TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 12. 1920J WHY ------- Tradition Has Hallowed »he Church of St. Giles St. Giles church, In Edinburgh, stands for unadulterated Scottish trii- ditioD. From its miiselo- stone col­ umns, centuries old, to the crownlike dome which towers over Edinburgh. St. Giles is typically Scottish—of the old-time Scots who wore the plaiil and talked » liiiiguiige of their own. St. Giles Ims served as a buck­ ground for much history and romance. In time of Civil war it lias been turned Into n well-armed fort, and In time of so-called peace it has been plun­ dered and burned. Its many alcove» have at times been parceled out for distinctly worldly purposes, such as a Jail, town clerk’s office, school and court, while the nave and altar were reserved for the minister and his con­ gregation. Of St. Giles stories, none Is more i popular than the dramatic adventure of Jenny Geddes and the three-legged stool. A certain king ordered the 1 service of the Church of England rend : In St. Giles which was a stronghold ! of th<' Scotch Presbyterian faith. The dean of St. Giles started bravely to conduct the service amid harmless but disturbing protests and growls from his hearers. But Jenny Geddes, an old vegetable vender, soon saw that the dean was unimpressed by mere , words. She seized tile three-legged stool on which she had sat and hurled ft with deadly altn. The dean ducked and tleil. and the Church of England service was never attempted in St. ! Giles again. Place a purebred Jersey Sire at the head oi your Herd! By doing so you increase the qual I and quantity of TILLAMOOK CHEESE I. Katy of Shady Lawn Farm, No. 330122. Age 4 years. This is ti chance for the dairymen of Tillamook County to head their herds with a pure bred Jersey sire. My cows will start to freshen Feb. 20, 1920. I am offering for sale only Male Calves from my pure bred Jerseys. The dams of some of these calves have an official record as follows: Katy of Shady Lawn Farm—No. 330123, age 2 years, 3 months, 397.67 lbs. fat. Orinda’s Blossom—No. 329164, age 3 years, 473.44 lbs. fat. Have others on test that will complete their year in May, 1920, they will make some excellent records. These cows are bted to Golden St. Mawes Rosarie No. 161026 who won the blue ribbon at the Pacific International. His dam is Golden St. Mawes Waltz Rosarie No. 299384 who has a record of 559.30 lbs. fat, being milked only twice daily. If milked three times daily she is capable of making seven or eight hundred lbs. fat. His grand dam. St. Mawes Poppy No. 219992 on his sire’s side has a record of 952 !b. fat. He is one of our great herd bulls, his daughters in the Junior Calf Class won 1st and 2nd at the Tillamook County Fair and ‘‘third’’ in a class of twenty junior calves at the Pacific In­ ternational. We often hear dairymen say they would just as soon have a "scrub” bull. I will present the figures that show the result of a purebred sire in my herd. I started using him in 1912. His first daughter freshened in 1915. Will give the figures of each month's cheese factory test for 1914 and total amount of fat per year before any of the bure bred sire’s daughters were in milk and the same for 1919: 1911 No. of cows 56. Month Test . . . January.............................................. Q .5 February ............................................ 3. 5—3.8 April........................... ........................ 3.6—3.6 Hermit’s Pussy Fancy. June............................. ........................ 3.6—3.7 July.............................. ........................ 3.7—3.6 August...................... ........................ 3.7—3.8 September 4.0—4.1 October . . 4.1—4.2 November . 4.5 December.................... ......................... 4.7 Total lbs. milk, . ....................... 277.610 Total tbs. fat ... ................. 10,392.77 1919—No. of cows 57 Test Mo. January .................... ........................ 4.5 February ................... ........................ 4.4—4.3 April........................... ........................ 4.0—4.0 Mn v July............................. ........................ 4.4 4.4 August...................... ........................ 4.5—4.5 September................. .........................4.6—4.6 October...................... ........................ 4.7 —4.9 November................. ........................ 5.1 —5.3 December................. ........................ 5.5—5.3 Total lbs. milk . . .................... 332,021 Total lbs fat .. . . .................. 