TiLLAMOOK ŒiUanumk îtjeaMüilit. Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year .$2.00 Advertising Ratei. Display Advts, per inch........... Locals ............................ Per Hue Readers, with reading matter per line .............................. • • Notices of meetings etc, per line 20c. 7c. 7c. 7c. Call For County Warrants. ------- o------- All outstanding County General General Fund Warrant -, endorsed prior to January 16, 1920, and all outstanding County Road Warrant endorsed prior to December 6. 1919, will be paid upon presentation. In­ terest ceases this 18th day of Febru­ ary, 1920. Kathleen Mills, Co. Treasurer. Some Tonsils! Editorial Snap Shots - -o------- The editor is praying for a good southwester rain and wind storm. It will be remembered that when the flu was quite bad last year that a few days after a rain and wind storm there was not a case of the flu in the county. That is why the editor is praying for a rain and wind storm. • —o—■— Tillamook was stirred out of its habitual lethargy on Saturday night, when Fred Thompson, a logger from Drain, Oregon, who was registered at (lie Ramsey hotel, came jazzing down into the hotel lobby, clad in diaphanous undergarments, and pro­ claimed to the mortified ladies pres­ ent that he was going to get married. When pandemonium subsided, Dr. Hoy was summoned and diagnosed Mr. Thompson's lapse from sanity as tonsilitis and a temperature of 103 degrees. We are wondering what the patienls mode of procedure would liave been had he liad erysip­ elas and a fever of 109! Mr. Thomp­ son s friends will be glad to know that lie lias quite recovered now and i. once more safe and sound in tliu bosom of his family, at Drain. Is Tillamook going to let Coos run away from them? The cheese output of i illaniook County can be doubled wltho'.t increasing the number of cow- simply by increasing the pro­ duction per cow. It. C. Jones, County Ageut. Methodist Episcopal. HEADLJGHT FEBRUARY Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per Issue. Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, P.op. . Eggs and Baby Chicks for sale. John Hoffman, Tillamook, Ore. Meh. 25 If there are as many as six people For Sale, 53 acres of Wilscn liver at church next Sunday morning the dairy land. See Frank Freeman, , ustor, G. O. Oliver will speak on tbe north of Tillamook. F-29. •'Unit System.” As fine a picture lecture as was For Sale—Good Underwood type­ ever given in Tillamook will be giv­ writer. Cai Bailey, Mutual en at 7:30 Sunday evening, It goes phone. F-26. without saying that you are cordial- ly invited to take advantage of these Want to purchase sma»; , s. Miller I Cox Logging Co., Timber, Ore. 4 services. Reformed Church. (jUADANTlll) MI LE J One inner Tube with each Pennsyl vania V.C. Tire Sold during February. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, Tillamook, ANDERSON BROS., Nehalem AL. BOON, Cloverdale For Sale,2 lots on 5tli street, near the laundry. Also house and lot on Sth Street.—Write H. V. Hanis, Cor. 4th Ave. and 5th Street. Rev. it. 3, Box 53, Vancouver, Wash. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Morning worship Wanted; Agents for Tillamook and at 11 o'clock. vicinity. Good proposition. Pre­ During the season of Lent, of vious experience unnecessary. Tree which this is the first Sunday, the School of Instruction. Address Mas­ pastor will preach a ceries ot Lenten sachusetts Bonding and Insurance sermons stressing the evangelistic Company, Accident and Health de­ note. His first subject is “True Fast- partment, Saginaw, Michigan, Cap­ ing” Evening service ot 8 o’clock ital $1,500,000. Feb. 26. Subject: "The Greatest of Spiritual Gifts.” You are cordially invited to Lost: Part of fountain pen. Fi.ider please leave same at the Headlight worship with us. office. Open Now Some one in the north part of the county is liable tor a $2.uuv Hi ■ tor giving out and publishing »en turns for that pari (o the county. Editor Nunn, of the V> heelei Repoit er, should be on Hit anxious -eat, for if the federal authorities go aftei those who are responsible for the leak, there wHl be - - ...... " ■ and something big to pay. And H lfl perfectly proper, fol U one thing *s Supreme Court Decides Cases. . Musical. given out by census takers there is Tor Sale—Jersey cow, will freshen ------- o—---- luattei March 11. Also four or rive tons ot Doming to pievcnt other A. Arstill vs. D. H. Fletcher, et al. On Saturday evening, February grass hay. Apply to Clent King, leaking out. 14111, a number ot the boys who are appellants; appeal troni Tillamook ---- —o— Beaver, Oregon. F-19. studying the piano with Mrs. J. C. county; action torecover money for damages to respondent ’ s property. Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of- President Wilson, was evidently llolden, met at her home, to enjoy Opinion by Justice Burness. Judge l ie acroaa the etreet south of the suffering from a brain storm when an interesting and informal program GeorgeR. Bagley reversed and cube court house every Friday and Sat­ he "fired'' Secretary of Stat« Lam­ of instrumental and vocal music. dismissed. urday, other times by appoint­ ing from his cabinet. The untenable James Watson, whose excellent tech­ Solon Schiffmann vs. E. L. You- nique and mastery of sight reading, ment. M-25. position tlie president took in claim­ speak well for his five years of study mans, et al, appellants, appeal f rom ing that Mr. Lansing was usuperiug Tillamook County; suit for damages Sir Bessie Fayne De Koi Fobes. The authority that belongs to the presi­ proved an able accompanist, Mrs. sire with great quality and 800 lbs. Holden had prepared a delightfully and to enjoin defendants from cut- dent is calling cabinet meetings Is breeding, offers for sale some of ling and taking away timber upon' generous spread ot refreshments, and simply foolish and absurd. That Mr. his sons and daughters. See A. T. this feature was by no means the premises of plaintiff. Opinion by Lansing has stood by the president i Chief Justice McBride. Judge George Hofmann “The Holstein Man.” is generally admit led, and now to be least enjoyable of the occasion, if one is to believe a twelve year old It. Bagley affirmed. bounced out ot office because Jhepres- For Sale—9 brood sows, will furrow boy’s report of the evening. brain soon; 26 slioats, weight 125 ibs id ent had a L ----- -- storm is not only The guests were Christian Church. Floyd Rosenberg, each; 17 shoats, 75 Ibs. each; 25 humiliating to the president and Glen Rosenberg, Leonard Hales, weaned pigs; 1 Chester Whits Mr. Lansing but the entire country. Janies Watson, Donald and Gerald The Bible School fell down in at ­ Boar. Will also turn over garbage It ueeuis, however that Mi. . Lansing (Ten. haw, i.uVern and D ant Page, tendance last Sunday as did all other route. Will sell for part cash and was anxious to resign, , for the presl- Wesley Tippin, Lee Stillwell. Darrel services, but we hope all will soon be balance on easy payments. Apply dent ignored him while in France. King, Ermll Hosley and John Chester in their accustomed places. —? trou- to Frank Hanenkrat. Tlie president is bringing one Tile C. E. Societies are doing good Holden Jr. nother ble upon ai. ----- upon the democrat- work. All young people invited. For Sale—First class 80 acre dairy lc party, and it la no wonder that The Ladies Aid is meeting every Alice Brady At The Gem. ranch, sixty acres best river bot­ democratic leaders are abandoning ------- o------- Thursday al 2:30 at the church and tom, twenty acres good up-land. tlie president, even the rubber stamp How a fortune stands between the doing essential work, come. Two miles south of Tillamook on senators who did his bidding and happiness of a young couple Is dra­ The church services Sunday will be paved highway. Well improved defeated the treaty of peace and matically portrayed in Alice Brady's evangelistic and patriotic, time 11 farm, good buildings, high-produc­ league covenant. This all helps l<» latest Select Picture. ''Her Great a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ozella Hart will ing cows. All low lands well tiled. make political capital for th. Repub­ Chance.” which will lie shown at the sing for us Sunday. May we have City water piped in house, also lican party. Gem Theatre next Sunday night. your presence at both services Sun­ barns, garden and fields. If you Lola Gray, who spends her time day ? want a farm that pays, see us at The annual reports of the 1 ilia- working hard, loves Charles Cox, once. Will consider a small place cheese uiook County, co-opcratlv» New York's Whiteway sensation. intrade as part payment.