local complete lines of connection with the new Cloverdale post recently. These medals are to Seeds, Trees, Plants, school. He is a brother of Mrs. oe issued only to those who were in Fertilizers,Poultry and I the federal service. Discharges must Bee Supplies, Sprays Kobert H. McGrath. be presented in every case before the : and Sprayers, Dairy School district No. 26, at Hemlock medal will be issued. Supplies and Equipment. has been closed because of the epi­ I i On Friday evening, February 13th, i Your Name should be on our demic, and one of the rooms of the Mailing List Hebo school was forced lo suspend a party of sixty-six people gathered i at the home of Eric Glad to wish him Ask for Catalog No. T 10 studies this week. good luck iu his new enterprise. Mr. ■ The annual meeting of the Tilla­ Glad is leaving Tillamook to manage I mook CowTesting Ass n, will be held a fruit farm he has purchased near ' at the court house, Feb. 21st, at 1:30 Gresham. The Rev. Harry Tucker I p.m. Everybody invited. was a guest at the send-off party, ' Help boost Tillamook county and which must have been quite a gala the cheese industry. Send this weeks affair since it lasted until after mid- i Ornamental Fire Places Built Headlight to your friends in all night. A supper of coffee, cake and of Brick and Stone, All Fire parts of the United States. | sandwiches were served. Places absolutely guaranteed Olio Stasek passed away on Friday ' Sheriff Campbell left on Sunday not to smoke or money re­ ‘morning, February 13th at 2:45, at' morning for Salem, taking Henry funded. his home one nriie north of Tilla­ Story to the penitentiary, He was Brick work of all kinds done mook. Mr. Stasek was a son-in-law found guilty of rape upon his dau- on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ ghter, and late Saturday afternoon of County Commissioner Alley. pairing smoking Fire Places. Judge Bagley pronounced sentence C. M. Dyrlund, cashier of the Tilla- ( mook County Bank,is in Portland on I upon him, giving him six years in business. He is stopping at the Mult- j the penitentiary. The sentence would nomah Athletic Club, of which he have been much more severe, but 7 ILLAMOOK. ORE haH been a member for several years. : Story consented to turn his property over to support the girl and pay the The Reverend Mr. Oliver has been ■ attorney who defended him. summoned to North Powder, Wash., Where there's a will there’s a way. to the bedside of his father, who is If it is MEAT you want seriously ill. Mr. Oliver left on the Sincere and honest perserverance will overcome even the deadly ob­ Wednesday morning train. try the stacles of national and state prohi­ The funds derived front the Fire­ bition. Grapes and hops and rye be­ men’s dance are all used for better ing unobtainable, Frank Buffum, of fire protection. Now is the time to Yellow Fir Mill consoled himself show your appreciation and buy a with a bottle of extract of vanilla, ticket. on Saturday night. Mr. Gruber flop­ Married on Saturday evening at ped him in the jug that night, but z. Yours for the parsonage of the Presbyterian twenty dollars bail the next morn­ 1 church, Rev. Allan A. McRae per­ ing offered him escape. Oh you Quality and Quantity. forming the ceremony, Frank W. Frank! Pickett and Mrs. Marie Wade. We give 5 per cent Dis- We have never been in Tillamook, T 80ALS, M.D., Mrs. John Groat will entertain a we’re sorry to say, but we have a count for Cash. former school friend, Mrs. W. E. Bo- ' good opinion of the city, and they hon and her ten year old daughter, I ■mil IF MIFWTIM. are doing business. It is a citified JHYS1CIAN AND SURGKON, i for a few days. The guests are ex­ place and the business men are pros­ PERFECTLY pected to arrive from the East on perous. We are convinced of this be­ Surgeon 8. P. Co. Friday of this week. cause we have just finished looking SIMPLE (I. O. O. F- Bldg.) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Foelkner ana over the Tillamook Headlight. You SIMPLY daughter are recent arrivals in Till­ can always tell—big display ads; NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD . Oregon Ilatnook • amook. They have come from Ray­ just like city stores, up-to-date, pric­ No Plasters and Pains for Hours i PERFECT. mond, Washington, and will be con­ es quoted, descriptions, specials, etc. I Or Days. same as Portland, and why not.