14,933.97 This shows an increase of 4,541.20 tbs. fat tied at approximately 82 cents average price for 1919 or $3,323.78. Compare the two different years and I am sure the figures will convince you that it does pay to have a pure bred sire at the head of your herd. One can readily see that the bure bred sire increased the fat and milk production and also increased the quality of our Tillamook cheese. It doesn’t require any more effort to produce a high grade milk Ilian it does a low grade milk and these figures which show you that it increases your bank account wonderfully. I am offering heifer calves for sale from my grade cows. Some of these cows have made a record of nearly 600 lbs. fat and sev­ eral above 4 00 and a very few below 300. They are bred to my herd bulls Golden St Mawes Rosarie and Riolars of Rock Ridge. We have been breeding dairy lock for over fifty years and you are sure to get the best if you select from this held, the herd that has always, until this year, produced the larg­ est cheese check in the county for any one month and this year the herd was divided into two farms; some of the largest checks for the two were $2700 (twenty seven hundred). Every cow is on test; come and look the herd over and get first choice. g : ___ I I Famous Hall Caine Novel Picturized struggles after being sacrified upon the altar of wedlock to a man she With Fine Results. ------ o hates is unforgettable and as the A magnificant picturization of "The Woman Thou Gavest Me," by PERFECTLY Hall Cain, the most famous novel by the Manx author, will be seen at the SIMPLE Gem Theatre next Tuesday, February 17th, Hugh Ford, one of the most ex­ SIMPLY perienced of stage and screen produc­ PERFECT. ers, went to California to make the picture with a powerful cast which Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing • Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.# includes Katerine MacDonald, Milton Sills, Theodore Roberts, Jack Holt, Fritzl Brunette, Katherine Griffith New Home Users and others. are quality chosers. “The Woman Thou Gavest Me” For Sale By was produced upon the state by Der­ SHARFF lb DUBIVER went Hall Cain, son of the author, in 172 3rd Street 1917, in Boston with success. As a novel it outsold all other works by Hall Cain. As a picture it doubtless will prove one of the screen’s greatest triumphs. The tremendous story of Mary's TILLAMOOK. OREGON. story covers a wide field—Egypt, Africa, India, England and the South Polor regions—it will be not only powerful dramatically but col­ orful and fascinating in every other way. The production is practically an all star cast of players. Miss MacDonald I a prime favorite, has the leading 1 feminine role and Jack Holt has one I of the best roles of his screen career. I | J ’ I ■ “List Your Property With Us.” We can sell your farms M.PETERSEN & SONS Realtors. Grand Ronde. Yamhill Co., Oregon. Affiliated with members of the In­ terstate Realty Association of the . Pacific North West. License No. 1186 Telephone Grand Ronde Cen­ tral. Call at the Palm Confectionery and hear them played on the new “Euphona" Player Piano. This wonderful instrument will be a revelation to you. The Jury of Awards at the Pana- i . ma-Pacific International Expo sition awarded a Gold Medal and i . Blue Ribbon to the makers of this marvelous INNER-PLAYER Could any indorsement be strong­ er? Sold on reasonable monthly . payments. Leland B. Erwin Drawer M. County Representative. Bay City Garage. THE FAMILY’S REASON. Every member of the family likes the Columbia Six. te younger people like it because of its spirited power ami cleau-cut design te older members of the family like its rich appearance, its substantiality— the ease with which it is maneuvered—the confident comfort they enjoy while they are in the car. They ALL like it because it is the same GOOD car each me they take it out a joy to drive; a beautiful car to own. «- i .Fib-» Chas. A. Brown, PHONE «7 W. Columbia With such standardized parts as Red Seal Continental Motors, Timken Axles and Bearings, Brown-Lipe Transmission -with coach work and upholstery in the finest taste—and being a genuinely good car to look at, the price of the Moon Car is an appeal to your reason. Built by MOON MOTOR CAR CO.. St. Louie NOYES & ROGERS, Tillamook Tire Company. Tillamook, Ore. Why Reform Is Slow In Ch'na. DON MEADOWS JERSEY FARM Since 1867 JOE DONALDSON, Piop.,\Tillamook, Ore MACHINES MODELS OF PERFECTION. A visit just now to our show-rooms will be time well spent—for the Moon “Victory Model is here. The possibility of owning such a motor car is well worthy of your immediate investigation. Storage—Oils Repairing of all kinds. Give us a trial. Goin & Wiedman. Wheeler Garage ---------- O— Agent For PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES Write For Demonstration And Prices. If it is MEAT you want try the SANITARY MARKET. Yours for Quality and Quantity. We give 3 per cent Dis­ count