—John associations make interesting reud- Reformed Congregational Church. Lola usually goes motoring with Ebinger. an increase of 20 per Charley after work. Tliey visit a road ------- u------- Ing, for 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Early display of ladies and childrens cent in production goes to prove house one day, and there Charley, a that the dairymen ot Tillamook little intoxicated, broaches tile sub­ preaching. 1*30 Spring Hats now at .Mi.-s Does it matter what a man believ­ County were not strikers or loafers ject of marriage to Lola, who bravely Pattersons. there was demand from all when refuses for his sake. Then Charlie es? There is a spirit of generalization __ for increased production. starts on another "tear” and the abroad that reduces the Christian quarter Biunswick & Che ney Phonographs, "Euphona” Players—Ludwig— It took a lot ot hard work and long next morning the papers are full of faith to a mere humantarian service, Kingsbury and Milton pianos. Sold hours to bring about an increase of tile news. Cox, Senior, has his lawyer and does not have a hope resting in on reasonable monthly payments 20 per cent. This not only speaks make a new will, and Lola hearing solid belief. Some go as far as to say at the Song Shop. Call and hear well for the patriotism of the dairy­ of this now comes to Charley as his that it does not matter what a man them. men, but the entire country gets some wife, determined to transform his believes, just so he is in earnest. ot the credit. The manner in which character, now that her chance Is Paul gave us a definition of it when the dairymen of the county handled here. he says, “that no man who strives Wanted—Young man to work on dairy farm; top wages to right their own business is certainly very for the mastery Is crowned unless he I man. Erwin Harrison. creditable, and never before ill the strives lawfully. The fact that I only Bon (Bum) Voyage. hiotury of the cheese iudustry in this ------- o...... need to be in earnest would be u Miscellaneous Advertisements county has the spirit of co-opera­ While Tllianiookera and passeng­ very difficult doctrine whereby we Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent tion worked as smoothly and with ers on tlie Southern Pacific wouldn't could excuse a theft, a murder, or Dr. Wise—Dentist. such flattering results as today. Tlie be so unreasonable as to expect the any act of lawlessness. If all we need To be had now at the Tillamook Clay works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. dairymen have built up a great in­ train to be on time, nevertheless one Is earnestness, then the robber is ex­ Wanted—to trade improved Willam­ dustry and by their efforts to pro­ Is justified in registering mild sur­ cused from the guilt of robbing is ex­ ette Valley farm, located 10 miles ^^s^sccioeioccccocooooocoocoociceQocoocoocooooiocooooet&tiGOiaoGGiooooooooooo duce a high grade cheese, they have prise when the flyer toot-toots hap­ bank. etc. You will admit that a man west of Eugene. Value $12,000 for made the name of tlie home product pily into Tillamook at 9:30 Tuesday must be earnest about the right to improved Tillamook dairy farm of ELECTION NOTICE not exceed six per cent per annum, vote “Yes” or “No” in answer to the famous. It is not out of place tor the morning stead of 3:45 Monday after­ succeed in it. Truth is plain no one about equal value.—F. D. Petzold, —- n------ and they shall not be sold for less affirmative or negative of the question editor to commend the dairymen for noon, having made the perilous run needs to err. Yet some people be- Eugene, Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that than the par value thereof, with all propounded upon the ballot for the the splendid result of last year, we of 110 miles from Portland in twenty lieve everything but the Bible­ in pursuance of a resolution adopted secured interest to date of payment know how a large number were hand live hours and fifteen minutes. Upon Colne to our services, in some way Dr. W. E. Lebow will be at Dr, by the Common Council of Tillamook therefore