— __ —• rnrrnr OTTS & WINSLOW, Needles. Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing nected with the Tillamook Lumber All Banks Herald We would advise the TUMORS, PILES, FISTUI^A^GOI Company. • Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.» DISEASES OF WOMEN editor of the Herald to vlsh the best Attorneys-at-Law, W. B. Aiderman went to Portland Four Years Study in Europe. New Home Users last Wednesday on business,and part of Oregon. Over thirty years experience are quality chosers. ILLAMOOK, OREGON drove a new car back on Friday. The . A. C. Everson has traded some of Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ For Sale By motor and its driver are looking well lit Tillamook property foi a general tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building merchandise store in Evans, Oregon. so we infer that the roads are in SHARFF lb DUBIVER TILLAMOOK BLOCK, Portland Oregon The -tore will be managed by his sou good condition. 172 3rd Street Both phones. and brother-in-law. Evans is In Wal ­ That thousand candle-power grin on the Van Patten countenance these lowa county, situated in s fertile I KBSTER HOLMES, “list Your Property With Us. C. DI ETER. days proves that Mrs. Van Patten, blue-grass valley 80 miles long, rich ' We can sell vour farms who has been seriously ill, Is now tn rivets and alfalfa Sounds great! M. PETERSEN & SONS ATTORNEY-AT LAW DENTIST. convalescent. And his nice jolly Evans is merely a town she at pres- < Realtors. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, rand Ronde. Yamhill Co . Oregon, TILLAMOOK BUILDING Santa Claus laugh? Well that's be­ ent, with feeble sprinkling of one de- i pot. 4 storehuilding.-t and 10 houses, cause. tinted with members of the ln- (Over Haltom’a). (sounds not so great) but it is Mr. FIRST STREET. erstate Realty Association of the Deputy U. 8. Marshal E T Mass Eversons intention to develop It into Tillamook- Oregon. acific North ' West. License No. OREGON came in last week from Portland and a bustling Mecca. Mr. Everson says TILLAMOOK 186 Telephone Grand Ronde Cen- arrested a man working on the rail­ that the natural resources of Wal- road who was wanted a white Tillamook Jottings Lard and Shortening SPECIAL GRAIN FEED Star Grocery Co ■ Bake a Pie Without Feeling the H.C.L I Look up the Price you paid for Lard the Last time and then fill in your needs from our stock. Puritan Pure Leaf Lard, No. 5 pail $1.70 No. 10 pail ?. 3.40 Columbia Brand Lard 1.85 5 lb. pail No. 10 pail 3.25 Shortening 4 lb. pail “1.40 8 lb. pail 2.75 We follow the Market. Buy your need from us. Plant Only the Best C.O.&C.M. Dawson “GOOD GOODS.” iSHUtfgEIHj ’ára~f¿lf¿iá’f¿)¿líáitlf¿ir¿lElf¿lt¿lf¿l¿lr¿ii¿li¿lr¿)'f¿j'r¿)f¿lf¿lE)¿lRlríliú'fíI¿r¿lf5'Rlr£lr3rSrílf5i -ílr¿!¿] 5HraSH5H5a5a5aS£5HSHS2525a525ZSHSH5?5?5BfiZ525eSHSc!5H5H5E5asa5BS25e5a5aS2 Ml WASHING IS A PLEASURE Whenyou use a “Thor Electric Washer RALPH E. WARREN, SANITARY MARKET. CANCER. Call at our Store and see them run. Both Stationary and Swinging Wringers, COAST POWER CO ■J NEXT TO POST OFFICE. 2S2SasaS252Sa5a5H5E5E525ZSaS2SHSZSZSa525HSBSH525252SHS2S Bay City Garage ---- o----- Storage—Oils Repairing of all kinds. Give ns a trial. Goin & Wiedman. QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. VETERINARIAN. Eell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phon« Oregon. Boston Transcript: “Under the leadership of Senator Lodge the Sen­ ate of the United States has fought ■--- o ■ — and won the greatest victory for the Agent For plain people of the land ever waged PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES oil th.- floor of 'the greatest delibera­ tive body In the world' -the body Write For Demonitration charged by the Constitution with the And Prices. control of American foreign policy. - nder his leadership a majority of HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. the Senate refuged at the last session SPECIALIST. lo ratify unconditionally the una­ mended treaty of Versailles. As they Disease of The read the treaty and came to under­ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT stand the true meaning of Its man­ dates. they arrived at the brave, but Only h«neit, conclusion that they could 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. not give their unconditional advice i nd consent to ratification and re­ man obedient to their oath of office, Wheeler Garage