for Cash. One will sometimes see groups of Chinese women comparing their feet to see who can boast of having the largest. Tills is particularly true of native women who have become Christians or who have been educated In the Christian schools. They feel a ’ new independence—an Independence of body as well as of mind and soul and are proml that the old bodily shackle of maimed feet is gone. Tlie reform, however, in spite of the fact that China lias a law prohibiting the binding of girls' feet, lias not reached further than the cities and tile higher classes. It has been caieu- luted by the former Peking corre- spomlent of the London Times, after a long journey through the Interior of Chinn, that 95 p< r cent of tlie women still have mutilated feet. China’s numbers are so Immense that it will require u long period to leaven the whole lump. I | i | ' SERVICE FIRST. Flexibility, Durability, Economy, Satisfaction. | ' How Hand Reveals Character. Tlie human hand, like tlie eyes, has n language of its own and can be made an interesting study. The lines in the palm deal solely with palmistry, but there is still another method of character reading found in tlie shape of the hand, nnd In this instance thought may be centered at first upon tlie fingers. Long fingers denote perseverance and ambition, while extremely short ones indicate the habits of laziness and indifference. Those coming under :he head of medium In length lay claim to vanity. The type thick nt the bass ! of the hand and which tapers to a nar­ row point nt the finger tip usually be­ longs to a selfish and unforgiving in- | dividual, contrnry to the person pos­ sessing tint linger tips, wherein a stub- born nature and strong will is con- stftuted. j i ! ’ I ; j | Why Bright Colors Are Popular. I There is a craze for sunshine colors In house furnishing nnd decoration now. Tlie drab years have passed, says the continental edition of the London Mail, and wltti them have gone the taste for grays and fawns. Rooms now glow witli happier tints. A firm which guliles or interprets much of the most beautiful mid a good deni of the most extravagant schemes of In­ terior decoration lias been lighting up the walls and windows, the carpets and the chairs of town and country mansions with blues, purples and or- nriges, jade, greens ami “flatne,” tlie Inst perhaps the newest color for faded rooms. I 1 i ! I I | I J Kuppenbender’s Grocery the PREFERRED STOCK STORE. We recommend PRFERRED STOCK BRAND goods because these home wives who have used them tell us that they never fail. We are here to give you this line at the lowest possible price. Come and investigate for your self. We have specials ¡every week, that are real articles of value. We make special prices on large orders in case lots. Come in and see us. Write or phone. We have both phones. Free Delivery in the City. ' I ' \ Why Mere Railroads Are Needed. Despite n border lino of some 3410 kilometers In-tween France mid liniy, tlie frontier is crossed by but two rail­ roads, nt Dodnne and at Vintlmlile. Yet on both sides of tlie frontier are situated rich regions whose Indus'rial activity could be augmented by proper railroad facilities. It Is now planned by chambers of commerce represent­ ing both countries to remedy tills de­ fect. Various projects have been ad­ vanced and a certain number of them will shortly lie put Into execution.— Christian Science Monitor. Why There Are Noxious Perfumes. Wild things would illsnppenr If we fixed tlie perfumes of the vegetation to suit our own desires.- The tilings we call noxious are quite as Important In tlie world ns the things we huve learned to love ami enjoy. Something, somewhere. Is attracted or repelled by every odor that we encounter out of doors, and the old world wobbles on In bliss lieeaiise If Is so well ar­ ranged for the creatures that Inhabit it.—George F. Burba In Columbus Dis­ patch. How Lampa Carne lato Use. The Inventar of thè himp iih we know It nt thè present timi- wltli tne wick fittlng luto n cyllnder and un upwnrd air curivnt supplying ox.vgen. Is salii to hi. vì - I.... .. Alme Arganti, a Swl-H, liorn In 1755. but tlu- use o lampa filli not liccome common fo* yenrs llierenf'er. I CANCER. ■0 NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD No Plasters and Pains for Hours Or Days. TUMORS. PILES. FISTULA. GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN Four Years Study in Europe. Over thirty years experience Portland PI ysical Therapy Labora­ tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland __________ Oregon CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND _ 0 a For discnfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH co RELIABLE 2Sa52S252SZ5H5E5Z52SZ525a5ase>Z! DRUGGISTS. F ■ I H