by the purchasers.” That adoption or rejection of such measure. That the ballot title to be used at tliey may help you. of help, Wise's Tillamook office Mondays, (capped for want but with questioning one who is employed in City, Oregon, on the 16th day of legal voter who votes for the adoption the ballot said election for voting upon Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thurs­ February, 1920, a Special Election or rejection of said measure shall Rev. Richard S true Western grit tliey put forth re- tlie capacity of oil can squtrter on said measure shall read as follows: days nt Nehalem; Fridays and Sat­ has been called and will be held at newed eftorts without one word of tile delayed engine. It was learned PROPOSED BY THE COMMON “ Secretary of the Interior Lane may urdays at Wheeler. April 29 the City Hall in Tillamook City, on complaint, and what increase was that an outgoing freight train met a COUNCIL Thursday, March 4th, 1920, at which made in their finances they are just- ■pill rail mar Mohler, ami two cars well say that the resignation of Shall a measure entitled “ A Mea­ ly entitled to It. Il is work and in- leaped gaily off the track, causing a school teachers is alarming. But he Miss M. Patterson is representing election there will be submitted to sure to Amend the Charter of Tilla­ tin- Nn Bone Corset Co., formally the qualified electors of Tillamook dustry that counts and tilts, loo, we pretty messy wreck in the path of will find the first and greatest blame mook City, Oregon, by adding thereto City for their adoption or rejection represented by Mis. Edwall. Leav. a measure, authorizing the issuance are glad to say, uad a good d< al to do "in gallant passenger speed-breaker. tight there in tile city of Washing an article to be designated as Article your orders at her Millinery store ! of General City Bonds to the amount 111 making Tillamook cheese liinimn lb»' track was cleared on .Monday ton. XV, authorizing a bond issue for the - — — o ---- — eteiiing In lime for the train to ar­ of not more than $15,000.00. The pro- purchase of fire engine and fire fight­ ------- u------ Victor Berger is reported as refer eds from the sale of such bonds to ing equipment” as proposed by the rive here before midnight, but it It was some costly joy ride Ihr • applied by the Common Council of Common Council of Tillamook City, isn’t ethical or natural or proper or ling to tlie Constitution of the I'nit- 100 yes democratic party took to run i b< Tillamook City, Oregon, so far as Oregon, referred to the people of said l>". silile or agreeable for R. R. union ed States as a "piece of paper" There railroads. Here are the ■ costs ot Illis city for adoption or rejection by re­ fellers to work more than ight was another Hun, still more eminent A better piano for the same money. shall be required for that purpose, to the purchase of a Fire Engine and democratic joy ride. rid". Freight 1 rates solution adopted by said Council on Cook's .Music House, Tillamook. ' 101 No Innirs per delm. so the humbled, than Berger, w Im regarded a treaty fire fighting equipment for the use the 16th day of February, 1920, be wi re raised and tlie the government hungry, sleepy, weary, traveler had as a mere "scrap of paper.” adopted. This is a measure to amend made shippers cough up an addition­ All the latest rolls for your Player of Tillamook City, Oregon. ------- o—----- to postpone his arrival In our 11’1 Said measure being proposed by the the Charter of Tillamook City by add­ Piano at the Palm Confectionery. al $2,00(1,000.000. Passenger fares Something worth thinking about is Common Council of Tillamook City, city until the morrow. But what of ing thereto Article XV authorizing wete raised and the people went the issuance and sale of general It ' lie ought to lie grateful to be per­ that nobody would think of wilting Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. Oregon, being in words and figures do., n In their pockets for another as follows, to-wit; National Building. bonds of Tillamook City to the amount mitted to ride on the chou-choo, and a history of the Democratic party $2,000,000,000. Now Hie railroads “A MEASURE TO AMEND THE of $15,000.00, for raising funds for allowed to buy a ticket and breaths with a view of demonstrating that are deficit $700.000.000 ami there CHARTER OF TILLAMOOK CITY, J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F the purchase of a fire engine and Hie cinders and see the pretty scen­ its record affords any demonstration Dr. Bldg. OREGON BY ADDING THERETO Tillamook, Oregon. are claims amounting to $300,000,- fire fighting equipment. ery and listen to the orntlon of the of capacity to conduct the national AN ARTICLE TO BE DESIGNAT ­ Mark X between the number and OOo that have not been paid making eloquent young man who tries to businesa. ED AS ARTICLE XV, AUTHORIZ­ answer voted for. Counter Sales Books—Order youi in ull $5,000,000,000 additional ex­ ------ o------- sell you apples and sandwiches and ING A BOND ISSUE FOR THE Sales Books from W. F. Baker, pense to run the railroads. This, Said election will be held at eight Dated this 17th day of Februarv l'iie New York Food Administrator PURCHASE OF FIRE ENGINE figs, and tells you that his special agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call however, is not the whole story of AND FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP­ o'cloek in the morning and will con- 1920. brand of chocolate contains as much announces that "if a man were en­ 68 Headlight. this democratic Joy ride. The 1 all­ tinue until 6 o’clock in the evening of Frances B. Stranahan, MENT. nourishment as two boiled eggs or tirely destitute of clothing he could City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore. roads are run dow.i in equipment and one-hnlf beefsteak. Section 1: That the Charter of the said March 4th, 1920. buy himself a complete outfit for Dr. W. E. Lcbow—Dentist with Dr. Wise. Tillamook City, Oregon as enacted the service was never worse. Willie $53.69. How do these federal offi­ in Portlaid recently the editor was by the Legislative Assembly of the cials get that way? Does Cow Testing Pay? State of Oregon in the year 1893 and Notice of Proposed Vacation of Street Estelle Thayer, told of a little incident tliut 1s ------- o------- ------- o------- as thereafter amended be and the Talmage, Claussen & Mannix. worth repeating in this connection. t he man who labors in the politics The Tillamook Cow Testing : Asso- Notice Is hereby given that Claud? same is hereby amended by adding Attorneys for Petitioners. Three Portland business men were of America in behalf of the interests thereto the following article: < Thayer and Estelle Thayer have fil­ going to California for a few months elation has been in continuous opera- of any alien nation or combination ARTICLE XV. ed with the City Recorder of Tilla­ and they decided to send something lion for eight years and i should, of nations rather than of his own NEHALEM NOTES. Section 1: The Common Council of mook City, Oregon, their petition to that state in a railroad car They therefore, show deflnttae i results, country Is entitled to be known by Tillamook City, Oregon, is hereby au ­ The Nehalem public school Is clos­ kept on making application fora either positive or negative, Talk the short and ugly name of "traitor." thorized to issue and sell the general praying for the vacation of the fol­ with any of the men who have been lowing described tract of land in­ ed for a while on account of the car. and finding that they could not bonds of Tillamook City to the amount o------ in since the start and you will find obtain one went to the freight depot, of not more than $15,090.00. The cluded within the present dedicated "flu” epidemic. We all hope the The time will come when the pen school will start up again. proceeds from the sale of such bonds street, to-wlt: and complaining how they hud been them very sure that It puys and pays ally of panic will be paid for Infla­ Beginning at the northeast corner •hall be applied by the Common Coun­ Mr. Martheny and family of Ne­ treated, they were told to go to the big Compare the association average tion of the currency under the fed- cil of Tillamook City, Oregon, so far of Lot 3 in block 33. of Thayer's halem, moved to Brighton, Camp 4 hoi place. Of course, that did not sei 1 produelion for 1918 with the aver­ ■ rnl reserve system, and when as shall be required, for that purpose, Fifth addition to Tillamook City, last week. age production of the cows not In the very good, so they took tlie mat ter fedeial reserve bunks with their In­ to the purchase of a fire enigine and Oregon, and running thence west 50 ’> with one of the liighiT officials associations that year The associa­ creasing domination of finance Several cases of flu have been re­ fire fighting equipment for the use of tion cows in tlie county. Illis includes un- feet to the southeast corner of lot 2 ported in Nehalem and Wheeler. and ■ ie> wen Tillamook City, the indebtedness to be der administration control, will be- both associations, averaged 6675 lbs Phone 72. to i.tar thsi i evidenced by said bonds being hereby i in said block 33; thence north along , George Handy, wife and child, ---- * of a issue In politics milk and 267 lbs. butter fat. The come us t much ■ "rfeted he v » d b. authorized to be incurred in addition the east line of said lot 2, 35.75 feet; have moved to Brighton, Camp 4, ........ * States bank wa- In other cows outside the associations as the United to any indebtedness heretofore author­ thence In a southeasterly direction, where they will make their home for ECONOMY CLEANERS to the hot t i Jackson ’ s dn> made an average of 1425 lbs. milk ized to be incurred by the Charter of in a direct line. 61.47 feet to the a while. glorious F Tillamook City. The purchasers of Place of beginning; being that por­ and 177 tbf tat This extra 9<> Tbs of been having , 1 he play "The Elopment of Ellen" AND DYERS the bonds hereby authorized shall not Job Hedges, of Nev fat at 75c per lb amounts to $67.50 oik. assert and it is the most exp tion of Third Street and Seventh which was given by the Nehalem that: "Every think be required to see to the application or over ;l 3000 per cent Interest on the Democrat 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. sal Joy ride in existence. And the Avenue East In said city lying south Methodist League, was attended by a of the proceeds thereof who has read the com lion of the dear people hav e been fooling the initial outlay for testing. What Will United States will be and west of u line running from the large crowd. AH went away with a Section 2: The bonds hereby auth ­ the MODERN EQUIPMENT. bills and are called upon for more pay bigger dividends? orized shall be issued in accordance northwest corer of said block 33 to good woid for the league. th,. 1 lie riilaimstk Association will party in the coming money. Home of the member- of tile with the Charter provisions of Tilla­ northwest corner of said block 33 to 1 he Nehalem public school gave a Democrats themselves average for 1919 right around t the 3 SO PERMANENTLY LOCATED. government in explaining the $7o0.- mook City, except that is is hereby block. pi »'gram Inst Friday, to celebrate Republican lose The t rupie provided that the ordinance or other 000,600 deficit, say had the govern­ tbs butter fat In other words the of the nation are o| And th»» said petition is now pend- Arbor Day. After the program was act of the Council providing for the ing, and will, at a meeting of the ment raised passenger nnd freight association records allow you to per- government by indivli the planting of trees and plants. All sistently advance increasing in i-suing of said bonds shall not be QU. L. I.. HOY, pro- rates si* mouths sooner, this deficit Common Council of Tillamook City, had a good time. a president, we must subject to the referendum proviaions Oregon, Jfcld not exist, which goes to prove duction. We had 1450 cows tn th» dent who will sit j, to be held on Monday, the of the Charter of Tilamook City, and ^^hOie democratic party have slung Tillamook Association in 1919 which PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON such referendum provisions are here­ Sth day of April, 1920. be taken up was the largest number In any aseo- councelors and advla ^^■ivellng public iiiui -Inpp, i by declared not to be applicable to the for hearing and disposition. All per­ JD OBERT H. McGRATH their advice and thi T illamook B lock , JIBhiird and (hey m» m,« 5,.lrv elation tn the state. 1 understand bonds authorized to be issued under sons concerned are notified to govern that one of the Prayer, that they may make a right Coos associations is